Book Three-6

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Yuko was rather bored with waiting for the males to come to where she was so she left her home and she chose to as the library if it was okay to post a small note on the side of their building for the day. It would be taken down after a few days, they were more than okay with it. So she went outside and she taped a piece of paper on the side of the building with a little note on it that said 'You're close, but which way will you go?'

She then walked to the other side of the street she was on and asked the bank the same question she had asked the library to get that she could as long as it didn't damage the property which she promised it wouldn't. She then placed the same note on the corner of the building. She then went back home before she called Keigo who answered.

"Hey little bird, what's up?"

"I just gave them a bit of a clue on the two corner buildings. Let them know."

"I can call Shoto and let him know-hopefully he's around his brother. You know Toya doesn't own a cell phone."

"Right...well do what you can Keigo."

"Alright thanks for the update."

She hung up and sighed out as she stayed by a window inside of the large house waiting to see who would come by first. Another day went by and still neither one of them showed themselves. Keigo soon showed himself and he went inside the house which got her attention. "So...where are they?" Yuko asked

"The other side of town like a bunch of idiots." Keigo said with a sigh

Yuko let out a small sigh and shook her head. "Well they have two more days before they get the kick out."

"While we wait did you want to do something together?" Keigo asked curiously

"Sure, what did you wanna do?" Yuko asked curiously

"How about a game or something?"

"Oh! Sure! I found a lot of games here from when my parents and siblings would have family vacations here. I want to try to play one of the games."

"Sure, what game would you want to try first?"

She went to a cabinet and picked up a small rectangle box before she grinned. "This! Exploding cats!" She said happily

"Odd game, but alright. We can play that while we wait."

Yuko was excited to set the game up and play the game with him, while they played the game Keigo's phone went off as it got late out. "Hey Shoto what's up?"

"Her hiding place isn't on the north side of it?" shoto asked tiredly

Keigo didn't answer him, instead he gave his phone to Yuko. Yuko grinned. "Shoto are you around your brother?"

"Unfortunately this has made the two of us work together." He said blandly

"Suck it up kid...I'm going to give you one last clue before you are on your own. So place your phone on speaker child."

"Alright it's on speaker." Shoto said

"Good, Toya you can hear me yes?" Yuko asked

"Yeah where the fuck are you woman?" Dabi said annoyed

"Not going to work on me boy." she said amused before she sighed out. "Here's your last clue to finding me, to find me you must have knowledge as well as cash to support me. Good luck boys."

She then hung up the phone and grinned at Keigo. "Your turn bird boy."

"wow you're savage kid." Keigo said shaking his head

"Yeah well I'm more than over those two. I gave them the hardest clue I could ever give them. I would be highly surprised if either one of them got it."

"And if they do?"

"Well...I have ways to make damn sure they leave me alone." She said with a grin

Keigo cursed out "Damn it! This fucking cat!" He said as he got the exploding cat

Yuko laughed holding her side. "Aww, poor Keigo."

He narrowed his eyes at her. "You better run."

"Nah, I'm no match for your speed sir. I know that already." She said shaking her head before she jumped over the table they were using and tickled him making him laugh to the point of tearing up

Two days and come and past, Yuko hadn't seen either male which meant that they had no idea where she had gone off to. So she went out on her motor bike to find the two males herself. Once she did she saw that they had been arguing with themselves about where they should be going. She cleared her throat which made them look at her. "Time is up boys, you two officially are no longer my problem. I will no longer call either one of you my lover. Go fuck a tree or something you will not know where I live and you will not be able to contact Keigo or I. Goodbye and fuck off." She said before she revved her bike and drove off

As she left them she could hear them arguing about whose fault it was. When she got back to her house, she saw that Keigo was waiting outside for her. "So, they know now?"

"Know about what?"

"Us? about what we made a deal for."

She shook her head no. "Why should I give a damn whether or not they know about what I do in my personal life?" She asked getting off of her motor bike

He let out a sigh. "So, you're just going to let them roam the streets then?"

"Yeah, I have no use for anyone who can't use their damn head. Shoto is way too sheltered and was too possessive of me. For fuck sakes that bastard raped me more times than not. I don't love him, I just said what I had just so I could get revenge on the bitch who fucked everything up. And I certainly don't love Dabi-that mother fucker was going to kill me had I not rewound time." Yuko said seriously

"So...what are you going to do now?"

Yuko went up to him and kissed his cheek softly. "Well, we've been enjoying our time getting to know one another. So I'd like to keep to that if you don't mind." She said with a smile

"Yeah...That's fine. I...I can work with that." He said flustered as he got up and followed her inside. "This is a compliment so don't hit me-but you're really different from your elder sister."

"I know I am, I guess it's a blessing and a curse."

"How is it a blessing and a Curse to you Yuko?" He asked as he shut the door behind him

She turned to look at him as she frowned. "Because I'm so different from my siblings-I don't know what it is like to be loved. I don't know how to love someone. I thought...I thought being around Shoto that I'd be able to know the way to be loved by someone. But his life is more fucked than mine...I was wrong to think that. Then Dabi-What the fuck was I thinking?! That man doesn't know how to love someone? Even learning how to? Pft-I was wrong to even try to be around that wreck of a man! I can't love someone. I haven't been loved all my life Keigo. I don't know what it's like! I don't know what's toxic and what's not! My parents...those ignorant bastards who caged me in a damn fucking room...Those bastards never taught me how to love myself or anyone else. It was always 'study this' 'study that'. I didn't get to date in school or do anything I wanted to do because it wasn't what they wanted."

As she spoke, she broke down crying, keigo looked at her sadly.

"Keigo...why...why am I such a horrible monster of a person? W-Why can't I find someone who'll love me for me and take care of me?" She said through her tears

Keigo hugged her tightly and petted the back of her head softly. "You aren't a monster Yuko, I promise you that you aren't. It'll be okay I promise you. Just let your tears out, you're in safe arms now."

Yuko shut her eyes as she held onto his shirt tightly as she sobbed out against him as her hands shook. Keigo stayed where he was with her as he soothed her sobs and calmed her mind down. He knew then that he wouldn't dare let the other two anywhere near her. They didn't deserve to know just how she truly felt about everything.

I love you, I hate you [MHA love story]Where stories live. Discover now