A Fairy's Tale

By LupusNoir00

61.3K 2.5K 381

Hope You All Enjoy, as I plan to place all my work into this one!!!😊😁😋😌 More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62

Chapter 16

1K 49 1
By LupusNoir00



Name: Hina Draken

Age: 18

Race: [Human]

Gender: Intersex

Titles: [Child Of The Sun][Child Of The Sea][Loved By The Sun][Loved By The Sea][Creative Prodigy][The Lost Child][The Wanderer][The Siren][Tiamat]

Passive Skills:
Advanced Physical Talent{High}
Advanced Magical Talent{High}
Advanced Spirtual Talent{High}
Tough Body{Mid}
Adaptable Body{High}
Advanced Senses{High}
Quick Learner{High}
Magic Power Regeneration{High}
Analysis Scan{High}

Active Skills:
<Sun Dragon Slayer Magic>
<Gravity Dragon Slayer Magic>
<Water Dragon Slayer Magic>
<Ice Dragon Slayer Magic>
<Sun Breathing Style>
<Water Breathing Style>
<Space Magic>
<Fire Dragon Slayer Magic>
<Ex-quip:The Hero>

3rd P.O.V

Erza was currently on ground kneeling down next to a injured and downed Beard as she interrogated him about getting rid of the wall of wind.

"I don't know. I-It's impossible..." He answered as he sweated due to Erza fierce glare.

"Nullifing the magic wall of wind... there's no way we can do that..." He answered as Erza continued to stare at him as she jacked up his shirt.

"Erza!!!" Gray shouted as he appeared on the second floor.

"Gray!?" Erza responded upon seeing him.

"Aren't you with Natsu and Hina?" She questioned as she had sent Hina towards them quite a bit ago.

"I lost him and I haven't seen Hina. I mean, no time for that!!! The true target of Eisenwald is the town ahead. The town where the geezers are currently holding their regular meeting... He intends to use the Lullaby over there!!!" Gray informed her as Erza nodded.

"I got the general idea from him, but this station is surrounded by the magic wall of win-" Erza was cut off.

"Yeah!! I saw it!! If we force ourselves out, we'll be minced!!" Gray said as he jumped and landed in front of Erza.

"Eligor and Zank are getting closer to the masters while we waste our time here..." Erza trailed frustrated at the current situation.

"Don't they know how to nullify the magic wall of wind?" Gray questioned as he kicked at Beard.

"Stop it... they don't know about it." Erza said before she remembered something.

"Hrmm?" Gray questioned upon seeing her expression.

"I just remembered: There was someone called Kage in Eisenwald!!! And if I remember correctly, he broke the seal of Lullaby all by himself!!!" Erza said as Gray eyes widened.

"Is he a dispeller!!? Then he might be able to handle the magic wall of wind!!!" Gray said in realization as he wiped away some blood from his face.

"Let's look for him!!! Capture Kage!!!" Gray said

Immediately they wasted no time as they went to go find Kage as he was their only hope to get out of this place.

Hina's P.O.V

After running for a bit I finally caught onto Natsu scent as I turned a corner and laid my eyes on him.

"Eligoooooor!!!!" Natsu shouted as kicked out a wall.

"Where are you hiding!!!? Bastard!!!" Natsu shouted out as I approached him.

"Still no sign?" I asked him as he looked back at me and shook his head.

"That's why we'll kick open everything until we find him or that Zank guy!!" Natsu said as I grinned.

"I'm in!!" I said as me and Natsu began to kick open doors and walls to see where Eligor or Zank were hiding.

"Neeext!!!" We shouted as me busted through another wall.

Seeing that no one was inside again we began to try and sniff them out, only to get in the back of our heads.

"I won't have a peace of my mind!!!!" A familiar voice said as me ans Natsu we're both sent crashing into a nearby room.

"Hyaha." Someone laughed making me narrow my eyes as I stood.

"Owww..." Natsu said as me and him turned towards our assailant.

""You again!!?"" Me and Natsu shouted laying our eyes on Kage.

"I got the general idea of what your magics is. You increase your destructive powers and speed by flaming up part of your body. While you do the same just with Ice and Water added in. Pretty unusual Magic, I'd say." He said as I just scoffed.

"Nuoooo!!! I really want to punch you, but it's not the time for that!!! I want to punch you, but I have no time to deal with you!!! Where's Eligor and Zank!!?" Natsu questioned as Kage just smirked as a shadow of himself appeared at his side.

"Well, I wonder where he is. Maybe I'll tell you if you defeat me." Kage said as he and his shadow clone deployed shadow fist at us.

"Oh? You're gonna tell us after we punch you? Speaking of killing two birds with one stone. I call dibs!!" Natsu shouted as we dodged the fist easily.

"Aye!! That's unfair!!" I responded as Natsu just grinned.

"Tch, They're quick." Kage said before switching up his tactic.

"But neither of you wouldn't be able to dodge the orochi shadow!!! They'll chase you to the end of the world!!!" Kage said as multiple shadow of snakes charged towards us with their fangs bared.

Seeing this, me and Natsu landed on the ground as he glanced towards me making nod with a smile as I reached out and pulled out one of my blades.

The snakes charged at me as I deflected and pushed back every single one with flaming and simple movements.

Gathering them all in the center as I immensely charged towards them and slashed them apart easily.

"N-No way!!! She destroyed all of them!!!" Kage shouted as he then saw me heading straight at him next.

Seeing this he made his clone step infront of him as I easily sliced through it like butter expecting it to at least gain him some distance. Only to be denied it as Natsu jumped over me and headed straight towards the shock Kage with a grin as he struck him hard with a flaming fist sending him back flying against the floor as Natsu then jumped over him and grabbed his clothing before flipping him up in the air as he threw him crashing into a wall.

Appearing at his side, me and Natsu both took in some air before we aimed.

""Fire Dragon Roooaaarrrrr!!!"" We shouted as immediately a big wave of flames rushed towards Kage as he stared at it in fear.

Immediately getting caught in the explosion as he was sent smoking into another wall.

Throwing my blade back into my inventory I couldn't help, but smirk.

"Ka ka ka!!! I won!!!" Natsu said happily.

"I think you mean we won?" I said making him glance at me before shrugging as if my words we're untrue making me almost hit him.

"As promised, tell us where Eligor and Zank is." Natsu said.

"Ku ku ku... What idiots you are... Eligor and Zank isn't in this station anymore..." He said making me and Natsu look at him confused.

"Huh?""Eh?" Natsu and I sounded confused at his words.

I was about to ask him about more when suddenly me and Natsu we're called out.

"Hina!!! Natsu!!! That's enough!!! We need him!!!" Erza shouted out as they ran towards us.

"Good job, Shitty flame and Half Bastard!!!" Gray said.

"Well done, Hina and Natsu." Erza said as me and Natsu looked at them in confusion.

"What's going on with you two...? It's nothing." Natsu said as I nodded in agreement.

"We have no time to explain. We were looking for him." Gray said as they immediately rushed to Kage leaving me and Natsu confused.

"Leave it to me." Erza said as she immediately went and jacked up Kage against the wall as she held a sword to his neck.

"I want the magic wall nullfied at once. You'll gain a new cut every time you say no." Erza threatened as Kage looked fearfully at the blade.

"Hey... He's worn out. That's too cruel." Natsu said as I nodded in agreement.

"Just shush!!!" Gray told Natsu.

"Understood?" Erza asked.

"U-Under-sto-" Kage trailed as he suddenly coughed up blood making all of us stare at him in shock as he began to fall towards the groud where we laid our eyes on a blade embed deeply in his back.

"Kage!!!!" Erza shouted out shocked as she caught him and held him as she sat in the ground.

"Kage!!!" Erza shouted out only to get no response as his eyes we're closed.

"Shit!!! Our last hope is..." Gray trailed as me and Natsu stared at this in silence.

I then moved my gaze from the unmoving body of Kage to the familiar big guy embedded inside the wall.

'Th-That guy...!!?' I thought.

"Shiiiiit!!!!" Gray shouted as he rushed to try and help Kage out some way as I continued to stare at the guy in the wall.

'He just...that.... that bastard!!!'


Name: Hina Draken

Age: 18

Race: [Human]

Gender: Intersex

Titles: [Child Of The Sun][Child Of The Sea][Loved By The Sun][Loved By The Sea][Creative Prodigy][The Lost Child][The Wanderer][The Siren][Tiamat]

Passive Skills:
Advanced Physical Talent{High}
Advanced Magical Talent{High}
Advanced Spirtual Talent{High}
Tough Body{Mid}
Adaptable Body{High}
Advanced Senses{High}
Quick Learner{High}
Magic Power Regeneration{High}
Analysis Scan{High}

Active Skills:

<Sun Dragon Slayer Magic>
<Gravity Dragon Slayer Magic>
<Water Dragon Slayer Magic>
<Ice Dragon Slayer Magic>
<Sun Breathing Style>
<Water Breathing Style>
<Space Magic>
<Fire Dragon Slayer Magic>
<Ex-quip:The Hero>


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