Hunter x Hunter x Reader ♡ Lo...

By luffyxtaro

47.8K 2.1K 611

y/n comes from a special village secluded from society. they're known for their special DNA; their blood and... More

Untitled Part 32


493 28 1
By luffyxtaro

alluka sat on my lap as I put small braids in her hair. killua was still sleeping, and we allowed him to rest. she informed me about what had happened when he took her to gon and he really seemed to have over exhausted himself.

currently I'm waiting for gon to come back so we can go back to whale island, where the kids will stay until they want to go. I told alluka that she and her brother can stay for as long as they want and that she can think of it as her second home. she was really happy about that, and informed me that even nanika was looking forward to that.

speaking of nanika! she's the sweetest thing ever. sometimes alluka informs me about things nanika says about me, and her comments are the cutest. it seems that she finds comfort in me.

I also soon learned things about alluka that I wished weren't true... but it is obvious. from the way she behaves and speaks, it feels to me as she's been neglected a lot by her family and parents. like, a lot. along with what killua said, about her being locked up for majority of her life.

she likes having a female figure to admire, as she hasn't had anyone to look up to up until now.

she's so sweet.

I finished putting braids in her hair and turned her to me. "all done! wanna see the finished result?" I smiled, making her cheeks warm up as she excitedly nodded her head.

we walked to the mirror where she admired her hair, "it's so pretty!" she smiled, before turning to me. "thank you!"

"want to get some food while waiting for killua to wake up?" I asked, looking down at her who spun in front of the mirror, admiring her hair. she turned to me, and nodded with a joyful smile. "can we?!"

"yes! let's go, alluka!"


we left to the cafeteria of the hotel, leaving killua fast asleep on his bed. we considered waking him up but felt too guilty too and decided to go by ourselves. it was better for him anyway since he was exhausted and he deserved a long sleep. alluka admired the place with childlike glee. every little thing seemed to fascinate her, which i found cute. she was similar to me in a way- when i first left whale island for jappon i was also intrigued and excited just like her. of course, my secludement wasn't quite as bad as her. she, according to her and killua, was locked in the basement of her home because of nanika from a young age. it was hurtful to hear about this and even more frustrating when i learned that illumi didn't do anything about it- instead he encouraged it.

it was the first time i ever saw illumi in a different light than i usually do. he's of course blunt and reserved, but he never quite showed hints of being this bad. i didn't expect it at all. i guess it's best not to jump into conclusions since he could have his reasons... or i at least hope he does.

anyway, in the cafeteria i sat with alluka across from me. she held her menu and tried to read the complicated words. i'd help her out if it weren't for the fact that i was also struggling to understand. suddenly i regretted not coming here with killua or gon... me and alluka were surely not a good combination to go out together alone. though gon was away and climbing the big world tree to find his father and killua was asleep.

thankfully the menu had pictures for some of the items, so we decided to choose those instead. we both got ourselves waffles with heavy cream and berries and alluka could barely sit still from excitement. 

"thanks for bringing me here, y/n-san!" alluka exclaimed with a wide grin decorating her face. she reached for her fork and before shoving a full waffle into her mouth. i smiled, shaking my head. "it's no problem at all," i took a fork and knife and began cutting into my waffles, taking my sweet time. the day had just begun, and after everything that's happened recently i just want to relax and take it easy.

the nagging anxiety from being around a lot of people found it's way to my heart, making it beat quickly. the cafeteria wasn't full per-se, but it wasn't empty either. i took in a shaky inhale, trying to keep myself composed in front of the child before taking a bite out of my waffles. it's not a huge crowd so i could try to ignore it until we got back to the hotel.

the girl spoke to me about whatever she found interesting, whether it be the flowers on display outside or the nice weather. i entertained all her thoughts, even indulging in them a time or two. she's very outgoing and sweet, every second and minute i spent with her only made me want to smother her with more love and affection. she really deserved all the love you could offer.

"do you want to wait for your brother or should we get some dessert?" i asked, putting the empty plates away. the girl leaned on the table and hummed, rubbing her chin.

"i think we should wait. what if oni-chan gets upset that we ate without him?" she finally decided, and i nodded. "you're right, alluka! so cute."

"hehe, thank you y/n-san..!"

i smiled, feeling my chest warming up at the sight of her joyful expression. "should we go back to the hotel? i'm sure killua has woken up by now."

"really? i wanted to stay a bit longer..." she pouted, sitting up straight on her chair.

"well, i have  no issue-" my blood ran cold at the figure standing behind alluka. i clenched my fists tightly under the table and my heartbeat quickly sped up. i fought the urge to jump up to my feet and run away with alluka in my arms, knowing that no matter how quick i'd try he'd catch me nonetheless.

with a gaping mouth, i stared into his deep grey eyes.

alluka tilted her head at me before turning around to look at chrollo who was innocently standing behind her. his cross that usually adorned his forehead was covered by a couple of bandages and he was wearing casual wear. he smiled softly and gave her a short wave before moving to stand next to me.

"is it alright if i take this seat, dear?" he hummed, knowing eyes staring into mine. he didn't need to say anything for me to know despite his smile and calm voice that he was threatening me and possibly even alluka.

my eyes shifted to the girl who was still confused and i gulped. if i denied him i risked putting her in danger.

"....g-go ahead.." i finally managed to force out and he gladly took me up on my offer.

with a wanted terrorist sitting beside me and an innocent child who didn't understand why i was so frightened sitting across from me, i couldn't act without caution.

"who are you, mister?" she asked, puffing her cheeks. she didn't seem to enjoy that a stranger was interrupting the small date and  i fought the urge to tell her not to talk to him.

"you could say, i'm a friend of a friend. my name is chrollo."

"y/n-san! do you know this man?" she huffed, annoyance only increasing at his vague answer. his eyes moved to me and i gulped again, feeling a lump beginning to form in my throat.

"u-uh.. yeah.. i know him. don't worry, alluka." i stammered, hoping that she didn't sense my anxiety.

although my answer seemed to calm her down and she nodded before leaning back against her chair silently as she scanned chrollo's features. the said man was now focusing his attention on me and i was struggling to keep my heart from beating out of my chest.

" there something you needed?" i mumbled. "how did you find me?"

"i only happened to be passing by when you caught my attention. how do you do?"

no matter how much i tried to read him, i couldn't get anything. what did he want? why is he here?

"s-stop trying to start small talk... what do you need?" i whispered aggressively, watching as he leaned his head on his hand lazily. he was so calm and collected, the complete opposite of what i felt- anxiety and fear for mine and alluka's life.

"are you certain that you want to start a scene here?" he hummed.

i sighed, slumping against my chair. 

"i'm doing well... i was eating breakfast until.. well..."

"i see... so you're here with the 2 zoldycks?" i twitched in surprise at his words.

"2..?" he knew about killua? how?

"what a coincidence that i happen to have 2 zoldyck's of mine, as well."

i stared at him suspiciously while he looked through the short breakfast menu boredly. i could tell that the mention of zoldyck upset alluka by the way her expression suddenly turned cold and distant. she seemed to be zoning out as she stared into the ground.

i coughed, catching both of their attentions. "so! what are you doing in this town? i expected you to stick with your... er... friends. you seem to be alone?" i blurted out as an attempt to shift the conversation away from the zoldyck family and i fought the urge to slap my face at my choice of words. what if he got upset by me questioning him? dumb!

"i am." he laughed. "i can basically taste your terror. you're quite bothering the child with it."

"w-well! you know exactly why i would feel this way!" i stressed, clenching my fists tighter in frustration.

he waved a waiter over, "relax. i haven't recovered my nen and i'm not yet interested in reqruiting you back. though the same can't be said about my friends."

i sighed in relief and watched him order himself a drink.

"i'm here on a mission to find an exorcist. but while i'm at it... i thought it wouldn't hurt to get myself a little treat." he finally explained and i tensed up immediately.

"..a-a treat? th-there's quite a few in the menu..." i stammered, making him laugh once more.

"WHAT THE HELL?!" a voice screamed from behind alluka. i turned my head to see killua standing there and pointing his finger at chrollo with wide eyes. i hadn't even noticed him approaching since i was so preoccupied by chrollo. alluka was boredly staring at her brother, the lack of events making her lose interest in the conversation.

"YOU! WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE?!" he yelled, eyes shifting from me to chrollo.

i stood up and pulled him toward me by the ear. "shhh!" i hushed.

"ow ow ow.. sorry." he whispered and i let go of him, making him slouch his shoulders beside me.

"i-it's nothing... he's not here to hurt us. so don't worry..." i whispered, before pointing at alluka. "take your sister. please. i'll come back to the hotel room soon."

he stared at me with hesitancy before turning to chrollo and sending him a nasty glare. "but i can't just leave you alone with him! who knows what'll happen this time!"

alluka stared worriedly at her brother, making him freeze in place. he turned to look at me and i frowned before shaking my head. "for your sister."

he gulped before walking up to alluka and pulling her out of her seat. "alluka, let's go back to our room. mom will come soon- she just has to er... speak with her.... . . f-...frienn...d." he didn't allow her a second to answer before pulling her away, making her tilt her head back to stare at me. her worry for my safety was apparent by the way she furrowed her eyebrows and frowned.

i turned to look at chrollo who was sipping whatever drink he ordered.

"no sugar coating... what do you need? please." i spoke.

"there has been a rumor on a relative of netero's. he's allegedly going to try and enter the dark continent." he finally said, making my heart stop beating for a couple of seconds.

"you'd be quite the perfect addition to the troupe, since we're planning to go if it ends up being true. although it's a bit of a  shame that i'm preoccupied with hisoka at the moment. otherwise my approach would be largely different."

"wait- wait.. the dark continent? seriously?" i said, feeling my body breaking out in a cold sweat. my thoughts were racing and i felt dizzy.

"mm. you're quite familiar with it, aren't you? since you're a direct descendant from the dark continent."

"th-that's a foolish rumor! why would you humans be interested in the dark continent? there's nothing for you there!" i said, raising my voice.

he suddenly stood up and took out a couple of bills out of his breast pocket before putting them on top of the table. he motioned for me to follow along with him and i stared at him in shock before jumping up to my feet and walking up to him. his expression lacked the calmness and warmth it previously did. his dead eyes which stared into mine made me fear what he'd do if i didn't comply. "how about we continue this somewhere more secretive?" he hummed, which is when i noticed that we caught the attention of quite a few civilians who were previously enjoying their breakfast in the restaurant.

i stared at him as he exit the place before scurrying after him. the last thing i wanted to do is get on his bad side, which i probably already have. my emotions have me on a tight leash and i can't ever control them the way they control me.

he pulled me into a dark alleyway a bit from the place and i fought the urgent desire to flee. he could potentially go after the children and i can't possibly put them in danger like that.

he turned around and i watched him pull the bandages off of his forehead with a sigh. though it was dark, i could still make out the pretty cross on his forehead. parted black hair rested itself on his forehead and he finally said, "scream and i will off your tongue. i am not usually one to resort to violence this way, but i do not hesitate to when required."

i gulped, before nodding silently. his lips curved into a smile and a dangerous glint flashed in his grey eyes. "good girl.

all you need to do from now is cooperate as you are now, and you'll leave unscathed. to cut a long story short, i'm here for your blood."

i took a step back, though the small and dark alleyway didn't give me much space to escape to. i felt my back press against the brick wall as i stared up at his empty eyes. he leaned forward and pressed a cold finger against the vein of my neck, making me freeze in shock. the threatening feeling of his finger against my weak point which contrasted with his soft touch made me want to melt into the ground and through the cracks of the rocks and bricks.

"either you will give it to me, or i'll take care of that." the rest of his fingers moved to press against my neck and i felt my ability to breathe disappear, despite his hold being loose enough for me to breathe semi-normally. he knew the effect of his touch though, which is exactly why he was doing it.


i exhaled deeply, the feeling of his rough hands lightly tightening around my neck making me finally speak, "h-how much? when?"

"tonight. enough for 13 people." he whispered, and i nodded against his hold.

"sweet. i'll meet you here 11.00. don't be late." and with that he finally let go of me, making me fall to my knees and fight back an approaching anxiety attack. the feeling of my heart beating in my throat, sweaty palms and increasing breathing rythmn only increased as the seconds passed by, while he stood over me with an unreadable expression on his face.

he finally walked off and the tears came.

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