Royal's Destiny | ✓

By Iamheretoeaticecream

3.1M 155K 19.4K

A hearty "Padharo Mhare Des!" to all you wonderful readers, Meet our protagonist, Ruhaan Singh Rajvansh, our... More

Aesthetics ☀️
Aesthetics II☀️
The End.
Bonus 2.


60.2K 3.3K 396
By Iamheretoeaticecream

रातों रात तारा कोई
चाँद या सितारा कोई
गिरे तो उठा लेना

ओ सुनियो रे
तारा चमकीला होगा
चाँद शर्मीला होगा
नथ में लगा लेना

"Priyal, look at this sky, it's so damn gorgeous!" I said, a big grin on my face as I pointed my phone's camera upwards to show her. "It's beautiful, di!" She exclaimed through FaceTime.

 "And guess what? They've got a Maggi stop just 10 minutes from here!" I added, excitement in my voice, and she chuckled, shaking her head.

"Di, you guys better be having a blast! My semester breaks are coming soon, and then I'm flying to Udaipur to give you the biggest hug," she said with a warm smile, and I nodded.

"Bye, Pri!" I waved at the phone screen, and she returned the wave, chuckling, before ending the call. I glanced up from my phone to find Ruhaan standing near the edge of the cliff, lost in thought.

 I walked over to him, a smile on my face, and wrapped my arms around him from behind. He leaned into my touch. He is so warm and cuddly. My personal teddy bear!

"What's on your mind, Ruhaan?" I asked softly, and he shook his head. "Nothing important," he replied, placing a gentle kiss on my forehead. It was clear he was hiding something, but I didn't want to push him to open up.

"Okay, okay, can we pretty please stop by the Maggi counter?" I pleaded, giving him my best puppy-dog eyes, and he looked at me with a soft smile. "As you wish, Rani-sa," he said, and I couldn't contain my excitement, jumping onto him with a bear-hug.

"Thank you, thank you, thank you!" I exclaimed with a grin. "Shh, let's go get you that cup of Maggi," he said, hushing my thank-you chants, and I happily followed him.

We made our way down the scenic path towards the local Maggi counter, the smell of the hot noodles wafting through the air, making my mouth water. Ruhaan had that easy grace about him as he walked, and I couldn't help but admire him from behind. That hunk of a man is my husband.

As we reached the counter, I was beaming, placing our order for two cups of Maggi with sheer determination. I was on a mission to make Ruhaan appreciate the joys of Maggi—it was an absolute delight! Mr. Chidchida needs to try this!

Ruhaan, being the gentleman he was, paid for both cups and handed me one, steaming and ready to devour. We settled in a quiet spot, the scenic landscape unfolding before us.

"Why do you even like Maggi? It's kind of bland in taste," Ruhaan remarked, his cute frown evident after a taste. I gasped, taking offense. "What? You're calling Maggi bland?" I shot back, eyes wide in disbelief.

"Yeah, I am. I'd prefer burnt chili garlic noodles over this any day," he replied, his tone clearly stating his food preferences. It nearly made me want to cry. 

"Ruhaan, consider yourself officially abandoned as my husband," I declared with utmost seriousness, trying to hide a smile. But all it did was make him burst into fits of chuckles. 

"It's adorable that you think you can do that," he teased with a smirk, earning an annoyed groan from me. I couldn't help but wish Rudra was here; he would've happily enjoyed Maggi with me, no complaints.

"I hate you," I muttered, my scowl aimed squarely at him. In response, he flashed a mischievous grin and retorted, "I love you more," causing an involuntary flutter of butterflies in my stomach. This infuriating man.

"Could you take some pictures of me?" I asked, my tone softened by a small smile. He looked momentarily puzzled by the request before nodding his head and replying, "Of course."

He retrieved his phone and aimed it at me, capturing a series of shots. "Look towards your right, I guess?" he instructed, and I obliged, allowing him to snap a few more pictures.

 "Ruhaan, give me your hand," I requested, and he furrowed his brow but extended his hand towards mine. Our fingers intertwined, and he continued to capture some more shots. Perfect! With a mischievous grin, I confiscated his phone and turned the tables.

"Ruhaan, smile," I teased, but he only frowned, appearing somewhat lost in front of the camera.

"Has no one ever taken pictures of you?" I asked, puzzled by his hesitance. He shook his head. "Only paparazzi, but I always had a facade ready for them," he replied casually.

"Are you not on social media?" I inquired, growing curious. "No, I find it pretentious and fake," he responded, his tone nonchalant.

Curious about Ruhaan's aversion to social media, I prodded him further. "Tell me more about why you find it pretentious and fake," I urged.

He leaned back, considering his words carefully before responding. "Well, it's all about projecting a carefully curated image, isn't it? People only share the best parts of their lives, the highlights. It's a world of filters and facades, where authenticity often takes a backseat to popularity and likes. And don't get me started on the toxicity and negativity that can come with it. It's just not for me," he explained.

I nodded in understanding, appreciating his perspective. "I get that. It can be a double-edged sword," I admitted, thinking about the pros and cons of the social media world.

Ruhaan shrugged and smiled, his earlier resistance melting away. "I prefer real moments like this," he said, gesturing between us. "No filters, no pretense, just us."

I couldn't help but smile back at him. "I post to a small, close group of people, only those I trust and care about deeply. It's like having a digital diary or a timeline of memories."

He looked intrigued but still cautious. "But how does that make it any different from the regular facade that social media often is?"

I smiled warmly at him. "Because with this approach, I can be real about myself. I share not just the highlights, but the everyday moments, the ups and downs, the laughter and the tears. It's a way for me to store memories, to keep a digital scrapbook of my life. And when you share with the right people, it feels like you're inviting them into your world, letting them in on your journey."

Ruhaan considered my words for a moment before a hint of curiosity sparkled in his eyes. "So, you're saying it can be a genuine way to connect with people and preserve memories?"

"Exactly," I affirmed. "It's all about how you use it. It can be a tool for meaningful connection and a way to cherish the moments that matter most."

As Ruhaan mulled over this new perspective, I noticed a petite young woman in her early twenties approach our table. She had an air of confidence about her, and her flirtatious smile was impossible to miss. She completely ignored my presence?!

"Hey there, handsome," she purred, her gaze fixed firmly on my Ruhaan. "I couldn't help but notice you from across the room. You're absolutely irresistible."

I could feel my jealousy and anger bubbling up inside me as this stranger shamelessly flirted with my husband, making it seem like they were the only two people in the world.  

The girl leaned in closer, her hand lightly grazing his arm. "You must be the most interesting person in here. What do you say we get to know each other better?" she asked, her tone dripping with suggestive intent.

I clenched my fists under the table, my face burning with a mixture of jealousy and anger. I hadn't expected to feel this way, but seeing someone else flirt so openly with Ruhaan was driving me mad. I had to find a way to assert my presence.

Summoning all my courage, I cleared my throat loudly, drawing both their attention. The girl finally seemed to notice me, her expression shifting from flirtatious to puzzled as she looked between Ruhaan and me.

"Excuse me?" I couldn't contain my frustration any longer, so I stood up in my seat, pinning the audacious girl with a hard glare. Meanwhile, that mendak, Ruhaan, just sat there, looking at me amused. What's so funny?

"What do you want?" She shot me an annoyed glance, which only fueled my anger further. "Firstly, get your attitude checked," I retorted sharply, "and secondly, he is married, and my husband. Keep your filthy eyes away from him."

The girl's expression shifted from annoyance to a mix of embarrassment and surprise as she realized her mistake. She mumbled an apology, her cheeks turning a deep shade of crimson, and then quickly retreated, leaving Ruhaan and me alone at the table.

Ruhaan couldn't contain his laughter at the entire situation, his amusement becoming quite evident. "Humari jaan, aap pe jealousy suit karti hai," he playfully remarked, still chuckling. 

I couldn't help but roll my eyes at his teasing, but a sense of satisfaction washed over me as I reclaimed my place by his side. He was mine, and that was crystal clear.

"Ruhaan, hum aapko idhar pahaad se neeche fek denge," I threatened with a mock glare, which finally made him stop laughing.

We had spent the past three days on a whirlwind adventure, hiking, trekking, going on a Jeep safari, and even visiting the Golden Temple. I was utterly exhausted but content.

Tomorrow morning, we would be flying back home, and I couldn't wait to be reunited with our family. This journey had been a wild ride, and I was ready to return to the comforts of home.


We had just boarded our private jet, and Ruhaan suggested that we should take a short nap in the bedroom quarters. After the exhausting trip, the idea sounded like bliss to me. "Yes, let's take a short nap!" I replied with a contented smile.

We both headed to the bedroom and settled on the bed, my head resting on his chest as he idly played with my hair, creating random circles and shapes with the strands. 

His touch sent a pleasant shiver down my spine, but then he leaned in and whispered, "Meera, how about a quick Fuck?"

I looked into his eyes, feeling the heat creep up my skin. Oh god, this man.

"No, Ruhaan, no way," I replied, trying to maintain a serious tone despite the temptation. "Firstly, we're on a jet, and secondly, I'm utterly exhausted. I have surgeries lined up as soon as we land, and you'll wear me out completely."

Ruhaan pouted briefly, his disappointment evident, but I couldn't resist leaning in to kiss away that pout. "Okay, my love," he relented with a grin, "I'll consider it, but only because of the latter reason. And remember, no one cares if we fuck here, afterall we own this jet.." 

I shook my head, unable to suppress a chuckle at his audacity. "Sleep Ruhaan!"

"Fine," he said, pulling me even closer to his body, and I happily snuggled up in his arms. God, this man had me absolutely crazy for him.


The air hostess, who was actually sweet (I think Ruhaan had fired the previous one with vocal cord issues), woke us up with gentle knocks, informing us that our jet was landing soon.

"I'm still so drowsy," I told him as we stepped down from the jet, feeling surrounded by the classic Udaipur air.

"Yeah, me too. But you have surgeries, Jaan; it should be the topmost priority," he said, kissing my forehead, and I smiled. I loved him for little things like this – the way he understood and respected my work and genuinely cared. 

Anyone else would be cliché and say, 'You should take rest, take care of yourself.' But Ruhaan was different; he understood the importance of commitments.

We both got settled into the car, which was sent by the palace to receive us. I looked out of the window, embracing the beauty of Udaipur when Ruhaan called me.

"Uh... Can you send me the pictures you clicked of us in Coorg?" he asked gently, and I nodded with a grin. I pulled up the camera roll and sent him 137 pictures and 15 videos I sneakily recorded throughout the trip.

His eyes widened in momentary surprise before he composed himself and began scrolling through the pictures. His hands came to a halt on one particular photo. It was a candid shot of him, a genuine smile on his face as he sipped his coffee, taken without his knowledge. The picture had captured a precious moment. "I didn't know I could smile like this," he confessed.

"But you did," I replied sincerely, our eyes locking in a moment filled with emotions that ran deeper than words could express.

"I love this picture of you!" I said, showing him my screensaver, which now featured that very photo. I did it to lighten the mood, knowing the intensity of our gaze moments ago. His face broke into a wide grin. "You have me as your screensaver?" he asked, sounding both amused and pleased. I nodded, a bit puzzled by his question. "Yes, I do!" I said, enthusiasm bubbling in my voice.

I noticed him typing rapidly on his phone, his fingers a blur of motion. "What are you up to, Mr. Rajvansh?" I asked, genuinely curious.

"Creating a social media account, Mrs. Rajvansh," he replied, his statement making me smile.

I wanted him to embrace every aspect of life, to reconnect with old acquaintances through social media, and to become more outgoing. Sometimes, it's essential to step out of your comfort zone in order to heal the scars of the past.

"Yay, can I keep the username?" I asked him excitedly, and he looked at me skeptically. "C'mon, it's a private account anyway. People will think it's just someone random trying to impersonate you. No one will know!!" I tried to persuade him.

"Fine," he relented and handed me his phone.

I couldn't help but smile like a Cheshire cat. Time to work our magic. I changed his username to @Meerakamendak and handed his phone back to him. He looked at the username, chuckling before eventually clearing it out.

"But why not?" I pouted, feeling a tad disappointed.

"Humari jaan, humari family hume jeene nahi degi yeh dekh kar," he explained, and I nodded in understanding. "Fine, just put in your full name."

The journey back to our palace was filled with laughter as we worked on Ruhaan's social media profile. We giggled at the crisp and basic ones he suggested, like "Making history." I couldn't help but tease him, "Who even puts that?"

I recommended adding some fun bios like, "Indian Harry Styles, but can't sing," or "Give me the money, no one gets hurt." But he just shook his head in sheer disappointment before snatching his phone from my hand. I pouted, feeling a tad bit deflated. "I'm cool and funny, right?"

 "No, Meera, it's good that you're cute, but your sense of humor is bland, like that instant noodles packet of Maggi."

I gasped in mock outrage. The audacity! I had half a mind to ruin his MacBook and throw it into the nearest lake. Yep, I was that angry... or pretend-angry, at least.

"I-I'll complain to Vaidehi Maa!" I retorted in a threatening tone, trying to sound convincing. "You wouldn't want me to involve Myrah Aunty, now would you?" This Chidchida, Nakhralu and stupid mendak! Ughhh.


(This took so long to create- A little appreciation would be nice!)


My cutie couple.

Yes a short chapter, I'm sorry T.T

There better be comments or I'll stop posting so frequently!

Slowly but surely, things are about to take a turn for the worst. 

Be prepared mentally. However, as I mentioned, it'll happen gradually.

Stay tuned.

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