Arc of Chaldea

נכתב על ידי Tesla4567

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Jaune Arc is the sole Master of the Chaldea Security Organization and after dealing with the singularities, h... עוד

Chapter 1: Homecoming
Chapter 2: Secrets & Shadows
Chapter 3: Reconecting
Chapter 4: Revelations
Chapter 5: Journey to Site Beta
Chapter 6: A Day in Vale
Chapter 7: The Breach
Chapter 8: Facing the Council
Chapter 9:Fallout
Chapter 10: Preparations
Chapter 11: Arrival
Chapter 13: Arcadia
Chapter 14: Mirrors and Shadows
Chapter 15: The Legion's Oath
Chapter 16: Dawn of the Vytal Festival
Chapter 17: Clash on the Mountain

Chapter 12: Balance of Power

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נכתב על ידי Tesla4567

A mouth-watering aroma lingered in the air, as if it were a potent perfume. It was the odor of fresh loaves of bread and spicy sausage patties and peppered bacon and egg frittatas and flaky pastries and trays full of fruit preserves, all baked to perfection. Spices from the kitchen blended with oranges that had been peeled just an hour ago, creating a delectable amalgam that permeated every inch of the estate, making everyone smile and causing them to forget their worries for the moment.

Ruby waited patiently in line for her plate, eyeing the meals as they were devoured by others: fluffy blueberry pancakes drizzled with maple syrup, waffles topped with strawberries and whipped cream, gently steaming omelettes cooked to perfection... She grinned at the thought of tasting these dishes.

In the serving area, Jaune grabbed the plates that Emiya held out for him.

"Blueberry pancakes, with a side of bacon and a pot of coffee to wash it down." said Emiya as he moved off to serve other servants and guests. As Jaune made his way to his usual table he spotted the familiar figures of Mash, the Count, Da Vinci, and his team.

"Good morning Senpai," Mash said with a smile.

"Morning, Mash," Jaune replied while pouring himself some coffee. "Are you excited for our trip to Arcadia tomorrow?"

"Yes, absolutely! I'm looking forward to seeing your hometown and meeting your parents."

"Oh no. You better not take this chance to go searching for any embarrassing pictures of me," Jaune joked nervously.

The Count chimed in, "See, you've gone and done it now my accomplice. If she didn't have that intention before, then she certainly must have it now!"

Jaune looked at Mash with a horrified expression. "Mash, tell me you wouldn't do that to me?"

All she could offer him was an awkward grin and eyes that gave nothing away. With a pained expression, Jaune returned to eating his breakfast as the table roared with laughter at his predicament.

At the pancake station, Abby and Nora stood opposite each other. Towering stacks of pancakes were in front of them while the surrounding crowd formed a circle, some placing playful bets. Weiss raised an eyebrow in amusement while Blake whispered a wager to Yang. Ren simply sighed, used to Nora's antics, while Jaune chuckled at the absurdity that was now his life.

The two competitors began their contest with a dramatic countdown. Pancakes disappeared at an alarming rate as Abby devoured plate after plate with stunning speed and determination. Nora fought hard but eventually had to admit defeat when Abby won the contest with her plate completely clean a fraction of a second before Nora's. The hall erupted in cheers and gasps as Abby gave a triumphant giggle while Nora showed her playful pout.


Post-breakfast, the atmosphere of levity persisted as the Beacon delegation prepared to depart for Mount Arcanus. They exited Site Beta, welcomed by the picturesque landscape of the town. Cobblestone paths wound between houses that blended traditional architecture with advanced technology.

As they ventured deeper into the town, children could be seen playing with floating toys, while vendors showcased their wares.

Bracknell approached the group, nodding courteously to the members of the delegation. "Good morning, everyone. I trust breakfast was enjoyable?" After receiving nods and words of affirmation, he turned his attention to Jaune. "Jaune, before we proceed, there are a few details regarding our trip to Arcadia that I want to go over if you don't mind."

Jaune nodded, slowing his pace to walk alongside Bracknell. "Of course. What troubles you about the trip?"

The two engaged in a hushed conversation, occasionally referencing a digital pad Bracknell held. From the expressions and nods exchanged, it was clear that this trip held significance beyond a mere excursion.

As the group walked, Jaune introduced various parts of the town, pointing out landmarks and the various stores that beaconed the group to shop. All the while, residents greeted him warmly, their interactions a testament to his rapport with the town's people and his integral role in the community.

Ruby, watching the interactions, whispered to Weiss, "Jaune really seems at home here, doesn't he?"

"Yes he does, I suppose that experience in these situations might also have something to do with why he is so at ease with all of this," Weiss replied

"I still can't believe that Jaune is handling so much responsibility. I wonder how he deals with the pressure?" asked Ruby

Weiss took a moment to ponder before answering. "From my observations, Jaune has a remarkable ability to stay calm and collected even in high-pressure situations. It's a trait that is rare even among royalty."

Ruby nodded thoughtfully, "I guess that makes sense. He's always been a natural leader."

The group continued their stroll, passing by a bustling market filled with colorful produce and handmade crafts. As they moved past a fruit stand, Blake paused to admire the neatly arranged piles of apples and oranges. The vendor, noticing her interest, offered her a sample of a juicy peach. She accepted it with a polite smile and took a bite, savoring the sweet flavor. Jaune watched her with amusement, "Trying to stay healthy, Blake?"

She shrugged, "Just keeping my options open."


After dinner, Ironwood motioned for a more private setting. In response, Jaune guided the group to an adjacent chamber, secluded from the rest of the grand hall. The room, though smaller, retained the elegance of the main area, with plush velvet chairs arranged around a finely crafted mahogany table.

As the door closed behind them, muffling the distant sounds of dinner guests, the room's atmosphere grew noticeably more somber. Ozpin, always one for directness, began, "Jaune, the purpose of our visit extends beyond mere pleasantries. There are matters of utmost importance to discuss."

Jaune nodded, gesturing to the seats. "Of course. Let's sit."

As everyone took their places, Ironwood leaned forward, hands clasped. "Jaune, Atlas, and by extension, all of Remnant, recognize the potential power and value of Chaldea. Given the ever-present threats, we propose extending military protection over Mount Arcanus."

Caster Gilgamesh, eyes sharp, interjected, "And what would Atlas want in return, General? Nothing is given freely, especially not from a kingdom with its eyes on the future."

Ironwood met Gilgamesh's gaze steadily. "Collaboration, sharing of knowledge, technology. A unified front against common enemies."

Da Vinci, twirling a strand of hair, chimed in, "A commendable proposition, General. But Chaldea, Site Beta, and Arcadia have always valued their independence."

The atmosphere grew thick with tension, the weight of the conversation pressing on everyone present. Ironwood's gaze shifted to Jaune, silently prompting a response.

Jaune, feeling the gravity of the moment, took a deep breath. "I understand your concerns, General. And I respect them. But we must also consider the long-term implications of such a potential partnership."

Jaune, after a pause to weigh his words carefully, finally spoke, "General Ironwood, while I appreciate the offer for protection, I believe Site Beta, and by extension, Mount Arcanus, can handle its own defenses as has been recently demonstrated."

Ironwood, his brow furrowed slightly, began to counter, but Jaune raised his hand for patience. "However," he continued, "I understand the importance of mutual cooperation and trust. As a gesture of goodwill, I am willing to take Roman Torchwick into our custody here at Site Beta. To add increased security against a proven threat against Vale and her interests. Both Atlas and Beacon will have complete access to him and any intelligence he provides during his stay here."

Da Vinci's eyes twinkled with surprise, while Gilgamesh merely smirked, seemingly enjoying the direction of the negotiations.

Ozpin adjusted his glasses, his face betraying no emotion, "A generous offer, Mr. Arc. Torchwick's connections and information could prove invaluable in our endeavors against larger threats."

Ironwood, taken aback, cleared his throat, "That is... an unexpected proposal. But one that certainly has merits. I believe this can pave the way for a more collaborative relationship."

Once Jaune's proposal was on the table, Ironwood leaned back, assessing the young leader with a discerning gaze. "Transferring Torchwick to Site Beta is a significant move."

Jaune, understanding the weight of the decision, countered, "General, I understand your reservations. But consider the advantages. Site Beta has facilities that are... uniquely suited for someone like Torchwick. He will be secure, and more importantly, isolated from his usual channels. This will ensure that any information he provides is genuine, without external pressures."

Ozpin interjected, "And in exchange?"

Jaune took a moment before answering, "In exchange, I propose offering Atlas 50 of Chaldea's Mystic Codes. These are highly advanced, and I believe they would benefit your forces greatly."

Ironwood's eyebrows shot up, clearly intrigued. "Mystic Codes? Given what I know about them and their capabilities they are no small offerings. They could significantly enhance the capabilities of my Specialists."

Da Vinci, ever the mediator, added, "The Mystic Codes aren't just tools, General. Providing them is a testament to our willingness to cooperate."

Gilgamesh, leaning forward with a smirk, remarked, "An alliance of this nature is rarely without its intricacies and problems. But sometimes, the rewards outweigh the risks."

Ironwood, after a long pause, finally nodded, "Very well. We'll arrange for Torchwick's transfer. In return, we'll expect the promised Mystic Codes to be delivered promptly and we hope this marks the beginning of a mutually beneficial relationship."

Jaune cleared his throat, drawing the attention of the room once more. "There's another matter of mutual concern I'd like to discuss." He began, choosing his words carefully, "While our areas of expertise are vast and varied, cybersecurity remains one of Chaldea's specialties."

Ironwood's expression tightened, sensing where this might be heading.

"On the day of the Beacon dance," Jaune continued, "Our systems detected an attempted cyber breach targeting the Cross Continental Transit system. Our cybersecurity force, led by BB, intercepted and neutralized the threat."

Ozpin, calm but visibly intrigued, asked, "And what did you find?"

Jaune paused before continuing. "The breach was sophisticated, aimed at infiltrating and taking control of the entire system. But you needn't worry. We contained it, and currently, we have control over the situation."

Da Vinci chimed in, her tone reassuring, "Think of it as a favor paid in advance."

Ironwood's posture stiffened, a mix of gratitude and embarrassment evident. "That... is a significant revelation. And while I'm thankful for Chaldea's intervention, it's concerning that our defenses were vulnerable."

Gilgamesh, leaning back, observed the exchange with unabashed amusement, "It appears the age-old saying still holds true — one often overlooks what's right under their nose."


The room was lit by the soft blue glow of multiple holographic displays, casting sharp contrasts across the faces of those present. In the center stood a round table, which depicted the emblem of Chaldea. Jaune, Da Vinci, BB, and Neo—who had recently allied herself with Chaldea —stood ready for the briefing.

Jaune began, his voice echoing slightly in the spacious chamber, "With Torchwick's transfer secured, we need to ensure it goes off without a hitch and more importantly under the radar. Neo, as you can see we are upholding our side of the deal. So now it falls to you to provide us with reliable intel about Cinder and her upcoming operations."

Neo, with her typical silent demeanor, nodded in acknowledgment.

" You will be provided with an emergency beacon and in case it is used an extraction team will be immediately sent to your location. A member of Arcadian Intelligence will arrive soon to question both of you. Your cooperation would be greatly appreciated." Jaune continued

At the mention of Arcadian Intelligence Neo visibly paled but rallied admirably.

Da Vinci, flipping through a holographic panel, chimed in, "As for the Mystic Codes, General Ironwood will be receiving the models we've slated for retirement." She projected images of the Mystic Codes, showcasing their features, though clearly not the state-of-the-art ones Chaldea had recently developed. "They're still powerful and efficient, but it's only fair that we retain our cutting-edge tech."

Jaune added, "It's a gesture of goodwill, but also a strategic move. We give them a taste of our capabilities, without laying all our cards on the table. It's a bonus that we are also getting rid of outdated equipment as well."

BB, the mischievous AI, then moved forward, her ribbons dancing around her. "Speaking of cards, when do we start enhancing Atlas's cyber defenses? And... should I add a tiny backdoor for us?" She winked.

Jaune pondered for a moment, "Upgrade their defenses of course, but add a few discrete backdoors for us just in case. Today's allies can become tomorrow's enemies after all."

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