Fatherly Instincts

By whyiseverythingtak

56.6K 1.9K 400

(Y/n) had always lived a very nomadic life style, when on his adventures he runs into a blonde boy. His insti... More

New bodyguard.
Cottage core.
Old man.
A unruly trip.
Meet the Bastard.
New characters
Blew up.
Bee hive.
Friend of the crows.
Fathers day.
Farm hand.
-Thank you!-
An old womens words.
Early morning chaos.
-Heads up-
Glow up.
-another book?-
Facing a fear.
-note again im sorry-
Letting the adults talk. (pt. 1)
Watch closely.
Is he okay?
Day dreaming.
-update again I know im sorry-

Midnight mayhem.

1K 44 17
By whyiseverythingtak


It was now the midnight.
Everyone took a moment from addressing the problem to make accommodation's for their new living situation.

(Y/N).. on multiple occasions offered his bed to Savanna. Like. A lot of occasions.

But she denied in favor of sleeping in the living room on a bed of blankets, Techno moved down with (Y/N) and Tommy for now so Phil can have a proper bed.

This was quite the the sacrifice for the piglin, who was very fond of a good nights rest. But Phil needed it more with his wings... that were still fucked up even after the healing potion.

Poor old man was stuck sitting through a lecture from Savanna about his "dumbass-ity" and incompetence to be trying to carry both of their body weights with healing wings.

And she was petty as hell about it, being one of the few times it was Phil in the wrong and not her.

But (Y/N) was currently sprawled out on his bed glaring a hole into the ceiling. The loud snores from Tommy and the grumbly ones from Techno were the only thing echoing through the room. He still hadn't fully recovered from seeing Savanna in such a state.

She was his everything.

The only thing he had for so long.

And for a few seconds he thought he lost it.

He was a grown man but a part of him still saw her as untouchable. She was all powerful in his eyes, the same eyes that stared at her with nothing but pure admiration.
It was a shock to him to remember she was still human.

She could still be ripped away from him at any time.

She felt invincible to him but she still had her mortality in the hands of the gods.

He wasn't one for revenge, hence why he was always running. If he pretended it wasn't there no one would get hurt. But now Savanna was hurt because of his ignorance.

Revenge was the only appropriate course of action in his eyes.


Techno's body slowly started to feel it's own weight, the noises around him gently filling his ears, the world around his beginning to be there.

He let his eyes slowly open and adjust to the dim lighting of the room before he shot up. Propping himself up on his elbows with a groggy look. He let out a grumble as he eyes the room and scratched his cheek.

He felt disoriented.
This room felt different. He looked around noticing the bed parallel to him which held a snoring Tommy and lamps hung from the corner.

It felt different cause it was different. The day before slowly filtering into his brain, he slept down here because Phil.

And the Savanna women was in the living room.. (Y/N) really wanted her to sleep in here instead. He wanted her to have a bed. His bed. The pink haired mans eyes immediately shot to the bed in question, it had the blanket messily back thrown the wrinkled sheets.

The enderman had already gotten up.

Of course he did. He had been getting up earlier and earlier lately. And now he just had more of a reason with the woman he held so closely upstairs.

He distracted his slightly salty mind by giving a minute to admire (Y/N)'s space. It was definitely not the cleanest but it was still mostly organized. The bed was a wreck.

Like he was cozily wrapped up before aggressively wrestling the blankets in an attempt to cease his freedom.

The voices steadily started streaming in with that image in their minds, some cooed at the thought. Others said things like "his tall ass would."

Techno begrudgingly hoisted himself off the bed with a groan, slightly annoyed to be abandoning the warmth of the comforter. He gave a stretch and felt his bones give a few satisfying pops before he went back to his normal slouching.

He then surveyed the ladder.

He doesn't know what it is about the woman upstairs but her presence made his own home feel... eerie? He felt jumpy. Like the ladder led to his doom.

There was a sense of foreboding to even enter the main part of his house.

But he swallowed it down and lifted himself up the steps of the ladder.


(Y/N) had a method to his madness.

The madness being his daily schedule of course.

He'd do it whenever and however, hopping from chore to chore and waking up super early just to stare at the crows- chat - who would stare back. But he would get what he needed done in a timely manner.

No order to it but it would be done.


This woman was just madness.

God knows when she fell asleep, where she fell asleep, or when would she wake up. God knows how she's alive right now at this point.

She is held together with nothing but duct tape and a prayer at this point.

(Y/N) had woken up to some bad phantom pains and after he wallowed in pain for a few minutes, not much else he could do, he attempted to lull himself back to sleep.

Expect he couldn't for the life of him achieve this goal. So he gave up and walked upstairs for a cup of coffee or something, his steps soft as to not wake anyone up.

Unnecessary though for when he got up to the living room he choked out a yelp of surprise to see his aunt sat up with a face mask on reading a book by the candle light. "Ack! holy!-"

This just received a blank look from Savanna as she slowly lowered her book and held judgmental eye contact with the man. She kept her thumb weaved between the pages to keep her page.

"Wanna try that again and sound more like a more than six foot tall enderman hybrid and less like you just shit you pants at the sight of a five three woman?"


"No, not really."

"Okay then."

She spoke with her dramatic southern accent melted into her words. Expect instead of sickly sweet it was playfully condescending.

The enderman let out a small rumble from his chest, the noise was static like and an attempted threat to her tone.

The curly haired woman placed a stray piece of paper between the delicate pages before laying the book down on the chest she was laying next to. Her eyes now staring down (Y/N). Her eyes and mouth saying, "try me bitch."

He quickly looked away and inched towards the fire place.

What can Savanna say? You learn how to give the "mom" look when you raised an enderman hybrid double your height who had an angsty phase.

(Y/N) walked to a pot that already had water in it, having already been prepared because he makes things to drink quite often. Savi watched the mans movement with care in her eyes, the way a mother watches over her child.

Expect this look turned quickly to annoyance as she grabbed the book and reeled her arm back.

The book aimed square in the back of her adopted nephew's head.

"Ow! You bitch!"

The taller mans hand launched to massage the back of his head, a small ache in the spot that was just brutally attacked.

"What did I say about drinking coffee late at night?!" She barked out while standing up from her blanket nest.

(Y/N) had confusion and annoyance etched onto his face as he put the coffee grounds down, "You didn't say anything but I've seen you chug it like it's your life line!"

"Do you really want to be like me?!"

He wanted to say yes.
His eyes of admiration made that obvious. Those eyes, even now as a grown man, melted Savi's little southern heart. But she couldn't shown the so she kept her stern look and her arms crossed.

"Oh dear gods no!"

"Oh hush you little shit!" The woman playfully ruffled the tall mans hair and shoved his head away.. only reaching because he was on his knees messing with the pot.

"I'll hush when you do old woman."

"Oh I'll kick you ass Darlin' watch it before I fold your tall self in half like a god damn origami swan."

"Oh I dare you."

The older woman smirked.

Her body still ached with the healing of the day before, but nothing was gonna stop her from shoving her strength in the mans face.

She pounced.


"Go choke on that fat L you took, sweet heart!"

Savi leaned against (Y/N) while holding him a loose head lock, aggressively using her fist to ruffle his hair. He was carefully sipping on tea and soaking in the disappointment he felt from his horrendous lose.

He got his ass handed to him in a play fight.


"Yes yes. Aunt Savi is all great and all powerful and I, in my mortal stupidity dared to step up to her ethereal power, and got KO'ed."

"Yep. I still rein supreme upon you." She finally let him go, getting up and peeling off her face mask. Assuming it was time to take it off by now.

"Eugh..." The enderman subtly pulled away from the mask letting out whines of disgust, causing the women to dangle it closer to him.

"What? Scared you testosterone levels are gonna drop with a little bit of hygiene?"

"Ew no it's just been all over your face and its all fuckin' icky!" A pattern followed of (Y/N) shimming away and Savanna scotching closer, continuing to poke fun at him.

This was normal.

This was them.

It had been a minute since they were last together. (Y/N) left. Wanting to be an individual instead of an extension of his aunt.

And he was having mostly good things come out of this change, minus the negative adjusting it took.

But that didn't mean he didn't miss this. He loved this playful and comforting relationship between the two.

It felt nice.

What didn't feel nice was the gooey mask being wiggled around in his face.

"Stop Aunt Savi!"

"Oh calm down its just some fabric and the skin helping stuff!.. what is actually in this?"

Savanna's attention was pulled away from tormenting her nephew in favor of furrowed brows, throwing out the mask, and reading over the package. She mumbled out the ingredients, some she recognized some she didn't.

But her gold fish attention span was once again pulled away from her current interest. Her and the enderman hybrid's attention now on the figure standing tall in front of the ladder.

"Morning Techno."

(Y/N) let out softly, his eyes looking out the window and locked onto the nearby crows. Now at peace while sipping on his tea.

He got a small grunt in acknowledgment, what (Y/N) didn't see was the small staring contest happening between the other two in the room.

The hazel eyes of the woman glowed with a warm light and red ones shone with blood lust in the back of the mind. Both having a small clash before looking each other up and down.

Both like predators sizing up their prey.


Sorry for any spelling mistakes or putting the a name instead of
(Y/N)- i kept doing that and I'm not sure why but ill fix it later cause it's almost 2 am

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