Royally Bumped

Bởi MiniMoxx

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When Mila finds out she's pregnant from a one-night stand with a reluctant prince, she is thrust into a fake... Xem Thêm



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Bởi MiniMoxx

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A Week Later

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The pregnancy is all the world can talk about, along with the wedding. It's so talked about, my awkward interview before the announcement was swept under the carpet by the public. They think I'm funny, and down to earth. A few talk shows have mentioned how relatable I am to the public, and that's why they love me and think I'll be an excellent princess. They've started calling me The People's Princess because of how normal I am and how much they love it about me.

"Look, Seahorse—"

I scoff. "Will you stop calling me that!"

Patrick grins. "Never!"

"I can't believe they're holding a ball for your birthday!" Annie sings as she dances around the drawing room in our cottage with my dad. Kai invited them to stay for a couple of nights to celebrate my birthday, but couldn't get them an invite tonight. They're still here until tomorrow afternoon, though.

Patrick and I exchange a glance with a silent laugh at the sight of them dancing.

"The ball isn't for my birthday. Well, it is, but it's celebrating both my birthday, the king's, and our engagement and the baby. Kinda like an all-in-one thing." I fix my earrings in properly. "There'll be all the royal family, the Prime Minister, a few ministers in high places, some Lords and Ladies, and of course, some rich aristocrats."

"I didn't even know balls were a thing anymore," Patrick admits.

I shrug. "The more you know!"

He holds up his phone almost in my face. "As I was saying... this article; the people love you. The People's Princess despite not even being married yet. Your down-to-earth nature with people is what charms them to you. They think you'll be amazing for the royal family and give them a bridge between the family and the people. You know, like you know, what it's like to be normal versus privileged. They're all excited about you and the baby as well. Apparently, your fashion choices coming from a mix of high street clothing as well as designer are making people excited."

The article says that, and it fills my heart with a burst of pride. In the past few weeks since I've been doing engagements, I've noticed my confidence soaring, and though I'm still awkward and stupid, I've been enjoyingthe work.

"This might be, you know—" Annie whispers the last bits to mean fake. "—but you're doing amazing, sweetheart."

"Thanks, Mum," I say and stand up to show them my dress. "Do I look okay? I'm trying to get to grips with these royal fashion rules. Tights always, nude coloured nails, no tiaras until I'm married, chest must be covered but I can show my shoulders, only hats during the days and every skirt must hit the knee – or just an inch above."

I twirl in my silver dress — an A-line dress that is sequined over my bust, cinches in with a ribbon at my waist and then flows out over the tiny bump forming in a tuille flowing skirt that hits my knee and hits my ankle at the back. I've gone for nude tights and then silver high heels. 

My jewellery will look cheap next to the women there, I'm sure, but I've gone for my charm bracelets my family gave me, along with the necklace my mum had for her and Dad's wedding – a square diamond pendant – and my engagement ring. Royal protocol calls for clutch bags only, so I ordered a silver one to go with the dress to put lipstick and my phone in.

"Mila, you look gorgeous," Annie says. "Your hair is growing thicker with the pregnancy, I swear."

Kai ordered a hairdresser for me, and they curled my hair and styled little plaits around like a hair band around the back. I assume the women will wear tiaras, but I don't know about the men. All I know is that only the King and the Prince of Wales have crowns traditionally – so Lucy's husband. 

All the working women have tiaras and only after five in the evening – except at formal events like weddings. There's also this rule where the queen will hand-pick a certain number of tiaras that are loaned to a royal woman for life – Lucy has seven to pick from. They will also be wedding gifts – and the law changed with Queen Charlotte that a royal woman will only wear a tiara after her wedding. Her first tiara will be on her wedding day, and they have to be sewn into the hair by a single piece of hair braided into the band.

"Sis Seahorse – and yes, that is your name – if Kai isn't instantly bowled over by you, no matter how non-conventional this marriage might be, then he's a fool," Patrick says.

I laugh. "He could get you done for treason for that comment."

"Then consider me treasonous if he doesn't find you the belle of the ball," he says with a shrug.

"Patrick's right," Dad says. "my daughter looks the very definition of a princess tonight. Well, you always have been, but tonight you look like you fit here naturally." He hugs me.

"Love you guys," I express as Annie and Patrick join us for a weird family hug. "Though I am jealous you guys are staying here eating pizza while I have to do this."

"We'll save you a slice. Maybe!" Dad jokes.

─── ♔♔♔ ───

The ballroom has an entire wall of grand windows that look out over the gardens, the walls around them painted in gold with paintings on them in between the windows. The rest of the room is also painted gold, with paintings all around the room from kings and queens of old. There are plush velvet blue seats around the outside of the room, along with butlers going around the room with drinks. The ceiling has an old painting of angels and clouds to make it look lighter, and there's a large, ridiculously expensive-looking chandelier hanging down from it.

All the men are in suits, with King Hugh and Michael the only ones wearing crowns. Kai is looking immaculate in an expensive black suit, a white shirt, and a black bowtie. Though he's not wearing a crown, you can tell he's royalty through the look of him. He's also wearing a brooch on his suit that his father gave him when he turned eighteen. It's a royal coat of arms of the Abbott family.

There is a classical band up the front playing music on the violins and various other instruments. It's almost like something out of a historical TV show, but Kai also mentioned they play more popular music later in the evening once everyone has had a bit to drink and the older people have left.

"Mila," Michael stands in front of me with Lucy. It's technically the first time I've met them. He's blonde, though his hair is thinning, and the crown on his head looks big for him. "It's lovely to finally meet you."

I curtsey. "And you, Your Highness."

Michael chuckles. "Don't be silly, we're family. Call me Michael and never curtsey to me again." He's using a light-hearted tone, but it feels awkward now I've done it.

"Don't call me anything but Lucy, either! I will not have my future sister-in-law bow to me," Lucy says. Her tiara is shining in the lights against her brunette hair, which is styled in a twisty updo. Her face is kind, and her blue eyes pop with the makeup on her face. She's wearing a light blue maxi-dress with only one shoulder to it, along with sapphire jewellery. She's freaking gorgeous.

And here I am in a high-street dress and shoes with sentimental and non-expensive jewellery, pregnant with her prince brother's baby. I might look all right for once, but standing next to royalty, I look like a frump. Kai must be so embarrassed.

"Hi," I greet her. "Lovely to meet you."

"I'm so sorry we haven't met sooner. We've been away in Australia," Lucy says.

"Kai said something about that," I mention.

"Welcome to the madness," Michael says with a laugh.

"Don't put her off anymore, man!" Kai jokes.

"Have you seen the news? Mila, you've sent our popularity soaring since my brother plucked you out of nowhere!" Lucy says.

"I already feel like a Christmas turkey with this bloat and growing bump. Now I sound like one, too," I joke.

They all laugh.

"No, but seriously, welcome to the family, Mila. It's wonderful to have you here and making my brother happy," she says. They both then turn around and go to meet the prime minister.

"I thought they knew the truth?" I whisper to Kai.

He shrugs. "They do."

I don't respond. What did she mean making her brother happy, then? With a child? As far as Kai told me when he found out, he didn't want a child unless he was happy with someone and settled down.

Kai doesn't even acknowledge my confusion as he takes a drink offered by a butler. I take one of the waters he offers before he walks off.

"Kai! Mila! You both look radiant!" Queen Charlotte approaches. She's wearing a long, cream dress that touches the floor, fit with jewels that stand out from the other side of the room, plus her crown and chain of the monarch. Not quite fit for dancing, but she can do what she likes.

"Your Highness," I greet.

"Mila, darling, you're stunning," Charlotte says. She hugs me before kissing her son on the cheek. "You're both welcome to dance and mingle with people. There are photographers here tonight, but we've strictly instructed what they can and cannot take shots of. So just have fun and dance. The only rule is Hugh and I are the first ones to leave—" She turns to me. "It's an unspoken rule at events like this, Mila. However, if you're exhausted, become ill or anything, that's fine. Just let us know."

I nod, and she moves away to be with the king.

I sip my water and put it on one of the designated tables with the rest of the glasses. I notice we all have little name plates so we know whose drink is whose. Kai puts his down at the same time and turns to face me.

"Shall we dance, Peach?"

I nod and turn to put my bag down. When I turn back, he's already in the middle of the dancefloor waiting for me.

The moment I move, my path crosses with one of the butlers and we bump into each other.

"Oh my—"



His tray of drinks ends up on the floor by the chairs, glasses mainly intact from what I can see, but water and champagne are everywhere.

"It's okay! It's okay! Can we get a cleaner in here ASAP, please?" Kai calls.

"I'm so sorry!" I exclaim, picking up the tray for the butler.

"It's all my fault, Miss."

"No, it's my fault. Are you okay?"

He nods. "Are you okay?"

I smile. "Of course. Do you need any more help?"

"Peach, it's being sorted, it's fine. Don't worry," Kai whispers. "No harm done—"

As he says that, I notice people staring and whispering. Fuck. I haven't even done any dancing or spoken to anyone outside the family yet, and here I am making a total tit of myself.

"Come on, let's dance," Kai insists, as another butler appears to clear up. The butler I bumped into has already moved away into another room with the glasses and tray. I allow myself to be pulled into the dancefloor. Seeing Kai there, a lot of the crowd has dispersed back to what they were doing – either mingling or dancing.

"See? I'm not fit for this—"

"Peach, don't let an accident put you off everything. It happens," Kai whispers. His hands wrap around my waist as I fix my arms around his shoulders so we can slow dance.

"But I keep making mistakes like this. A fall, a stupid answer, bumping into someone and sending drinks flying. I mean, also, look at your sister—"

"What's Lucy got to do with anything?"

I glance down. "She's beautiful. Radiant. She looks like a princess. I'm just... a pregnant, low-class girl with a façade of trying to fit in. I don't belong here, Kai."

He waits until I notice the silence between us. The music is drowned out around us, and the chatting of people around us disappears. It's suddenly just Kai and me, in this close vicinity. His breath beats on my face, smelling like mint and champagne, and enough to make me want to close the gap and kiss him.

What in the—why do I want to kiss him now? The past couple of months have been full of lust-fuelled wishes and hopes, but in the end, we both agreed we'd get along and co-parent without this turning into a real relationship. He's still the one that dashed my hopes of raising our child with a choice.

Yet when our eyes meet, there's a stillness to this moment where nothing else matters, and my favourite season – autumn – has come alive around me. The chill is warming and comforting rather than cold, the way he sways me to the invisible beat around us is like I'm drinking a pumpkin spice latte instead of feeling embarrassed about spilling drinks and making a butler fall over.

"Peach, no matter the circumstances, you are a natural at this. I genuinely couldn't imagine anyone better for this – raising our child, marrying into this family or being a duchess. So, you made a few faux pas' according to my family. Who doesn't make mistakes? I certainly have, and I was born into this. You're doing amazing. Everyone loves you."

My eyes move away from his, the flush heating my face.

We both continue to sway to the beat.

"I'm worried your family doesn't think I'm worth it," I admit.

Kai stops us from dancing for a second, and his hands move from my waist, leaving them feeling empty. He puts an index finger under my chin and lifts it until we're looking at each other again.

They say there's a single moment when you realise you're in love – or at least, falling – and I've always wondered if it was a myth. I never felt it with Brayden, and I never had a single moment. When people would ask me how I knew I was in love with him, I could never pinpoint it, and since the night I met Kai, I've wondered if I was actually in love with him, or the idea of him.

But it's not a myth. This is the moment. I'm falling in love with Kai Abbott – Prince Kai – and this is the moment, when his eyes take me in like the only drink in the desert. My heart pounds and soars as if it's just me and him in the room.

"Of course you're worth it. Peach, you wouldn't be here if you weren't. Never think down about yourself, especially after seeing my sister. Don't compare yourself. You're beautiful."

I shrug. "She's skinny, I'm not, she's well-loved by the people—"

"You're gorgeous. Peach, weight doesn't determine your worth. Don't do that. Also, my sister is well-loved by the people because they've watched her grow up into the role she's in. The people love you, you can see that! They're watching you grow into the role, and they find you way more relatable than Lucy or I will ever be to them. I won't listen to you put yourself down wrongly."

He turns me around, and when I come back in, I'm flush against him. After his words, and repeating what Lucy said about him in my mind, the intimacy isn't going unnoticed. Judging by the way his breath hitches when I look up at him, I think he's noticing it as well.

"Sorry for interrupting, but Prince Kai, I'd love to pick your brains about something, if I may."

My body slumps as I step back and see the Prime Minister, Daniel Harold, standing in front of us.

"Of course, Prime Minister," Kai says. "Sorry, my love—"

"Yes, I'm sorry, Miss Kennedy," Daniel says.

I give them both a wide, fake smile. "No problem. I'll go and... have a drink."

They both move away, but I can't make out what the conversation is about. I remember Kai mentioning something about working again with the society from the Dahlia festival the other week, and we did some work around a school and reading to special needs children last week, so I wonder if it's to do with that.

I sip my water and stare around at the gathering. Four couples are dancing to the string music still going, including Lucy and her husband. I recognise most of the politicians around from watching TV and the news. There are also some well-known rich businessmen around. Here I am, feeling out of sorts.

It's like I'm watching from the other side of a window, yet I'm still inside with these people. They're all probably talking money, business, policies and whatever while I'm just... here.

"You look lost."

I turn around and see King Hugh standing in front of me. He's wearing a black suit, a white shirt and a gold crown on his head. He's got a sash on his body as well, which I assume signifies his status as reigning king.

"I sort of... don't fit in here," I admit.

He smiles before gesturing me to the dancefloor. My feet hurt in these heels, but I can't deny a dance from the King of England. He puts one hand around my middle, and we join our other hands at our sides and sway lightly.

"You do fit in here. This may not be a conventional joining, but Mila, you have taken to this like a duck to water. Yes, there have been... awkward moments on the way, but you haven't done anything to offend anyone. You are good at this. Never feel you're doing badly. You and Kai are doing splendid work."

"I—thank you."

He smiles and turns me around. I always thought slow dances were this romantic, intimate moment, but actually, this dance with Hugh is enjoyable and gives us the chance to speak to each other we haven't had yet.

"You both seem to make the other happy."

That's the second person to say that tonight, and I wonder if I've been giving off these vibes of falling for Kai before I've even realised it myself.

But I can't have him because we agreed to keep this friendly.

After a few more moments, the king spins me again, and this time, I tumble on the way back in, losing my footing with the high heel.


He reaches to steady me, and my hand flies out to steady myself at the same time, and his crown knocks slightly.


I steady myself and put my hands out, but as the King of England steadies himself, the crown falls to the floor.

"I'm so sorry! Oh my gosh!"

People see it, but not as many as my first mistake. I bend down to help, but the king shakes his head and does it himself, fixing it back on his head before smiling.

"See? This is why I'm not fit for this!"

He puts a hand on my arm. "Mila, calm down. It was a mistake. It's just a crown—"

"But you're the king! And I did it—"

"Stop, Mila. Breathe."

Kai appears behind me, putting his hand on my arm. "You are fine. Look, we'll go sit down for a minute."

"Mila, please, you're fine. It doesn't matter," the king says.

I nod and follow Kai to the seats.

"Peach, you need to accept that things happen, and accidents happen. You are absolutely fine. Barely anyone saw, and even if they did, it doesn't matter."

I huff and sip my water. "Sure. Don't think the photographer didn't get either of my mishaps tonight. It'll be front page news tomorrow."

Kai shakes his head. "No, it won't. My parents won't allow it even if they did catch it. No one here cares apart from you. That tells you something. If the king says it doesn't matter, then you better believe him. Come on, let's go mingle. Unless you want to go home? I can make an excuse. You're too dizzy or tired or whatever. Pregnancy can be an amazing excuse maker."

I grin. "As nice as you're being right now, and as much as the thought of their pizza at home is calling to me, I better show my face for a little longer, huh?"

He shrugs. "For the politics side of tonight, yeah."

"Half an hour and then home?" I ask.

"Half an hour and then pizza with your family sounds pretty fun right now."

I stand up and take his arm.

"By the way, you look incredible. Have I told you that?" Kai whispers.

His words flutter around my chest and part of me wants to kiss him again, but I keep it to myself.

"You have, but thank you. I just—people stare at me when something happens and I get anxious in case I'm embarrassing you."

"Let people stare at you. Doesn't matter what you do, Peach. When they look at you, what you did or didn't do melts away because they see how radiant you look."

These words solidify the feelings I shouldn't be having. I'm in love with Prince Kai. 

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