Rise Of Lord of Foxes

By MyAnimehub

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Explanation is given in 1st chapter. More

Chapter 1-Death and Resurrection
Fox Hunt
Meetings and Alliances
Fall of the Snake Sannin Part 1
Fall of the Snake Sannin Part 2
Road to the Chuunin Exams
The Chuunin Exams Part 1
Chuunin Exams Part 2
The Chuunin Exams Part 3
The End to All Things

Honoring the Dishonored

719 14 8
By MyAnimehub

The news of the Village Hidden the Sound being destroyed along with Orochimaru, and his right hand man Kabuto, who were both traitors to Konoha shook all the Elemental Countries to their foundations. Even more so was the fact that a new hidden village was built right on top of Sound only after a few days of seeing the Shinigami's face on the moon that night.

About a month into the new village's secret construction, two black coffins appeared out of nowhere covered in and leaking out blood one dark cloudy morning right in the village square of Konoha for all to see. Each coffin bore the symbol of the Shinigami on top of them and the blood from each hand crafted death box didn't seem to stop and next to the coffins were 5 tall black robed druids 2 per object standing as still as statues with the leader out in front of them.

The only thing giving away the fact that they weren't statues was they were all in chorus with one another

It was only after the several ANBU, Tsunade, Jiraiya, and the Council arrived did the citizens of the Leaf start to calm down knowing such a group could protect them. Near the crowd was the Rookie Eight having been renamed after Naruto had been reclassified as a SS-Class Missing Ninja. Such an action shortly happened after the large crate filled with the remains of Hunter Ninja's had been delivered by the 3-tailed demon fox to the Council meeting room with Tsunade that eventful day. She had argued, threatened, and do everything in her power to force them to stop such a horrible decision, but in the end they had overruled her and done it anyway shipping out the latest Bingo Books less then an hour after doing so.

Now she was staring at a 5 agents of death though they were of a different sort then the one's she is used to and the fact she couldn't see there faces beyond the thick robed face coverings disturbed her. Were they friend? Foe? Something in the middle? It was always hard to tell with the people, who hide their faces with masks.

She mentally winced thinking of Naruto with his "mask" on and how it had hidden his pain for so long. Kami she missed him.

Reluctantly putting the thoughts of her little brother in the back of her mind once more she approach with Jiraiya and several ANBU to the lead druid, who made no movement whatsoever other then to continue with the chorus.

"You are the leader of this group?" said Tsunade trying to vocally overpower the druids singing before she decided to lose her temper.

The "leader" of the group tilted his head to the side before setting it straight and nodding a barely noticeable nod while continuing his singing not missing a beat with the others behind him.

"If that is the case then are you from the new hidden village that built over Sound?" said Jiraiya looking at the druid carefully trying to measure the druid's chakra signature only to find it was masked perfectly against even him.

If possible the chorus from the druids got even louder thus making Tsunade's temper get shorter at both her and Jiraiya being ignored/disrespected.

"Listen! If you don't tell me, who you are and what is in those bleeding boxes behind you I'm going to beat the crap out of you!" said Tsunade nearly yelling as the chanting had not stopped once making everyone watching feel uneasy that two Sannin with a Kage were intimidating the uninvited guests.

Hiashi himself had tried using his Byakugan on them only to shut it off before the veins on the side of his eyes even appeared as he shock froze him to the bone. What the Clan Head had seen in that very moment was not something he wanted to relive again as he saw beyond the robes was absolutely...nothing. No life. No chakra network. No charka period! Only death locked away behind flimsy black robes.

Slowly the lead druid raised his gloved hand making the people around him hold their breaths and the Shinobi discreetly getting ready to attack should the druid try something. However, surprising nothing happened as the hand was raised to the right of his head and the druids behind him slowly stopped their chorus in a smooth fashion.

"If you want to know what lays in the coffins all you have to do is open them," said the silent whispery voice of the Lead Druid before turning to the side to let them pass.

'For a guy who can sing loudly he sure has a whispery voice,' thought Jiraiya wanting to sweat drop at, but decided against it due to the seriousness of the situation.

"This better not be a trick," said Tsunade walking over to the two black rectangle shaped boxes supported by the unnaturally raised earth that represented death and hesitated now being closer to the blood that lade on and around the coffins.

Jiraiya was instantly next to her putting a hand on her shoulder knowing of the woman's fear of blood reminding the Slug Sannin of her dead lover and brother. The Toad Sannin also suspected that his teammate feared that one of these coffins held a bleeding and dead Naruto holding the cursed necklace that belonged to the First Hokage.

The Toad Sannin suspected it because he feared the same thing too.

Now in front of one of the coffins that was on the right the two druids opened the casket revealing the remains of a cut, sliced, and ultimately dead Kabuto. The man had a look of pure horror in his eyes, as if his soul was now literally in hell and his eyes on his face were somehow connected to it.

'Scary thought,' thought Tsunade and Jiraiya at the same time before heading to the next coffin in question and when they opened it they saw the liquid remains along with bones of their former teammate/Sannin.

"HOLY HELL!" yelled Jiraiya leaping back along with Tsunade, who like him was now, scared at the sight of what they saw.

Whatever happened to these two former Sound Ninja they had suffered dearly for their past crimes and had they had any empathy they would have pitied the two.

Fortunately, since those past crimes involved the two Sannin there was no pity to be had.

"Shikage-sama expects full payment for both Orochimaru of the Sannin along with the amount for his right hand man Kabuto as well," said the Lead Druid looking at the two remaining Sannin, who currently were pale as snow in the face at the moment though it was more from seeing the two bodies then the fact that the overall payment would strain Konoha even more.

The majority of the Council of course would have none of that.

"Sorry, but you can only receive a bounty that belongs to Kabuto for both him and his master," said Danzo while silently fuming inside that his silent partner in crime to his plans went up in smoke.

"If I recall correctly from what I was told, when it comes to ALL hidden villages if you have more then one bounty you get the amount for each confirmed kill you present to the village in question," said the lead druid looking at Danzo's direction, while the said man felt nervous under the druids stare or rather the unseen one.

"We make the rules here in Konoha you lowly druid and we say you only get the amount for Kabuto to cover him along with Orochimaru," said Kakashi trying to determine just how much of a threat they were and who was their "Shikage-sama" was it?

"Very well then. If you will not meet the required demands we will take them elsewhere and receive the necessary payment from another hidden village these two have wronged. I'm sure Suna will be more then willing to pay the necessary amount for these two due to the Sand/Sound Invasion. In the mean time I would expect you to receive a very angry letter from the Fire Daimyo after Shikage-sama informs him of your shrewd and highly dishonest policies," said the Lead Druid before he made a motion with his hand again to the others behind him as they proceeded to close the coffin and began to sing in chorus again.

"NO WAIT! We will pay the amount," said Tsunade quickly knowing that whatever killed them was not human and needed to be investigated under her watchful medical eyes.

"Tsunade! Have you lost your mind? We can't pay them that amount it will cost the Leaf Village dearly," said Mitokado Homura not wanting to give anyone from outside the Leaf their precious money, especially when it was needed to help train Uchiha Sasuke for the Chuunin Exams and eventually when the boy became their Sixth Hokage.

"Shut up Homura! I am Hokage here and right now this is a military matter that falls right under my jurisdiction not you or the other Council members for that matter. These two will need to be examined by me to determine the cause of their death and while I make a complete medical report I will have my assistant Shizune give you your money for the Shikage,' said Tsunade knowing that if the village officially refused it would be another smear on it and her own Grandfather's legacy when both he and her Great-uncle founded Konoha.

"Tsunade-sama we object to this!" said Danzo becoming infuriated at the woman.

"That's Hokage-sama to you Danzo and don't you forget it," said Tsunade glaring at the one-eyed and one-armed former leader of Root.

"We will deliver the 2 coffins to the necessary rooms. Please do lead the way Hokage-sama," said the Lead Druid, who if Tsunade didn't know any better had a hint of humor in his voice.

Jiraiya thought the same thing too and made a mental note to have his spy network focus more attention to the new hidden village that now replaced Sound.

Of course such thoughts were discontinued as the druids all began singing their chorus as they closed the coffins and followed the Slug Sannin/Hokage to the Hospital ignoring the looks from the populace.

(Hidden Mist Village-At the Moment)

"So are you in?" said Rin looking at Ikkaku, who looked at them in shock at hearing the plan on taking over Mist and Water Country in order to heal the deep wounds that had been delivered to it via the Bloodline Civil War.

Ikkaku was in conflict with himself at the moment as he struggled between his loyalty to the Mist and to the man the people he just started working with. In all honesty, Ikkaku wanted to stay with the Mist since he had been born, raised, and trained in its arts as a Shinobi. However, the state that it was currently in, plus the information Rin and all the others had given him questioned such loyalties to the Mizukage and Water Daimyo. The bald headed man remembered when he was a boy and took up the sword as an apprentice to a former Seven Swordsman of the Mist that it was for a cause he would always fight for and he could believe in as long as what he believed in was noble.

Right now Mist wasn't so noble anymore and the fact that his sensei had just setup a new hidden village where Sound used to be was another factor. From what Rin had told her of the ploy, Kenpachi had to stay in Water Country for a little while longer to make sure that Konoha would discover that Shinigamigakure no Sato was founded by him. That was the main reason why Zangetsu would take up the position as temporary Shikage. Then when Rin and Yugito took over Water Country and Mist, Ikkaku would be given the option to move back into the ranks of Mist if he so chooses to or move into Shinigami to serve the official Shikage that would Kenpachi.

"My whole life I spent in this place living my life struggling to survive until I became old enough to enter the ranks of the Mist and become the Shinobi I am now. On every single mission I took I have fought hard, learned, and killed from my enemies to make myself stronger. Now I find that I cannot do that here because of how things are run and my only shame in the matter is I chose to ignore the problems around me hoping they would go away if I fought hard enough. I need to follow and support Kenpachi-sama wherever he goes and fight whoever he fights because I know that he is not blinded by his new title and power like other people have become in his position. So to that end no matter what happens I pledge my undying loyalty, my very sword, and life to Kenpachi-sama," said Ikkaku as he envisioned the path leading to his fate appear before him and how to walk the line as it grew before his eyes.

"Good to hear Ikkaku-san. Now we just have to find some of the remaining apprentices to the Seven Swordsmen and everything will be perfect," said Yugito knowing that by now the rumors of Shinigamigakure no Sato was spreading like wildfire.

"That will be easier said then done. I know of another apprentice like me, but the thing is that he's a bit...fruity in my opinion, but I think I can convince him when I see him. Then there is another, who was originally born in the slums of Mist and grew up there as a kid. He was found by one of the much older members of the Seven Swordsmen and like me the guy was heavily trained in the arts of the Mist Shinobi. The only difference is that he was trained on the mainland of the Elemental Countries more then he was here. If I know him like I think I do he's in a bar somewhere getting hammered deep in Jungle Country," said Ikkaku though in his mind why the place was named it despite the land being well populated with an equal amount of people as there was vegetation was beyond him.

The Land of Jungle Country was in itself as its named said it was a land of jungles with plants and animals of many different species looming around every corner. However, the real meaning behind the Countries name was that it was an actual jungle in terms of both the civilization and that of the actual wilderness surrounding its people. The said people that founded the cities in the Country built high steel walls around them to prevent the more predatorily bred beasts in the jungles outside of the walls from entering though that happened on random occasions nonetheless.

It also explained to the other Countries why the guards that protected its people had such great health, medical, and life insurance plans all rolled up in one.

"Well then at least we know where to look for them," said Uzumaki Kenpachi walking into the room wearing similar dark crimson trench coat as Zangetsu did, but with his hair normal without having the bells in his hair and not super spiky to hold them.

The eye patch and Yachiru still clinging to one of his shoulders stayed the same.

"How is the Hidden Shinigami Village progressing?" said Yugito wanting to know like the rest of them how everything is going in the new village.

"Pretty good. Zangetsu-sama is the temporary Shikage until our business here in Mist is officially over and Kimimaro is working with the Shinigami Four to help regulate all the necessary parts of the village. I was actually quite surprised at how they were able get so many people to join up all at once though I asked Kimimaro to run a background check on all of them thoroughly to ensure we don't have any spies from any unwanted villages. As much as I respected old man Sandaime, he let too many spies infiltrate his village and through that it cost Konoha much during the Sand/Sound invasion," said Kenpachi sitting down on the comfy sofa with Yachiru jumping from her perch on his shoulder to his lap.

"Not like it matters Ken-chan. You're going to crush them all anyway for the bad things they did you when you were younger. Take no prisoners!" said Yachiru, who laughed as if what she just said was a joke.

"For the most part yeah, however I'm going to have those, who were good to me still be saved from my Shinigami Ninja," said Kenpachi knowing from what his spies hiding in the shadows of Konoha learned that there were still people in it that supported him.

"I still can't believe Zangetsu gave you demonic druids to work with. Aren't the people in the village afraid of them?" said Ikkaku looking at his superior officer and teacher and wondered how he got himself into this.

'Oh yeah now I remember. I got my ass kicked,' thought Ikkaku while his inner-Ikkaku was crying tears of sorrow at being beaten by someone younger then him.

That and being bald, but that's nothing new.

"Not really. The druids don't hurt anyone and rarely ever interact with the people in the village if not at all so the fear of such things happening are unfounded," said Kenpachi stroking the fox ears of his daughter, who snuggled into his chest purring in content with the feel of her fox like ears being massaged.

Ikkaku for the most part when he learned about Yachiru took the news and the true form of the half-demon fox girl rather well. He had screamed like a little girl before fainting, but other then that he didn't belittle the girl or call her mean names like "half-breed" or "demon spawn" like many other untrustworthy people would in his place. Ikkaku for the most part had no problem with Yachiru being a half-demon and had stated that clearly to Kenpachi when he had awoken from his fainting.

Granted Kenpachi had his sword to less then an Ikkaku's eye when asked, but it was the truth.

"I'm just glad that Orochimaru and Kabuto are gone. I have heard too many stories about those two for a life time," said Rin remembering the Sannin when she was still a Genin and heard how Kabuto backstabbed the Leaf during the Chuunin Exams.

"From the amount given for the bounty on them both being dead it will go along way in funding Shinigami and no doubt attract the attention of several high priced clients," said Ikkaku after reading the latest information from Bingo Book.

"That and more Ikkaku since Orochimaru and Kabuto were only the beginning of many since its quite clear by now to Akatsuki if they haven't already figured it out that they've lost two more members of the organization. They know that I'm not the chump they all thought I was and for the first time since the hunt for all nine tailed demons started they have become afraid of me. They know I will go on the offensive soon and when I decide to I'm going to enjoy hearing them scream as they beg for mercy. It will be music to my ears right before I rip out their lungs along with their throat," said Kenpachi releasing a teeth showing grin like that of a fox as he laughed at the prospect.

(Unknown Location)

"So it's been confirmed. Hidan and Kakuzu are both death," said Pein getting a nod from the remaining members hearing the information and considerably shocked by the news.

"It's also been confirmed Orochimaru and Kabuto are dead as well. Those two were both killed apparently by the new Shikage, who founded his new hidden village right over the remains of Sound itself," said Itachi not liking this one bit though he was relieved that the Uchiha bloodline was now safe from the hands of Orochimaru and his foolish ambitions.

"At least he's out of the way yeah? We can focus on more important things now with the Sannin dead yeah," said Deidara happy with the fact that the Sannin was dead since he had ample knowledge of what was going on in the organization.

"True, but this could hinder us later on. We tried sending a few spies in already and every time they entered the village only for them to be killed shortly after interrogation making them more aware of us. The person that tests them is said to be a human lie detector, who can tell if a person is lying just by looking into their eyes," said Sasori not liking this one bit since there was no hidden village yet that could prevent them from spying on.

"Do we even know WHO the Shikage is?" said Konan looking at all of them hoping that at least ONE of them had done their jobs right.

"It's hard to get a description of him since our spies get caught and any message they try to send could possibly be intercepted by another ninja from the village. From what we were able to get from the bits and pieces that got out before we lost contact with our spies they said the Shikage always wears a thick dark robe with a hood so big you cannot see his face. Only the darkness that consumed it," said Itachi, who had his curiosity about this Shikage grow upon hearing more about it.

"How troublesome," said Tobi sighing knowing this was going to be a pain in the ass while the Uchiha Mandara in him planned for the future events that would soon unfold.

(Konoha-30 Minutes Later)

The 5 druids that delivered the 2 coffins were walking and heading out of Konoha with the "Lead Druid" out in front having been paid. The people around them moved children away telling them to stay away from them while giving the robed figure glares. Some of the adults were silently muttering curses at them calling them weirdoes, freaks, and of course "demon worshipers" on account that they appeared to be anything, but human to associate with the darkness.

Regardless if they were all walking in a bi-pedal state or not the people living in the Leaf Village were still considered them unwelcome in Konoha.

As for the druids themselves they were soon intercepted in the space between the doors leading to their exit of the Leaf Village by ANBU Root squads with a total number of 16 ninja's in full battle ready gear. They were under the command of the Council and Danzo ordered them to retrieve the money back they were taking back to the Shikage.

"Druids of the Shikage hand us the money given to you or you will be placed under arrest for stealing from Konoha," said the ANBU Root Captain while he and the rest of his men drew their weapons should there be a fight.

"You are making a BIG mistake ANBU Captain for if you prolong our delay back to our Kage any longer he will consider this an act of war. Something I doubt your Hokage will approve of your actions," said the Lead Druid once more as still as a statue along with the others behind him.

"We are under orders to take back what you have stolen from the Hokage by her fellow Council members so we will are going to assume that she wishes this as well," said the ANBU Root Captain though it was obviously a lie on his part about the Hokage wishing for them to take back the money.

"We will not give back what was rightfully given to us by your Hokage and if you try you will regret it," said the Lead Druid sensing the growing crowd watching wondering how this would play out in the end.

"Kill them and salvage anything useful from the corpses," said the ANBU Root Captain readying his sword at the 5 druids, who stood perfectly still as if they had nothing to be afraid of.

And they didn't.

Just as the ANBU Root team charged at the druids a heavy round black object linked with a chain creating a crater 5 feet wide and 4 feet deep making the ninja's scatter.

"Honestly now did you really think Shikage-sama would send 5 druids without making sure they were all protected by the ninja that serve his village?" said a figure on top of a nearby roof wearing all black except for a tan colored trench coat while wielding what appeared to be a very menacing sword looking down on the ninja team as a larger figure next to him retracted the large ball into his hand.

"What the hell? Who are you?" said one of the ANBU Root members wearing a wolf mask and readying himself for a fight.

"Considering your level of skill as a ninja you are unworthy to know any of our names except that you will address our Squad Leader with respect. As for who we are, we are, but one of many groups of the loyal ninja of the Shikage himself and behind me are some of the best warriors at his command," said a warrior wearing mostly blue, with his arms bearing the colors of orange mixed with black in stripe form, and he was wearing a demon mask.

"You better let those druids pass or there will be some hell to pay if you don't from us," said the smallest of the group with a needle like nose, who was on top of the biggest and arguably the fattest member of the group.

"It's not like were asking you to kill yourselves, though if you want will gladly give you to opportunity by fighting us," said the long red curly haired man, who threw the ball with chain at the Root ninja only to throw the ball into the air slightly several time to dare the ANBU to try.

"Captain, what do we do? We have our orders, but we have to protect all the villagers as well or the Council and the Hokage will have our heads," said an ANBU with a cat mask on.

The said Captain looked on between the group of fighters, the people, and the eerily quiet druids before coming to the all knowing conclusion that while they outnumbered them, it would be hard to defeat an enemy whose skills were unknown. Especially when there is the possibility of innocent civilians being captured, harmed, or killed in the process.

"Let them pass. We have no choice, but to let them return to the Shikage. We can't risk a potential massacre in Konoha against unknown foes," said the ANBU Root Captain as he sheathed his blade, which the others ninja's did with their weapons.

"It seems Leaf made a very wise choice, which I find very rare for one's as so stupid to hurt the former "Hero" of the Leaf as the late Yondaime wanted him to be called," said the one called the "Leader" of the group of ninja before nodding to the druids to start leaving.

When the druids were out of sight the ANBU Root ninja's turned to face the strange and mysterious Shikage Ninja's only to find they had vanished as well.

"Danzo-sama and the Council aren't going to like this," said the ANBU Root Captain before they all went "poof" to see their superiors and report in their failure.

(Shinigami Village-Several Days Later)

"How did it go?" said Zangetsu sitting behind the desk as the druids handed him the large bag of money from the combined payments from the bounty on Orochimaru and Kabuto.

"Not too much trouble Zangetsu-sama though Konoha Leaf Ninja's tried to stop us under the command of the Council and a man named Danzo," said the Lead Druid before giving his full report on the issue.

"It was a good thing I had Aoshi and his team watch over you. I think that when the next Chuunin Exams rolls around in Konoha will have our teams enroll and show the Leaf just WHO we are," said Zangetsu dismissing the druids to the darkness they came from.

"Zangetsu-sama I have received word from Tazuna from Wave Country and the people fully support the trade agreement we setup between them and our village. They were most anxious to begin trade talks when told, who founded the Shinigami Village," said Kimimaro appearing from the shadows behind Zangetsu while wearing a fox mask quite similar to Kenpachi's own.

"Good. Setup a meeting with the Kazekage next and have him come here for the meeting, as to make the Leaf worry about what is happening around them," said Zangetsu knowing that Gaara would have no problem signing an alliance treaty.

"At once Zangetsu-sama," said Kimimaro bowing his head before reentering the shadows and heading to Suna.

With that settled Zangetsu now turned to his greatest nemesis that even he himself found was becoming impossible to defeat...paperwork.

'Kenpachi better take care of Mist soon because I am NOT going to do this for him when he officially becomes the Shikage,' thought Zangetsu hating this horrible amount of work already and it was only the late morning and he still had five more stacks to go.

(Konoha-Council Meeting Room-2 Hours Later)

"YOU IDIOTS!" yelled Tsunade slamming her fists on the meeting table, which thanks to a seal designed by Jiraiya absorbed the power behind the blow preventing the table from breaking into splintered sawdust.

Her yell however, was heard throughout Konoha and possibly reached the windows of the Fire Daimyo himself.

"That doesn't sound good," said the Fire Daimyo before returning back to reading his morning paper and drank his late morning tea.

"How could you even think of sending ANBU much less Root ANBU after druids that belong to the Shikage? And for what I ask you? For the money that they rightfully mind you, earned in killing Orochimaru, Kabuto, and Sound Village all in one single moment. You are lucky that the letter attached to the messenger bird the Shikage sent us stated that our ninja made a mistake and hoped we didn't make it twice. Also he pointed out that if we don't be more courteous to his people in the future or if we prevent them from joining our next Chuunin Exams they will report this to the Fire Daimyo and offer to replace us as his main form of ninja protection. Effectively cutting off ALL funding to us and thus ending the village MY Grandfather founded," said Tsunade scowling at all the Council members, who had been trying to undermine her since she first arrived in Konoha as the Hokage.

"But Hokage-sama you don't realize that amount of money could go to training more ANBU or the Uchiha Prodigy or...," said Kakashi only to be silenced by Tsunade's ever terrifying death glare.

"You are lucky I don't smash you to pieces myself right now Kakashi since you are still needed in the Uchiha's development not to mention working on the teamwork needed between him, Kiba, AND Sakura, which from what I've read in your report is average at best," said Tsunade having read the newly formed teams report along with the others.

Naturally, the Council protested in not promoting Sasuke before and long after the two Chuunin Examiners made their recommendations. Even more was that Inuzuka Tsume and Yasha Haruno protested on the fact their children didn't advance either, but were silenced when Tsunade pointed out that neither child made it past the preliminaries.

Gai wanted to take Lee on as his personal protégé (no surprise there) after Neji received his Chuunin Rank along with Shikamaru, but was denied due to the need to reform the Genin teams to use in the next Chuunin Exams. As it stood Shino would have to retake the Chuunin Exams again due to not facing anyone during the finals, along with Choji, Tenten, Ino, Lee, and Hinata in making new Genin teams under the same (or different) sensei.

The new Team 7 would be Sasuke, Sakura, and Kiba under Kakashi.

The new Team 8 would be Hinata, Shino, and Lee under Kurenai with Gai still being Lee's personal Taijutsu trainer.

The new Team 9 was Ino, Tenten, and Choji under Asuma, who after some threats from Tsunade decided to work harder then he did with the original Ino-Shika-Cho.

"Sasuke hates working with others, while Kiba only trust Akamaru with that starting to be strained due to the dislike of Kiba's new smug behavior in having Hinata as his soon to be bride, and Sakura just won't do any type of training without Sasuke. Though I'm sure coming right down to it that they will all work well together and make it to the third part of the Exam," said Kakashi giving his patented U-shaped eye of a smile.

"They better Kakashi and if you make ANY of your students late again I WILL have he, she, OR Kami help you ALL three of them disqualified on the spot when their designated battles starts. Unlike the Third Hokage I am NOT going to try and amuse the stadium size mob of traitor loving Uchiha fans of this village so help me Kami!" said Tsunade sending some killer intent at the Jounin Cyclops making the man shudder slightly after the woman stormed out of the room.

"Not like it matters. Whether they win or lose we'll still make them all Chuunin before that day is out and produce a much better clan within the week," said Danzo seeing as how the power was now officially under the Council's direct control after some very very clever political maneuvering after the recommendations. That meant every decision that was made in regard to promoting Chuunin were now under his direct control regardless of the Hokage's protests.

(Hokage's Office-Moments Later)

"Can you believe those fools Shizune? They think they can just weasel out of everything because of their position and where they live. They can't see just how big a target they place on themselves and by the time they see that, it will be too late, and they will be all dead," said Tsunade sitting in her chair and slumping in it before letting out a heavy sigh from all the frustration she was facing.

"Tsunade-sama please calm down, I know it seems hopeless, but we just have to try and press forward or else all will be lost," said Shizune with the spoiled pig Tonton letting out several encouraging "oinks" to state her opinion in the matter.

"I know Shizune its just becoming too difficult at times to hold this place together and every time I want to leave I see my family staring at me with a frown," said Tsunade, as she looked out the window and looked at the Hokage heads that came before her all the while wondering what they would have done in her place.

"Both biological and surrogate correct?" said Shizune looking at the woman wondering if she included Naruto into that family as well.

"You know what I'm talking about Shizune! If only I could find someway to locate and communicate with him somehow," said Tsunade knowing that her summons were pissed off at the village though the Slug Queen herself knew that Tsunade had no power over such things so allowed the Sannin to still be her summoner.

Jiraiya was not so fortunate.

Apparently Gamabunta was livid at the fact that Jiraiya knew just who Naruto's Father was and still treated the kid like he was nothing. Taking the kids money when finding Tsunade, not bothering to help in Naruto's training on the Rasengan, and telling him to do said training on his own instead being more interactive with the blonde youth.

Jiraiya also soon discovered that when push came to shove of a pissed off summons that depending on the summons can appear in the human world for a short time. In that short time Gamabunta pounded the Sannin into the ground before literally throwing him into the Leaf Hospital where he was treated for broken bones, fractured skull, concussion, a broken nose, and hair loss from being what seemed to be scalped off by a sharp blade.

On a lighter note the hot springs on the female section was safe to use for several months without the feel of someone peeping on the other side.

(Kumo Village-Raikage Tower-2 Months Later)

The Yondaime Raikage was livid hearing that his informants had failed him yet again in finding out, who was behind the assault on his outpost near Wave Country. Ever since his informants revealed that Mist along with all of Water Country had gone under a dramatic change in government things had been going down hill. With the death of the late Water Daimyo and his brother that was the Mizukage, the warring factions had stopped trying to kill each other. Rumor had it that they stopped once information from both the Mizukage and Water Daimyo's own personal journals were revealed that they had planned this from the start.

Such information immediate got everyone's attention in and outside of Water Country, as it meant that given time the Hidden Mist Village would once more rise to its former glory that it had been infamous for. It didn't help that both Mizu and Kumo had been at each other's throats prior to the bloodline civil war on the account that Kumo refused to follow a simple trade agreement before the late Sandaime Raikage took office.

What made the Yondaime Raikage even angrier was that he soon learned that the new and apparently improved Mizukage was none other then Kumo's own demon vessel Nii Yugito. She was supposed to be his weapon, his pet, and his slave for as long as he had wished it to be so. If and when she became boring or had defied him too many times for his liking he intended to sell her off to the Akatsuki Organization for a substantial profit.

Now that Nii Yugito was the new Mizukage of Mist he found her to be at the moment to be untouchable due to the woman's new found loyalty in her people, who along with few anonymous figures, freed the people from the harsh life of old, and brought them new ones. If he were to attack her now it would be total disaster on his end for he would need approval from his own Daimyo to begin such a thing.

Not only that, but the new Water Daimyo was a female also, who seemed to have small thing for dogs and even signing an apparent contract with a dog tracking team as well. Upon her identity being revealed as Inuzuka Rin it became apparent as to why such the woman had such close ties to dogs due to her bloodline limit. It was almost humorous as well as ironic to see both cat AND dog work together rather then tear each other apart like nature intended.

Also more reports came in about the new Shinigamigakure no Sato then he would have liked since they were the new village and already there Shikage as he was called was a major player in the Shinobi World not seen since the Yondaime Hokage first took office in Konoha. There were rumors flying all over about the man, woman, or what the figure was seeing as how some said the Kage wasn't human at all. The reports stated that the Shikage took on missions himself to not become weakened by sitting in a desk filled with paperwork and had actually found a way to conquer it. Not beat it, not win against it, but actually conquer the damn thing.

There were some reports in front of him about the mysterious Ninja, though mostly being rumors or whispers that had been heard from the dead or dying Shinobi from various villages, Missing Ninja, or those categorized simply into "Other" column. The entity that was the First Death Shadow of the Village Hidden in the Shinigami in just a few months time had taken on all comers, who thought they could knock him and his Hidden Village down a peg.

The Village Hidden in the Rain despite the civil war they were having was the first to try and the first to find out the hard way what it was like taking on the unknown.

The retaliation of the Shikage quickly made any other village think twice in trying to pick a fight or mess with the Shikage and his village.

Within 3 days, Amegakure no Sato was almost burned entirely down to nothing with all its Jutsu's and knowledge in all things Shinobi taken for the use of the Hidden Shinigami Village. There were survivors, but only those hiding in shelters that belonged to the side that the Shikage seemed to favor were worthy of being spared that coincidentally the very people losing the civil war.

It was said that the Shikage himself did it ALL without breaking a sweat and that the only real witness to his path of destruction was one broken, bleeding, and dying Rain Ninja, who when questioned before his delayed death spoke nonsense for a good 15 minutes.

Then when the man was only mere minutes from dying, he spoke clear in whispery little sentences when telling what exactly happened so only those around him could hear his dying words.

'The Demon of...Shinigami...The Demon of Shinigami. The monster came at us with an unholy rage filled power that killed all, but me. When he looked down upon me it was like staring into the eye of a dragon preparing to pass judgment on my soul. Knowing that I am the dying survivor to my village's destruction is not mercy...its torture, for even now he makes me see the dead around me that I will become. Beware of...the...the...Demon of...Shinigami,' reading the echoing words that seemed to speak into the Raikage's own skull before reading the rest of the report on how the man was soon dead from sudden convulsions, but not before he began speaking again only in more randomly tongue and muttering apologies to what seemed to be an invisible force to the now dead man.

'Maybe he wasn't seeing things. Maybe he actually saw someone that the doctors could not right before he died. Could he have seen the Shikage himself right in the Hospital? Impossible! Then again...one cannot understand the unknown when you have never faced such a very imposing being before,' thought the Yondaime Raikage wondering if he should double the guard at the gates to be extra sure the Shikage didn't decide to pay him a visit.

(Konoha 3 Days Later-Nightfall)

The cold air that was running through the village at this particular night was ungodly as even the hot springs seemed to be less steamy then usual...if anyone bothered to look that is. The ANBU guarding the walls and gate that night were freezing while trying to stay warm while staying hidden from potential enemies that my find their hidden position. The people that would stay awake to enjoy the nightlife stayed inside for once and went to bed early not wanting to be awake on an unnaturally cold night.

How right they were...about the unnatural cold part.

Just as the night became unnaturally cold there was an unnatural fog like mist flowing into the streets in the North Gate that if followed heading straight would take you directly to Rice Country. The guards at the gate knew something was up and got ready to fight only to feel sleepy and fall asleep at their posts effectively preventing any of them from alerting anyone of the coming presence that would soon pass through Konoha's walls.

Walking through the empty streets, past the closed buildings, and under the cover of darkness to there desired target.

The Hokage Graveyard.

Contrary to what people would think the Hokage's of years past were never incinerated to protect their secrets, but rather were buried with them. Their bodies perfectly intact with a preserve seal placed on them in secret to honor the fallen Fire Shadow's along with their spouses. The said spouses were to be cremated and then be placed in an urn so they could be buried along with the one they loved.

Yondaime and his wife Uzumaki Kushina were examples of such traditions.

However, if one were to prey on such knowledge from living in the Leaf Village it could prove to be a possible risk to the village later on. A said example was the ever vile Orochimaru, who was able to get the necessary DNA samples from knowing of the location to use in future failed experiments in making several human beings with the Shodaime bloodline.

It never occurred to anyone that the late Sandaime, before he died, had repeated history once more by showing the graveyard to one other outside potential Hokage candidates. It was when the person he showed the graveyard to was just a 5 year old boy just several years before the Uchiha Massacre started.

That boy was, at the time, named Uzumaki Naruto.

The Hokage at taken his time out for that one day to take Naruto on a special visit to the graveyard knowing that in the day the place ironically blossomed with life. It was almost as if the Shodaime's bloodline was actually working even with its body long being dead for many years. On that day, the Sandaime had take Naruto to pay his respects to the late Yondaime in his own way explaining to the boy that given time all would be explained on WHY he was being shown such a sacred place.

Unfortunately, such a day never came as Orochimaru had killed the old Sandaime in the Sand/Sound invasion with a sword to the old man's chest. However, it had been widely believed by many in the ninja ranks had Orochimaru not summoned the other two late Fire Shadow's to weaken the old Hokage, the man's most gifted student turned Sannin, turned traitor, would have lost the battle, and his life.

Now here in this graveyard of Fire Shadow's stood a large formation of druids with half of them carrying shovels, with the other with long torches to see where they were headed, and where to begin digging when reaching the correct spot. Once they got into the correct spots where they needed to be, they started digging

Uzumaki Naruto now having renamed himself Uzumaki Kenpachi and current Shodaime Shikage had decided that the four graves that held the previous Fire Shadow's remains were being dishonored by the villagers themselves. It became clear to Kenpachi that all the Hokage's that came before Tsunade and all they taught while living in a village had been forgotten as their years as ninja warriors seemed to be only recalled in one of the many boring little history lessons Iruka gave at the Ninja Academy.

As if that in itself wasn't bad enough.

"Be careful where your shovels strike in the earth's soil. Shikage-sama was very explicit on there being very little damage to the coffins as possible," said Kimimaro wearing his ANBU uniform, along with a druid cloak, and Fox Skull Mask given to him by Kenpachi himself.

Kimimaro swore he would treasure and honor it by going on the most worthy of missions given to him by Kenpachi when his services were required. As such this was one of those times.

"Do you think anyone will notice what we are doing?" said Sajin Komamura, who was now the owner of the sword that had once belonged to the late Sannin Orochimaru.

The much larger masked shaped entity appeared alongside Kimimaro, who was watching like the sword owner as the druids were digging six spots in the earth. All the while Sajin looked through his mask around the area every so often for any possible interruptions that may have arise during this time of removing the coffins from the earth.

Sajin, like Yachiru was a half-demon fox though unlike Yachiru had the animalistic face of a fox down to the whiskers, rather then that of a human looking one. His face made the people, who saw him, called him "monster", "demon", and various other things before he had been captured several months prior to Orochimaru's demise. He was attacked by the said Sannin after he had been heavily poisoned by the Sound ANBU and was used to help the Sannin to further achieve Immortality. Had it not been for the fact that the demon side and blood inside of Sajin had rejected Orochimaru's cruel attempts at possessing him via Immortality Jutsu; the half-demon fox more then suspected that he would have been the next vessel of the late Snake Sannin.

When Kenpachi, Zangetsu, and Kimimaro entered the row of prison cells used to house failure from various experiments they had found the large fox man heavily chained with countless chakra draining seals all over his body. When Kenpachi ripped the prison cell door off its hinges he fried the chakra seals from the half-demon's body by overloading their powers with his own. Upon looking at the three, Sajin had immediately bowed his head to the left in shame trying to hide his face deeper into the darkness of his prison cell expecting his rescuers to look upon him with disgust before turning around to leave him in the room to rot.

Much was Sajin's surprise when Kenpachi sliced through the chains holding him down with his sword before he, Kimimaro, and Zangetsu lift him up to carry him out of the room. When Sajin was better rested Kenpachi paid him a visit without the spiky bell at the tips like hair, but a more passive version of the man though the eye patch remained on the right eye. He also saw a half-demon fox girl on his right shoulder looking at him with interest, as if she had never seen anyone like him before. After much talking later Sajin pledged his entire life to Kenpachi though the latter told him it was unnecessary as he did it for a fellow outcast like himself. That he too knew what it was like to be called such harsh names when no one around you had any right to judge you without even getting to know you.

If anything that little part of the conversation brought Sajin's loyalty practically up to the equivalent level of Kimimaro's own loyalty. It was almost scary.

Still, such scars from the past do not fade easily and as such Sajin wished to hide his fox like facial appearance from the world via wooden shaped mask that surrounded his entire face. Kenpachi agreed on the terms that one day, he would remove the mask and would stop wearing it afterwards. A term that Sajin reluctantly, but willingly agreed upon since there was always a chance that the mask could be destroyed in battle.

The mask itself was designed by Sajin himself so he could see out of it with small thin like lines in the front AND due to his keen fox like eyes anyone thinking that half-demon fox was at a disadvantage was VERY mistaken.

"Not until tomorrow morning or a few days after I imagine. Very few know of this place let alone wish to guard it due to the secrecy of where the graveyard is. However, should I be wrong I know I can count on you to help me vanquish any and all obstacles that stand in our way," said Kimimaro, who knew the Sajin was like him and loyal to the Shikage and followed the eye patch wearing Death Shadow without question.

Moment's later one of the smaller groups of the druids digging stopped having reached his target, he then moved his shovel away before brushing away the dirt, picked up the wooden box containing the desired item inside, and then with black gloved hands gently picked the box that they had been digging for that was under the Yondaime's Tombstone. Carefully the druid walked over to Kimimaro, kneeling on one knee, opened the box lid, and presented the large golden object to the right hand man of Kenpachi, who took it just as carefully as the druid had the protective wooden casing.

It was the urn of Uzumaki Kushina.

"Can you hear her sorrow? She crying?" said Sajin, who received a single nod from Kimimaro, who tucked the urn away for safe keeping.

"What did you expect? She is crying over what this village as done to her son since her death in bringing him into this world. However, that will stop once she is carefully in her new resting place especially made for her by Shikage-sama," said Kimimaro hearing the cries of the woman's soul on how they could hurt her precious little boy like that.

"Yes. Her along with the others," said Sajin looking at the druids digging deeper for the coffins that contained the four late Hokage's remains.

One of five down with four holes to dig left.

"You do know it IS against the law of any place city or ninja village to rob a grave much less that of a late Kage right?" said Hatake Kakashi a nearby tree above them reading his perverted book casually as if the people below him were nothing to him.

He wasn't alone either as 20 ANBU Ninja were all around the group below with weapons drawn ready to slay the intruders for their trespassing.

"It seems we have been discovered," said Kimimaro looking up at Kakashi recognizing him form the Bingo book seeing the man had not worn an ANBU mask like the others.

"Yes. How do you wish to proceed?" said Sajin glaring at Kakashi and letting out his killer intent at the man, who felt the tremendous killer intent making him put his book away getting serious.

"I can tell by your killing intent you're not normal," said Kakashi raising his head band to reveal his Sharingan Eye that he was infamous for to help him see the truth.

"That eye won't reveal anything to you Hatake nor will be telling you anything or what knowledge we may possess. If captured we are prepared to end our lives taking whatever secret we hold with us to protect the one we serve!" said Sajin with such conviction that Kakashi believed the taller figure would indeed end his life.

Also was the Leaf Jounin imagining things or did the same person seem to hate him for some reason?

"Well if that's the case then can we at least talk with some civility before we start to go at it? Like for example, I ask you a question and if you want to either of you can answer the question or not depending on what it is. How's that?" said Kakashi almost feeling the itch to read his book again since he felt he could calm them down enough to prevent an all out fight here.

"Speak your first question Hatake-teme before we decide to slaughter you along with the rest of these weaklings," said Kimimaro letting loose his own killer intent making all the ANBU on edge at feeling such hate towards their very being.

"Well if you want to get right into it, who am I to stop you. All right then question #1 is this...who is the man, who that has taken the title of Shikage?" said Kakashi focusing his Sharingan Eye on the two hoping the two would crack under its hypnotic gaze.

They didn't even blink and they didn't answer.

At the moment the druids from one of the spots finished and proceeded to lift up the gold colored coffin from the earth holding it steady in their hands. The druids then proceeded in move away from the rectangular and empty grave before stopping once more near the graveyard entrance/exit.

Two down with three remaining.

"O-kay question #2 is...what are you planning to do with the 4 coffins that hold our ever so sacred Hokage's?" said Kakashi though his tone was more serious given the one of the coffins held his sensei.

"If you must know we are relocating them to a more sacred and secure spot away from this tainted Shinobi village they once proudly called home. You dishonor them so our leader has decided that we take them someplace where they will be treated with respect," said Sajin taking a hard step forward shaking the ground slightly beneath him, Kimimaro, and the druids.

Needless to say it got Kakashi's and the other Leaf Ninja's attention.

'That was a lot of force place under that single step and from the looks of it the tall guy wasn't even trying very hard,' thought Kakashi narrowing his eyes at the masked giant, who retaliated by letting lose an even larger amount of killing intent to snuff out the Leaf Jounin's piercing look.

Three down with two to go as the druids lift yet another coffin.

"Question #3...are you a threat to Konoha?" said Kakashi noticing that the ANBU behind were becoming tenser and wondering why the Sharingan user didn't order them to stop the druids.

"I'll answer your question with one of my own. Do you mean the village in general or the overall populace?" said Kimimaro channeling some chakra into his mask making the eye holes flash red to intimidate the Jounin and his team.

"Both actually," said Kakashi hearing the shoveling in the background being the only real noise in the night along with the barely heard fire from the torches that some of the other druids held.

Four down with one left to dig up.

"Yes and somewhat no depending on who were out to kill Hatake!" said Sajin leering at he man while letting out a small yet still dark laugh into the night.

Kakashi didn't need either of the two in order to get the hint due to the bloodlust from the tall helmet one was more then enough for him.

"Take them alive, but don't hesitate to kill if restraining them proves a fruitless endeavor to achieve," said Kakashi drawing his kunai from his pouch ready to fight.

Final coffin removed from grave...mission objective completed.

"It would appear that the time has come to show these fools what it means to fight against the forces of Shikage-sama," said Sajin drawing out his sword while Kimimaro just walked over to the gates near the other druids before drawing out his bone Tonfa's that he had been secretly making during the conversation.

"You know what to do Sajin-san just don't create too much noise," said Kimimaro, as he knew that Sajin would rather kill himself then willingly fail Kenpachi in any mission.

"Such arrogance in thinking one person could take on the Son of the White Fang and his small army of Leaf ANBU beside him," said Kakashi smirking at them thinking this was going to be easier then he thought and may not even need his Sharingan.

"The arrogance is yours Hatake Kakashi for thinking that name alone gives you the power to best me knowing that is all you are to your late Father. His worthless runt and poor excuse of a son that he didn't kill before taking his own life to remove his shame not of failing a mission, but knowing he helped conceived you," said as Sajin drew his sword revealing to them it was the Kusanagi sword that was responsible for the late Sandaime's death.

"How dare you wield such a tainted sword against us you freak of nature," said one of the ANBU only back away several steps feeling the killer intent from Sajin increase 3 fold.

"Shut up and fight you fool Leaf Ninja. Roar Tenken!" said Sajin, as chakra came out of his sword creating a giant version of his arm holding his sword in his hand above him before brining it down on upon the shocked ninja's.

Kakashi was glad he could move as fast as he did otherwise he may have been crushed by the sheer brute force of the usual power that the giant man had displayed. Another thing that bothered Kakashi was that the man he had come to identify from his partner as Sajin did not call the Kusanagi its original name, but rather he called it...Tenken? For Kakashi it made no sense since that WAS the sword that had slain the Third and nearly killed the Tsunade when Jiraiya was sent to find her to become the Fifth Hokage of Konoha.

"Lethal force authorized. Kill him!" said Kakashi before making the hand signs for Rakiri and charged Sajin, who used his power to take out a quarter of the forces opposing him.

Kakashi's attack would have succeed had a spiked wall of bones shop up in front of him several feet in-between him and Sajin while a few shorter ones were able to stab Kakashi in the feet or ankles making him lose his Chidori in the process.

"As much as I would like you to deliver some much needed punishment on them Sajin-san we must be going. Shikage-sama does not like tardiness when it comes to completing missions that are important to him," said Kimimaro rising to his full height slamming his hand down onto the ground using his bloodline to create a new clan technique, though it was strictly defensive one.

"Right behind you Kimimaro-san," said Sajin, who followed the group and made their escape from the graveyard.

'Kimimaro? Orochimaru's bodyguard is alive?' thought Kakashi closing his head band over his Sharingan Eye biting back the urge to scream and at the moment he really really wanted to scream.

"Call for reinforcements and summon Tsunade-sama to the Hospital so we can help the wounded," said an ANBU Ninja wearing a ferret mask before he and several others took off after the grave robbers.

Little did they know this was two missions in one.

(Hyuuga Compound-Moments Later)

It didn't take long for the village alarm to sound and the Hyuuga Clan's giant home went under immediate lock down preventing anyone from entering or leaving. As for Hinata herself she was awakened by the running around that could be heard outside of her door. The possibly that her sister Hanabi heard the commotion through her door as well since they were right next to each other with Neji's room being across from them being their personal protector and relative.

Hinata shivered slightly as she remembered the latest Hyuuga Clan Elder's meeting her Father had attended just a few days ago concerning her sister. Due to Hinata's "special" marriage, Hanabi was to soon to be given title of Heiress to the Hyuuga Clan.

Hiashi was livid that they wanted to put Neji and Hanabi together when his youngest of two daughters became of age since they wanted strong Hyuuga to run the clan. Hiashi had immediately denounced such a union since it was not possible genetically and it was wrong morally though the Elder's said keeping with tradition was a must. Hiashi though had further explained that while Neji was indeed his nephew, which caused any form of union to not be possible due to the genetic similarities between Hiashi and Hizashi. Being the Clan Head's twin made it to be as if Neji was Hiashi own illegitimate son along with Hinata and Hanabi's half brother.

The Hyuuga Clan Elder's were less then pleased and planned to go another route when the right time presented itself. After all it was to ensure that Hanabi would one day be married to a strong individual of their choice they could trust to produce a strong Hyuuga offspring.

Now Hinata had to comfort herself with her little fox plushie her Father through unknown sources was able to get her in secret since it reminded her of Kenpachi when he was still Naruto.

'He'll stop this marriage from happening. He won't let it happen to me I know he won't,' thought Hinata holding the plushie tighter wishing beyond all things that it was her foxy hero.

There was a knock at her room door bring her further back to the living world away from, which she barely lingered wanting to reenter the dream world.

"Hinata-sama I need you to come to the door," said a deep unknown voice from behind rice papered the door making Hinata frown as her door was not locked and could have been opened by the voice behind it.

This could mean he was a servant she had yet to meet in the large house or the unknown being was an enemy that had infiltrated her home like before only this time is was to trick her and possibly assassinate her at her room door.

"Who is it?" said Hinata in a tired sleepy voice and whispered even in a more serious and lower one to activate her Byakugan to see beyond her room.

"A messenger though my orders were to wait by the door to receive the message from the one whose soul belongs to you," said the kneeling figure that from what Hinata could see with her eyes was not from her clan or Konoha in general.

The demon mask was, but one dead giveaway.

Then the mans words pierced through her head and her heart swelled knowing just, who the figure was talking about as only one person could think of such words to say to her. She got up from her bed and went over to the door pushing it open only to stop after two inches by the person on the opposite side.

"Please tell me what the message that Kenpachi is," said Hinata being as polite as she could be at the ungodly hour.

"I cannot speak his words for they would be tainted by me. However, I am to deliver this letter from him to you that say his words," said the demon masked wearing ninja handing her envelope with a black ink colored seal in the shape of the Shinigami's head.

"Thank you Oni-sama," said Hinata taking the envelope feeling the smoothness and the weight of the parchment inside of it.

"Please you honor me enough as it is by speaking to me. If anything call me Han'nya if and when we meet again at a later date. For now, I must go before your cousin or sister spot me here near your room," said Han'nya before seemingly teleported from her sight as she shut her door and locked it to prevent anyone else from entering.

Carefully Hinata opened the envelope and unfolded the letter reading its contents slowly to savoir in every word written on it.

Dearest Hime of all Himes,

If you are reading this then Han'nya had delivered the letter successfully to you and for that I am grateful to no end. Now I know that you can once more know how much I love you with every ounce of my soul, which I give to you without hesitation. Know that I am with you always and will protect you from the shadows as I cannot be there in person.

I am fully aware that you are put into unusual arranged marriage with Kiba-teme and Sasuke-teme, which as you can imagine pisses me off to know end. Make no mistake my Hime I am NOT mad at you since you had no say in the matter. I'm more pissed off at the bastards, who set the whole thing up while I was away and unable to do something. Ever since when Team 7's first mission in Wave Country when we were all ambushed by the Demon Brothers I have never been as powerless since then as I am now.

However, I am not without ways of making sure you are safe from harm or from those two teme's pervert (mainly Kiba's) like ways. Even now I have special agents assigned specifically to monitor and protect you from harm (you already met one of them) so you can focus on the Chuunin Exams. I'm having my teams participate in that as well though between you, me, and this letter they are more then qualified for having the rank.

I will be there to see you again though how I won't say until you see me on the day my teams arrive to compete in the Exams. Make sure you and your team (as long as Sasuke-teme and Kiba-teme aren't with you) makes it to the third part of the Chuunin Exams

I know you can do it because I believe in you without hesitation and know you are strong no matter what anyone else says.


Uzumaki Kenpachi: The Shodaime Shikage of Shinigamigakure no Sato

P.S. Here's a picture of what I look like

With that last word read Hinata looked down at the photograph attached to the letter of her love before her eyes went wide as dinner plates. Hinata then used the last ounce of mental strength to carefully refold the letter, walk over to her bed, tuck the letter with photograph away in her diary, sit on her bed, then proceeded to faint with steam coming out of her ears due to the letter, and a nose bleed caused from the photograph.

'Kenpachi-kun is such a sexy fox,' thought Hinata before reentering her dreams that were with her and Kenpachi doing all sorts of things that would have made Jiraiya envious and want to make a "Super-sized" novel of Icha Icha Paradise.

(On a Hill outside the Gates of Konoha-10 Minutes Later)

"Do you think they will get to the safe zone in time?" said Hitsugaya Toshiro watching with interest with his ever beautiful (possibly too beautiful) and taller wife Hitsugaya Matsumoto Rangiku or "Ran" as she like to be called standing beside him.

The young man had come from Water Country several years before the Bloodline Civil War started with his Mother and Father, who despite the growing tensions back home at the time loved each other dearly. His aunt from his Mother's side of the family stayed in Mist and chose to keep her bloodline limit hidden in case things became worse for those like her with special abilities.

And things did get worse, but not before Toshiro's Aunt met this wonderful (at least she thought) man, who helped give her a child. A child that like her had the power to change the way water could be manipulated into ice via her bloodline limit passed down as all genetic traits do from parent to child.

That child's name was Haku.

When Kenpachi heard of Toshiro's abilities he instantly knew just who the man had been related to sending Kimimaro and Zangetsu to search high and low for the man. After all it was only right to inform the man of his Cousin, how they encountered each other, and to regretfully inform the man Haku's untimely demise at the hands of Hatake Kakashi.

When Toshiro found out he was devastated by the news, but when he learned that Haku died nobly in battle to protect his precious person, the ice user knew it was a good death worthy of his family heritage. In light of this news the now last member (as far as Toshiro now knew) of his clan, pledged his loyalty to Kenpachi in order to continue honoring the short, but powerful friendship that had happened between the fox vessel and Haku.

For Rangiku, it was simply follow her husbands lead knowing that once the man made up his mind in such a matter not even she could change his mind unless he did it voluntarily.

"Of course they will Shiro-chan. You should know better then to not have better faith in those two," said Rangiku leaning down and hugging her husband and consuming his head into her quite large female "assets" making the man blush while fighting the soon to be nosebleed that was to come if she didn't stop.

How the short man hated being called that embarrassing nickname.

Fortunately, the shorter of the two was saved from embarrassment when static came into their ear pieces meaning someone was about to talk to one or both of them.

It meant it was of the utmost importance.

"Toshiro-san what is the status of current situation in Konoha concerning the mission?" said the voice of Kenpachi over the headset in the frosty white haired man's ear that had made all fooling around from his wife be put on hold.

The pout on her face proved she wasn't happy about it either.

"Everything is going according to plan sir. Han'nya reported in not long ago and told me he gave Hyuuga Hinata your letter. He also stated to me that he is going to continue his spying on Konoha while protecting Hinata until a month before the Chuunin Exams start," said Toshiro putting two fingers to his ear piece and relaying what was going on.

"Good. Can you see my retrieval team at all Rangiku-san?" said Kenpachi wondering just how far his team had gotten getting what he asked for.

"Kimimaro, Sajin, and the large group of druids are heading there way along with what seems to be what you asked them to retrieve Shikage-sama. However, I now see that there are some ANBU chasing after them sir and closing fast," said Rangiku frowning at this new situation as the small group of ninja's were closing in and going directly for her comrades while the village alert system that had kicked in not long ago was still wailing like a banshee.

"When the team I sent is safe freeze their pursuers to a standstill and smoke the life out of them," said Kenpachi with malice and hate for the ANBU, who he knew had deliberately failed to protect him despite the orders given to them by the late Sandaime.

"Yes Shikage-sama," said Rangiku and Toshiro knowing that the sound behind the man's words meant to cause as much pain as humanly possible.

And that also doing it as inhumanly possible wasn't a bad thing either.

"Sit upon the frosted heavens Hyorinmaru!" said Toshiro drawing his sword sending his chakra through the tip of the blade creating a large ice dragon came down upon Konoha creating an ice barrier that cut off the ANBU teams pursuit.

"My turn, growl Haineko!" said Rangiku unleashing her own swords power and sending her blade turned to ash upon the ANBU forces attacking them in the shape of a large cat mauling them all in the process.

About 10 minutes after these attacks struck the retrieval team of Kimimaro, Sajin, and the druids carrying the coffins met up with the two waiting.

"It would seem our mission was a success and its time to go home to report to Shikage-sama," said Kimimaro looking to his right seeing the sudden appearance of Zangetsu from a newly opened portal.

"You all did extremely well. Now let's go before the Leaf reinforcements arrive to delay us further," said Zangetsu before letting them all pass into the portal and then himself letting it close just as Jiraiya along with several Jounin arrived on the scene.

"Damn they got away," said Jiraiya knowing from the description of the last person he saw was the one, who had led the recruitment of various Missing Ninja among others to join the Shinigamigakure no Sato that had sprung up over the ashes of Sound.

"What do we do Jiraiya-sama?" said a Jounin with a scar along his chin area.

"Nothing except tell Hokage-sama that her family and predecessor's have all been taken from her...yet again," said Jiraiya knowing she was going to super pissed at what had just happened right under and the villages own nose meaning the Super Pervert was going to sent to the Hospital...yet again

Good thing he was a fast healer.

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