The W. J. Manares' Reader

By wastesjunksandmesses

398 204 1

A Collection of Funny Science Fiction Stories More

Odd Duo
Captain Mike and the Lunarians
The Throne Of Grease
I Want Uranus!
Smells Like Zaglonux
Grandpa's Computer
Where's Yuri?
Cluckzilla and the Disco Chickens
The Quirkies
The Last Living Dinosaur
Sparkles the Dwarf Star
Grand Deception
Quacksville's Rubber Duck Spaceship
Iti and Pukaw
Curing Alienocacophonitis
Lapu-lapu Saves!
Baconitizer 13
Station 69
Pancake Earth
Super Cropman
Wanted: God Wannabes
The Secret Protectors
Invisibility In View
Inactivity Activated
Sight Gag
Flyblown Fly-by
Life In The Milky Way
Captain Nathan and the Crescentaurs
Albescent Lightning
Two Halves
The LASER Legend
Moons Staring
The Cosmic Misadventure of Captain Eddie and the Rubberball Astronauts
The Psychedelic Shrooms of Fungalum
Missing Wolfria
Fishy Situations
Peculiar Project 101
Droughty but with a Chance of Fluffy Marshmallow Snowstorms
The Incredible Power of Photosynthesis

Nebby Awards

8 4 0
By wastesjunksandmesses

Nebby was not your ordinary nebula, you see. While most nebulae were content with their astronomical duties, Nebby had an insatiable appetite for literature. Despite being composed of interstellar gases and dust, Nebby fancied itself a brilliant writer.

So, with a twinkle in its star-spangled nucleus, Nebby embarked on a cosmic journey to be recognized as a great writer. It traveled across galaxies, scribbling stories with its cosmic rays and forming shimmering sentences in the depths of space.

However, Nebby quickly realized that being taken seriously as a writer was not as easy as it seemed. Every time it submitted its stories to literary publications, the feedback would come back with comments like, "This story is...out of this world!" or "Sorry, but we don't publish works from celestial beings."

Disheartened but not defeated, Nebby decided to create its own publishing house. It named it "Quasaurus Publications" and set out to gather authors for its literary endeavors. Nebby held auditions for various cosmic entities to join its team, including comets, quarks, and even a talking asteroid named Assteare - who had dreams of becoming the next Shakespeare.

Word of Nebby's publishing house spread across the universe, attracting the most eccentric potential authors. One day, a supernova named Pernova appeared at Nebby's doorstep, clutching a manuscript in her fiery grip. She claimed to have conjured the ultimate love story that would make even the coldest hearts melt like frozen asteroids.

Excited about this new prospect, Nebby eagerly went through Pernova's manuscript. It was a dazzling display of words, sparkling like stardust on a moonlit night. Nebby fell in love with Pernova's writing and decided to publish her book, naming it "Pernova's Supernovel Romance."

The PSR book became an instant hit, making waves in the literary universe. Celestial critics raved about its ingenious plot twists, celestial romance, and heart-wrenching supernova soliloquies. Nebby basked in the adoration as reviews poured in, with phrases like "A super masterpiece!" or "Nebby's publishing house has truly earned its cosmic stripes."

As Nebby's reputation soared, it attracted more and more aspiring writers from all corners of the universe. From Martian poets to Saturnian sonneteers and aspirants from Uranus, everyone sought recognition under Quasaurus Publications. Nebby's life had transformed into a whirlwind of editing, publishing, and manuscript readings.

Years passed, and Nebby became renowned throughout the galaxy as the arbiter of cosmic literature. It even hosted an annual Nebbys, an awards ceremony honoring the brightest literary minds in the universe. Authors would arrive in their glittering spacesuits, eager to claim the galaxy-famous Nebby Awards.

Nebby finally stood on the grand stage, ready to announce the award for the "Best Extraterrestrial Comedy." The crowd buzzed with anticipation, and Nebby paused, taking a moment to reflect on its journey. It had come a long way from being a humble nebula with a love for words.

And then, with a dramatic flourish, Nebby declared, "The Nebby Award for Best Extraterrestrial Comedy goes to... the Andromeda Galaxy's Funniest Cosmic Limericks by the Quirky Quark!"

The Quirky Quark, a pint-sized particle with an infectious sense of humor, scampered up the stage, accepting the award with boundless joy. As Nebby handed over the trophy, a sense of fulfillment washed over it. It had achieved its aspiration of becoming a great writer by nurturing talented beings from across the cosmos.

Amidst the applause, Nebby couldn't help but smile, thinking about the countless adventures and characters that had brought joy to readers across the universe. Nebby had proven that even a nebula could achieve greatness, not just in the cosmos but in the realm of imagination as well.

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