The Fall of Righteousness

Oleh HashTalks

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Following the death of one of his closest friends, Bombstrike Boundrise finds himself amidst a world-ending c... Lebih Banyak

Chapter 1: Reflection
Chapter 2: Eclipse's Last Vacation
Chapter 3: Escape Plan
Chapter 4: The General
Chapter 5: Alone
Chapter 6: Return of the dreaded Eclipse
Chapter 7: Last Hour of Lila Kinetic
Chapter 9: The Final Stand

Chapter 8: The General's Wrath

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Oleh HashTalks

General Morzo was a powerful man. He had lived most of his life orphaned, his mother died after his birth and his father was killed by King Lightningdorn, the previous holder of Lightningdorn. But this hadn't weakened him. If anything, it had strengthened him.

He knew about the spirit world from his father, who had told him that there was a world where only users of Lightningdorn had the power to go. However, his father had partly manufactured a gadget able to mimic the process that the Lightningdorn users used and transport its user to the spirit world.

With the help of his scientists, he had managed to finish it, and shortly after the death of Lazer Lightzest, he had made an alliance with Villain Town: they would get his soldiers and control the spirit world in his name. The only thing he hadn't anticipated was Bombstrike Boundrise escaping from their clutches. In a way, Morzo was more scared of Bombstrike than Lazer. The hero had billions of money that he put to use when he defeated Crawler in a battle in a volcano. He also put it to use when he escaped from his facility held by flaming water bonds: the strongest material in the known universe.

But it didn't matter. Soon the Lazer Lightzest facility would be claimed in the name of Villain Town, and the Lazer Lightzest soldiers would be used alongside the General's soldiers, the kitarchi and the spirit world would be theirs.


Lila was struggling to keep her eyes open, her battery running at a critical level. It was only a matter of time before she would succumb to endless sleep. Walking forward, her legs refused to obey her, abandoning her as she fell over. One by one, she felt her body switching off, unable to stop it from happening. There was a beeping sound filling her ears. Lila didn't know what it was. But it sounded like...

Leaping forward, new strength in her body, Lila pressed the giant red button that Lazer had specifically told her not to press unless it was an emergency. Well, it was an emergency now. One of the walls in the room she was in – the vehicle room, full of vehicles that were identical to the ones blown up in the old Sonic Jet – suddenly turned into a swirling ball, and Bombstrike Boundrise and Eclipse Power stepped into the room. Lila fell against Bombstrike's chest.

She pressed the device that controlled the Lazer Lightzest soldiers and pushed it into Bombstrike's hands. "Save the world," she croaked.


Leading Lazer Lightzest's army into battle against the General's forces in Villain Town was not something he expected to do. But then again, none of this was anything he would have expected to happen. Standing on the border between Villain Town and the Lazer Lightzest base, Bombstrike felt scared.

It was strange, that feeling. But no feeling could stand between him and defeating Villain Town.

Bombstrike was commanding a force of over 10,000 Lazer Lightzest soldiers, assisted by Eclipse and the Lazer Lightzest mechs. Just that

There was the sound of metal footsteps, and a man walked forward, Standing only a few metres away from Bombstrike. It took a moment for him to discover that the man was the General.

All Bombstrike knew of the General before this was his voice. Now, looking at him, he looked quite scary. He towered over Bombstrike, wearing a black suit with a black mask – spikes on the top – with some sort of liquid substance writhing beneath the helmet.

"Lazer Lightzest wasn't able to defeat me," The General said. "You won't either.

Bombstrike smiled. "We'll see."

The General walked back, blending in amongst the soldiers. They were dressed just like the kitarchi – black suits with reflective masks, but these soldiers were dressed in white.

" Get ready," Bombstrike whispered.

He tensed, waiting for the word.

"Attack!" a voice roared.

"Now!" Bombstrike roared. Over 10, 000 Lazer Lightzest soldiers – along with himself, Eclipse and the Lightzest mech suits – plunged spears into the ground. The Villain Town forces were frozen, wondering what to do next when the ends of all the spears began glowing blue.

"Attack!" Bombstrike roared.

The two forces ran at each other, one side wielding fists, the other spinning spears. Bombstrike leapt in, hitting soldier after soldier, not giving them a second thought as they fell like dominoes. The spears were currently on stun mode and were meant to stun for about 48 hours. Hopefully, that would be enough time for them to secure Villain Town.

And then he saw the General, walking towards him. Bombstrike ran straight at him, flicking a switch and the end of the spear turned to a bloodshot red. He swung the spear at his torso, but it bounced harmlessly off his armour. The General grabbed it, whacking the flat end at his head, sending Bombstrike stumbling back. Hit after hit after hit sent Bombstrike flying backwards, doing flips in the air. That was it.

He took the General by surprise, launching at him with his fists, crashing into the General. He ripped the spear from the General's hands, aiming for his chest. He plunged the red end of the spear into it, but it crumbled into pieces on impact. The General launched a kick into Bombstrike's chest, sending him onto his back. The General grabbed a shard of the broken spear, advancing on Bombstrike, dirt streaming off his helmet.

"This is the end Bombstrike!" The General screamed. He lifted the shard, but something crashed into him, sending him to the floor. He roared and leapt for Bombstrike again, but this time he was ready, ducking under his swing and leaping for his legs. The General lost his balance, and Bombstrike pressed something against his chest. The General looked down, and Bombstrike gave him a salute.

He was rocketed back, passing through many kitarchi and Lazer Lightzest soldiers. Bombstrike looked back to see who had saved him.

Lila Kinetic stood there, her legs unsteady, her hands moving around like she didn't know what she was doing.

She smiled at him. "Save the world. But this time, without me."

And then she fell, the last part of her energy fading, and Bombstrike narrowed his eyes.

It was time to take back the spirit world, once and for all.

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