The W. J. Manares' Reader

Da wastesjunksandmesses

398 204 1

A Collection of Funny Science Fiction Stories Altro

Odd Duo
Captain Mike and the Lunarians
The Throne Of Grease
I Want Uranus!
Smells Like Zaglonux
Grandpa's Computer
Where's Yuri?
Cluckzilla and the Disco Chickens
The Quirkies
The Last Living Dinosaur
Sparkles the Dwarf Star
Grand Deception
Quacksville's Rubber Duck Spaceship
Iti and Pukaw
Curing Alienocacophonitis
Lapu-lapu Saves!
Baconitizer 13
Station 69
Pancake Earth
Super Cropman
Wanted: God Wannabes
The Secret Protectors
Invisibility In View
Inactivity Activated
Sight Gag
Flyblown Fly-by
Life In The Milky Way
Captain Nathan and the Crescentaurs
Albescent Lightning
Two Halves
The LASER Legend
Moons Staring
The Cosmic Misadventure of Captain Eddie and the Rubberball Astronauts
The Psychedelic Shrooms of Fungalum
Nebby Awards
Fishy Situations
Peculiar Project 101
Droughty but with a Chance of Fluffy Marshmallow Snowstorms
The Incredible Power of Photosynthesis

Missing Wolfria

6 4 0
Da wastesjunksandmesses

Wolfria was a gravitationally challenged planet, meaning it had absolutely no concept of an orbit around a star. Instead of gracefully spinning around in space, Wolfria would simply drift aimlessly, much to the confusion of the neighboring planets.

Wolfria was a peculiar place, where the laws of physics seemed to go for a spin. Its inhabitants, known as Wolfrians, were constantly baffled by their planet's lack of orbit. They were a quirky bunch, with elongated limbs and suction cup-shaped heads that made them excellent at sticking to surfaces.

One day, a brave Wolfrian named Wimz ventured out to explore the outer reaches of Wolfria. Equipped with his trusty anti-gravity boots and a curious mind, he floated off into the vast expanse of space surrounding their planet.

As Wimz drifted further from Wolfria, he encountered a variety of peculiar beings from neighboring planets. There was Dagh - who loved playing pranks with gravity, of Dingum, a planet with a mischievous sense of humor. And then there was Taevi - that could create fantastic patterns in the cosmic dust, of Twirlus, a swirling vortex of energy.

Together, Wimz, Dagh, and Taevi formed an unlikely trio, journeying across the galaxy, spreading laughter and perplexity wherever they went. They encountered planets with backward gravity, where objects would fall up instead of down. They encountered aliens with quirky dancing abilities, defying the laws of motion and making the trio erupt into fits of laughter.

But amidst the laughter and confusion, Wimz couldn't help but feel a sense of homesickness. He missed the unique charm of Wolfria, its unconventional shape, and the peculiar way its inhabitants adhered to surfaces. He longed to return and share the tales of their adventures.

With a twinkle in his eye, Wimz devised a plan. He proposed that they create their own orbit, using their combined gravitational forces to keep the planet in perpetual motion. It was a wild idea, but they knew they had to try.

So, in a grand spectacle of interstellar engineering, they set their plan into motion. Wolfrian-shaped spaceships filled the skies, interweaving and maneuvering in a cosmic dance. They created a swirling vortex of energy, the Wolfrians found their rhythm.

The inhabitants of Wolfria marveled at the sight. Their planet began to spin, not in a neat orbit like their neighboring planets, but in a beautiful, chaotic dance of its own. The Wolfrians cheered, their suction cup heads popping in excitement.

Wolfria became a planet like no other, defying the laws of regular orbits but finding its own unique rhythm in the vast cosmos. The Wolfrians continued their adventures, floating through space, spreading laughter and wonder wherever they went.

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