Son of a Witch! (The Owl Hous...

Od 18quadrider

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A half-human half-witch finds himself must go on a journey to discover just what exactly he is. This quest wi... Více

Rising Sun
First Impressions
The Power that Burns
Looking for the Answers
I Was a Teenage Abomination
Stuck in the Sizzling Drizzle
Bond Stronger Than Blood
Lost in Language
Something Ventured, Someone Framed
Escape of the Palisman
Adventures in the Elements
Dragon Eater
The First Day
Enchanting Grom Fright
A Robin's Song/Agony of a Witch
Young Blood, Old Souls
In Between Day Dream

This Kid Needs Some Friends

978 26 3
Od 18quadrider

Y/n: "Talking." "Thinking" 




The Emporers Castle

It has been around six years since Y/n found his devil fruit, shortly after he took a name closer to his mother's Portgas D. Y/n. At this point, he was ten years old and a few of the other coven heads realized a concerning fact.

Raine: "Lilith, do you have a moment?" 

Lilith looks up from the copious amount of papers strewn across her desk.

Lilith: "Yes, come sit down."

Raine entered the room and sat on the chair across from her. They then pull out a folder and place it in front of her.

Raine: "It's about Y/n." 

Lilith grew concerned.

Lilith: "What happened? Is he hurt? Who hurt hi..."

Raine throws their hands up signing her to calm down.

Raine: "No Lilith he is fine, it's just." 

Raine: "He is ten years old and has never interacted with anyone his age." 

Lilith: "Go on." 

Raine: "What I'm trying to say is.." 

The door behind them opens as someone steps in with something in his hand.

(Stop the video at 0:34 for voice and powers, for those who can't watch it he has Katakuri's Devil fruit, but purple and gooy.) 

Darius Deamonne, head of the Abomination coven and Y/n's current combat instructor.

Darius: "This kid needs some real friends." 

Lilith: "Who?" 

Darius raises his hand revealing Y/n.

Y/n: "Yo."

Darius then drops him.

The adults then begin to discuss the possibility of enrolling Y/n in a normal school forgetting that Y/n himself was there. 

Lilith: "But what track would he join he can't use any magic other than Haki and, what do you call your fire abilities Y/n?" 

Y/n: "My Devil Fruit powers." 

Lilith: "Thank you. As I was saying what tack would he be in?" 

Y/n: "What about the Oracle track?" 

Darius: "Wait! What did you just say?" 

Y/n: "I think the Oracle track would be my best pick." 

Raine: "Why do you think that?" 

Y/n: "Haki is tied to the soul. Training my body can only get me so strong and their magic focuses on the mind and soul." 

Lilith: "I see, Y/n, continue your training. We will inform you of our decision later." 

Y/n did as he was told and flew to his training arena, in a forest around the castle, he decided to train his conqueror's haki. 

Y/n: "Alright time to train! How do I do that?"

Y/n sat in the middle of the forest contemplating how to train and on life as a whole. He thought back to some of the writing he discovered inside the Poneglyph.

Y/n: "What do you want to be?"

Y/n: "What do I want in life?"

Y/n's mind and body sat on that question. Not a lot of thoughts went through his head, he never was the brightest when it came to stuff like this.

Y/n: "Mom, Miss Lilith, Darius, Raine. I want to be like them, strong."

Y/n sat in silence for several minutes until he came to a decision.

Y/n: "That's it!" 

Lilith: "What's what?" 

Y/n kept silent a grin adorning his face for a few moments.

Y/n: "Nothing!"

Lilith chuckled at the boy's antics, before summoning her staff.

Lilith: "Alright Y/n, Darius has told me you have been progressing far faster than we expected. Now it is time to see your growth for myself." 

Y/n's eyes widen and his grin transforms into a massive smile in anticipation. He activates his Obs haki.

Y/n: "Alright let's do this."

Y/n instantly swung his arm in a circular motion engulfing himself in flames to block bolts of electrical magic Lilith had fired at him.

Lilith then spun her staff drawing forth a blue circle of magic before firing a torrent of blue flames at the boy. 

Y/n: "My turn! Fire Fist!"

Y/n coats his upper arm in flames before propelling them forward in a punching motion. The two blasts clash before exploding sending both combatants flying back. Y/n smiled as he landed, Lilith on the other hand simply fired another attack.

Y/n stood still unable to move due to fatigue, he never had to use his observation haki for that long or summoned that much fire in such a short time, let alone at the same time.

Y/n: "I can't dodge this one, I know she's holding back but this is a bit much even for me."

While the boy thought Lilith launched blue and white bolts of magic at him. Y/n saw a split-second flash of the bolt sticking him, and then his vision returned but the bolts were moving in a sudo slow-motion. His heart and head raced as he tried to come up with an out for himself.

Y/n: "Wait, Darius!"

Y/n just looked up a serious expression dawning on his face.

Lilith: "What in Titan's name is he thinking?!"

The bolt strikes, and the resulting flash forces Lilith to shield her eyes.

Lilith: "Y/n!"

She didn't get a response initially which caused a wave of terror, a kind she had never felt before to explode into the forefront of her mind.

Until she heard something, his voice and he was ecstatic.

Y/n: "Holy shit it worked!"

Y/n forced himself to crouch trying to look cool in front of his mo... guardian. his legs shaking uncontrollably. 

Y/n: "Cough I totally knew that would work." 

Lilith: "Y/n."

Y/n: "Yes Miss Lilith."

Lilith: "Can you stand?"

Her voice was thick with concern, but her eyes on the other hand beamed with relief.

Y/n just shook his head signaling he couldn't, shortly after he noticed his chest was still fire. He took a deep breath and focused his mind causing the holes to revert to normal. He then fell flat on his back.

Lilith: "You did well today."

Y/n: "Yawn Thank you. I just wish I could have done better."

Lilith: "You should be proud, you kept up with me after all."

Y/n: "Yeah but you had to hold back so much."

Y/n was fighting to keep his eyes open. 

Lilith: "You greatly underestimate how powerful you truly are."

Lilith ran her hand through the boy's hair.

Y/n smiled uncontrollably his final bit of energy slipping he thought out loud.

Y/n: "Thank you, Mom."

Y/n drifted peacefully to sleep a slight breeze blew his hair off of his face. Lilith was an absolute mess.

Lilith drew a spell circle, causing Y/n to start to levitate. She brought the boy back to the castle and placed him in his bed so he could continue to sleep. Shortly after she returned to her office where Raine was waiting for her.

Raine: "So, how did it go?"

Lilith: "Hmm? How did what go?" 

Raine: "Telling Y/n that he would be joining the Oracle track at Hexside." 

Lilith's eyes shot open, she facepalmed and let out a disappointed sign.

Raine: "You can always tell him in the morning." 

Lilith: "I guess that is a possibility."

Raine noticed Lilith seemed to have something on her mind, considering Y/n and Lilith had just finished training they assumed it wouldn't be good.

Raine: "Did something happen out there?"

Lilith: "Yes. So first he nearly gave me a heart attack since he didn't dodge an attack I thought he could but it turns out he can turn his body into fire!"

Raine: "He can what?"

Lilith: "AND then he started to fall asleep after turning back. I praised his development since he is incredibly strong for his age."

Raine: "He's strong in general." 

Lilith: "But the best part, when he was falling asleep he called me MOM!"

Lilith giggled like a fool as Raine just sat there still processing all he was just told.

Y/n's room

Y/n awoke in the middle of the night with his eyes aching and pulsing with fire magic and haki. He shot out of bed and glared into his mirror. 

His irises had changed to a  sinister scarlet red that pierced through the darkness of his room.

Y/n: "What the fu. Wait a minute when did that dungeon get there?"

Y/n had looked down and noticed he was seeing different. He saw through the floor and watched strange-shaped and colored outlines that vaguely resembled people deep in the castle. He kept looking further down until he saw three silhouettes that looked partially reptilian all down near the bottom of the castle, he decided to investigate.

He leaped from his balcony, soaring down before spewing a torrent of flames to stop himself from slamming into the spiked earth below. He discovers a drain pipe and begins to walk through it.

Y/n: "Good Titan this place is covered in soot. Why would there be so much smoke coming out of here?"

The boy made it to a ladder that connected to a grate, he silently opened it and crawled out.

Y/n noticed the room was pitch black, thankfully with his haki active he could get a good look at the place. The room was lined wall to wall with cages, medical equipment, records, and weapons. Y/n then heard a voice nearby.

He immediately extinguished his flame and hid under a desk. One of the voices he knew all too well, belonged to the head of the Isle's sole prison the Conformatorium. A place meant to keep the dangerous criminals off the land from committing any more crimes, but it ended up being a jail for anyone the Emporers oven denied 'unfit' for society. Y/n had gone there once before with Lilith and there he met witches who had been locked away for stepping on grass that they didn't see the "do not walk on grass" sign. He even met a boy who was imprisoned for writing a gender-bent fanfiction of one of his favorite shows. 

The demon in charge of this place was only known by Y/n as Warden Wrath.

Wrath: "What do you mean one of the Greater Basilisk escaped?!"

Guard: "Sir one of the coven scouts was sent down to run tests and she ate their magic and shape. ACRH!"

Wrath had punched the poor guard out of furry. Shortly after they left the area, Y/n watched as they climbed several flights of stairs before Y/n truly processed what he had just heard.

Basilisks are shapeshifting partially reptilian demons that can eat magic by inhaling spells, or just out of witches. They eat magic so they can shapeshift, but the fear they caused brought their race to near extinction. And Y/n realized just what the other figures were. 

Y/n: "Oh shit those three are basilisks."

Y/n stood from his hiding spot his eyes reverting to their normal color the darkness of the room overtaking his vision. He stood silent terrified to move, until he heard moving followed by soft whimpering. Y/n lit his hand flooding the prison with a warm orange glow, the basilisks all froze and looked up at the boy.

Y/n stared at all three of them as they did the same until Y/n noticed them glaring at his fire and the numbering under their cages. 

Y/n: "So.."

The smallest of the three, the one whose cage was labeled with a five spook first. Her voice was incredibly timid, fearful, and sad. 

V: "Please. If you are going to punish us do it to me, they did nothing wrong!"

Y/n's heart sank. This was the most terrified he had seen anyone in his life and yet this being that was supposed to be extinct was putting herself on the line. 

Y/n: "I'm not here to hurt you." 

The two other basilisks looked on, ready to try and defend themselves if the boy tried anything.

Y/n: "Is it true your species needs magic to survive? Because all of you seem malnourished and I got magic to spare."

The three of them looked at the boy shocked, everyone else had feared or hated them for no reason yet he was offering them magic just because they looked hungry. 

Y/n: "I can't imagine what you all must be going through but at least I can try and make it a little better."

The third responded.

III: "Why don't you fear us?"

Y/n: "Why would I? I can tell you all mean no harm."

IV: "But you are made of magic we could eat you right now if we wanted." 

Y/n smirked, activating his haki in his eyes, startling the three. 

Y/n: "I can see you all have no intent on attacking me, and if the protege of the head of the EC went missing you would be the first they would interrogate." 

Y/n: "Actually what are all of your names?"

Y/n only got blank stares in return, this gave him an idea. 

Y/n: "Alright I guess I'll just have to give you names."

But he couldn't think of any so they all decided to go by the numbers on their cages. 

V: "Actually you can call me Vee." 

Y/n: "Cool, call me Ace."

Vee: "But I thought your name was Y/n?"

Y/n: "It is, but if any guards get close enough to hear us talking they won't know it's me."

The basilisks agree in unison that that is a better idea.

Y/n holds out his fire-coated hand as the three inhale. A stream of bluish-white energy trails starts to leave Y/n's arm the fire following along. Only after a few seconds do they stop and stare at the boy in amazement.

Basilisks: "That was the best magic I've ever eaten."

Y/n: "Well at least Devil fruit magic tastes good." 

Vee: "What is a Devil fruit?"

Y/n was about to explain before he felt several guards approaching.

Y/n: "That is a story for another day. There are three guards on their way I have to get out of here."

Y/n ran back to the grate he entered through, opened it, and hopped in. Before he shut it he turned to his new friends.

Y/n: "I'll try to come back okay? See you all next time."

He waves goodbye and Vee waves back before he starts his assent back to his room. Vee looked on with a massive smile on her face.

Once he arrived he flopped under the covers and immediately drifted to sleep, still drained from training and having his magic eaten. 

Vee and the others all relax as the guards leave, hoping that Ace will return soon.

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