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Danny had been desperately trying to get Gabriella to reconsider fighting Taylor but she never budged. She didn't feel that the risk was worth it. She was taking a brief break and spending her days with Mateo. Damien still barely ever cared to take care of him or take him for visits.

Mateo was on the floor of the living room playing with his toys. Gabriella softly smiled to herself and turned on the tv. She clicked through channels and stopped on the sports channel once she saw her photo. "She had another great win at her fight a few weeks ago. She's still an undefeated champ." One of the panel members said. "It's impressive, but I want to see her fight with a really big contender. That would be a fight to watch." Another said.

"Like Taylor Swift." The other said. Gabriella stared at the screen in silence. Mateo looked up from his toys and paid attention to the screen."Exactly. I want to see that fight happen. You know Swift is notorious for her intense fighting. So many women attempt to step into the octagon with her." The sportscaster said. "But very few ever make it out of that fight and others never return." One panel member said.

"I think Marquez is a really tough competitor. Almost the equivalent to Swift in the octagon, just a little less brutal." The other panel member commented. "Marquez shows mercy, Swift shows no opponent mercy. She's like the final boss at the end of a video game. You never know if your hero is going to make it out alive." The sportscaster joked as the others laughed. Gabriella shut off the tv and stared at the black screen in silence.

Mateo turned to look at her. "Mommy are you going to fight that girl?" He asked. "No baby." She replied. "Is it true she kills people like they said?" He asked. "Don't think about that. People like to exaggerate sometimes." She replied. "What does eggsegerate mean?" He asked. "Exaggerate. It means people like to stretch the truth and details for drama." She replied. "Oh. So they're liars?" He asked. "Kinda." She replied. "Liars aren't nice." He said and went back to playing with his toys. "No they're not." She sighed.

Gabriella left Mateo with a sitter and went to the gym to train. She didn't have a fight coming up but she still liked to practice and brush up her skills. It was all therapeutic for her. She arrived with her bag over her shoulder and froze once she saw Taylor punching one of the bags in the gym.

Taylor stopped for a moment once she noticed Gabriella and slightly smirked. Gabriella glared and gripped the strap of her gym bag and went to put her things away in the locker room. She made her way back out and went to warm up with jump ropes. Taylor finished practicing on the punching bag and watched Gabriella from across the gym. Gabriella tried to stay focused but she hated Taylor's intimidating stare. It felt like her eyes pierced right through her.

She stopped jumping and glared at Taylor. "Do you mind?" She asked. "Not at all, I like to watch." Taylor smirked and took a sip from her water bottle. Gabriella rolled her eyes and finished her last few reps and set the jump rope aside. "Why are you here anyways?" Gabriella asked as she made her way to one of the speed bags. Taylor approached, "I came here to train." She replied. "You don't train here." Gabriella said as she got into position and hit the speed bag.

"How would you know?" Taylor smirked. Gabriella slightly glared, growing annoyed with Taylor's presence as she continued to hit the bag. Taylor watched her, "Spar with me." Taylor said. Gabriella stopped and looked at her. "What?" She asked. "Spar with me." Taylor repeated. "I already told you I'm not fighting you." Gabriella replied. "It's just harmless sparring. Who knows, you might learn a thing or two." Taylor shrugged.

"No thanks." Gabriella replied and walked off. "Why don't you want to fight me?" Taylor asked. Gabriella stopped and glared at her, "Why are you stalking me?" She questioned. "I don't know what you're talking about. I was just training and so happened to run into you here." Taylor shrugged. "All the gym's and you just so happen to come to mine? Sure." Gabriella replied. "Now can you please just leave me alone?" Gabriella asked.

"I will if you spar with me." Taylor said. "You're a real stubborn bitch aren't you?" Gabriella glared. "I'll be whatever you want me to be princess." Taylor smirked. "I'm not your princess." Gabriella glared. Taylor circled around her and eyed her toned tan figure. "I don't know you look like a princess to me." Taylor replied.

"I won't when I kick your ass." Gabriella glared. Taylor slightly raised her eyebrows and smirked, "So she is a feisty one." She chuckled. "What the hell do you want from me?" Gabriella sighed. "One sparring match." Taylor replied. "I promise I won't go hard."

Gabriella sighed. "Let's get this over with. I want you gone." She said making her way toward the mats. Taylor followed behind. They got positioned on the mat. "Simple sparing. No sharp hits. First one to pin the other wins." Taylor said. "Whatever." Gabriella replied. "Ready?" Taylor asked. "Go." Gabriella said throwing a punch.

Taylor quickly dodged her punch and smirked as they moved around the mat. "Nice try princess. I saw that one coming a mile away." Taylor said. Taylor threw a punch and Gabriella quickly dodged it. "Is that the best the top contender in the league can do?" Gabriella teased. Gabriella threw another punch but Taylor was quick to dodge that one and wrap her arms around Gabriella. Her arms held hers in a lock leaving her unable to move much.

Their bodies were pressed together. Taylor looked down at her with a smug look on her face. "I thought you were better than that?" Taylor teased. Taylor glanced down at Gabriella's perfectly plump lips, growing slightly distracted. Gabriella noticed her distracted. A weak point. She managed to hook her leg and drop Taylor down to the mat. Taylor seemed shocked that she was pinned. Gabriella was sat on her and had her arms pinned.

Gabriella leaned down inches from Taylor's face. Taylor felt a nervous flutter in her stomach. She stared at Gabriella's lips slightly tempted to get a taste. "Now leave me the hell alone." Gabriella glared and stood up. Taylor propped herself up and watched Gabriella walk away. Taylor was completely flustered and at a loss for words. But a deal was a deal.

All is Fair in Love and WarTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang