Azur Lane: Never Dock

By jetglean

13.7K 424 342

One of the largest and most advanced carriers from WW2 is given a choice.... Stop history from repeating itse... More

Renewed Beginning
Blood Red Sakura
Friendly Intruder
Operation Dagger
Devil's Smile
Final Countdown
Begin Again
Hikaryu Maru
Edge of Yesterday

Shadow of a Doubt

1.2K 44 15
By jetglean

The fires continued burning, the smoke rising in the air of the Sakura Empire's naval base. The group of ships returned to the port with a tense atmosphere hanging around. The consequences of Midway's attack were apparent, with the port in ruins, ships heavily damaged, and the threat of a nuclear bomb shaking them up. 

Azur Lane reacted much of the same way, the same tension rising. The news of Midway's brazen attack against the Crimson Axis had spread like wildfire throughout much of the world, and both factions were on high alert. Saratoga wanted to coordinate efforts and provide relief and support to the Sakura Empire as a sign of cooperation. However they refused any assistance, being paranoid ever since the attack.

Midway's carrier was heavily damaged from the fighting and was making a retreat. It was being hounded by Sakura Empire destroyers that spotted it, fighters usually deterred them, but he was starting to run out. The next wave of destroyers were repelled, and his ship was still moving. He looked down at the monitor and sighed.

"43 aircraft left. Immense damage to the flight deck and onboard hanger. Secondary guns 1 through 4, and 7 through 13 are destroyed. AA guns are practically scrap."

He sat back in his chair, the immense smell of smoke polluting the air and sighed.

"Engines 2 and 3 are stalled. Rudder's destroyed. I'm just sailing forward at a lousy 22 knots. I wonder..."

Suddenly the radar console beeps and Midway gets up to look at the radar. There was an island directly in front of his ship.

He ran out of the bridge and looked through some binoculars at the island. It was in ruins and looked to have been destroyed in a bombing attack.


"Oh shit."

The carrier still moved at full speed as Midway ran back into the bridge and slid under a console. "Time to brace for impact."

The carrier's remaining propellers spinned to a stop, and then went full power in reverse speed. However the momentum still carried it forward.

A loud scraping sound and a sudden thud shot Midway forward a bit, the carrier was pushing into the island and had destroyed a few buildings in its wake.

After what seemed like an eternity, the ship came to a stop and rested with a slight tilt to port on the island. Midway got up from under the console and looked around.

"Well, this has got to be the worst direction of all time... but it isn't my fault someone put an island in the way."

He left the bridge and walked down to the hangers. Tools from workbenches were everywhere and some things got flinged in the crash. The planes appeared alright.

He looked at the remaining F4Us and F9Fs and said "I lost all the attackers... we only got fighters left." He then turned to the 2,000 lb bombs left in hanger and continued "Desperate times call for desperate actions."

The front of the flight path was clear and Midway was starting to send up his fighters. He knew the destroyers probably reported his location, so he should expect a Sakura fleet here soon.

The grounded carrier was still capable of flight operations, but he needed support as soon as possible. He sat down at the radio officer's console and turned off the encryption.

"No point in hiding a ship this big." Midway said as he started his message.

"All forces, all forces. This is USS Midway, my ship is disabled and we are grounded at an unknown island. We are requesting immediate assistance. If assistance is unavailable, we will fight with what we have. And to the Sakura fleet approaching. I know you can hear me... and I know where you are."

Midway then set the message to start repeating across all channels with no encryption. He looked up and gave a slight nod as the orbiting fighters than rapidly left the carrier.

Both factions received his radio transmission and sent fleets to home in on his position. Azur Lane intent on detaining and taking him to trial, while the Sakura Empire wanted to see his ship destroyed.

He knew that one option was more preferable, so he sent his fighters towards the Sakura fleet to hinder them. And what better way to hinder the Sakura Empire... then their own tactics?

The twin carriers Zuikaku and Shokaku along battleships Fuso and Yamashiro, and with heavy cruisers Takao, Atago, and Maya. All were steaming towards the location of Midway. They had numerous destroyer girls and even production ships with them.

Zuikaku looked forward with a determined glint in her eyes. She would defeat Midway once and for all, but it felt hallow. Her sister noticed and said "Nee-san? Is something wrong?"

Zuikaku nodded and said "Hai. It's about Midway."

Takao looked up slightly and asked "What's wrong? We have our orders to kill him." Zuikaku looked at her and said, "It's exactly that. I get he's an enemy and he attacked the Empire, but killing him seems extreme."

"He threatened to destroy our home, Zuikaku. That road has no redemption and no return. He knew what he was doing, and he'll pay for it." Takao stated coldly.

Ayanami still unsure about this conflict looked over and said "Do you think he likes fighting?"

"It certainly seemed that way during our last fight. When he went to some sort of battle frenzy." Shoukaku stated. Ayanami only replied "But he said that only a partial figure was there who he wanted to fight."

Takao nods and says "Hai. It seems like we were not the fight he was wanting, but someone there was. Question is... who..."

Takao then turned over to Zuikaku who was looking at the sky and said "The Kido Butai..."

She then ran towards Zuikaku and shouted "Zuikaku, he wants to fight you!"

She turned around surprised and asked "Me? Why me?" Takao only said "You're part of the Kudo Butai, he wants to fight the entire combined carrier force."

The sounds of engines started littering the air as all the girls looked up. A flight of fighters had made it to them. Takao looked up and shouted "Are those bombers?"

Zuikaku squinted and said "No, they look like fighters. What are fighters doing attacking the fleet?"

Her question was answered as all the aircraft arced towards the fleet and went in a dive. Fuso then shouted "All ships, anti air now!"

AA tracers flew past the diving fighters and flak shells exploded all around them. A few were getting hit but still not pulling out of their dives.

Zuikaku gasped as the lead fighter dove past and crashed into a nearby production destroyer. It's fuel and bombs exploding in a massive display of fire.

The production destroyer finally blew apart from the damage and everyone watched in shock. Shoukaku transformed into her rigging to dodge a fighter and shouted "EVERYONE, EVADE!"

Zuikaku looked around and said "He has no bombers... he must've lost them all in his attack."

2 fighters then crashed into a Siren cruiser, causing more massive explosions. Ayanami then sailed by and said "So he's using his fighters as bombs."

More production ships were being lost with each passing minute, Midway's aircraft being lethal due to 2k lbs bombs. The ships continued to dodge more aircraft until finally the last one was shot down.

Takao looked around her, many ships of the task force were destroyed and sinking, bit ship girls were mostly uninjured. Midway was holding back, she knew that if he wanted to, he could've killed everyone in the airstrike.

Ayanami walked up to Takao and says "I have a damage report."


"Hai. We lost 6 production destroyers, 2 cruisers, and 1 battleship. Heavy damage caused by bombs and aircraft fuel." Ayanami stated.

Takao gritted her teeth, a good amount of firepower was out of action. A sound shattering explosion happened nearby and Takao looked over. "Make that 3 cruisers." Takao corrected.

The recent cruiser's torpedoes had went up due to a spreading fire, quite literally blowing apart the ship. Zuikaku walked up with her sister and asked "Is the fleet done?"

Takao shook her head no. "We aren't over, if those were the last of his fighters, he is defenseless."

Zuikaku smiled a little bit and all the ships continued making away.

Midway walked along the railing and looked out towards the sea, he flipped a quarter as his radar detected more ships closing.

He went into his quarters and grabbed something he borrowed from the Sakura port. Looking at the handmade katana, he swung it a few times. "Might need to hold out, and my pistols are pretty much gone."

He flipped the quarter again. "Always have a trick up your sleeves."

The Sakura ships made landfall and explored the island until they found the carrier. Takao looked through her binoculars, it was covered in blast marks and grounded in the bay, it was basically a sitting and defenseless target.

Standing on the deck was Midway, wearing his coat as always, his hair still black but his eyes yellow again. He looked up to Takao with a smile.

"He's defenseless, Takao. We can get him from here." Zuikaku said as she prepared more aircraft for takeoff. "No. He's planning something." Takao stated.

A bright flash then occurred. Everyone shielded their eyes as they looked up in the sky seconds after. A bright flash and parting wind occurred.

Zuikaku looked over and shouted "Radar and radio systems are dead. I don't got anything!" Ayanami also stated "Rangefinders are not responding."

Takao squinted her eyes, she knew Midway had just used a nuke. But she didn't know he'd use it to even the playing field. With no accurate rangefinding or radios, they'd have to get close to handle him.

They approached without concern, an EMP does not discriminate, so Midway's systems were also down. Midway flipped the coin again as the Sakura ships jumped onto the deck.

"Took you long enough." Midway stated.

Takao pointed her sword at him and said "What was the point of that bomb?"

A slight smile before saying "Cause I had one last Skyraider being repaired. Might as well use it for something useful."

Midway unsheathed the sword and said "Some weird klutz of a carrier left this sword on a bench, so I took it."

Takao deadpanned and asked "Was her name Hakuryu?"


Takao only sighed and said "She really needs to stop losing it.

Midway chuckled a bit. "You know, we could've been friends I think."

Takao looked up with slight disbelief. "Friends with someone who attacked my country?"

Midway only laughed again. "Sure isn't seeming to stop Akagi and Kaga, is it?"

Takao sat quiet, the uneasy truth stinging a bit. "That's because we're only using their technology to defeat them."

"And what stops them from using you?"

Takao had no answer. Midway only sighed and said "At least you got better." As he looked over to Zuikaku.

"I don't want to hear your compliments." Zuikaku coldly stated.

"Heh, your insults could use some work." Midway remarked.

"So what do you want, Midway?" Zuikaku asked.

"What do I want?"

"Well, I want a good fight against the Kido Butai. But someone caught my interest while I was there."

Takao pointed her sword again and asked coldly "Who?"

"A curious fox. Who somehow saw through my disguise."

Midway flipped the coin again. "Azur Lane is here. Now. Either you kill me, or I get imprison and tried."

"And why do you think Azur Lane would imprison one of their best carriers?" Zuikaku asked.

Midway looked up and said "Cause I don't follow their orders, and it was my own volition to attack. They won't see highly for that, attacking their old allies."

"So. The choice is yours? What shall it be?" Midway asked as he gripped the hilt of the sword.

"A fight to the death? Or rotting in prison?"

Takao sheathed her sword and said "You live this time, Midway."

Zuikaku looked at Takao and said "You sure?"

Takao only replied "He wants this."

The Sakura ships then departed as Midway relaxed and flipped the coin again. Moments later he heard numerous ships land on his ship.

"Hands in the air, slowly!" Cleveland shouted.

Midway smiled lightly and looked back to the Eagle Union ships that surrounded him.

Flipping the coin again before shoving it into his pocket, he put his hands in the air and simply said "I surrender to your authority."

Short time later, handcuffs were put on and Midway stood with his rigging summoned. It was locked down, but this was the only way they could transport it, the carrier was too lodged into the island to tow.

Midway smiled in the brig as Memphis kept watch.

"Always keep a trick up your sleeves." He whispered lightly.

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