Love Between Two Overlords...

By TheLifelessTransBoy

27.3K 548 1.3K

This is a VoxVal fanfiction Vox and Valentino meet and become business partners. But with all the 'benefits'... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Author's Note
Halloween Special - A bit late
Just some informations
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Update Informations

Chapter 5

2.1K 45 80
By TheLifelessTransBoy

Author's note: Hello! Finally chapter 5, sorry for the long wait, but here it is.

Valentino's POV:

All the paperworks were finally done. I now had a good couple of days free from any type of uninteresting work. And now I can go back to my priority, making Vox accept my offer.

It's has not been that long since I let Vox wandered around but I shouldn't keep him waiting. Even though it might be good that he gets to see how powerful my empire is, some things are not needed to be discovered yet.

I left my office, then walked trough the corridors looking for Vox. On the way, I saw some of my workers, I walked towards. A nervous atmosphere surrounded them once they noticed me. "Oh, hey Valentino... do you need anything from us?" one of the sex worker asked. "Well, I simply want to know if any of you has seen Vox." I replied. "Euh... Vox, the tv overlord?" the same sinner asked again. I nodded getting impatient. They must have become aware of it, 'cause I could sense their uneasiness. That was until one of the smallest sinner exclaimed "Yes, I saw him walking near the movie posters room, not that long ago" "Perfect, now I think you should all go back to work. I don't pay you to take breaks!" I said coldly, while walking away. I could hear some of them answering with "Yes Valentino", though I was already far away from them.

I finally made it to the room, and got greeted with the sight of the famous tv demon observing the posters plastered all over the walls.

"I'm guessing those are the announcements of all your new films, right" Vox said, confirming that he noticed my presence. "Well yes, we got many other productions on the way." "You've got quite the business, don't you" My reaction was a simple small chuckle until I replied. "Well, we are in hell! Sinners are driven by their desires. Drugs and sex are ones of their main cravings..." I laid my arm over his shoulder leading my head closer "...but as a master of entertainment as yourself you must already know all that, you what ticks the customers interests. Taking advantage of all those sinners with their lust, their most sinful desire is what's keep my company running, but I'm sure it is the same for you. In the end it's how much you can keep the world entertained." During my talk the TV overlord turned his gaze to me, I was glad he put his attention to me, I could capture his expressions better. His red eyes changed from a questioning look to a sort of mischievous one. "And with all that, we do what brings us the most benefits. I got that Valentino. So what is it that you want from me to make you be that involved in this association?" "Well for now, being business partners is mostly what I want, it will benefits both of us." As I talked, I couldn't help but let a smirk shape itself on my face.

Every second of this conversation was going so well. "Hm, I'm sure we'll get along well Valentino" "I'm sure we will darling. So, still up to this dinner?" I asked. "Ah yes, I'm actually starving"

I gave him a smile, my arm still around his strong shoulders. My thoughts drifted away with a strange feeling. I never had the chance to feel the body of a demon more mechanical than flesh, but it's for sure something I'd like to experience.

The dinner I planned was at a restaurant I go to often, when I feel like it. I own a part of it, made a association with the owner, which he was easy to corrupt to my will. The place was usually calm, but made a lot of profit ever since I 'upgraded' it a bit.

Vox wanted to change before going, it was something about 'not wanting to be seen publicly in a hoodie and sweatpants'. My answer was that it wasn't that bad, but I have to admit his suit suits him wonderfully too.

The ride was silent, but it was a comfortable silence. Outside, like usual, there was explosions here and there, some demons fighting or dying in agony, pyromaniacs setting fire to random stuff, idiots with guns shooting everywhere, in short, a normal afternoon in hell.

Finally in front of the restaurant, we got out of the car. As the gentleman as I am, I opened the door for him, which made me receive a roll of the eyes as a thank you.

A lot of demons of all types were coming in and out of the restaurant. The place was quite crowded, but as soon as we entered most of the clients noticed us. The atmosphere changed, it was obvious that most of them were scared, but neither I or Vox payed it attention. What's the use of giving attention to those lower beings.

As fast as they could, a waiter finally arrived. "Hello mister Valentino, the same as usual?" "Yes, but this time, no whores, I have a guest" "Of course, you may follow me." The waiter started guiding us to my private room.

The room contained a table with chairs of course, a couch, and a huge window that opens to a balcony.

"Wow! Nice room. I'm actually not surprised that you have your own private place in this restaurant" I heard Vox said with a joking tone. "And what did you meant by whores? Don't tell me you eat and fuck here! Omg, i can just imagine." Vox continued half laughing.

He wants to mess with me, then I'll play his little game. "Well yes, I upgraded this restaurant so that demons could eat a good meal as well as to satisfy their sexual desires, and it works marvellously." I said looking at him with a smirk on my face. I carried on talking. "But I would not be surprise if you aren't aware of all variation of sexual interaction that exist, all sort of possibilities. You're quite a busy man, I'm sure you don't have time for those type of intercourse."

His expression transformed itself into a half joking half offended face. "Hey, I fucked people, it's just not an everyday thing like you, asshole!" My smile grew wider "I have no doubt that you have, Voxxy" I said as I lifted his chin, leaned my head closer and stared at his big red eyes. "But what I'd like to know is, was it worth it, did you thought after it that this adventure wasn't a total waste of your time, that it felt so so good that you wanted it again, that it was a feeling to hold onto, a moment of perfection, a moment that could have turned into an addiction if you could get more of it?"

The sight in front of me was beautiful, the TV overlord seemed speechless. I could practicality discern a bit of lust in his eyes.

"I can only conclude to that you never felt anything special about sex. Am I right, baby~"

"Euh...W-well..." Vox seemed shocked, but quickly he came back to his senses. Pushing my hand away from his face, then taking a step away from me, he exclaimed "Alright, what the hell?!? Did you wanted to work with me just so you could fuck me?!?!"

Wow, I wasn't expecting him to take it personally.

"No, no, of course not. This partnership is only business. Nothing towards you. Unless you want it?" I replied a smirk still on my face. "No, I'm fine with that, you fucker"

"Anyway I wouldn't have planned to fuck you today. This is only a dinner, so let's get some food and talk!" I said. "Alright" he responded.

The atmosphere of the room calmed down, we both sat at a chair, then looked trough the menu. I called the waiter and we ordered.

The rest of the evening went well. I learned he had a shark named Vark, also that he had annoying employees and how they have been able to set fire to the office so many times and in so many different ways. I told stuff about myself too.

I loved how we started being more comfortable around each other and weren't hesitant about what we said to each other. It was an enjoyable moment.

Author's Note: That was it for this chapter!!! I'll try to do the chapter 6 as soon as I can! I'll try making it longer.
Thank you all for all your comments, it really gave me motivation and made me so happy!!!! Thank you again!!!
And don't worry, I won't give up, this story holds a big place in my heart! (It's my first ever story I wrote and posted!)

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