All is Fair in Love and War

By Midnighthaze21

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"I don't want to bruise you with my fists...I want to bruise you with my lips." -- Gabriella Marquez, one of... More

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543 46 12
By Midnighthaze21

Gabriella and Taylor made their way downstairs. The doorbell kept repeatedly ringing throughout the house. Gabriella opened up the door and saw Damien standing on the other side with a police officer. His face was badly bruised and his lip was slightly cut. Gabriella stared wide eyed. Taylor stood back and stayed silent. "What happened to you?" Gabriella asked.

Damien looked past her and stared at Taylor. There was a long silence but a mutual hatred between the two from their stares alone. Damien looked away from Taylor and back to Gabriella. "Mateo. Now." He replied. "What?" Gabriella asked. "What the hell are you doing?"

"I'm taking my son. So either you get him or I will." Damien replied. "You can't just take him. That wasn't our agreement." Gabriella argued. Damien looked to the officer that was with him. The officer sighed, "Ms. Marquez, he has an emergency custody order from the courts." He replied. "How the hell can he just get that permission? You can't just take my son from me." Gabriella argued.

"Mr. Brooks claims that your son is in a hostile environment and worries about his safety. The court granted him permission to get full custody until a court hearing." The officer explained. "But my son has never been in danger with me." Gabriella argued. "Ms. Marquez that's not my place to determine or settle. The law says you have to turn your son over until you can get a hearing." The officer explained.

Gabriella stared at Damien and saw the smug look on his face. She felt the panic wanting to settle in but she was doing everything to fight any irrational thought or outburst of emotion. If she lashed out in any way he would only use it against her. "I'll go bring him." Gabriella quietly replied, defeated and shut the door.

Taylor grabbed her arm just as she was about to go upstairs. "You're not actually going to give Mateo to that asshole are you?" Taylor asked. Gabriella pulled her arm away. "I don't have a choice, Taylor. If I make this anymore difficult than it has to be they'll take him away from me for good and I'll only be helping his case." She said as she made her way upstairs.

Taylor felt angry, she felt guilty, she was filled with so many conflicting emotions at once but she blamed herself. Gabriella made her way downstairs with Mateo. "Where are we going mommy?" He innocently asked. Gabriella put his backpack on his shoulders and knelt to his level. He looked confused as she gently gripped him arms. "You're going to have to go with dad, but it's only for a little while. Okay?" Gabriella said.

Mateo's eyes widened and he rapidly shook his head in a panic and tried to pull away, "I don't want to go!" He shouted. Gabriella tried to fight back tears. "It's just for a little while I promise." She shakily replied. "Mommy, please no! I'll be good I promise please don't send me with him!" He shouted. Gabriella tightly hugged him before opening the door. "Taylor don't let him take me please!" Mateo begged. Taylor felt the tears welling up in her eyes.

Gabriella glared as Damien grabbed Mateo by the arm. Mateo tried to pull away from his grip. "Mommy please no!" Mateo shouted. "Mateo come on." Damien glared and picked him up in his arms and walked off. "No!" Mateo screamed and kicked, doing everything to make Damien let him go. He hit Damien on the side of the head causing him to drop Mateo for a moment as he held the side of his face in pain.

Mateo quickly ran back towards the house and practically jumped into Taylor's arms. Taylor was taken by surprise but held him. Gabriella seemed just as surprised and heartbroken at the sight. "Mommy please don't let him take me." Mateo cried in her ear. Taylor felt her heart drop at his words and tightly held him as a tear rolled down her cheek. She wanted to tell him it would be okay and she wouldn't let him take Mateo away but it was out of her control.

The officer watched from the distance sad at the sight and clearly aware that something wasn't right but he couldn't interfere further than what he was legally allowed to. "Get him." Damien glared at the officer. The officer sighed and approached Taylor. "I'm sorry ma'am. Come on son, you need to go with your dad now." The officer said as he tried to pry Mateo off.

Mateo tightly gripped onto Taylor's shoulders not wanting to let go. The officer slightly pulled him away but Mateo tightly gripped onto Taylor's hands as tears streamed down his cheeks. "Mommy please!" He cried. Damien was surprised and bitter at Mateo's attachment to her. "I'm sorry." Taylor said as she tried to fight back tears. She knew she had to let him go but neither could let go of the other's hand.

She felt like letting his hand go would be her breaking every promise she made to protect him. Letting him go felt like losing a part of her. The officer pulled him away. Mateo screamed and cried as he was put in the back of Damien's car and driven away. Gabriella grabbed her by the arm and took her back inside. The two both conflicted and heartbroken.

They stared at one another for a moment. Gabriella couldn't contain her emotions anymore and collapsed in Taylor's arms sobbing uncontrollably. Taylor tightly held her as her tears rolled down her cheeks. She wanted to let go of every emotions right there but she didn't want to do it in front of Gabriella. Gabriella glanced at the bruises on Taylor's hands and slowly pulled away and stared at them. "How did you get those bruises?" Gabriella asked. Taylor stayed silent and looked away with guilt. "Taylor." Gabriella said. Taylor gently clenched her fist and wiped the tears slipping down. "I hurt Damien." She quietly replied.

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