I love you, I hate you [MHA l...

By Rose_Romantica

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[!!!!THREE BOOKS IN ONE!!!!!] Book One Summary:Yuko Tanabe feels like she can't trust males around her anymor... More

Book Two-1
Book Two-2
Book Two-3
Book Two-4
Book Two-5
Book Two-6
Book Two-7
Book Two-8
Book Two-9
Book Two-10
Book Three-1
Book Three-2
Book Three-3
Book Three-4
Book Three-5
Book Three-6
Book Three-7
Book Three-8
Book Three-9
Book Three-10


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By Rose_Romantica

When Shoto woke up he jolted a bit only to breath out heavily before he realized that Yuko was still asleep beside him, she looked peaceful and had a small smile on her face. He couldn't help but smile a bit seeing the smile upon her face. He brushed the back of his hand against the side of her face before he leaned down and kissed the top of her head. "It's okay Yu...I'll take good care of you from here on out. I promise."

He then got up and began to make breakfast for the two of them, wanting to do something sweet for her since he had caused her more than a bit of trouble the night before. As he had, his phone went off so he answered it placing it to his ear. "Todoroki speaking."

"Hey kid, Hawks here. Is Yuko up or is she still asleep?"

"She's still asleep, from what I gathered last night she's been over worked a lot. So I don't think she'll be waking up any time soon." Shoto said calmly as he continued making breakfast for the two of them

"Alright then. When she wakes up, let me know. It's rather important that I talk with her."

"If it has anything to do with her siblings don't even try." shoto said with a sigh

"Wow you're really smart, how'd you know it'd be about her siblings?"

"You're with her abusive, bratty ignorant eldest sister that's how. Last night I was able to see everything that Yuko went through. Her siblings hurt her without even knowing the whole story, Tanya, Fuyuki and Nala need to apologize properly to her and not be so ignorant before she ever calls them siblings-that's if she even wants to. They kicked her out of the house that she was captive in for years just because of their parents death. They blamed it all on her when she had been forced to do things that she had no interest in doing." Shoto said seriously

"I...I never knew that Tanya did that to her sister, I did find it weird that there were no family pictures around the house though like families usually have."

"Their parents never cared for her elder siblings-Yuko was treated just like I was..but worse. Her parents heavily abused her and she couldn't say a word about it because no one believed her." Shoto said sadly "So-no I'm not having Yuko go through another crying fit because of her siblings. They need to learn that they've made mistakes that can't be undone to her. What they did was harsh and shouldn't have happened."

Hawks didn't say anything and ended the call as Shoto placed his phone in his pocket only to feel Yuko's arms go around him as her head went against his back. "Todoroki just who were you talking to?"

"Hawks, he wanted you to meet up with your siblings today. But I declined the idea, I don't want you to end up in tears or worse beaten to shit because of the ignorance of your siblings due to how stupid they are." Shoto said as he continued to cook

He didn't mind her arms around him, it comforted him that she actually cared enough about him to do so. She hummed out and sighed as she nuzzled herself against his back. "Yeah I don't have the might need to cry my eyes out again or bitch at stupid people. You made the right call with that-thought I gotta ask how did you know so much when I didn't tell you that much?"

He finished what he was doing before he looked back to her. "When I slept beside you last night with you in my arms, I was able to see everything major you went through, how badly you were treated by your parents, how badly your siblings treated you and how you ended up ditching that asshole that was here last night. I shouldn't have ever acted how I did yesterday and I am sorry about that. I didn't know what was going on and now that I do...I'm going to do my best to make damn sure that I protect you and keep you as safe as I possibly can."

Yuko let him go and moved back a few steps as she had her hands behind her back. "I'm really glad to hear that-and I've already forgiven you for what happened last night. Honestly, sleeping beside you was the best night of sleep I've had in a long time...so thank you for staying beside me last night...it...it really means a lot to me that you'd stay at my side after all that happened."

He nodded his head before he placed the plates at the table, he then cupped her face in both of his hands making her face almost match the color of her hair. "I'm here to be with you, I can't make you trust me if I leave you on your own after you cry now can I?" He said softly to her as he looked her dead in the eyes

"N-No...I...I guess not...Y-You're....You're really close to me right now."

He smiled as he realized that she had her guard down around him, that she wasn't placing up a face just to keep him at bay. He was seeing the real her, the her he was supposed to see when he had gotten out of the coma he had been in. He pressed his forehead against hers before he gave her a light peck on the lips. "I was much closer to you last night, you're going to have to get used to me being around you Yuko. I'm never leaving your side, I want to be able to protect, love and care for you." He said softly to her

Yuko felt herself melting within his hands, his sweet words were really getting to her. It made her heart swoon hearing the words she heard from him. "I...I can try...I...I haven't dated in years though."

"You're the first woman I've ever dated, so it'll be an experience for the both of us."

Yuko's gold eyes widened in shock. "W-Wait..d-did you seriously just give me your first kiss Shoto?!"

"I did, what about it? Are you shocked that I would just casually do something like that without a care?" He asked with a smile as he moved his hands off of her face

She nodded her head quickly. "H-How can you be so calm?!"

"It's easy to be calm when you kiss someone you know loves you. I know that I'll never have to worry about you looking at someone the same way you look at me."

She averted her eyes flustered. "H-How can you be that sure about things?"

He raised an eyebrow at her before he got her phone from where it was on the floor. He saw that she had many missed phone calls and unread messages. But chose to ignore them as he unlocked her phone by swiping it, he then showed her the background she had for her phone was a picture of him. Then all of the things she had on her phone that revolved around him.

"You're really going to ask me that when there's this much proof Yuko?"

She rubbed her upper arm nervously "I...I honestly didn't think that I'd actually get to see you face to face Shoto...T-This is really mind boggling that's for sure."

"I bet, I never thought that I'd be loved and wanted this much by someone." He said with a smile. "But I'm happy to know that someone cares this much about me. Tell me this much...do I comfort you?"

Yuko teared up a bit before she nodded her head. "Y-Yeah...Is...is that bad?"

He placed her phone down and he wiped the tears from her eyes before he kissed her on the lips softly once more. "No, never. I'm happy to know that I can comfort someone. I will do my job as a hero to keep a smile on your face and protect you with my life even if I don't have my quirk right now."

She bit her bottom lip nervously before she hugged him tightly placing her head against his chest, he hugged her back and petted the back of her head softly. "You're going to be alright Yuko, I'll always be here for you I promise."

"O...okay. T-Thank you so much Shoto...I...it means a lot to me that you'd say that." She said as she looked up at him

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