I love you, I hate you [MHA l...

By Rose_Romantica

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[!!!!THREE BOOKS IN ONE!!!!!] Book One Summary:Yuko Tanabe feels like she can't trust males around her anymor... More

Book Two-1
Book Two-2
Book Two-3
Book Two-4
Book Two-5
Book Two-6
Book Two-7
Book Two-8
Book Two-9
Book Two-10
Book Three-1
Book Three-2
Book Three-3
Book Three-4
Book Three-5
Book Three-6
Book Three-7
Book Three-8
Book Three-9
Book Three-10


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By Rose_Romantica

Anya sighed out as she placed her hands together. "My mother is the lead scientist involved in the project with you boys, she told Midoriya and I everything...I wasn't expecting things to go this way. But it seems like those who don't have a good approval rating with the people here get deleted and your brother Natsuo and your sister were instantly deleted, your eldest brother was picked by someone. But they didn't do so well not even a month of them being around one another the female had it with him. The female was brainwashed and Toya was deleted."

"So...you had first pick on who got out of the cases then huh?" shoto asked

"Yeah,I did. I had a choice between you and Midoriya. I had a thing for Midoriya more than you so he's the one I chose."

"So, it wasn't just a coincidence that I ended up with her then huh?" Shoto asked

"You ending up with Yuko? I had no idea she was into MHA the fandom you boys are from. So I had no idea she'd even get you. But I'm glad someone who actually understands your standpoint got you."

"So what now? I have to stay here with her?"

"Basically unless you want the Todoroki name to be completely gone and have a woman who deserves better to get her mind brainwashed and never seen again."Anya said with a sigh

Yuko got up and she sighed out. "I'm going to my room...I need to think about this nonsense."

Anya quickly got up before she stopped her. "Please...don't cut him out of your life. I don't want anything bad to happen to you Yuko."

"I wouldn't want that to happen to me either, this is just a lot for me to process." she said before she placed her pinky out. "I promise to work things out with him, I just need time to process everything."

Anya nodded her head and placed her pinky around Yuko's. "Okay, I'll keep you to that."

Yuko then went to her room, shutting the door behind her. Shoto then leaned forward and placed his hands together. "I hate this...why did I have to be the last person left in my family...why did I have to be with someone who is so insecure about themselves like she is."

"Seriously? You're the reason she's like that. I've never seen her so bent out of shape because of a male before. Sure she has an ex who didn't treat her well but at least he wasn't as cold hearted as you were when you first met her." Anya said with her arms crossed

Shoto stiffened up hearing Anya speak up. "Wait what? Seriously?"

"Oh yeah, she never told you about her ex?" Anya asked

Shoto shook his head. "I...I never got to know anything about Yuko."

"Tch, probably because of you being a complete ass to her. She probably felt like she couldn't trust you after knowing you'd want to leave her and be ungrateful. The male that was once with her was a dark haired male by the name of Kono Masa, he used her for the wealth she had gotten from her parents will. After she had found out the truth she had shut herself from males and other people. She barely let people in after she realized that all she did to help him out was for nothing."

"Wait..are you saying she thinks that I'll be just like her ex?" Shoto asked confused

Anya frowned and nodded her head. "Sadly...Yes. You need to show her that you actually want to get to know her and care for her because you want to be at her side and be the hero you're supposed to be, that you aren't going to be like her ex-" Anya said before the three of them heard Yuko scream out in fear

Shoto was rather quick to move and go to Yuko's room only to see a male who had a blade at her neck. "Stay the hell away from her! She's mine! Not yours!" The dark haired male said seriously

"I don't think so, she doesn't look like she wants you to be anywhere near her." Shoto said as he got closer to the male

"S-Stay away! I don't want anyone to get hurt! I just need her to help me out and then she'll be just fine." The male said getting the knife from Yuko and pointing it straight at Shoto

Shoto grabbed the males wrist and twisted it, making him drop the knife before Shoto kicked it away from him. He then quickly moved Yuko into his arms before he kicked the male in the gut, making him fall to the ground. Shoto then took his phone out and called for the police as he tied the male up. Afterwards he went to calm down Yuko who was sitting down on her bed scared.

He wrapped his arms around her only for her to cry against him shaking, soon two policemen came in and took the male away and got the knife he used as well from the ground. Once they were gone Anya and Midoriya came into the room concerned.

"Are you two okay?" Anya asked concerned

"Yeah we'll be fine...if something comes up I'll message Midoriya."

Anya nodded her head. "Alright, keep in mind what I said Todoroki. Let's go Deku dear."

Midoriya nodded his head before the two of them left out. When they were alone Shoto shut the door before he went in front of Yuko and he went on his knees as he held her hands in his.

"I know I've completely screwed everything up Yuko...and I want to make things up to you. With what I know now...I would never ever do whatever your ex had done to you. I never knew that I was to be here with you for a reason. If being with a wonderful woman like you is how I must live my life then so be it. I will live my life here with you for the rest of my life, I want to see you smile and be happy. I wish to be your reason to get up every day-to see that with me beside you that you want to continue living the life that you have here beside me." Shoto said sincerely to her as he looked her dead in the eyes

"I-Is that a promise Shoto? D-Do you promise you won't end up leaving me like Masa did?"

He laced their pinkies together. "I promise Yuko, I will never end up like your ex. You're stuck with me for the rest of your life." He said with a smile

She laced their hands together before she stared him in the eyes for a moment. "I...I can deal with that." She said before she hugged him tightly.

He wrapped his arms around her tightly and shut his eyes. "I do apologize for my ignorance, Yuko. Please won't you forgive me?"

"Mhm, all is forgiven...seeing that you're willing to save my pathetic ass was more than enough proof that you're serious about wanting to be around me."

"I'm glad to hear that you've forgiven me...So...mind me asking you...just what exactly happened to you that made you be excluded from your elder siblings so much that your elder sister abused you earlier and made you flip out?"

"Before I answer that I need ice cream...did you want some?"

"Sure, did you want to talk in here or in the living room?"

"Here, I'll be right back."

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