The Originals- BOOK 1

By Coolade2007

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The beginning of the story of the original 3 More

chapter 1- endless winter
Chapter 2- the big bad wolf
chapter 3- an old friend
Chapter 4- A new world
Chapter 6- The hunted
Chapter 7- Something darker
Chapter 8- Rebellion

Chapter 5- The sun, the Moon and the king

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By Coolade2007

Lennon would walk along the mountain side towards a cave, where he saw Hati and Skoll playing around. Lennon looked at them for a bit "where is your father?" Before either wolf could answer, Fenrir walked out the cave "I'm right here, what is it?". Fenrir would be slightly annoyed as he only just woke up "can we talk?" Lennon said as he signals away from Fenrir's cave.

Fenrir agrees and they start walking along the mountain side together "listen, fen, your sons have grown up fully now and it's time they start working for me directly". He tried not to sound demanding. Fenrir however stopped and looked at him "absolutely not, why not pick any other wolf?". He growled a little. Lennon became slightly frustrated "because your sons are the only wolves other than us in this pack born with these freakish powers and it's time they are put to good use". Fenrir just stared at Lennon before stepping up to him "they are not going to be your tools, so find someone else".

Lennon would stare Fenrir directly in the eyes, before growing impatient "Remember who's in control here!, they fear me!". Lennon would roar out before walking towards Fenrir who's backing away in fear and bowing down a little to him "know who your alpha is". He growled.

Present day

Hati would help Skoll who is seriously injured walk towards Lennons cave. Lennon would step out and help Skoll lay down "is it done?". Lennon would ask to which Hati paused, looking down in shame "n-no". Hati stuttered, trying to back away a little "no? What do you mean no!" He yelled in Hati's face "THEY ARE JUST CATS". Lennon began to yell louder, stomping on Skolls side causing to yelp and whimper out in pain. Hati grew furious "IF THEY ARE JUST CATS, WHY DO YOU WANT THEM DEAD SO BADLY". Hati would yell back, only to quickly change his tone seeing Lennons eyes begin to go red "wait, wait, I'm sorry". Hati began to back away as far out the cave as he can suddenly Lennon charged at Hati, ramming him to the ground, stepping over him and yelling in his face "WHO DO YOU THINK YOU ARE, BOY!". Lennon would yell, suddenly he felt a sharp pain in his side causing him to fall over, he would look to see a large sharpened piece of ice piercing his side "Stay away from my son". Fenrir would emerge from the snow.

Lennon would rip out the ice shard and back away, his eyes going back to their usual green before he retreated further into the forest, Fenrir instantly rushing over to help Hati up who was frozen in panic "are you ok?". Hati sighed in relief, finally moving again "I'm fine, I just don't get why we don't just leave or why you are friends with him". Hati says as he stand up "because, son, Lennon can be a good man, it's just these past few days he's been acting different, more aggressive, somethings clearly wrong and I need to find out". Hati would look over at his dad, still confused "why though?". Fenrir paused when he heard his son ask this "you know, I don't really know, maybe I just hold onto the hope he will be a good man, a good friend".

3 months ago, before the winter

Fenrir would follow the blood trail leading through the forest to find a large pile of dead wolves and Lennon standing in front of it, blood pouring from his mouth, but he looked upset "what the hell is this?" Fenrir rushed over and Lennons expression quickly went from upset to a smile "a masterpiece, isn't it? They're all traitors, they tried to attack me, the lot of them". Fenrir just looked in horror and the mangled corpses "this isn't you Lennon, why did you do this". Fenrir was extremely concerned in Lennons new behaviour.

Lennon just laughed, but it didn't seem genuine "I've always been a monster Fen, nothing changed". He said his smile quickly fading away as he looked down at his blood covered fur, finally he fell to the ground as tears streamed down his eyes. Fenrir would sit next to Lennon "you're not". Fenrir would say softly, in response, Lennong stood up growling, changing his tears to anger "get away from me". He says as he runs away.

Present day

"So, he killed a group of wolves because they tried to kill him first, but that doesen't explain why he's so aggressive to everyone". Hati would sit down next to a passed out Skoll as Fenrir stays standing at the cave entrance "I'm trying to understand him, just give me time". Fenrir sighs, before standing up and looking at his sons. Hati would nod "ok dad, I trust you, but please, don't put him over us". Fenrir would walk up to Hati, looking him in the eyes "I would never, put anyone above you, or your brother, come on, let's get him out of here". Fenrir would begin to lift Skoll.

Lennon would walk through the forest when suddenly a black wolf with white stripes would pounce out the bush, biting him by the neck and dragging him to the ground, growling. Lennon would stand up "what is the meaning of this". Lennon would growl, as he watched the entire pack surround the area, he would then look at the attacker "Lucien...". Lennon would growl his name, staring him in the eyes "I'm here to challenge you for leadership Lennon, to prove that I am your superior". Lucien would walk up to Lennon, Lennon grins "I accept". He would then growl crouch and get ready to pounce.

As Fenrir carried Skoll into the cave, Hati saw the large group of wolves and went to see what's happened, just to see Lennon and Lucien slowly circling each other in the middle of the large gathering. Hati rushed up to the cave to talk to Fenrir "Dad!". He would yell in a panic, Fenrir quickly turning around "it's Lucien, he's challenging Lennon". Hati would quickly lead Fenrir to the large group, Fenrir growls "that idiot".

Lucien would charge at Lennon just for Lennon to jump to the side and bite his leg, pulling him off balance. Lennon then would stomp on Lucien's side before biting his neck and lifting him into the air, Fenrir watching in concern as Lucien is thrown hard against the ground. Lennon would go to bite Lucien's neck as he lays on his side but suddenly Lucien rolls onto his back and bites Lennons neck and flip them over so he has Lennon pinned, his teeth digging into Lennons neck as blood pours out.

Fenrir would grow increasingly worried until he saw it, the red glow in Lennons eyes, then he knew it was over, Fenrir looked away and began walking. Lennon would roll over, causing Lucien to fall and lose his grip. Lennon with all his strength left began trampling on Lucien, slashing him and randomly going in to bite chunks off him, then he would stand on Luciens shoulder and bite down hard on his neck "submit" Lennon said in a muffled voice. Lucien would whimper in pain before struggling out a final "go fuck yourself". Suddenly, Lennon pulled with all his force, an audible crack could be heard as Luciens neck broke but Lennon didn't stop, he proceeded to rip Lucien's head clean off and holding it up.

3 months ago

Fenrir would look at the pile of dead wolves, he knew he had to do something so he decided to stand up on the mountains cliff side and let out a loud howl, realising a ton of energy from himself as he began to have a very powerful cold breeze appear from his fur, physical icicles forming in his hair, then a snow storm would begin "best to make it harder for Lennon to see so people have a chance to escape" Fenrir would think to himself.

Present day

Lennon would hold up Lucien's severed head and then throw it to the floor "THIS IS WHAT HAPPENS TO TRAITORS, SO BETTER LEARN YOUR LOYALTIES". Lennon would walk around the inside of the circle of Wolves, putting on a sort of show of dominance as he roared out.

Lennon would then walk away from the crowd, deep into the woods where he had the uneasy feeling of being watched, then suddenly a black wolf emerged from the shadows and looked Lennon in the eyes "good job, make sure they know who's truly in charge". The wolf would smile.

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**story started & published in 2014** The 3rd part of my story read If it's meant to be And If it's meant to be continued Before this one x
181 0 37
this will be a long story that I decided to start,it is about the cookie run au that have my oc in it