
By AnaklusmosX

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In the ancient breaths of the universe, an era so remote that it predates the very concept of time as we unde... More

Chapter 1: Creation
Chapter 3: Principle
Chapter 4: Hindrance
Chapter 5: Day
Chapter 6: Orchard
Chapter 6.5: AN || Casting
Chapter 7: Human
Chapter 8: Freedom
Chapter 9: Genesis
Chapter 10: Strength
Chapter 11: Era

Chapter 2: Palace

717 44 25
By AnaklusmosX

Chapter 2


In the heart of Lady Chaos's mighty palace, nestled amidst the cosmic wonders of her gardens, a tender and unique moment unfolded. The newborn Protogenos, Perseus, lay cradled in the loving arms of his divine mother as she whispered lullabies to her precious creation.

The bountiful gardens around them seemed to come alive in response to this divine moment. Flowers of vibrant and otherworldly colors blossomed with each note she hummed while the stars above twinkled with approval.

Perseus, though just newly born, bore an ethereal beauty that was breathtaking to behold. His infant form was swathed in an aura of the overarching moonlight, casting a soft, radiant glow upon his delicate features. His skin, an exquisite shade of a darker olive - resembling the form Chaos had taken at the moment of his creation.

One of the most striking features of the young Protogenos was the tufts of hair that had already erupted from his royal crown. Black as the depths of the void, they possessed an otherworldly quality. These inky locks shimmered with a mesmerizing shade of purple - a celestial hue that danced and shifted.

Nyx was filled with awe as she leaned over Chaos's shoulder to gaze upon the newest addition to their family. Dozens of comets flew by in her eyes as emotion brimmed her chest, reflecting the profound beauty of the moment.

"He's beautiful," Nyx whispered in reverent admiration, her voice a soft hymn to the wonders of Chaos's abilities.

With a childlike innocence, Hemera tugged gently on Nyx's long, straight, raven-black hair, which flowed like a stream of shadows cascading below her hips. "Mother, can I see?" She asked with shy urgency, her eyes wide with desire.

Nyx's smile was as radiant as the moon above as she leaned down to pick up the little godling, her precious daughter, who had joined them in their gathering. With a loving gesture, Nyx extended her free hand, her elegant fingers pointing at the infant cradled in Chaos's arms. "That's Perseus," Nyx introduced him with the tender pride of a mother unveiling her child to the world.

"So pretty," Hemera exclaimed with a woah.

Slowly but surely, the other Protogenos gathered in a circle around the mother and son, drawn together by a sense of familial affection and admiration. Each of them observed the tender scene with an appreciation for the significance of this moment.

Phanes was the first to be entranced by Perseus's remarkable orbs. He marveled at them, his expression one of utter astonishment. "Look at his eyes!" Phanes applauded, his voice showing the weight of the revelation he had just witnessed.

The sentiment was unanimous among the gathered Protogenos, for truly, there was no exaggeration in their admiration. Perseus possessed a pair of eyes that were as captivating as they were enigmatic.

His left eye held the mesmerizing beauty of a thousand galaxies, a deep, velvety expanse packed with stars that seemed to twinkle with the secrets of the universe; it was as if the stars had come together to sprinkle his irises with the hues of the night sky. Gazing into this eye was like peering into the endless depths of space, where nebulas danced in a cosmic ballet and supernovas told stories of sparkling adventures.

In stark contrast, his right eye swirled menacingly, resembling a powerful black hole that threatened to draw you into its unfathomable depths. The abyss within this eye seemed to devour all light and matter, leaving a sense of profound emptiness in its wake. It was a visual vortex of power that glowed, casting a glow that formed shadows under his long eyelashes.

Together, Perseus's eyes were a reflection of the duality of creation and destruction that encapsulated the boundless potential of his existence. They held the secrets of the cosmos, the eons of existence, and the mysteries that awaited discovery in the ever-expanding cycle of life.

Chronos's eyes twinkled with mirth. "He is by far the fairest of all deathless immortals," he quipped, a teasing note in his voice. "You might have some competition now, Lady Chaos."

Chaos offered a light chuckle, filled with a mother's affection, as she looked down at her newborn son. "There is no contest," she replied with a smile, "he is victorious without effort."

With infinite tenderness, Chaos traced a delicate finger over the baby's lips, her touch eliciting a heartwarming smile from young Perseus. "Perseus," she cooed, her voice a soothing melody, "Oh, Perseus."

The other Protogenos, witnesses to this celestial moment, stood in rapt fascination. Their divine forms shimmered with intrigue as they observed Chaos engaging with her newborn son.

Her eyes, pools of maternal love, sparkled with an ethereal light, and they held the entire universe within their depths. "Can you say Perseus?" Chaos encouraged gently.

Perseus responded with the sweet sounds of a baby's laughter; his tiny voice, like the tinkling of bells, filled the garden with its pure, innocent joy as Chaos's finger danced over his face.

"Perseus," she repeated, sounding out the syllables for the baby, "Purrr-Seee-Ousss."

The infant Perseus, ever eager to please his mother, smacked his lips and attempted to mimic her words. "Purr-See," he uttered, his voice a soft, melodious coo that brought tears of joy to the eyes of the watching Protogenos.

All of the immortals, collectively stunned by this unexpected development, couldn't contain their joy. Their laughter and cheers filled the garden as they celebrated the child's first attempt at speech.

"Percy! It is little Percy!" Gaea exclaimed, her heart filled with pride as she gathered Thalassa and Pontus close, dancing with boundless joy.

Amidst the joyous celebration of Perseus's words, the Protogenos continued to revel in the tender moment. Tartarus boomed showers of affectionate words and praise. "You are truly a wonder, Brother Percy; once you are older, we shall engage in combat to the death!"

Ananke, always the voice of reason and decorum, admonished him, delivering a light hit to his arm and shaking her head at his brutish behavior.

The abyssal god let out a groan of whines, his boisterous demeanor suddenly subdued. "What, Ananke? Did I do something wrong?"

Erebus snorted and muttered to himself, though due to their close proximity, everyone heard him. "When are you not doing something wrong?" He quipped, prompting hearty laughter from the gathered Protogenos, even Tartarus, as they appreciated Erebus's wry humor.

As the Protogenos shared their thoughts and blessings for young Perseus, Chaos gently cradled her son in her arms, rocking him back and forth with the soothing rhythm of a loving mother.

Eager to offer his assistance, Phanes insisted on being there for Chaos. He crouched down, laying a hand on her leg as a gesture of support. "Chaos, if you need anything, I am here for you, at your beck and call."

Chaos, with a grateful smile, slowly rose to her feet, her son still nestled securely in her arms. She began to make her way back toward the palace gates, her gait graceful and confident. "Thank you, Phanes," she comforted. "But do not fret; I am the strongest and proudest mother in all of the cosmos. Goodnight, my darlings."

With that, Chaos wrapped herself in a shroud of energy and disappeared into the celestial palace, her beloved son Perseus cradled in her arms, leaving the other Protogenos to bask in timeless awe of the moment they had just witnessed.

Disregarding the hushed atmosphere, Tartarus broke the silence with his characteristic enthusiasm, placing a hearty hand on Phanes's shoulder, the older god looking slightly disgruntled for reasons known only to him.

With an infectious grin, Tartarus posed a question that hung in the air, laden with the potential for excitement and camaraderie. "So," he began, a playful glint in his abyssal eyes, "fight?"

Nearly six epochs had passed since the birth of the royal prince, and the young Protogenos had grown into a curious and adventurous child under the loving guidance of Chaos and his siblings.

Today was the day both Thalassa and Pontus would be receiving their domains; because of this, Chaos felt obliged to give her youngest son a short lesson about the allure of creation and the fragility of life.

As mother and son stood on the balcony above the heavens, they gazed down upon the neverending landscape. Chaos wanted Perseus to understand more about Earth, with its swirling oceans, lush forests, towering mountains, and diverse life forms, a testament to the role of the Protogenos.

"Perseus," Chaos began, her voice gentle yet filled with reverence, "look at Earth. It is one of my most beloved creations. Each facet of this planet, from the mountains to the seas, from the smallest organisms to the grandest landscapes, is a reflection of me."

She turned to him, but his mismatching eyes were glued to the scenery below; from the side, Chaos could tell the boy was exerting an effort to fully embrace her words.

Chaos, bending down slightly, gently turned her son's chin to face her, ensuring he fully embraced her words. "But, it is also a reflection of you," she continued, her soft voice an enchanting melody.

Perseus's magnificent orbs widened in comprehension, the profoundness of her words sinking in. Nodding eagerly, he complimented her, "It's beautiful, Mother. You are so beautiful. I can see the colors, and the oceans are so big!"

A soft chuckle escaped Chaos's lips, her eyes filled with amusement. "You mustn't say things so callously, Percy or all the goddesses will surely come to steal you away from me."

A flicker of genuine horror flashed across the boy's face, but it was quickly replaced by a radiant smile as Chaos reassured him. "Do not worry, my little maiden's man, I will never let it happen!" With a grin, she ruffled the black tendrils of hair on his head, her love for her son evident in every touch.

Perseus, though momentarily puzzled, returned her smile with unwavering affection.

"May I show you more of Earth, Perseus?" Chaos inquired, moving her hand to a gentle touch on his shoulder.

Biting the bottom of his lip with his perfectly straight teeth, Perseus nodded eagerly, urging his mother to proceed. With that, Chaos initiated their departure, and in an instant, they materialized in the fields of a nearby mountain.

The young godling let out an excited exhale, his eyes widening at the sight that lay before him. It was as if he had stepped into another world or a different dimension entirely.

As the first rays of dawn stretched their golden fingers across the horizon, the mountain's mighty peak, which pierced the morning sky, revealed itself in all its grandeur, bathed in the soft, ethereal light of the rising sun. At this magical hour, the mountain seemed to come alive, a realm of enchantment and awe.

The slopes of the mountain range, dressed in the emerald cloak of pine and cedar forests, glowed with tranquil, pre-dawn serenity. Cascading waterfalls, fed by the crystal-clear mountain streams that flowed from the heights, tumbled gracefully downward, their pristine waters shimmering in the sunlight.

With his hand in his mother's, Perseus pointed excitedly past the trees toward a garden of wildflowers. "Mother, look, look!" he urged, his voice filled with childlike wonder.

Amidst the towering trees, the wildflowers awakened to the caress of the sun's first rays. Crimson and violet blossoms unfurled their petals in a cultivated display of color, their vibrant hues intensified by the soft, early light. Dewdrops clung to their delicate forms, glistening like precious gems scattered throughout the forest floor.

"Do you like it?" Chaos asked.

"I love it!" Perseus shouted, raising his other hand in exclamation.

Chaos smiled warmly, her heart overflowing with affection for her son. She let go of his hand and slowly took a seat in the meadow, inviting him to join her. Perseus eagerly followed suit.

"Now, Perseus," Chaos began, her tone imbued with a sense of solemnity, "I want you to pay attention. All of this," she gestured to the breathtaking surroundings, "is my purpose; it is my obligation as well as what is most important to me."

From the towering trees and their branches laden with dew-kissed needles to the whispers carried on the gentle breeze that refreshed the resting pair, every element of nature seemed to dance in harmony. The air itself was crisp and pure, infused with the earthy scent of pine, a fragrance that seemed to mingle with the dappled sunlight filtering through the branches.

Perseus took a deep inhale as the earthly aroma caressed his nose.

"I have been creating all of this, all of these wondrous things, for all of eternity," Chaos continued, her gaze locked onto her son. "But you, Perseus, you are my most beautiful creation of them all."

Perseus's eyes shone with a mixture of surprise and gratitude, and he implored, "Truly?"

"Truly," Chaos affirmed with unwavering certainty.

With determination gleaming in his divine eyes, Perseus spoke from the bottom of his heart. "Well, Mother, then I will protect them for you. I will treasure them and protect them because I like them this way."

Chaos looked upon her son with an overwhelming sense of pride, her heart swelling with a love that transcended the ages. There was something undeniably unique about Perseus, a quality that set him apart from all the other Protogenos, although she couldn't quite pinpoint what it was. Perhaps it was in the way she had created him, or perhaps it was something deeper, a truth that had yet to reveal itself.

As the sun continued its ascent, casting its gentle, life-giving glow over the expanse of the land, Chaos couldn't help but feel a deep sense of contentment. The mountain, with its majestic presence, stood as a sentinel of nature's timeless beauty, a place where the terrestrial realms converged. It was here, on this sacred ground, that the wonders of creation unfolded with each passing moment.

In the quiet majesty of the morning, Chaos let out a sigh of relaxation, feeling the warmth of the sun's embrace on her ethereal form. She turned her gaze toward Perseus, who was immersed in the simple joy of playing with the long, soft grass that swayed in the gentle breeze. With a gentle call, she beckoned her beloved son to join her.

"Perseus," she began softly, one of her hands gesturing to the meadows they sat in, "do you truly hold this place in your heart so dearly?"

With his gaze filled with earnestness, Perseus responded without hesitation. "Mother! I told you! I love it!" His tone was resolute, leaving no room for doubt.

Chaos nodded, a serene smile gracing her lips. "Then, my dear, it is yours."

Perseus's smile grew even wider, his eyes sparkling with excitement and gratitude. He could hardly contain his enthusiasm as Chaos continued to speak. "After Thalassa and Pontus receive their domains," she explained, her voice filled with the promise of the future, "you and I will return to this sacred land and build a glorious palace, one that will stand for eons."

Upon hearing her words, the young Protogenos was seized by an irresistible impulse to express his delight, quickly on his feet to celebrate. As if guided by an unseen force, he raised his hand with a newfound sense of purpose, and his fingers moved through the cool morning air in fluid, mesmerizing arcs.

His mystical, mismatching eyes began to glow with intensity; the planets and galaxies orbited in the left while the void in his right pulsed like a heartbeat.

"What-" Chaos started, carrying her bewilderment on her gorgeous features as she gaped speechless at the rogue Protogenos.

Each motion Perseus made was a monument to his bloodline. The intricate patterns he wove in the atmosphere were like sigils, ethereal symbols of his potential and the boundless wonders of the interstellar. His movements were synchronized with the rhythm of the universe itself, and the very essence of the meadow seemed to respond to his unspoken command.

The night sky of dawn started to shift and transform, stars and planets twinkling and spiraling with grace. For a moment, the daylight was drowned out by the night as the spatial constructs descended from the heavens, streaking across the dark expanse and converging upon the meadow, drawn by the irresistible allure of Perseus's will.

The ground shook like a tremor, knocking Chaos onto her bottom. The soft grasses and wildflowers seemed to respond to Perseus's unspoken command, springing forth towering spires and turrets that rose from the earth.

Constellations themselves seemed to come alive, their luminous forms taking on a magical quality as they nimbly merged with the natural realm. Stars of varying sizes and brilliance became the building blocks of a magnificent castle, while planets, each with its unique beauty and allure, formed the foundations, courtyards, and walls.

Celestial bodies melded seamlessly, creating a sprawling, ornate structure that defied the imagination. The walls shimmered with the light of distant galaxies, and the turrets reached toward the heavens themselves. It was a castle that embodied both the majesty of the cosmos and the grandeur of the earthly realm.

The Goddess of Creation sat in complete amazement, her eyes fixed on her son's extraordinary talent. However, at a mere six million years old, Perseus hadn't yet received his domains, the primary sustenance and source of a Protogenos's power. Chaos couldn't fathom how this feat was possible, but as she looked upon the magnificent creation before them, wonderment settled within her immortal chest.

Before them, the night sky seemed to applaud Perseus's artistry as if acknowledging the rare and extraordinary gift he possessed.

Chaos turned her gaze to her son. "Percy..." she whispered.

Perseus, still grappling with the enormity of his own actions, stammered as he tried to explain. "I- I apologize, Mother. I know that patience is a virtue, yet I could not control myself, and..." He took a deep breath, "I simply did it before thinking."

Chaos shook her head at the panicked godling, offering him reassurance. "It's okay, Perseus. It's okay." She beckoned for him to come sit in her lap, and they remained there, bathed in the breathtaking silence of the moment.

With Perseus nestled in her embrace, Chaos couldn't help but admire the grand structure that sat atop the mountain range. Her fingers gently traced patterns on her son's back as she spoke in a soft, soothing tone. "It is very good, Perseus," she complimented, radiating with maternal warmth. "Very good."

Perseus couldn't contain his excitement and let out a short giggle, thrilled by the praise he had received from his divine mother.

Chaos then raised her hand and, with a flick of her finger, drew a small, intricate symbol in the air. A soft, dull magenta light followed the tip of her finger as she completed the symbol, and it vibrated before disappearing into the night.

Perseus watched in awe as a large, round balcony emerged from the ledge of the castle's keep. "That way," Chaos explained, "even when you are far above the clouds, you can still gaze upon the gardens, the meadows, and the forest in comfort."

"Thank you, Mother," Perseus responded gratefully, turning around to wrap his arms around her in a tight hug.

Chaos smiled at her son's enthusiasm. "This is your first creation, Perseus. Treasure it: your castle."

Under the sun's spotlight, a proud smirk rested on the young prince's face.

"My palace."


Hi! I got a lot of positive feedback in the last 24 hours of publishing the first chapter of this story, so as a thank you, I have whipped up the second chapter for all of you!

I hope that this style of the Chaos plot is refreshing, and I can't wait to unveil some secrets that I have planned further down the line.

Please feel free to offer suggestions, reviews, or something you might want to see down the line; I always check the comments!


Word Count: 3240

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