I love you, I hate you [MHA l...

Da Rose_Romantica

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[!!!!THREE BOOKS IN ONE!!!!!] Book One Summary:Yuko Tanabe feels like she can't trust males around her anymor... Altro

Book Two-1
Book Two-2
Book Two-3
Book Two-4
Book Two-5
Book Two-6
Book Two-7
Book Two-8
Book Two-9
Book Two-10
Book Three-1
Book Three-2
Book Three-3
Book Three-4
Book Three-5
Book Three-6
Book Three-7
Book Three-8
Book Three-9
Book Three-10


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Da Rose_Romantica

Yuko didn't want to believe that she was falling for an animated character-someone that was more fictional than real. But with her mental state falling due to a male that was real her mind wanted to take comfort in someone who wasn't there and wouldn't be able to break her heart in real time. Yuko knew she could never lean herself against her elder three siblings, they've always hated her since they were children. So she had to deal with her own mishaps on her own for four whole years until she had managed to get herself involved into the My Hero Academia fandom which led her to have Todoroki Shoto as her comfort character. She found herself falling in love with her comfort character harder than she's ever fallen in love with her ex. So to deal with her stupid infatuation with a fictional character she got merch for the character. The last thing she got for the character was a 'live size' version of the character.

She knew it'd take up to about two if not three weeks for her to get everything, so she began to blog her obsession and how it started on a video app that she had gotten into before she slowly started to show people what she had gotten to show just how bad her obsession was. The last thing that came in was the 'life size' version of the character, she had came home to the large package on her front porch so she pulled it into her apartment before she set it down carefully on the floor. Afterwards she opened it carefully with her pocket knife, she then grabbed her phone to video record her opening the box. "Hey everyone so...I've seen that people don't believe that I got a legit life sized doll of Todoroki...sooo it came in today. I cannot make this shit up." She said before she opened the box with one hand.

"I've been waiting almost an entire month for this to come in. It cost me over a thousand dollars just to get it. The odd thing about it was there was a contract that I had to sign stating that I would take care of the doll no matter what happened to the doll. So that was weird."

When she finally opened the box she had to cover her mouth and she made the camera look at her. "Holy fuck...it looks exactly like him. Uh...part two in a moment." She said before she posted the video and she placed her phone in her pocket.

She then pulled the case for the male out of the box, she then carefully set the case right side up before she got her phone out again and recorded the video once more. "Alright here's part two. So I got this case out of the box, it was a tad bit heavy cause its steel-but eh nothing I'm not used to cause of my job. I don't know if I should open the casing or not. He looks so adorable when he's asleep like that."

She then hummed out before she went back into the box to see that there was a piece of paper on the bottom of the box. "Oh look a piece of paper. Let's see what it says. Oh shoot part three soon!"

She posted the video and she instantly went to do another video afterwards. "Here's what the note said 'Hello, my name is Shoto todoroki. From here on out you will be taking care of me. I love soba noodles as my favorite thing to eat. Please take good care of me.' Aww...shoto. You don't need to worry about that. Though I do wonder how would a doll eat?" She said confused before she looked at the casing only to see Shoto's eyes open and him placing his hands on the glass of the casing. "Holy shit! That's no doll! Uh...part four once I'm calm!"

She posted the video before she instantly grabbed her pocket knife from the ground and she looked him dead in the eyes. He banged on the casing and mouthed 'get me out of this' to her. She slowly made her way to the casing and she opened the casing only for Shoto to try to get out of it but to be held back by something around his upper arms and thighs.

He tried using his quirk but his quirk wouldn't work. "Miss, please help me out. I cannot move or use my quirk right now."

"Well that's a good thing...How...Why...What the fuck is going on right now!?" She said flustered and confused "I was supposed to get a doll not the real damn thing!"

"So...what that crazy person said was real...look I know everything is confusing but I can explain everything once I am not tied up like this. Please help me..."

"I'm Tanabe Yuko."

"Tanabe please don't be afraid I won't do anything to harm you."

She sighed out and she undid the large tie wraps that were around his arms first before she handed him her pocket knife. "Go and cut the ones on your thighs, I ain't doing those. I don't trust myself that well."

He nodded his head and cut the tie wraps before handing her the knife closed. "Thank you Tanabe. Now, you wanted answers, yes?" Shoto asked as he jumped out of the case and stood in front of her

She nodded her head silently as she took a few steps backwards, unsure if being close to the male was a good idea for her. He took out of his back pocket a folded up piece of paper and he unfolded it before he handed it to her. "This should give you answers."

She took it with both of her hands before she read it aloud. "Dear companion, congratulations on being one of the first in a large experiment. You have been selected as one of a few people that have been given a 'doll' of a pro-hero or student hero in training that has been aged up close to your age or at your age. This experiment came to be as our time and that of a fictional time for a short period of time came close together. It killed many in our and brought over that many people from the fictional world. If you've had someone who had died on the tenth of May ten years ago-you were given someone who can comfort your loss. If you hadn't you were given someone to help you understand those who have. A reminder to all of those who have 'dolls' they will not gain back what they've lost until they've lived in this world awake for a year. So a year from the day you see the person before you they will be as they should and slowly their timeline will merge with ours. If by chance things don't work out and you feel as if your choice was wrong-you may call our hotline and request for the person you got to be taken back and they will be replaced by someone else of your choice that we have left that hasn't yet had a chance to be awake in the world we have. Sincerely Doll mix"

She blinked her eyes a few times before she looked at Shoto. "So...this is just one fucked up experiment...and you're the real todoroki?"

"Yes, I'm me. And until a year or until you send me back-which I hope doesn't happen, I'll be here with you."

"If you leave after a year I will send you back. A year isn't enough time for you to understand this world and for you to be 'normalized' here. How old are you anyways?"

Shoto was quiet for a moment before he sighed out. "Twenty one."

"So I'm older than you by a year. Well then, looks like you're going to have to get used to taking orders from me child. Let's start off with what came with you and go from there."

"What do you mean?" He asked confused

She rolled her eyes and pointed to her couch. "Sit."

He did what she told him and once he was out of her way she went into the small compartment under the casing to see a suitcase with a few outfits for him to wear. She placed the suitcase on the table beside her before the casing fell to a pile of ashes. She blinked her eyes a few times.

"So, that's what happens. Huh...well that happened." She said before she got her broom and dust pan to clean up the ash mess.

Afterwards she sat in her favorite chair and she hugged her legs close to her chest. "So, it seems like there's a lot of things that need to be covered on both sides of this. I will first allow you to ask me any questions that you may have for me and afterwards you will answer my questions."

"Very well, Why won't you let me leave after a year?"

"You're a twenty one year old fictional character who doesn't know the first thing about being here. You'll need a birth certificate, social security card, ID card, Drivers license not to mention a job. That takes years to get done. I wouldn't know the first thing about getting most of that for you." She said seriously

He got out of his pocket his Social card, his Drivers license and Id card. "Well I have these already."

She looked at his ID and License as she went from sitting on her chair to beside him on the couch. She sighed out and looked at him. "These are out of date, it'll take time to get new ones cause you have to get an appointment to be able to retake the test. I'm surprised you were able to get these without a birth certificate."

"The people who helped me and the others that were pulled from our home, already had all that information and made birth certificates for us." He stated

"Hopefully that'll be mailed here otherwise you're going to be stuck here with me."

"You make it seem like it's a bad thing."

She sighed out and leaned backwards before she looked at him. "I'm not exactly wanted or liked around here." She said before she shut her eyes. "People think it's because of me that so many people were lost in others lives because of how 'perfect' they think I am when it's far from the truth."

Shoto looked at her sadly. "I can figure things out as we go, can I hear about what happened to you?"

She opened one of her eyes as she looked at him. "Are you sure you want to know about the stupid life that I've had to live?"

"I'm going to be stuck with you for a while-so yes."

She took a deep breath and she turned herself to look at him as she opened both of her golden eyes as she ran a hand through her medium length red hair.

"I want to first start this off by saying most of what you'll be hearing me say is because of my elder three siblings. My two elder sisters and elder brother have made it rather clear that they don't really love or care for me because of what you're about to hear."

He nodded his head. "Of course, I'll keep that in mind."

"Alright then, good to hear. Now I'm the youngest of four siblings. My elder siblings are as follows. Tanya at age 30, Fuyuki at age 29 and Nala at age 25."

"Seems like your family was born in the opposite gender of my own." Shoto said in thought

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