MHA smut

By iuseyouformyself

91.5K 392 554

⚠️ Warning ⚠️ All stories that I will uploading and sharing in this book DO NOT BELONG TO ME! They belong to... More

Croon for you
Daddy Cool
Don't Watch Your Friends' Sex Tapes and Other Life Lessons
Two's Company, Three's A Threesome
Den of My Soul
fight so dirty, love so sweet
Bad Taste In Good Men
Set on You
the more you ignore me
The Scent of Smoke
slow down (it's a science)
finding the world under foot
Hand on ass, heart on sleeve
Hard As A Rock, But A Fool
No Easy Steps
Liquid Nitrogen
put your lips on me and I can breathe underwater
Change of Pace
It's rotten work. Not to me. Not if it's you.
Kacchan, Respectfully, Choke on It
A Lesson to Remember
Hearts Beating Faster
Lightning in a Bottle
Winging It
For You
Take turns to make a circle
Toss a coin in the dark and if you hear it tinkle, don't breathe
Desecrate, chants the song of caged birds
make the call (to give it to you all)
Between greed and grapes
The Path That We Follow
whatever you've done, just bury it
Edges Aligned
In Perfect Rhythm
Soft Lace and Silk Sheets
Maybe He Was Pretty
Sunkissed and More
circumbinary orbit
And It All Keeps Coming Back to You

Good For Me

3.1K 14 10
By iuseyouformyself

Written by: lalazee


"Up," Katsuki says, patting his thighs. "On my lap."


If Katsuki doesn't act soon, Deku is soon going to crawl out of his skin.

Deku carries himself in such a way which Katsuki has become accustomed to over adolescence and teens and twenties to now. Deku's like a punching bag that always pops back up; sturdy and energetic and unrelenting. Standing tall despite his stature and soaking up the attention of a room despite not needing it.

Katsuki's husband is the kind of man who revels and freedom and walks in the line of danger with a smile.

That being said, it's been snowing for three fucking days, the entire city is silent and buried with not even the criminals out to play, and Katsuki has been privy to the slow motion horror movie of Midoriya Izuku losing his fucking mind.

From his desk by the window, Katsuki slips off his glasses and briefly presses the heels of his hands to his eyes, soothing the ache from paperwork he loathes beyond measure. Outside, the midday sky is as dark as nearly night, a bruised purple expanse patterned with endless whirling, swirling snowfall. The view is magnificent and, for their area, absolutely unheard of. The city has not been prepared and everything but the most basic amenities has been shut down.

Inside their cozy, amber glow home, Deku sits on the couch, cocooned in blankets and ratty sweats, doom-scrolling the internet for crime like an actual addict.

Katsuki releases a steadying breath and studies Deku from the safety of afar. They're at the point of being snowed-in that if Katsuki even makes eye contact with Deku, his husband instantly assaults him with bitching and whining and ineffectual attempts to convince him to go out into the storm to patrol.

As much as Katsuki loves to be the hero, he's not a fucking idiot, and he's not interested in catching hypothermia because his big damn hero can't function in daily life without constant purpose and movement.

Hell, these past three days have been more of a vacation than they'd had in five years.

When Deku starts chewing the skin around his blunt, ragged thumbnail and Katsuki spots the beginning of blood from bitten, abused flesh, he sets aside his glasses, pushes back from his desk, places his hands on the wide set of his knees, and makes a decision.

"Deku," Katsuki says, "Come here."

Deku hums in distracted response but remains curled in on himself, one knee folded up against his body, chin upon his knee as he scrolls and pauses his phone, scrolls and pauses.

"Deku," Katsuki repeats. Louder, firmer, darker. A command, not a request. "Come. Here. Now."

"Huh?" Deku looks up, blinking as if emerging from a dream. His pretty mouth in a pout as he cocks his head and considers Katsuki for a moment before a spark of surprise flickers across his expression. Confusion, followed by slow recognition as he tosses his phone to the couch and stands. Pads over with bare feet, still keeping the blankets around his shoulders as he approaches. "What's up?"

Katsuki flicks a brow at the casual response. Keeps his hands to himself as he leans back slightly in his chair, broadening his sitting stance, his knees further parting as he keeps steady eye contact with that muddled, lost expression. Deku is so tense that he barely seems to recognize what's even happening right now.

"Deku." Katsuki keeps his voice low and calm; a gentle sheath around a sharp sword. In their early relationship, it had been easier to go punishing and mean with this thing they do. More comfortable for Katsuki because he hadn't been comfortable with any other way to be. Over time, he has found a balance.

Deku responds to unflinching gentleness and the removal of choice and autonomy much more than he does acts of brutality. Mostly.

"Deku," Katsuki repeats again, giving Deku time to properly hear him. He inclines his chin and watches the shadows begin to clear from Deku's eyes, the tense edge around his mouth beginning to soften. "I'm stressed the fuck out. Come make me feel better."

"Oh." Deku's mouth is soft and plush around the single sound. Deep, forested eyes slowly skim Katsuki's frame, lingering on his lap, then on Katsuki's stilled hands, then back to his unwavering gaze. He licks his chapped lips, swallows. Shifts from one foot to the other as Katsuki watches him wade through the stress and aimlessness of the past days, trying to figure himself out. "Um. Yeah. Yes. How? What d'you—"

"Take off your clothes," Katsuki says. It's an order. The way Deku softly, sharply inhales shows he knows it now. "Take your time. Let me look."

Katsuki watches the flood of color rise up the neck of Deku's sweater, surging through his soft cheeks and pinkening his ears. A rush of pleasure hums through Katsuki's blood in reply, enjoying the instant embarrassment Deku seems to experience every single time Katsuki wants to admire him. It's constantly amazing how Deku can be so unconscious of his body, so careless with it, until it comes time for Katsuki to look and appreciate and love on him.

"Drop the blanket," Katsuki says, starting Deku off when he seems to freeze in place, blushing harder than any high school girl.

Deku releases a shaky breath and lets the blanket whisper to the floor. Slowly, his scarred hands skim his waist, his crooked fingers, broken and healed so many times over, gripping the soft, heathered material of the sweater as he begins to lift it. His thick, sturdy waist is revealed, a spray of freckles across the subtle ridges of his abs, the ladder of his ribs appearing as he brings the sweater higher. Pink, tight nipples high on the swell of his pecs and the strong line of his collarbones emerge as Deku's flushed face is briefly hidden in the sweater.

"S'cold," Deku murmurs, his gaze downcast as he hooks thumbs into the band of his sweatpants. His stomach is scattered with tight, raised goosebumps.

Katsuki leans forward, tilting his head until he catches Deku's gaze. Holds the look, putting the weight of his will into it, the power of his authority growing in his low, even voice.

"This isn't about you. It's about what you can do for me. So, take off your clothes."

Deku suddenly forgets to go slow, but it's alright for now. There's time. Katsuki is going to take his time with him. Peel back the layers of Deku's anxiety and distress and aimlessness until he's open and raw and grounded again.

So, Katsuki watches Deku strip quickly out of his sweats, his breath kicked up a notch as he steps out of them with no underwear to show. His body is a fucking beauty as ever; all thick, strong thighs and shapely legs, cut hips and strong waist, proud chest and lithe, muscled shoulders and arms. He's a fucking sight, no matter how many times Katsuki gets to see him.

Years and years ago, he would have been afraid to look too long. Ashamed of his desire. Threatened by Deku's entire being and unable to show just how much he cares, and to what extreme the passion could rise.

Now, Katsuki simply settles back in his seat, fingers faintly digging into his knees to keep from touching, and looks. 

Because this is all his. No one else's. No city or country owns Deku like Katsuki does; and Katsuki does well to remind Deku of his on the regular.

Deku licks his lips, his gaze downcast as he goes to fold his arms across his chest, then quickly drops them, his hands flexing gently. The blush has traveled down his chest, a pretty watercolor stain in pink, a color matched by Deku's cock, just starting to thicken between his thighs and dark, wiry curls. His body can't help but react to Katsuki's silent assessment; the stroke of Katsuki's gaze across every secret part of him.

There is power in looking at a person and letting them see how much you love them. Desire them. The other person is forced to acknowledge how deeply wanted they really are.

Katsuki waits until Deku is practically squirming. Waits until Deku finally meets his eyes, his teeth indenting upon his lush lower lip. Katsuki has never been a patient man but he has learned to be for this. For Deku.

"Get on your knees."

Deku drops like a stone, hard enough for Katsuki to mask a wince at the impact of his knees to hardwood. But Deku doesn't appear affected, his eyes wide and plaintive and already sheened with wet as he scoots closer, tucking himself in the safety between Katsuki's legs. Big hands come up between Katsuki's thighs, palming the length of them back and forth, coursing hot blood toward Katsuki's confined cock.

Still, Katsuki does not touch. Deku licks his lips again, attention fixed on Katsuki crotch, and Katsuki swallows hard while Deku isn't looking at him. He knows what that mouth feels like swallowing him down. Knows how easy it is to get lost when Deku lets Katsuki fuck right down into him and release, choking and messy.

"Remember," Katsuki says, pausing until Deku drags his hungry gaze up to meet his husband's. "You don't think about fuck all but for me. S'about me, Deku."

Of course, it's not really. Not in the end. It's to give Deku purpose, to stop his spiral, to remind him that he is wanted and needed, even when he's not out being a hero.

But that's not how this thing works. Not exactly.

Deku's pupils are already blown out as he wordlessly nods. His fingertips dig into Katsuki's thighs, kneading and needy. His breathing sounds damp and slightly labored.

"Open your mouth," Katsuki murmurs as he brings his own hands to his pants and lifts his hips enough to ease down the waistband. Deku groans softly, as if in pain, and lets his mouth fall open and slack, lips glossy, eyelids heavy and hooded as Katsuki grips his filling dick by the base and slaps the swelling, shiny head against Deku's presented tongue. The wet, sticky sound of his cock to Deku's tongue again and again, a visceral sound in the dead silence of the room, makes them both moan in tandem.

"Good," Katsuki says, struggling not to sound breathless by such a minor show of submission in the scheme of things. Deku just does things to him. The way he lets go is so fucking pretty. "So good for me. Keep that mouth open and don't move. Just take it. Take it."

Deku's throaty sound of approval is muffled and choked off as Katsuki feeds the long, thick length of his dick into Deku's mouth. That first slide is heaven, is humid and sloppy and wet as Deku's lips stretch to accommodate the width of him.

"Eyes open," Katsuki snaps, his voice tight. He's desperate to watch Deku's face as he slowly pulls out and slides back in, out and in at his own pace, working up the slick spit and sticky pre-cum around Deku's lips, some of it starting to spill over and drip down Deku's chin in a mess as Katsuki slowly works himself in deeper, holding, then out, even deeper, holding, watching Deku's breath halt, then out.

Their gazes don't part even when the tears fill and track down Deku's cheeks with each deeper, thicker thrust of Katsuki's cock down his relaxing throat. Deku feels incredible. Looks incredible. The power he hands over to Katsuki is dizzying.

Rampant heat suffuses Katsuki's body, racing through him and coiling between his legs as he gives in and reaches out. Cups the back of Deku's head and clenches into his curls, yanking back enough to lengthen Deku's throat and hold him fast. Deku whines, loud and long, eyes wide and black on Katsuki as one of his hands drops down between his own legs.

"No." Katsuki pulls Deku off his dick, giving him a little shake by the hair, yanking a high sound of Deku. Katsuki spreads his legs wider and abruptly leans in, close, closer, ominous. "Who the fuck said you could touch? Who the fuck said this was about you? Deku."

Katsuki rattles Deku around by the hair again, a firm shake as Deku gapes at him with a bruised mouth hanging open and abandoned of the cock he so badly desires. His hunger is so fucking obvious, so desperate, that Katsuki very nearly falters, his dick throbbing with ever-increasing interest.

"Say it, Deku. Tell me who this is for?"

"Y-you," Deku whispers, voice already hoarse from obediently taking a nice, big cock. "You. S'for you."

They maintain eye contact for a taut, tense moment. Deku is shivering and Katsuki knows it's not from the cold.

"Good," Katsuki says quietly, nodding once. "Unfortunately, you've fucked it up for yourself."

Deku's hazy, dazed gaze goes instantly wide, a sliver of panic spearing through as he stiffens and sits up straighter. Dark, wet eyes dart frantically across Katsuki's face.

"What," he chokes off, "Wait, what, no, I—"

"No?" Katsuki leans back into his seat and doesn't withhold his grip on Deku's hair, yanking him along with. Deku stumbles forward on his red knees, clumsy with surprise and the obvious erection straining up and slightly crooked between his legs. He ends up high upon his knees, his body draped over Katsuki's crotch, his dick trapped against Deku's chest and his own stomach as Katsuki grips tight to Deku's hair and keeps their gazes aligned.

"No?" Katsuki bites off, baring his teeth. "Y'know, I was gonna let you come at some point, but not anymore. You're not useful at all, are you? You don't give a shit about what I want as long as you get what you—"

"Please." Deku's licks his lips quickly, his damp eyes pleading as he grips Katsuki by the hips and squeezes, clinging. "Please, I don't—I didn't mean—I want to help, Kacchan. Wanna be yours. Wanna be anything you need me to be. Please, I—"

"Pick up the blanket, then."

Deku goes still, his soft, blood-flushed lips parted in a silent question he wisely keeps to himself. For a brief second he flicks his gaze away, off to the side, as if trying to remember the existence of the blanket he'd originally dropped, then back to Katsuki. Slowly, he nods, clearly off-kilter and unsure.

Gently, Katsuki releases Deku's hair. While Deku turns, moving as if easing through molasses, Katsuki opens the bottom drawer of his desk and takes out the small bottle of lube always waiting for them. He sets it atop the desk, dead center, making sure Deku can see it, and turns to assess him.

Deku is standing now, holding the blanket in front of him, looking adorably uncomfortable and unsure. Not anxious or slumped in on himself, but simply waiting and off-center, relenting his control.

Katsuki allows his lips to subtly curve. He holds out both hands, outstretched and welcoming.

"Come here," he says, a repeat of his very first command.

This time, Deku approaches quickly, no confusion or hesitation. Good.

"Up," Katsuki says, patting his thighs. "On my lap."

The chair isn't designed for two people. It's solid wood with no arms to it and no extra width for Deku to balance his knees. Katsuki closes his legs, his cock still out, resting long and heavy over the taut waistband of his sweats. The entire thing makes Deku have to think on it and mount Katsuki's lap with care, with thoughtfulness and purpose.

Deku's short enough that he has to go to his tiptoes, his legs on either side of Katsuki's legs, as he scoots forward and settles himself down on Katsuki's lap, sitting atop Katsuki's thighs with a slight wobble. Their cocks brush and press against each other and they both gasp with the sudden touch.

"Hold the corners," Katsuki says as he drapes the blanket over Deku's back, its fuzzy warmth enveloping Deku as he obediently takes the corners of the blankets to hold onto. "Put your arms around me."

Deku does so, curtaining both of their bodies in the blanket in the process, his fingers linking at Katsuki's nape. Their faces are so close, a whisper away. Deku gives Katsuki a searching look. His cheeks and neck and chest are so pink and edible, his lips soft and bruised from sucking dick, his curls a riot, his pulse apparent at his throat.

Even after all this time, he's the most beautiful thing Katsuki has ever seen. Sexy and sweet and enticing. Demanding and giving in bed in equal turns, that body designed for Katsuki's pleasure.

Allowing himself a moment, Katsuki cups Deku's cheek with one hand and leans in. Places a soft, sweet kiss on Deku's mouth, then another just on his lower lip, the tip of Katsuki's tongue sweeping over it until Deku gasps and opens for him, welcomes him in. They don't go deep; Katsuki doesn't let it get messy or fierce. He's keeping Deku on his toes, savoring him with small sips of kisses, licking into him but with the tease of self-control.

Sure enough, Deku starts impatiently huffing and puffing against Katsuki's mouth. Writhing upon his lap and shifting enough so he can ride just one of Katsuki's thighs with more intention, rutting his ass down on Katsuki's leg while their cocks grind and begin to leak over each other, messy and hot and hard. Katsuki pulls out of the kiss with a shaky exhale and Deku immediately drops his brow to Katsuki's shoulder, his hips rolling against sweatpants as low, wanton noises bury themselves against Katsuki's neck and shirt.

"M'gonna open you up now," Katsuki says, dark and deep, as he reaches for the lube and brings both arms out of the blanket and around Deku to slick up his fingers and palm.

He hears Deku shudder a breath in response. Sets the lube aside and secrets his hands back into the blanket, using one to hitch Deku closer up his lap, fingers digging into one beautiful, thick asscheek to spread it; the other hand, dripping and slick, dipping into Deku's hole with two fingers right to start. Deku's ass has always been greedy. Easy and mouth-wateringly slutty.

"Gonna open you up and you're not gonna come. Hear me?"

Deku groans out loud, the sound stuttering and stopping and starting as Katsuki works his fingers in to the knuckle and lightly pulses them, pushing, pushing, searching.

And that's not a proper reply. Not the right answer.

Katsuki pulls his fingers out to Deku's high, plaintive cry. Idly circles his hole, just slipping over the center of him and pulling back as Deku tries to clench around his fingertips, suck him in.

"Did you hear me, Deku?" Katsuki digs his nails into the meaty flesh of Deku's asscheek, savoring the yelp muffled into his shoulder. Holds it wide open, nice and stretched so his fingertips can continue to lightly, barely pump against his slick, hot entrance, teasing, teasing. "I'm gonna open you up and sit you on my cock and you're not gonna come. Do you hear me?"

"Yes!" Deku sharply turns his head, his mouth humid and panting at Katsuki's ear. His hips stutter against Katsuki's dick, unable to properly move when Katsuki is gripping his ass so tightly. "Fuck. Fuck. Yes. Anything! Please, just—I need—"

"I'm only gonna say this one more time." Katsuki thrusts his two fingers in deep, hard and purposeful. His fingertips curl and search until Deku outright yells, sharp and loud and shocked as pleasure rails through him with Katsuki's vicious, unrelenting rubbing. "I don't give a flying fuck what you need, Deku. You're gonna warm my big, fat cock like the useful little slut I know you can be, and we ain't gonna say a word about whatever bullshit you think you need. Because what I know you need is this dick, how and when I wanna give it to you. Got it?"

"Yes, yes, yes," Deku chants, breathless and using the balance of his tiptoes on the floor to faintly bounce and rock back on Katsuki's fingers as he cuts bitten nails into Katsuki's nape.

One corner of the blanket falls to the side, but Deku's body is already a furnace and they've barely begun. His brow is damp on Katsuki's shoulder, even through his t-shirt, and Katsuki merely hums in a vague sound of approval as he adds a third finger a little slower, savoring the stretch and give and suck of Deku's ass around long fingers.

Once open enough to Katsuki's liking, he takes a steadying breath, mentally stealing himself from losing his fucking mind the moment Deku gets on his dick. They don't do this much, but Katsuki has the distinct impression that the minute Deku meets orgasm and the post-nut clarity fades, he's going to be back to stressing. And Katsuki can't have that. Not yet.

Removing his fingers to the frustrating grow of Deku's displeasure, Katsuki shifts his entire chair so it's properly facing his desk. A soft, throaty sound of surprise sounds in Deku's ear as he clings to Katsuki's shoulders, his hips adjusting upon Katsuki's lap to keep up a short, broken rut that doesn't give nearly enough friction or relief.

"On your feet," Katsuki murmurs at Deku's ear, enjoying the shiver that rakes through Deku's frame at the sound of his voice. Deku obeys, his legs wobbly and weak as he goes to his toes and scoots up at the same time Katsuki lubes up his cock and grips the base, his free hand guiding Deku by the waist and easing him down, down onto the sizable stretch of his cock.

Holy shit. It's always like this, every time. Hot, engulfing, overwhelming. Deku's so tight, it takes everything in Katsuki not to slam up into him and hold him still, to use him for Katsuki's pleasure and watch the sense get fucked right out of Deku's skull.

"Good," Katsuki soothes as Deku begins to pant in earnest, breath holding and hiccuping with strain as his thighs shake and his body takes Katsuki in slow and slick and unstoppable. "There's my good, greedy little slut, there you go. S'all you're good for and you're doin' it so, so well, beautiful."

Deku's broad, throaty groan fills the room, the tension melting from his body as he takes Katsuki deep and full, his entire frame draping over Katsuki's as he quivers and shakes through the initial stretch and burn. His walls squeeze and release, trembling around Katsuki's cock, milking him already, testing his resolve.

Katsuki takes his own time to recover and attempt to center himself. Turns his head and presses his face to Deku's curls. Inhales his sweat and sex scent, his natural musk present and deeply masculine after a couple anxiety-riddled days of not showering.

After this, Katsuki will take Deku to the bathroom. Sit him down to shower and place him in a searing, soothing bath. Tuck him into bed on his side and, while Deku's still loose and lax and open, curl up behind him, hook his arm beneath one of Deku's knees to pull it against his chest, and fuck into him from slow and slick and easy.

Deku inhales sharply as Katsuki impossibly hardens further inside him. Shivers as he releases the blanket entirely and all but curls and curves his entire body into Katsuki, arms tight around Katsuki's neck, face nuzzled beneath the cut of his jaw, breathing hot and wet against him.

The dichotomy of Deku's entire naked body straddling Katsuki's fully clothed one increases the molten curl of mounting heat between Katsuki's legs, but he doesn't pursue it. Not yet. Not until Deku is falling apart on his cock, delirious with the need to come.

Deku is heavier than most people anticipate. He's all muscle and strong bones, and the full weight of him on Katsuki's lap ensures that his cock is as deep as it can go from nearly any other position. Deku's toes barely skim the ground like this, so he's got no leverage to ease off like this. There's only Deku's clinging to him, no doubt overwhelmed and out of control with the depth of Katsuki taking up solid, throbbing space inside him.

"K-Kacchan," Deku whispers, already winded by simply sitting still and taking it without room to shift or settle. "It's so big. I'm so full. I can't—can't breathe."

Katsuki hums and strokes long, languid lines down Deku's back. Curves his hand over the dip of Deku's lower spine and cups one asscheek, pausing to lightly jiggle it, a faint vibration around his dick that has Deku biting off a sound behind clenched teeth. Kisses the tense ridge of Deku's shoulder.

"'Course you can breathe." Katsuki continues to pet and soothe his shaking, little love upon his lap. "In fact, that's all I'm gonna ask of you. Just breathe and sit and be very, very good."

A full body shudder shimmers through Deku's frame, a wash of pleasure rushing through Katsuki in turn. But Deku's shoulders are still stiff and he's still breathing too hard, too wound up, too ready to fuck right away for what Katsuki's intends.

Katsuki wants Deku loose. Light. Letting go.

He shifts back in his seat, as much as their close position allows, and wraps one arm firmly around Deku's trim waist. Uses his free hand to grip Deku's jaw and ease his face back so they can look at each other.

Deku's expression moves through Katsuki like a heatwave. His big eyes are heavy, lids droopy as his wavering retention fixes on his husband. His cheeks are high with color and his lips swollen with arousal, amber freckles stark across his pinked skin. A sheen of sweat skins across his brow, where dark curls cling.

"Beautiful," Katsuki murmurs again as he releases Deku's chin to skim his thumb across his cheek, sweeping the soft, delicate skin beneath one eye. He rarely uses the word, and only during moments like this when he feels safe to say it.

This scene they go to isn't just a setting for Deku to feel safe, it's a place for Katsuki to be soft.

"Look at me, Deku," Katsuki says firmly, mustering the steel to his voice as he tucks damp curls behind Deku's ear. He patiently waits for Deku's attention, then lets his thumb push at Deku's lower lips until that sinful mouth parts and sucks him in; a hot, wet haven to match the tight clench and shudder around Katsuki's cock.

"Listen," Katsuki says, hooking his thumb over the line or Deku's lower teeth and giving a short bracing shake. "I have to finish my paperwork now. You'll sit here quietly and keep me hard until I have time for you again. Do you understand?"

Deku blinks slowly. His tongue curls and flicks lovingly at Katsuki's thumb. He already looks more than half way to floating.

"You don't get to come," Katsuki adds, even though he has every intention of letting him by the end of this. "You don't have any other purpose but to keep me ready for your hole when I want it. And I know you can do that so fucking well if you stay good for me. Got it?"

When Deku doesn't reply, Katsuki swiftly slaps his cheek. Once, short and sharp. Smiles at Deku's long, rolling groan and the quivering clench of his hot, wet walls around Katsuki's aching cock. Deku can barely keep his eyes open, his nails raking into Katsuki's shoulders and down his biceps to grip tight as he frantically nods. His cheek blooms red.

"Yes," Deku rasps, "yes, yes, just, I need—"

"You don't know what you need."

With that, Katsuki's shifts to better face his desk. The movement only jolts the head of his cock against Deku's prostate, if he has to guess by the way Deku sharply cries out and wraps his arms around Katsuki, holding on tight.

"Shhh. . ." Katsuki keeps one arm banded at Deku's waist, keeping him close and firm and unable to wiggle or writhe. He cups the back of Deku's head, gently petting as they both settle in and Deku's whimpers taper to shuddering, wet breaths against Katsuki's shoulder and neck. Deku's body is burning up, not cold at all anymore.

"There you go," Katsuki croons, deep and assured. "Just like that. Stay. Be good for me while I work. Shhh. . ."

How much work Katsuki gets done is arguable. Normally, he doesn't file his own police reports on incidents in which he has been involved. He has an assistant for that, these days. But with the weather and all, he'd decided some busy work wasn't the worst thing ever. Deku may be clawing at the walls for purpose, but Katsuki's mind has never been good while idle either.

As the minutes tick, Deku shifts here and there. Whines softly, like a puppy left on the other side of the door. Manages to arch his back and press his toes to the floor for just enough leverage to work himself on Katsuki's cock a tantalizing, teasing inch or two up and down, up and down; a faint, slick, sucking noise each time. The scant, hesitant friction sparks down Katsuki's erection each time, coiling tighter in his balls, spiking errant splinters of hot, white pleasure through his thighs and gut.

Katsuki only imprisons Deku's waist tighter against him, stilling him as best he can, and continues to pretend to work. He glances at his watch and notes that barely four minutes have passed. To Deku, it has probably felt like an eternity.

Deku begins to mouth at Katsuki's throat. Soft, plush lips kissing the mountain of his shoulder and along the tense tendon of his neck, up to his jaw. Bites delicately at Katsuki's earlobe, tonguing sweetly at the curve of cartilage and around to kiss the spot behind his ear. Katsuki exhales carefully, long and slow as he struggles to keep composure when this little fucking minx distracts the hell out of him.

"Stop," Katsuki snaps, pinching Deku's thigh. Deku yelps and ekes out a plaintive sound from the back of his throat as he buries his face into Katsuki's shoulder and stops putting his mouth where it's not allowed. "Fuckin' brat. Already told you you're not gonna come. You wanna make this worse on yourself?"

Deku wordlessly shakes his head against Katsuki's body. His ass squeezes around Katsuki's cock, briefly stealing Katsuki's breath in another sassy show of daring that Katsuki can't help but love.

After that, Deku is properly good. He fully relaxes into Katsuki for minutes upon minutes, the clock ticking over toward an inevitable timebomb.

The effect of his submission, the way he goes heavy against Katsuki's frame, breathing deep with an errant shudder and shake, the subtle wiggle of hips to ineffectually rut his cock against Katsuki's clothed stomach—the effect of Deku slowly descending into that mindless, molten submission leaves Katsuki's breathless. Distracted. Desperately hard and dying to fuck his husband full of obedience and cum.

He could wait longer, but why bother? They both need this as bad as the other now.

Ignoring Deku's gasp at Katsuki's sudden movement, Katsuki shifts in his seat, cockhead deep in the tight clutch of Deku's ass, and begins to neatly clear the papers and pens from his desk. Scoots the small lamp aside, to the farthest edge. Opens his side drawer and dumps in some knickknacks. Keeps the lube waiting.

"Look at you," Katsuki says, allowing admiration and wonder to fill his voice as he cups Deku's face in both hands, easing him back so they can look at each other. Deku can barely open his eyes. They're so heavy, pupils encompassing all of that dreamy green. "Look at you, beautiful. Did so well for me. I'm so impressed. You're so good."

Deku's gaze briefly focuses on Katsuki. He huffs out a soft breath that might be relief as he wets his lips with that sinfully pink tongue. Nods once, like he's vaguely absorbing Katsuki's praise.

"Gonna fuck you now," Katsuki says, petting Deku's hair back from his damp brow, his other hand firmly gripping Deku's jaw so his head doesn't heavily loll to the side. "Gonna fuck you deep and slow and you're gonna take it how I want you to. Know you can take it for me the best."

"Kacchan," Deku murmurs. His voice is slow and scratchy and very deep; only gets that way when he's gone. "Please. Please. Fuck me."

"I'm gonna, freckles." Katsuki's voice goes tight with brief effort as he wedges his hands beneath Deku's thighs and stands, taking Deku along with. "Hold on."

Deku quickly wraps arms around Katsuki's neck for balance and gasps, the new angle of Katsuki's dick shifting inside him before slipping out entirely.

Deku cries out with the loss, sounding just shy of tears as Katsuki shushes him and lays him out across the desk. The small of Deku's back and ass hang off the edge of the desk, open to the air, but Katsuki hooks one knee over his arm and eases Deku's ankle up on Katsuki's shoulder as he reaches for the lube.

He's messy about it, clicking off the top with his teeth and turning the bottle upside down onto Deku's thick, leaking cock and downward, dripping everywhere before he sets it aside. Doesn't take his time shoving three fingers into Deku's ass, already so obscenely spread from the time on his cock, but Katsuki loves to admire the needy gape of his ass and how wet and red and abused the rim looks as he really slicks it up.

Deku outright wails, his pretty mouth stretched and gasping, his chest heaving as he reaches back to grip the opposite edge of the desk. He has no control over his hips, the bottom half of him wholly off the desk and at Katsuki's mercy. His thighs quiver with the effort to roll his hips down on Katsuki's hand, but there's not much he can do while Katsuki hungrily watches his fingers suck into Deku's body like they're meant to be there.

"Made for me," Katsuki says as he removes his fingers and admires the way Deku's body twitches and leaks and clamps down on nothing, so needy for him and only him.

Katsuki takes his time fitting his cock into Deku's hole. Goes inch by slow inch, watching Deku stretch around him anew, savoring the way Deku's legs begin to twitch and his thighs begin to shiver, his toes flexing and curling. By the time he bottoms out, Deku is breathing sharp and quick and shallow, overwhelmed as he rapidly blinks wet eyes up at the ceiling in the way he does when he's not seeing anything at all.

Being inside Deku like this is euphoria, heaven, a high like nothing else. Katsuki lets himself groan now, dark and drawn out as he gets both of Deku's legs over his shoulders and looms over him close. Urges Deku's thighs back against his body, folding him in on himself as Katsuki begins to fuck him at an aching, leisurely pace. Katsuki pulls out each time, keeping the crown of his cock teasing Deku's rim, and thrusts in hard, deep, complete.

He can keep up this rhythm for a long time, and he does. Fucking Deku slowly, thoroughly, until Deku is sobbing on each inhale, a hiccup of a wet exhale, his cheeks damp, his fingers white knuckled on the edge of the desk, his red, throbbing cock dribbling over his stomach. Katsuki knows where Deku's prostate is, knows it like a fucking treasure on the map of a beautiful body, and hits it every stroke, unrelenting as he speeds up and feels himself begin to fall apart.

The slap of sweat and slick skin on skin is obscene in the silent room, Deku's weak cries and Katsuki's harsh, hoarse breaths rising toward a crescendo as Katsuki bruises Deku's hips with fingertips and pulls him back again and again on Katsuki's cock, meeting every harried thrust with a vibrant smack. Katsuki's fading fast as the fire sweeps through him faster, burning up his control in the wake of pure desire, pure need to fall apart.

But Deku gets there first and Katsuki abruptly stops as he senses it. The way Deku's entire body tenses up and stills, his breathing halted, his nose scrunched, mouth gaping and soundless. Quickly, Katsuki clamps a hand around the base of Deku's cock and squeezes, tight, moaning as Deku goes wild, frantic, eyes shooting open as his orgasm cuts off before it can begin.

"Nonono!" Deku all but screams, begging, releasing the desk so he can fist frustrated hands in his hair.

His distress is so fucking pretty. The tears that spill over hot, red cheeks as Deku's ass clenches and clamps around Katsuki's dick a desperate attempt to wring out a release that has been denied. It's the hottest fucking thing Katsuki can imagine; power, this desperation—

And his own orgasm cuts through him like a knife, sudden and sharp and merciless as it takes Katsuki down. Weakens his knees as he shudders a shaky exhale and empties into his husband, his head dropping to Deku's heaving, sticky chest as his body wracks through it.

"Oh please, please, please," Deku is chanting above him, his hands gripping Katsuki's hair now, pulling at him as he whimpers and writhes beneath him, those strong legs shaking as they wrap around Katsuki's waist and hold on, rutting up against him.

Fuck if Katsuki ever planned on denying him in the first place. He barely shifts his body, and Deku's legs won't allow it anyway, but he moves enough to fit his hand down between them. Slides three fingers into Deku's sensitive, twitching asshole as he eases in deep. Smooths fingertips over that secret spot inside, pushing and nudging once, twice, three times, and Deku is sobbing his release and hugging Katsuki's head to his chest like letting him go would kill them both.

Deku goes boneless almost as quickly as the orgasm came, but Katsuki is prepared. He knows how Deku gets when it's real good—practically comatose.

With a heaving sigh, Katsuki drops back to the abandoned chair and carefully drags Deku from the desk and into his lap. Cradles him this time, Deku's legs hooked over one of Katsuki's arms as Katsuki wraps his free arm around Deku's shoulders and keeps Deku's face pressed to his chest. Lets himself slump in the uncomfortably hardback chair and tilts his head to breathe.

Deku murmurs something entirely drunk and unintelligible, but it means he's vaguely back in the land of the living already and Katsuki grins as he brings his face down to nuzzle in Deku's hair. Inhales the earthy scent of him and buries a kiss in his unruly curls.

"The best for me," Katsuki murmurs into Deku's hair.

Deku hums in reply, seemingly finding enough consciousness to raise his face to Katsuki's in an obvious search for affection. Katsuki gladly gives it to him; rains gentle kisses over his brow and eyelids and nose, his freckled cheeks and the pout of his lips.

They don't do this a lot. Well, Katsuki doesn't. All the kissing, the babying. It's not their every day to be this demonstrative with each other. So, as much as Deku needs what Katsuki gives him, it's as much for Deku as for Katsuki. It just took them a while to get here.

And fuck if Katsuki isn't grateful they got here.

"Bath," Katsuki says, leaving a final, smacking kiss to Deku's head. He watches those eyes finally open, all dark forest gaze, easy to get lost in. "Don't argue with me. You stink."

Deku's eyes grow large, scandalized as he scoffs.

"You stink," he shoots back.

Katsuki grins. There's his Deku.

"Great comeback," Katsuki drawls, raising unimpressed eyebrows. "Add that one to the history books."

"Oh, I'm sorry I'm not clever enough for you after I just came hard enough to liquefy my brain," Deku says, his expression adorably scrunched with displeasure.

"You're welcome," Katsuki says, his grin going cocky and sharp.

Deku's gaze softens almost instantly. His swollen lips curve in reply.

"Yeah, yeah," he says, his cheeks blushing anew. "Thanks. For real."

"You're welcome." Katsuki abruptly hugs Deku's cradled body to him close, tight, hugging until Deku squawks and his limbs flail out for escape. "For real."

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