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By _____Mr-Idiot

2.6K 65 88

-โšœ_______-๐Ÿ“œ-______โšœ- Y/N is a medic in EVADE, they do NOT like seing others hurt, they hate it. Since the st... More

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345 13 14
By _____Mr-Idiot

" "=Talking/Important words/Sarcasm(?)
' '=Thoughs
My childs i have finally posted after many shit happening in here
(WARNING:This shit is kinda cringe ngl)



Chapter one:
"The New Helper"

After a while, the white light faded away, and now you two were in Horror Hotel, the map you liked the most in terms of design, you spawned righ in front of the two main statues, you really liked the detail on these.
You went close to the one with the horns and tried to touch the sword, yet it burned your hand when you tried to, it hurt like hell and it looked like the pain was'nt going to stop soon so you putted Zack in the floor near the Angel statue and putted some bandages arround your glove, yet it still hurt so you putted out your glove and cheked the burn, and it looked like your hand was made of lava, you never had an injure this bad, so you had to ignore it till you get home, you putted your glove again and put the same bandages hoping these wont burn.




Round ended, again, so that means you spawned in a different place...alone, that was weird, at least an npc spawned with you the other times yet no one apeared, but now that you think about it, the whole place seems familiar to you, and the feeling of being watched?, instead of feeling uncomfortable, you feeled protected, it was weird but who cares.

You were looking for your friend while thinking of why was this game so familiar, you did not have any progress on it, neither any cosmetics or skins, the only one you have is the stetoscope wich you buyed before starting the history.All this thinking was making you a little dizzy so you decided to brush it off, you saw Zack leaning over the angel statue, just were you placed him before...weird, you picked him up and started looking for a safe zone.




'God ####### dammit, the burn is getting worse, i feel like my whole arm is going to fall, i need to find water quick' Before running faster you saw a NPC leaning over a chair, they looked like one of the characters that Zack described to you, so you waved and went close to them, they waved back and opened a menu for you(Imagine it being like the undertale shop thing), man, all the options look promising, but you REALLY needed water right now so you buyed it, gived some tip and thanked them, they smiled at you and waved goodbye.
The menu closed, and they started leaning over the chair again, you runned back to the statues place and went upstairs, 'I need to heal this quick, its taking over my arm and it hurts like hell...literally' you took off the water because it automaticly teleported to your bag and started pouring it on your arm and hand,it maked the burn hurt less and leave a big scar on your arm:

(Something like that, im kinda busy so i cant draw it right now)

That #### was big af, you were kinda scared of it since it glowed between times, you didn't want to make Zack upset so you taked his hoodie and used it, you would give it back but for now you really need it.
At least it doesn't hurt now, the pain was gone gladly, so now you can carry Zack without your arm literally dying.

You then saw many people die from the same nextbot at the same time, that looked really painful, you wanted to help them but they were already dead since the bot killed them in brutal ways, the bot looked like that one meme that almost died several times but he looked like a human, it was Sanic, from what you experienced before he was 5% faster than every other nextbot, so were A-Train and Scout, aparently he noticed you so he turned his head really fast, it looked like he broke his neck yet he wasnt hurt by that.
You got a little scared so you hided as fast as you could, but it was late, because you saw him coming at you with a wide smile in his face, you runned away as fast as you could, since you were carring Zack you were a little bit slower because he was ####### heavy.

Sanic was getting closer and closer every second, so you had to face death, you trowed "gently" Zack to the left wich caused him to get into the down part of the building, you hoped that an npc would find him and would take care of him, you took the right and looked back, biggest mistake you ever did, he was WAY to close wich scared you and maked you trip over your leg and fall in the ground, you tried getting up and run but sanic pinned you to the ground with his leg.

"Well, well, what do we have here?, a little #### who thinks they can be a hero, to be honest i never saw you before, but WHO CARES?, BEFORE I END YOU LET ME TELL YOU SOMETHING", he pressed your chest harder with his leg wich maked you wince in pain "there aro NO HEROES IN THIS WORLD, NO ONE CAN SAVE SOMEONE IF IM HERE, SO CONSIDER THIS YOUR FATE, but you know what?, im feeling "kind" today, so ill let you bleed while i watch from distance, because you're too slow"

He started laughting while pressing his leg more to the point you feeled like he was gonna crush you, you never knew that the nextbots could be this strong but now you know how Zack feeled when he got injured.
He stoped and taked you from your neck while he dug his claws into you it, it hurted really bad, but you had to get to the end of the round, you cant die yet...literaly, its WAY to early to die and you have just arived, so you hoped that someone or something saved you...or just hoping the round would end soon.

Sanic was looking at you with a ###### smirk a few steps away, that little- oh whatever, you would just lay there "hoppeless", hoping that he would just lose interest...
Damm, he didn't, he really like seeing people sufering, guess you would just wai-

"So...tell me, how tf did you apeared out of nowere?, like, im actually curious on where do you come from"
"No answer?, whatever, its not like i care" He sayed while looking down at you with a calm anoyed face, "i dont care" yeah right, and im not the main character you little mother-######.




OH MY GOD WHAT THE #### IS WRONG WITH THIS DUDE- oh yeah, long story short, he carried me away and for some reason, he put a chain collar in my neck...IM NOT NOBODYS MASCOT TF?, GET THIS #### OFF ME

"*Random loud screaming*
"...Ugh fine, ill put away the chain"
"How do you-, eh, ill just get this off"

He putted off the chain and you "melted" on the floor satisfied, you completed your mision...or so you tough, he started putting some chains in your arms making you not able to move at all.

"I may not say the reason, but its nothing inapropiate i swear"
"...that calms me a little bit, BUT WHY MEEE? :((((

You started doing the ":(" face, Sanic is weirded out by this but decided that its not important, after this you decided to give up, at least the round was gonna end soon...right?

Wrong, the white light apeared and faded away and you were in the same place as before, Sanic was no longer here, yet you were, what are this chains made of?.
Anyway, you sitted there waiting for Zack or any npc to come and surprisinly, one did came, they saw you and decided to help you.They took the chains off and you were free again, now that is satisfing,you thanked the bot and they sayed yw, seems that these are programed to say that in response.
Man that was akward, after that he just stared at you, without doing any movement, it was kinda scary, so you went out of the room and started looking for Zack.




The special round was about to start,and yet you still didnt find Zack, you had to check on him if you didn't accidentaly damaged them.
Eventually, you found them being healed by some npc's, that was a sweet scene, the bots looked like they really cared about him, you asked them if you could take Zack away and they agreed.
The round started, it was a pretty difficult one, at least for you...it was "INVISIBLE", sometimes you couldnt even see the bot and now this?, i want to die my lord.

As always you went to find a safe spot and though about the down part, it was prety far from the nexbot spawn so you though why not?, you opened the door and started going downstairs carefully, trying to not fall and break you spine or head...or both.
Honestly as Zack was pretty heavy, you almost tripped 5 times, but you reached the end of the stairs and started looking for a safe spot were you could easly check on him.
After what seemed hours(5 minutes), you found a little space with some metal chairs on it, you decided to "revive" him, you maked them sit near a wall so you could take off his shirt easly, after taking it off, you checked first their leg...seems like its healed good enough now, and now for the definetly no homo part, you had to check his back.

You maked him sit the same direction you were facing so you didn't have to move at all, damm, it healed fast, aparently it healed completly but also leaved a mark...ow, you then took again his shirt and put it on him.After that, you sitted on the ground and maked Zack lay on your chest, hoping that no-one(incluiding bots)would come nearby and scare the living #### out of you and wake Zack in the process.




You were getting really sleepy, seems that the special rounds actually take 1 hour to end, makes kinda sence since for something this are special, anyway, at this point it was getting harder and harder to not close your eyes, you didn't want to sleep...yet you did, you fell into the "dream realm" leaving you two vulnerable, gladly no bot was down there...yet.


You two were sleeping together, you hugging Zack from behind, and he was dipping his face in your chest while hugging you...
Until Zack woke up.
"Ugh...were am i...wh-"He noticed your chest, backing up from it inmediatly, not noticing your arms around them, "GAH, WHAT THE-...oh right, that makes sense now, where are we though?"He was looking around still sitting in your legs, since they slept for 2 and half rounds(1 hour and half)for healing porpuses, they had no ####### clue on what happened before he passed out, "Whait hold on...is this Horror Hotel?, yep, it is".

After that your hands though it was a good idea to hug Zack like one of those giant plushies, not the best idea considering the current position of your hands AND his body..."SH-...dude, why, i cannot even move now!, goddangit".You two stayed like that for a while, until you finally woke up, "Dang...that was a good dream" you sayed while streching, "Wish i could say the same"
"Wh- OH LORD, SORRY, SORRY, IM VERY SORRY"You sayed while standing up, leaving Zack on the ground"
"Dont worry dude, but next time procure to take care of your hands, could ya?"He said with a red blush in his face
"Hmm?, what does that me-"You got cut of by some heavy breathing you heard, it was kinda far but you could tell it was a downed person "Hold on Zack, i hear someone...wait here"You then run out to go up and help that someone
"WHERE ARE YOU- and they're gone now, they sayed they would save someone...guess its time to wait, again."

You were running the fastest as you could to the heavy breathing, ir was getting louder and louder, until you spoted a bot holding someone by the neck, you couldnt see the person, neither the bot, but runned directly to them.
You snached the person from the bot hand and carried them in brittal style, you heared the bot get louder, it was MAD, really mad.
"I think i kinda fucked up..."You muttered
"You for sure did"The person sayed
"SHUT UP, you cannot talk until i revive you"
As the person stopped talking you saw another bot coming towards you, you wanted to evade it but it was to late...you traspased it?, what in the actual fu-
Ok whatever you would question the hitbox later, your "patient" looked very surprised and the bots even stopped their sounds for 4 seconds, questioning what happened and started chasing you again, gladly those seconds were enough to get out from there and not going into a whole chasing scene(Wich would have ended up being a filler scene)

After running for some minutes you finally reached your goal, you walked downstairs carefully trying to not fall and to not hurt your legs in the process.
After finally finishing the stairs you placed them down and taked a better view at them while checking their neck, they have a dark hoodie, dark cap, dark blue pants and yellow skin, he was exactly like one of the main characters that Zack described to you, so you acted natural instead of directly ask him about the other one.
"Does your neck hurt?...or any other part of your body"You sayed with a calm voice and a neutral face, making eye contact
"M-my neck hurts just a little bit, im f-fine, it will heal soon..."He said looking away from you, and looked nervous while talking
"...you're lying, now just making sure you trust in me, my name is Y/N, and i want to heal you, so tell me, does it hurt?"You sayed poiting at his neck
"Yeah...it does...my name is Jard by the way..."




After bandaging his neck and legs(just in case)you taked him to your safe zone so you can gain more of his trust, since to start the story you need to interact with the main characters...and sometimes the bots...you think, After a little walk you saw Zack wagging his tail around while muttering something, then he noticed you and hugged you inmediatly, hidding his face in your neck, not noticing the person you brought.
After some seconds Jard sayed something, wich for you was pretty funny
"Ok lovebirds, get a room, we all get that you two want to oof"
"Huh...who are you?...wait a damm second"
Zack realized who you brough, so he taked you into a corner to whisper-talk to you, with a whide smile, but had also an angry expression:
"How did you found him?, didn't you say that you were going to save someone?...did you-"
"Yeah, he's the one i saved, now shut up and stop doing this stuff, you're making him not trust in both of us..."
"...Alright, just act normal, we dont want him to discover the true...if he can..."
Zack then walked to Jard with a serious face, whispering something to him that you couldt hear, Jard nodded and both shaked hands, for then to say both of their names.

You were confused at this, but didn't care since they were talking and bonding...you think, anyway, you "collapsed" in the floor, this was way to much running for you since you weren't in your best time in terms of resistance.
You got in a more comfortable position were you rested your back in the wall and let your legs be free for at least some seconds so these could "heal" more faster since you knew the round was going to end soon and you didn't want to hop off the game, since you were really enjoying the adrenaline that it gived to you.

After a little chat Jard and Zack were having, Jard noticed how you fell asleep, with a bit of worry, he walked to you and cheked if you injured yourself or something, as he was a medic too, yet leaved the little job for some reason...
He was going to check your arms until-
"Dude, if you keep cheeking on them like that you are gonna wake 'em up, so i recommend to stop"
"...you have a point, they seem tired so they need to rest a little to regain their energy"




Round ended, you were teleported to the demon statue, your back laying on their sword and you were indeed, still sleeping.
After 1 minute an npc saw you and waked you up, since the map was changing you weren't supposed to be there, you woke up and before you could see how the npc looked like you were teleported to the same tunnel from before, it seems that this tunnel is the thing that connects every map with eachother.
You "prayed" to roblox for it to be a ñn open map so you could run arround without any problem, and damm, this is not what you meant by not liking to see the bots




Hello!, after "years" i finally updated this book, the hole thing was already ended yet i just accidentaly forgot to save it, and i had to rewrite this hole thing again(It was painful since i had no motivation)
But anyway, thank you all who suporte my history by voting or saving it!, i feel very happy thanks to yall, it maked MT day(seriously, i had a shitty day and checking all my notifications were like a gift from santa i swear)

I would really apreciate if you gave me chapter ideas or even books ideas!, i plan on making a late halloween special when the update comes, since i want to do it for the funny :3

Oh yeah, lets get into the inportant part


-The burn you got is a curse that will follow you along the history, not saying what it is though <b.

-Sanic has a HUGE scar that goes from his right eye to his neck, and his hair is so spiky that it caused a little cut in your middle finger in the right hand.

-Bobo is lost.

-Jard thinked you and Zack had a serious relationship, but was proven wrong after the joke he made.

-Zack is very clingy but also doesn't like to show it in public or in any game, hes also very overprotective yet not that extreme.

-??? doesn't like you being clingy over someone that isn't him.

-The npc's are fully gray with a hexagon development pin in the chest.

-Jard doesn't fully trust you both, yes, you saved him, yet his past "friends" betrayed him many times, the only one who stayed was bobo, so gaining his trust is very hard.

-The two bots that chased you were Saul and Scot, Saul was a gif and Scout was human.

-You get tired easly since almost every game you tested the movement was walking or just sitting the whole time, you also panic very often when you see someone getting closer to you, specially if they're running at you, wich is the second reason on why you get tired easly(Hearthbeat goes really fast).

-Im planning on doing a chapter of the beta desing of this history(Character desings, plot, ships, extras, etc...)

A/N:Im gonna do a Phighting! book...well two, one of ×reader and the other one of oneshots(can be ×reader, but im using it more for character × character)so if you're interested or into phighting i recomend giving me ideas(im new in the lore and fandom, yet i already ship some characters that arent really loved in the comunity lol-)

So ye, if you could help me write it or give me ideas it would help me a lot, also, if you want to play anything my username is:CupskachuUwU (dont ask), you can drop a follow so you dont forget about me or my book, if you dont want to thats k :]



Next Chapter:𝔸𝕝𝕠𝕟𝕖...?

Reward for staying:Little sneak peak and random image >:3

-"...Why dont you attack me?...why are you so familiar?!, WHATS EVEN GOING ON?!"You sayed as you collapsed in your legs from the crying and bleeding coming from your left eye.

-"Why i cant leave...who- AGH"??? Dragged you from your neck and putted something in your face wich maked you feel very sleepy, after a minute of struggling your body gave up wich caused you to faint in ??? arms.
You couldnt bealive this was happening, this game looked like just some random game about nextbots and surviving...but it seems that you were very wrong.It was a tras for you and only you, you were remembering many things now, your progress, your items,everything...even them, but now you cant do anything, your only hope was from them to understand everything and let you go.






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