I will change the fate of all...

By Ghost-Of-Tsushima

185 9 6

Set in 1999 follow the adventures of Joceyln Higashikata, the illegitimate daughter of Joseph Joestar, as she... More

I'm a Stand User!

Emu Yamagishi! Meets Angelo

29 3 1
By Ghost-Of-Tsushima

Jotaro: Delving into his criminal history was a stomach-turning experience. Anjuro Katagari, infamously known as Angelo, ranks as one of Japan's most vile and perilous criminals. Born right here in our town in 1964, he boasts an IQ of 160. Troublemaker from a young age, he was a regular guest at police stations due to theft and assault by the age of 12. In the ensuing years, he became a revolving door inmate, cycling through incarceration for a litany of offenses. He's now 34, with two decades spent behind bars.

Jotaro: The account of his most recent crime churned my stomach even more. In March of 1994, Angelo crossed paths with three 14-year-old boys. He cruelly ended the lives of two and looted all they had. A third boy's fate appeared equally grim until Angelo discovered his affluent background. Ransom suddenly became the plan. It ultimately led to his capture during the exchange, but not before claiming the life of a policeman and the already-deceased boy.

Jotaro: Yet, the unbelievable unfolded last year in 1998. Come October, Angelo faced the gallows, only to defy death itself. He clung to life for twenty agonizing minutes post-hanging, his heart resolutely beating. The execution had to be called off, leaving an eerie air of uncertainty in its wake.

Time Skip...

The evening had worn on, and the restaurant's warm glow had given way to the darkness of the night. Emu and Jocelyn emerged from the eatery, their breath visible in the chilly air. Jocelyn's expression was a mix of frustration and embarrassment as she looked down at her soda-stained shirt.

Jocelyn (Sighing in exasperation): I can't believe I spilled soda all over myself. This shirt was new, too.

Emu, ever the gentleman, didn't hesitate. He swiftly unbuttoned his brown coat and offered it to her with a reassuring smile.

Emu: Here, Jocelyn, you can wear my coat to cover the stain. It's not much, but it should help keep you warm.

Jocelyn accepted the coat with gratitude, slipping it on over her shoulders. It enveloped her in its warmth, and she couldn't help but smile back at Emu.

Jocelyn (Appreciative): Thanks, Emu. You're a lifesaver.

Emu (Modestly): No problem at all. I'm just glad I could help.

With Jocelyn now comfortably wearing Emu's coat, they began to walk together through the quiet streets. Emu's concern for her safety was evident as he kept a watchful eye on their surroundings.

Emu (Softly): I'll walk you home, Jocelyn, just to make sure you get there safely.

Jocelyn (Grateful): You really don't have to, Emu, but I appreciate the company.

Emu (Smiling): It's no trouble at all. Plus, it gives us a chance to catch up some more.

As they walked side by side, Emu and Jocelyn continued to chat about their lives, their dreams, and the twists and turns that had brought them back together. Despite the soda mishap, the evening had taken an unexpectedly heartwarming turn, bringing them closer once again.

As Emu and Jocelyn walked together through the quiet streets, the topic of summer plans naturally arose. Emu couldn't help but feel a rush of excitement for the upcoming summer holidays.

Emu: You know, Jocelyn, with summer just around the corner, I was thinking... would you like to go to the beach together during the holidays?

Jocelyn raised an eyebrow, a playful glint in her eye as she teased Emu.

Jocelyn: Oh, Emu, is that so? You just want to see me in my swimsuit, don't you?

Emu's cheeks flushed a rosy shade as he stammered, trying to defend himself.

Emu: Wha- What? No, no, it's not like that! I mean, well, of course, I'd like to see you, but it's not just about that!

Jocelyn laughed, enjoying Emu's flustered reaction.

Jocelyn: I'm just messing with you, Emu. Of course, I'd love to go to the beach with you. It sounds like a lot of fun.

Emu's relief was palpable, and his smile returned as he realized she was joking.

Emu: Great! It'll be a blast, I promise.

As they continued their walk, the summer holidays stretched ahead of them, filled with the promise of new adventures and the rekindling of an old friendship, now marked by playful banter and shared laughter.

As Emu and Jocelyn walked along, the conversation naturally turned to their lives outside of school. Emu, genuinely interested in getting to know more about Jocelyn's family, decided to ask about her adoptive little brother, Sento.

Emu: By the way, Jocelyn, how's Sento doing? I haven't seen him in ages.

Jocelyn's face lit up with affectionate warmth as she spoke about her adopted brother.

Jocelyn: Sento's doing great. He's growing up so fast. Mom found him crying at the market one day, and she couldn't just leave him there. His mom died during childbirth, and his dad passed away in a car crash not too long ago. It was heartbreaking, but thankfully, he found a new family who loves him dearly.

Emu: That's amazing. Your family did a wonderful thing by adopting him.

Jocelyn: Yeah, we're really lucky to have him. He's a bright kid, you know, just like his dad. His father was a scientist, and I wouldn't be surprised if Sento followed in his footsteps. He's only 14, but he's already showing signs of being a genius.

Emu: I believe he does. And he's got a big sister who's going to support him every step of the way.

Emu and Jocelyn were in the midst of their conversation when a blood-curdling scream pierced the air. The source of the commotion was clear as an old lady's voice rang out:

Old Lady: There's a robber in the convenience store! The guy's got a female clerk as a hostage!

Startled, Emu and Jocelyn exchanged a quick, concerned glance before they made their way through the growing crowd that had gathered outside the convenience store. As they approached the scene, the police were already on the scene, trying to maintain order.

Police Officer: Stay back, folks! It's a dangerous situation!

Emu couldn't stand idly by without knowing what was happening.

Emu: What's going on in there?

With a shared determination, Emu and Jocelyn moved closer, edging their way through the anxious crowd. Inside the store, the tension was palpable. The police officers were shouting, trying to defuse the situation.

Police Officer: Drop the knife and release the clerk!

The robber, his face twisted with a smirk and arrogance, held the trembling clerk hostage. The situation was dire, and Emu felt his heart racing. Then, as he looked closer, recognition washed over him.

Emu: Wait... that's her. The clerk! She's the one who always treated me so kindly when I came here.

Jocelyn nodded, her concern matching Emu's. Together, they stood at the edge of the unfolding crisis, their hearts pounding with worry, unsure of what actions they could take to help the clerk in distress.

As the tension inside the convenience store reached a boiling point, Emu knew he had to act swiftly. He discreetly focused his Stand, "Ex-Aid," its pixelated form shimmering into existence. Only Jocelyn could see it, her eyes widening in amazement as she witnessed a Stand for the first time.

The robber held the clerk hostage with a trembling hand, his knife glinting ominously. In a blur of movement, Ex-Aid's fist shot forward, connecting with the knife. The weapon was sent spinning into the air, and then, with perfect precision, Ex-Aid struck it once more. The knife hurtled down, landing in the robber's outstretched hand, causing him to scream in pain and drop the weapon.

Emu's voice, calm and determined, cut through the chaos.

Emu: You picked the wrong store to rob, pal.

The clerk, now free from the clutches of the robber, looked at Emu with tears of gratitude in her eyes.

Clerk: Thank you, thank you so much! You saved my life!

Emu gave her a reassuring smile, and then, something unexpected happened. The robber, who had moments ago seemed like a criminal, began to convulse in agony. An aquatic Stand, "Aqua Necklace," emerged from his body, revealing the shocking truth.

Aqua Necklace: Seems like I'm not the only Stand user in this town. I was having quite the party in this guy's body, but you just had to crash it, didn't you?

Aqua Necklace: I'll be keeping an eye on you, little troublemaker. Wherever you go, I'll be lurking in the shadows, watching your every move. Hehehehe, consider this a warning.

Emu, disgusted by Aqua Necklace's actions, couldn't contain his revulsion. He spat on the Stand, causing it to screech in agony before retreating into a nearby drain.

With the threat neutralized, Emu turned his attention back to the shaken clerk, who now hugged him tightly, tears streaming down her face.

Clerk: You're our hero. Anything you and your friend want from this shop is on the house.

Emu glanced at Jocelyn, and together, they exchanged a knowing look, grateful that they had been able to make a difference.

Emu and Jocelyn walked together, their shopping bags filled with chips, soda, and ice cream, a sweet bonus from the grateful clerk. The evening had taken an unexpected turn, but now they were close to Jocelyn's home.

As they approached her house, the front door burst open, and a young boy with bright eyes and a mop of unruly hair ran out with boundless energy. It was Sento Kiryuu, Jocelyn's adopted brother. He practically tackled both Emu and Jocelyn in a joyful hug.

Sento: Emu! Jocelyn! You're back! Did you have fun today?

Jocelyn ruffled her brother's hair affectionately, a warm smile on her face.

Jocelyn: We did, Sento. Thanks for the warm welcome.

Just then, their mother, Tomoko, appeared at the doorway, her expression initially stern. She opened her mouth to scold Jocelyn for being late but paused as she took in the sight of Emu. Understanding dawned on her face, and she smiled warmly.

Tomoko: Oh, I'm sorry for being harsh, Jocelyn. I see you're with Emu. I'm sure there's a good reason for your delay.

Jocelyn nodded, grateful for her mother's understanding. But as they walked into the house together, Tomoko leaned in closer to Jocelyn and whispered slyly.

Tomoko: So, are you two dating now?

Jocelyn's face turned a deep shade of red, and she stammered in embarrassment.

Jocelyn: Mom! No, we're not dating! It's not like that!

Tomoko chuckled softly, keeping their secret with a knowing smile as they settled into their home, grateful for their close-knit family.

Time Skip...

Emu sat comfortably on the couch at home, a stack of letters in his hand. His older sister, Yukako, lounged beside him, her legs resting casually on his lap. He didn't mind this familiar sibling interaction as he began to open one of the letters.

As he unfolded the paper, a grin formed on his face. The letter was from their cousin, Kuruto Dan, a programming whiz with a penchant for creating chaotic and entertaining video games. Kuruto's personality could be described as a mix of craziness and a god complex, but beneath it all, he had a sweet side.

Emu settled deeper into the couch, a sense of nostalgia and excitement washing over him as he unfolded the letter from Kuruto. With Yukako's legs comfortably resting on his lap, he began to read Kuruto's distinctive and energetic handwriting.

Emu (Reading): Hey there, Emu and Yukako! I hope this letter finds you both well. It's been too long since our last crazy adventure, hasn't it?

Yukako chuckled, recalling some of the wild escapades they'd had with Kuruto during their childhood.

Yukako: Crazy is one way to put it.

Emu continued to read, his voice filled with warmth and amusement.

Emu (Reading): Well, good news! I'll be visiting Morioh this summer. I've got a few ideas that'll knock your socks off. Seriously, you won't believe what I've been working on lately. It's game-changing!

Emu's eyes lit up with anticipation. Kuruto's ideas were always something to behold, whether they were mind-bending video game concepts or harebrained schemes for real-life adventures.

Emu: He's got something big planned, I can feel it.

Yukako: And by 'big,' you mean utterly insane, right?

Emu: Exactly!

Emu continued reading Kuruto's letter, which was filled with quirky anecdotes and updates on his life in Tokyo.

Emu (Reading): Life in the big city is wild, but I can't wait to come back to Morioh, where the real fun happens. Let's make this summer one for the books!

Yukako: Sounds like Kuruto hasn't lost his touch.

Emu: Definitely not. And I can't wait to see what kind of chaos he brings with him this time.

With the letter from Kuruto in hand, Emu and Yukako shared a moment of anticipation for the upcoming summer reunion. They knew that when Kuruto Dan was involved, things were bound to get interesting, and Morioh was in for another round of unforgettable adventures.

As Emu and Yukako continued to discuss Kuruto's impending visit, the house phone rang, breaking their conversation. Emu picked it up, his heart skipping a beat when he heard Jotaro's voice on the other end.

Jotaro: Emu, are you coming to Jocelyn's house? It's time for our plan to capture Aqua Necklace.

Emu's expression grew serious as he thought about the events surrounding Ryohei Higashikata's death, a tragic incident that had deep connections to Aqua Necklace. He nodded, even though Jotaro couldn't see it over the phone.

Emu: I'll be there, Jotaro. Just give me a little time.

After he hung up the phone, Emu turned to Yukako, who was curiously watching him.

Yukako: Another adventure in the making?

Emu: Yeah, a friend needs my help with something important. It's a surprise for Jocelyn.

Yukako: Alright, Emu. Just be careful out there.

Emu smiled gratefully at his sister, then grabbed his jacket and headed out the door, leaving his home behind and stepping into the night, where a new adventure awaited.

Time Skip...

The room was transformed into a scene of meticulous preparation as Jotaro sealed every possible source of water in the house, from the taps and sinks to the showers. His movements were deliberate and methodical, as he understood the gravity of their mission.

Jotaro: Remember, everything except canned drinks and food is a potential risk. Don't consume anything else.

He continued collecting water and pouring it into bottles and containers, ensuring that it wouldn't be used by their elusive foe, Aqua Necklace. He then places two glasses of water on the dining table.

Jotaro: These are safe to drink. Stick to these for now.

Emu sat beside Jocelyn, offering her comfort as she seethed with anger, her eyes reflecting her deep frustration. She was holding it in, for now, but the pain was evident in her expression.

Emu: We'll get through this together, Jocelyn.

Jotaro, ever the practical one, couldn't help but ask about Jocelyn's mother and Sento.

Jotaro: How's your mom doing? And where's Sento?

Jocelyn, though still visibly upset, managed to reply.

Jocelyn: I convinced my mom to stay at a relative's house after the funeral. Sento went to his friend Bajou's place. He needed some time away from all of this.

Jotaro: Good idea. They can come back after we kick Angelo's ass.

The room was filled with a heavy atmosphere as they prepared for the impending showdown with Aqua Necklace, determined to put an end to its reign of terror.

Jocelyn, although calm on the surface, was clearly wrestling with a storm of emotions inside. She turned to Emu, her voice steady but with a hint of weariness.

Jocelyn: I'm alright, Emu. We need to focus on the task at hand.

Jotaro: Calm, huh?

However, his remark was met with the sight of broken furniture strewn about the room. It seemed that even Jocelyn's resolve couldn't entirely suppress her anger and grief.

Jotaro: Well, I guess this is your furniture after all. It's up to you if you want to take your anger out on it.

Emu watched Jocelyn, concern in his eyes, as she navigated the complex emotions of loss and frustration. It was a challenging situation, and they all coped with it in their own way.

3 Days Later...

Three tense days had passed, and Aqua Necklace had remained oddly quiet. Jotaro and Emu stood outside the house, looking at some footprints that had been left on the property, clear evidence that their enemy had come very close.

Jotaro: He's been lurking nearby, but for some reason, he hasn't made a move. What's he waiting for?

The sky grew overcast, and the first drops of rain began to fall, casting a gloomy pallor over the scene. Suddenly, Jotaro's instincts kicked in. He realized that Aqua Necklace was right there, and it was hiding in an unexpected place.

Without hesitation, Jotaro summoned Star Platinum and delivered a powerful punch to the air, knocking Aqua Necklace off its hiding spot. It tumbled through the raindrops and landed on the wall outside the house, exposed for the first time in days.

Emu: There it is!

Their showdown with Aqua Necklace was about to begin in earnest, and they were ready to face this mysterious and dangerous Stand user.

Aqua Necklace, feeling cornered, couldn't hide its frustration as it revealed its presence.

Aqua Necklace: What the... Stand users? Figures. Well, it's time to make my move. This house is mine now, and you won't be leaving while it's raining!

Without hesitation, Aqua Necklace slipped into the house through an open window. Jotaro, Emu, and Jocelyn followed closely, prepared for the imminent showdown.

Inside, they found themselves in the kitchen, where the sink was left running, and a pot of water had been set to boil. It was clear that their enemy had sinister plans involving water, and they needed to stop it.

Jocelyn: He was just here, messing with the water.

Their determination grew as they prepared to confront Aqua Necklace in this high-stakes battle within the confines of the house.

A sense of dread settled over them as Jotaro deciphered the unfolding events.

Jotaro: Angelo's Stand infiltrated the house, not waiting for us to drink the water, but for the rain. Its range extends to any liquid, not just water.

As he spoke, Aqua Necklace, in its steam form from the boiling water, materialized behind Jocelyn.

It attempted to enter her body in steam form through her ears, but a quick shout from Jotaro alerted Emu, who reacted just in time. Emu broke a glass bottle and threw it at the steam. Jocelyn used Crazy Diamond's restorative powers to fix the bottle, attempting to trap Aqua Necklace inside. However, their efforts were in vain as Aqua Necklace disappeared. Jocelyn stared at the bottle, clearly frustrated.

Jocelyn: Well, that didn't work. We can't capture it in there.

Jotaro issued a stern warning.

Jotaro: Stay clear of the steam. Inhaling it could be fatal.

He instructed Emu and Jocelyn to leave the kitchen for their safety. However, Jocelyn's response revealed a dire situation.

Jocelyn: It won't do us any good to leave. Aqua Necklace has created openings in the roof. Its range extends upstairs and beyond.

With water dripping from the roof and their foe's control over the environment evident, their battle against Aqua Necklace was becoming increasingly challenging. They needed a plan, and quickly.

In a tense and methodical process, Emu, Jotaro, and Jocelyn moved through the house, sealing off any potential source of water while keeping a watchful eye for any sign of Aqua Necklace. Their teamwork was crucial in this dangerous situation.

Emu: We need to make sure every water source is shut tight.

Jotaro: Exactly. We can't give Aqua Necklace any advantage.

Jocelyn: Be careful, guys. Let's get this done.

They worked swiftly and silently, turning off taps, closing windows, and blocking sinks, all while keeping an eye on any suspicious movements. Aqua Necklace could be anywhere, and they couldn't afford to let their guard down.

Emu (Whispering): Keep an eye out, Jocelyn. We can't let it catch us off guard.

Jocelyn (Whispering): I know, Emu. We'll get through this.

With all water sources securely closed, the trio regrouped in the hallway, finding a brief moment of respite.

Jotaro: I never thought a power that controls water could be this terrifying.

Jotaro: He's quite smart, I'll give him that.

Jocelyn suddenly burst into laughter, catching Jotaro off guard.

Jotaro: What's so funny? We're trapped here. Hey!

Jocelyn's laughter continued, and she eventually composed herself enough to respond.

Jotaro: I mean, Jotaro, the guy who killed my grandpa is right here. It's just great!

Emu couldn't help but be curious.

Emu: How would you handle a situation like this?

Jocelyn: I wouldn't put it quite that way.

Using Crazy Diamond, she shattered a section of the wall, revealing a path to the living room.

Jocelyn: I'd break out. Pun not intended. Well, maybe it was.

Emu acknowledged her clever approach.

Emu: Clever.

The three of them entered the hole, and Jocelyn used Crazy Diamond to mend the wall behind them, leaving no trace of their escape route.

The trio's relief at having made it to the living room was short-lived when they noticed the humidifier releasing a mist of water vapor.

Jotaro: The humidifier!

Jotaro didn't hesitate; he kicked the table, knocking the humidifier off. But it appeared to be too late as Aqua Necklace had already infiltrated Emu's mouth in its gaseous form.

Aqua Necklace: I think I'll start with this guy.

Emu appeared to be in distress for a moment, choking as Aqua Necklace attempted to gain control inside his body. However, Emu quickly found relief as Ex-Aid assisted him in removing a rubber glove from his mouth.

Jocelyn: We had an idea. Emu swallowed small pieces of the glove beforehand. If Aqua Necklace entered his mouth, I could use Crazy Diamond to revert the glove back to its original state and trap Aqua Necklace inside.

Jotaro: Clever plan, Jocelyn.

Emu wasted no time, remembering that harm to a Stand could also harm its user. He vigorously shook the glove that entrapped Aqua Necklace's smoky form.

Aqua Necklace's user, Angelo, who had been lurking in the tree outside, was sent flying out when the Stand was disturbed. He landed on the road below, struggling to regain his composure. As he lifted his head, he found himself face-to-face with the trio. Their expressions conveyed their fierce determination.

Jotaro: It's over, Angelo.

Emu: You won't harm anyone else.

Jocelyn: Your reign of terror ends now.


To Be Continued...

End Of Chapter...


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