I Don't Really Want To Transm...

By Yasha7yesse

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A good-looking young man was happily getting off work when an accident happened, resulting in the lost of his... More

Chapter 1: A new world??
chapter 2: Fate of Misfortune
chapter 3: Maze-like School
chapter 5: Aspen being annoying
Chapter 6: the use of magic
Sorry, I lied.
Prologue [rewritten!]
Memorial (XD)
Chapter 1: Second Chance

chapter 4: encounter with shiny head

553 23 3
By Yasha7yesse

A/N: I changed Reyansh name to Loudon, his name is a little similar to Reginald that might become confusing later in the story. I've already edited the last chapter.


Reginald's nap was a little longer than he had expected.

Usually in his past life, his sleeping schedule is a little weird. Sometimes he sleeps like a log, other times he couldn't sleep more than 3 hours and ended up laying there pretending like he was dead. And few times he couldn't sleep at all.

When he first came to this world, he fell more sleepy than usual so he quickly took the opportunity to sleep some more as the week before he died he barely got any sleep.

But somehow, sleeping in this world was a lot more easy, maybe it's because his body is younger or the air here is just so nice but he felt like he can fell sleep anywhere he wants and it only took a few minutes.

Perhaps all the sleep I missed all came back to me?

Reginald got up from his bed of bushes and saw that it was evening. The sun was setting and the sky is getting more red as it transition to night time.

He turned towards the building on his left, which was closer to him than the one surrounding the area.

There are a few class with it's light turned off but most of them still had students in them.

Look like it's a self-study session.

He takes his jacket which he had laid on the ground and gave it a few shakes and flaps so that there'll be no dust on it. He hang the jacket on his right arm and find his way towards the gate, the servants should be here to pick him up from school when school is over. Which is probably about an hour later, but Reginald will wait at the gate.

A moment later, oh my god! He found it! The school gate! Who am I kidding of course he didn't. But he found something else instead.

Crouching in front of the bush near the school building was shinny head.

What's he doing? ...is he crying..?

Reginald didn't feel like wasting his energy involving in other people business and decided to walk around him with a meter distance.

What's he even doing here? Why isn't he in class? Did school let out earlier than I had expected? Should I hurry then..

Reginald couldn't help but shoot a few glances at his classmate. Upon closer inspection, shinny head had one hand wiping away his tears while the other was patting the ground.

No that's a kitten.

Reginald was curious, a moment of contemplating later, he remembered something.

There was a scene in the novel where the heroine was kidnapped but was saved after a few days by the crown prince who had noticed her disappearance very early.

Aspen was one of the people who helped the crown prince find and save her. When the incident was over there was a heart touching scene of the heroine asking everyone why they went out of their way to help her and so on. Aspen had mentioned something about had also experience being kidnapped in the past so he knows how she feels and all that touching stuff.

I think it was around a month or two before the heroine was enrolled? Not sure but if the kidnapped of Aspen happened two months before the heroine's story begins that means it's around this time.

Apparently, it took almost a month to save him again and his personality changed drastically. The reason it took so long was because no one had acted when he first disappeared, the school thought the rebellious noble was skipping school again.

They only called to inform the parents and ask about his disappearance about two days later, and to which they found out that the parents also had no clue as they thought he was staying with his friend. A few back and forth later, they finally realized he was missing.

A little note, that back and forth took about a day so it wasn't until three day after he disappeared that they finally sent out a search party. That didn't work very well so they had their students help in finding the boy. The powerful elemental useful temporary joined the official search party while the weaker students go around the town asking people.

So much for being a prestigious school.

After this incident, the school became extremely strict about attendances.

Although Reginald couldn't care less whether he got kidnapped or not but having to join the party in searching for him will be a pain in the butt.

The search is not a voluntary one but an order.

But still he won't betray his firm resolved to hurry to the gate.

Reginald lied. He couldn't help it, his conscience was giving him a hard time. If he's going to get kidnapped, shouldn't he NOT be by himself in the middle of nowhere? Although the security is quite good but the future incident clearly proved that it's bull crap, but even so leaving a kid by himself in the suspicion dark alley is never a good idea.

And so, Reginald approached shinny head with an awkward face. Aspen was totally unaware of Reginald's presence as he approached besides him, since he was too busy expressing his sorrow.

Reginald had no choice but to make his presence known.

"What are you doing in this place?"


Aspen bolted upright and took several step back. Reginald was dumbfounded, he didn't intend to scare him but still what with this reaction?

"Y-young master Reginald!" Aspen screamed out of shock and nd quickly narrowed his eyes to show his wariness.

"Yes." Reginald replied, his expression returning to normal, as well as his gloomy air.

Ah! Is he thinking of dealing with me here?! I knew he was planning on getting rid of me when he followed me this morning! How stupid can I be to voluntarily coming to a desolated place like the back of the third year building?!

Aspen is crying even more than before now, Reginald was so startled he could only blankly stares at the scene.

Meanwhile, Aspen was already voicing out his will internally. Mother, father, forgive this foolish child of yours. All I ever wanted was to have my freedom, and my dearest friend accompanying me while I explored such unknown freedom. You made me feel so suffocate in there, I didn't mean any of the words I said to you, I know you only mean good for me but you have to understand, my friend is very important to...-

Reginald interrupted his internal prayers and spoke up.

"Why are you crying? You look as if I'm going to eat you alive." Reginald said jokingly having no expression on his face, making one thinks he's being serious.

...why are you saying that! Its so ominous, it's like you're really going to eat me alive!!

Shaking, Aspen spoke up with a muffled voice "...it's none of your business-"


He was interrupted.

The white cat Aspen was patting earlier was now rubbing it's head on Reginald's leg. He looks at the cat for a moment then lift it up.


He held the cat in his arm and rubs it's head for a bit before responding to Aspen.

"Right, but you look so ugly that I can't help it, did your love got rejected by this adorable thing?"

In his past life, ever since he was young, animals tend to be friendly towards him, he'd thought this is how animals are but that thought was proven wrong by his idiot friend, just showing his face is enough for the animals to hate his guts.

Aspen is flabbergasted by multiple things, he came just to calls me ugly.. wait no did he just called her adorable??? Him?! Also, he had to spend 2 months convincing the little kitten that he's as innocent as an angel and have it lowered his guard. But the scene he'd just witnessed is making him wants to vomit blood.

Why is she trusting him so easily???!

Somehow, the sorrow he was feeling suddenly got overthrown by anger.

"How.. did you get Purry to cling to you like that??!! What dark sorcery did you performed?!!?"


Whoosh― rustle

Maybe because it was getting darker and cold wind is blowing more in the night. The sound of wind passes by the pair and blow the leaves as it hit each other making rustling noise.

Somehow, Reginald felt cold. He didn't want to stay here any longer and called out to the boy that's several steps away from him.

"Are you going to keep standing there?  I'm leaving― I'm also taking this little guy with me since he likes me more."

"...Hey! She's a female..."


Aspen yelled, wanting Reginald to stop but Reginald turned and took a step away from him as if he's leaving.

Reginald bluffed about taking the cat as he wants the boy to follow him out of this isolated place. Well, if he didn't, he would just dragged out him by the collar himself, but he didn't really want to do it, too much work.

Fortunately though, Aspen followed him out.

Although Reginald's body leans more on the cooler side, that doesn't mean he gets cold more easily. In fact, his resistant to the cold is to a certain extent.

The reason he felt cold was because, just now, when the leaves rustling by the gust of wind. Mixed with the rustling was the sound of a leaf crunching, as if it's was stepped on but the noise was too faint and Reginald wasn't sure if he had heard correctly or he was just paranoid. However, he then picked up the sound of the leaves scrapping as it rubs against the hard fabric of clothes. Someone is here.

Reginald had a strong feeling that the person is not student at this school.

After Aspen got out of the back of the building, he became quite the chatter mouth.

Basically he found a kitten outside near the school gate and they had bonded very well together for a few days. It seems the kitten was BORNED just recently and he never it's mother. he asked his parents whether he could keep it as a pet and they agreed, it'll good if their son won't spend time outside going to sketchy places, not that he had in the first time― according to Aspen.

But because his grade was dropping lately, his parents ordered him to find a new place for the kitten, under the bridge or in the street it doesn't matter, just get rid of the cat. That's the punishment his parents came up with to punish their son for his bad grades.

Now he doesn't know where he could find a home for his cat companion, he didn't want to give it to another noble. He doesn't trust them at all, who knows what they'll do without his knowledge? So, he has to be able to know of it's wellbeing for him to be at peace. The condition for him to know about the kitten at all time is hard to fulfill itself but it's need to be a good environment for it too.

Sure, he can just put left it in a shelter or something but then the first condition will not be met.

Reginald listened quietly, so quiet he doesn't even have any expression on his face, he was just blackly staring at the ground. Aspen thought he wasn't listening and mumbled the final last few sentences of his rants before becoming silent.

"Why don't you just leave it at the school? The school environment is pretty neat, I'm sure some students or gardener would occasionally give it some food plus you can see it everyday."

Reginald suggested. Aspen had a look of surprised for a moment before he rejected the idea.

"I thought of that too, but the school don't allow animal on its ground. However no matter I think, I can't think of another suitable place, that's why I was going to places that so isolated and quiet so that I could Purry there without any one knowing her."

So that's why he was there all by himself. But his cat lives in the academy in the novel though, the school didn't allow animal? I don't remember anything mentioning about him sneakily raising the cat in the school though, the students know about his and all.

Reginald was a little confused. He opened his mouth.

"But isn't putting her in an isolated area more dangerous? If she got lost or goes missing. No one would know and help you if that happens."

Aspen's face turns a little pale by the thought and slightly nodded his head.

"....right.....Do you have a solution then?"

Aspen was known to be quite prideful among his friends but now he can't help but lower them as it's involved his prescious kitty. Honestly he wasn't sure if the rumors trash has a solution to this, why bother thinking of a solution? Even if he did, why would he tell him? Maybe he'd get him to owe him a favor for the future, but Aspen just has to grits his teeth if that time comes.

"Ask the principal for permission?"

Aspen was dumbfounded. So simple?

".... do you think he'll agree?

Reginald shrugged. "What's the harm in trying? Isn't he known to be quite the nice guy?"

"But that nice guy is also known to be righteous of the rules and law. You think he'll bended a rule for this small issues?" Aspen shots back.

Reginald gave another shrugs and asks "So, will you try?"

Aspen's contemplating, he's not wrong though. What's the harm in trying? I'm just going to ask him, that's all.

It took a moment before Aspen said 'Let's go' and Reginald followed along.

That's the only thing I can think of, in the novel, both students and teachers is aware of Aspen's cat and there was mentioned of a rumor saying how Aspen had to beg the principal. Not sure if it's after or before his kidnapped incident though. But we can try to ask if it didn't work, just have Aspen beg the principal again, simple.

Along the journey to the principal office, Aspen would makes small talk and Reginald would occasionally give a few shot answers and hum to show his sincerity that he was listening.

They'd ask a gardener, whom he had spotted while making their way into the building, to look after Purry for a bit.

During this, Reginald found the opening to ask for the end of school hour very naturally.

"Ah? Oh, now that I think about it, why are you still here? A few teacher has some important business to take care of and we got an early leaves, I think I saw the Édouard carriage leaving the school 2 or 3 hours ago."

Aspen tilted his head a bit to the left and turned to lock eyes with Reginald, requesting for an answer.

Reginald narrowed his eyes and asked something else instead of answering.

"But I saw that building still had lights in almost every room in the building?"

Aspen looked at Reginald strangely, "it's the third year building, you know their schedule is not align with ours, the first year? Oh, but a few third year class also got an early leaves today, for instance your older sibling's class, because their teacher's also a part of the important things they're doing."

The Édouard twin, who is 2 years older than Reginald, is in the same class. Apparently, they're the excellent students and popular teens among their classmates. They're rumors to be the teachers favorite too.

Reginald was silent for a moment before asking yet another question.

"....what time is it?"

"5:40 PM"



Will there be a carriage still waiting for him? Whether there is or isn't, both of them does not make him feel any better.

Reginald regrets following his conscience, now it's prickling him about having his servants wait for him for over 2 to 3 hours.

It's like you promise your friend to meet them at the exact time only to realize you overslept and missed your appointment. It's a terrible feeling.

Reginald just wants to quickly get this over with now.

They arrived at the principal office and Aspen is having a moment to mentally prepare himself but he's sure taking his time.

Patient running out with not a single drops left to be seen, Reginald knock thrice on the door and a reply followed from the inside to come in.

Reginald grabbed the stunned Aspen, pushed open the door and dragged him inside.

Marquess Behzad, the principal of Primrose Academy, is at his desk looking through some paperwork and documents that Reginald felt tired just seeing it's existence.

His gaze turns up to look at his visitors and was a little surprised seeing the unforeseeable guests. He puts down the papers in his hands to give the guests his greetings.

"Youngest master Édouard, youngest master Minerva, to what has bring you here?"

Reginald slightly flinched at that moment, though nobody noticed.

The tense Aspen hesitantly opened his mouth.

"Lord Behzad, I've come h-here to.... Ask for a f-favor.."

The marquess raises his eyebrows and  corrected Aspen.

"I am currently working, please addresses me as my current status."

"..A-ah! Yes! Mr. Behzad."

Aspen was shock and responded a bit late. Mr. Behzad nods his head and looks at Aspen, dedicating for him to continue.

"U-uh! You see... I uhm.." Aspen stuttered

Mr. Behzad raise an eyebrow, "young lord, please be at ease and ask away, I'll make sure to take your request very seriously."

"...yeah." hearing that doesn't make me feel at ease at all! Aspen thought to himself before leaning closer to Reginald and whispers, 'hey.. what should I say? How should I do?? Fnck, why didn't you give me some time to prepare a plan!?'

Reginald sighed at the sight of this kid panicking about this situation―wait, should he be swearing considering his status? No wait, when did he become so comfortable with me to be swearing like this?

Reginald is perplex, he looks at Aspen puzzlingly before turning his attention to the principal. I can give him a hand I guess.

"Sir, youngest master Aspen would like to asks for your special permission to raises an animal in the school's field."

Mr. Behzad is mildly surprise but he nods his head and look into Reginald's.

"Young lord Reginald, are you aware of the policy of no animals allowed in the school's ground?" Mr. Behzad inquire

"Yes, I am aware. However, I'd like for you to make an exception as youngest master Aspen's grade has been declining recently due to the stress of the wellbeing of his pet companion. I can't help but be concern that why I suggested this, I hope you would understand sir."

Aspen is astonish at how Reginald could pull out lies out of thin air like this. Mr. Behzad, however, was amused. The way Reginald is saying it is really convincing.

"I see, I understand but if I make such exception, won't it be unfair to the other?"

Look at this old man talking about fairness when he's going to being in the heroine when the school had long stop accepting student. Not to mention the favouritism.

This academy's priority is knowledge and magic. The level you'll be studying in is set depending on the abilities of your intelligence and magic element. They have primary level, middle level, and high level. Each of these levels is divided into three grades. Reginald and the other main characters is currently in the middle level, once they finished from this level, they're given the choice to continue studying or graduate early.

The heroine got middle level but she didn't start as a first year like how normal student is supposed to but the third year.

Reginald really wants to roll his eyes but managed to keep his expression under control.

"That's why I am asking you sir. I'd like you to make your judgement and decided whether it's fair or not. We're only asking for your permission to have it stay in the school's field, other than that he would be the one to take responsibility for the little kitten."

The way he changed from 'we' to 'he' is enough evidence that he will not be a part of the responsibility that would be given.

"...a kitten.."

Mr. Behzad is deeply thinking about it. He had almost slipped and agreed to Reginald's proposal a few time during his negotiation. But unluckily for Reginald, the old man has experienced these type of things for a long time.

Mr. Behzad calmly came to a conclusion and stated his condition, "if your pet has caused trouble or become a distraction to the students studying, or if there is a complain about it, it will not be allowed to be on the school's ground any longer. If anything happened to the cat, the responsibility will not be on the school but yours. No more exception. Will you agree to these terms?"

Aspen is in stupor, everything happens so fast? I thought I'll take a lot of convincing for him to agree? As a result, he couldn't find the right words to respond and was frozen in place.

Reginald softly click his touch and reply in his stead.

"Yes, I agree. Thank you for your understanding, Mr. Behzad." Reginald bow towards the principal.

Mr. Behzad chuckle, "yes, I hope you won't make me regret this decision."

"Thank you, we'll take our leaves now." Reginald used one of his hand to push Aspen head down to forcefully make him bow 90°.

The principal gave a small wave in his left hand, dedicating for them to go.

Reginald took hold of Aspen wrist and dragged him to the door. When he opened the door and took a step out of the office, Aspen suddenly came to his senses and turn around to give the old man another 90° bow, this time out of his free will, he voiced out his thanks full of sincerity and look at the principal with teary eyes.

"Thanks you so much, sir! I'd never forget your kind hearted consideration!"

Mr. Behzad was startled, "..uh, yeah."

Reginald grabbed Aspen by the back of his collar and successfully dragged him out of the office.

They both starts walking further away from the office. Silence, no one has spoken a word after leaving the office.

Step step

The sound of footsteps echos in the empty hallways. They're currently in their class's building, on the ground floor. The reason why the third has their own building is because they couldn't fit them all in one building, as the first and second year has a stadium for magic combat, as well as a huge cafeteria, plus the teachers and principal's office all in the same building, since these things occupied most of the space they had to make a separate building for the third year, though much smaller than this one.

It wasn't until sometimes later that Aspen, who was in a daze til now, finally spoke up.

"Hey... Where are we going?"

"Don't know, I just thought it'll be good to take a stroll to help you retrieve your soul."

"...you're making it sounds like my soul was taken away or something."

Reginald shrugs. Aspen hesitantly opened his mouth.

"....thank you."

"....." Reginald became silent.

"You don't know how much she means to me, what you did just is... It means a lot to me." Aspen looks into Reginald's eyes firmly without evading it.

"...yeah, whatever. So, where will you keep her?"

Aspen thinks for a moment before responding. "Somewhere remote, I don't want her to disturb the other students and I don't want students disturbing her. Maybe near the back of the third year building? There mostly mature people going in and out of the building so I'm sure nothing will happen."

The mature kids wouldn't bother with the cat even if they spotted it and the cat wouldn't bother with strangers, his line of thoughts is quite good despite being so naive, I'll give him that.

"Okay, let's go get it and being it to it's new place then." Reginald suggested.

"It's 'she'!" Aspen corrected.

"Yeah, okay."

They make their way back to the entrance of the building and found the gardener.

By the way, it was a lie when Reginald said he was bringing Aspen on a stroll, it's more like he can't find the exit.

After they got the kitten they get going to the backside of the third year building, the start of their journey. When they were getting the kitten, they made sure to tell the gardener about Purry, so that he'll help keeping an eye on her from time to time.

As they arrive at the back of the building, Reginald made sure to carefully observe his surrounding. He didn't see that person or hear them but that's not enough to make him drop his guard.

Aspen puts the kitten near a bush and have their tearful separation, Reginald didn't care to listen to it at all (which the author is thankful for since I don't really want to write about it.)

After about 10 minutes, Aspen were still tearfully saying his goodbye and comfort the cat; it doesn't look like it'll be over anytime soon.

Reginald doesn't want to wait for an hour for them to finish their break up.

"I'm leaving first if you don't get a move on."

"Go ahead! You'll never understand my feeling!" Aspen shouted back, it seems like he's actually crying.


A moment passed and Aspen notices that Reginald is still here.

"What? Aren't you leaving? Why are you still here?" Aspen asked, a little irritated. If he's only here to criticize me then it would be better if he just leave!

"....." I'd love to but I don't know the way.

Reginald was waiting for his shiny head guide to lead the way.

"Why are you silent?" Aspen interrogated.

"...I don't remember where the gate is."




A few moments of staring later, Aspen sighed and wend his way to the gate, having Reginald following him from behind. He was complaining on the way saying how he finally realized why Reginald was rumors to be a scum and how much of a pain in the neck, Reginald doesn't really know, he wasn't listening.

After a few minutes of walking, he finally see the gate and a carriage with the Édouard crest on it in the distance. Reginald's eyes lit up and turn his head to look at his guide.

Shiny Head Guide saw his gaze and asked with his eyes, 'there, do you need something else? Can I go now?'

Reginald ignores the meaning behind his gaze and inquiry him.

"Are you not going home?"

"...I.. don't want to.." Aspen muttered the last part of his sentence but Reginald heard it.

"You should, it's getting really dark, are you not hungry?"

"... I'm having a fight with my parents. I don't want to see them." Aspen grumbled.

Reginald stared at him for a moment, honestly, he's not good a comforting people, he's best at listening but comforting is not really his thing. But he decided to recite a few words his idiot friend had used to comforted another person.

"But you should reconcile with each other right?"

Aspen's eyes widened, why is he acting like this is so surprising?

Reginald ignores his reaction and continues, "when you have a fight you should talk with each other more clearly. To have a better understanding of each other point of views and feeling. If you keep being like this when will the fight ever get resolve?

Aspen remains silent, as if he's thinking of something.

Reginald sighs, saying that didn't take just a small amounts of efforts, he better take my words seriously.

"Go home, it's getting late." Reginald gave a light pat on Aspen shoulder and made his way towards his carriage.

Patting shoulders is his only way to comfort someone, it somehow became a habit to do so without much thought when he can't find words to give consolation, he got the habit in highschool, perhaps due to a certain someone but he never had to comfort someone else after he graduated, it's a little surprising that he still had this habit.

He did it without thinking and didn't manage to stop it in time so he ended up giving a light pat, he's afraid that doing so might make it seems like they're close. He left Aspen standing there and the carriage drove off. If he doesn't listen to me and stays in school then have his face on newspapers the next day as a kidnapped victim, I might as well give him a few punches after he's rescued.

I stood there and watched the carriage slowly getting smaller and smaller in the distance.

Honestly, I was shock when the rumored scum started speaking word of advice to me, what's even more astonishing is the fact that he gave me a comforting pat on the shoulder.

I feel like that took a lot of effort in him to do something like this. I was planning on staying with Purry a little more but now I feel like I can't waste his consideration...

"-You should talk to each other―go home."

I look at the dark sky, I guess it's pretty late, huh.

Fine! I'll go home. Whatever.


Guess who's having a final exam in the next hour and still hasn't review a single lesson and instead wrote this stupid story just so they don't have to study?

Definitely NOT me! (⁠≧⁠▽⁠≦⁠)

I lied, this story is not stupid, I like this story since it's mine. I also lied, the person is me.

I'll do anything just so I won't have to study, but who's going to suffer later in the examination room?

That's right~ also me (⁠人⁠*⁠´⁠∀⁠`⁠)⁠。⁠*゚⁠+

P.s: please let me know if there's a mistake in the writing!

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