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By WrittenByStacia

176K 7.6K 1.1K

In which a girl unexpectedly meets her long lost sister, who also happens to be her twin. - slow updates More



1.3K 87 9
By WrittenByStacia

Jaleah Sanai Royale
📍Atlanta, GA
12 pm

"Fuck, Fuck, Fuck!" Peter semi yelled as he paced the room, his eyes glued to the tv screen that had his picture broadcasted on it.

"Oh shit." Samuel eyes widened as he ran his fingers through his hair.

"This is all your fault!" Peter yelled at Samuel who's face scrunched up.

"How is it my fault! It's your fucking fault! I told you to use zip ties!" He yelled back gaining Jaleah's attention who had been fiddling with the revealing clothes they had her wear. She was uncomfortable and cold to say the least.

"Fuck! What we gone do?" Peter asked rubbing his forehead, feeling a headache coming along.

Samuel grabbed a duffel bag and started stuffing all his important items in it.

"We? Ain't no fucking we. My face not on the news." Samuel said as he grabbed a pair of his shoes and slid them on.

"So you gone leave me here?" Peter looked at him in disbelief.

"Hell yeah? I ain't getting caught because of your dumbass!" Samuel told him.

"What about Pedro? We gotta meet him tonight." Peter said.

"We don't have until tonight! Pedro not gone meet up with you after your face was plastered all over the news. Cops probably swarming the fucking area right now! It's over, Peter."

Peter only gripped his hair, obviously freaking out as he watched Samuel pack up what he could.

"The best thing for you to do right now is kill the bitch then dump her and the other body. Don't call me unless you in Mexico somewhere." Samuel said before he left the house.

Peter sighed as he looked around trying to figure out what he gone do next. His eyes fell on Jaleah who instantly shook her head as he started walking towards her.

"This is all your fault, bitch!" Peter yelled as he roughly snatched her off the ground, pulling her towards the door.

He made sure the zip ties that were already around her wrist was tight enough before walking out of the house, eyeing his surroundings as he pushed her into the backseat.

He shut the door and went back inside the house to grab his bag. He soon entered the car, starting it up and pulling off.

"Wh- where are you taking me?" Jaleah broke the tense silence.

"Don't worry about it." Peter mumbled as he zoomed down the street, gripping the steering wheel tightly.

"Where are you taking me?" Jaleah repeated her head beginning to throb.

"I just fucking— please shut the fuck up! I'm tryna think!" He semi yelled at her as he sighed heavily.

Jaleah fell silent as she watched him grab his phone to call Samuel but he didn't pick up, causing Peter to throw his phone down in frustration.

"It's over. This is all your fault. If you would've stayed in the fucking car that lady wouldn't even be dead right now. I would not be on television for the whole fucking world to see! None of this shit would've happened!"

Jaleah blinked as she stared at Peter who once again gripped the steering wheel, his knuckles turning a pale white.

"You're going to kill me?" Jaleah asked and Peter stayed silent which only freaked her out more. "No! Let me go!"

She wiggled her hands around, bruising her wrist as it scraped against the tight zip ties.

"You caused me so much pain. I let you live for way to long." He mumbled.

Jaleah's eyes watered as she adjusted her position to where she was slightly on her back and began kicking his seat causing him to swerve, almost hitting a car next to him.

If she was going to die, she wanted to make sure he was caught before she did. She didn't want him going after Jasmine next.

"Let me the fuck go!" She screamed at him, her voice cracking as she was coming to terms with the fact that she was currently living her last hours.

Peter cursed under his breathe adjusting the steering wheel straight as he stopped at a red light, reaching back and punching Jaleah in the mouth.

"Chill the fuck out! Crazy bitch." He said mugging her as he sat back in his seat. Jaleah groan in pain, licking her lip getting a taste of her own blood.

She huffed beginning to cry. She felt like her life was just getting started. She met her biological family, got herself a boyfriend, graduating soon. Ain't no way she was really about to die.

"BooHoo." Peter mocked her, glancing at her through the rear view then back at the road.

Jaleah sniffled as she looked out of the window her cries coming to a halt as her eyes landed on what looked to be Jahmir's car.

Jahmir on the other hand didn't notice peters car driving next to him due to his focus being on Nova and Jasmine.

"You got her high?" Jahmir asked shaking his head at his sister.

"No, she got herself high. She stole 2 of my edibles and to be honest I don't blame her. She stressed as fuck right now." Nova said rubbing her hands down her face. "This situation making me wanna snort some lines myself, fuck it at this point."

"Nova please shut the fuck up." Jahmir mugged her as he turned on his blinker, trying to get in the left lane so he could turn.

"Jah, ain't that the car.." Nova trailed off as she squinted her eyes at the car next to them that matched the description of the image the news showed.

Jahmir looked over as well his eyes slightly widening, he slowed the car down a bit as he stared in shock.

"Get behind him!" Jasmine suddenly yelled having sobered up quick when she noticed that it was indeed peters car.

Jahmir snapped outta his daze and forced his way behind the car. Jaleah instantly sat up in the back seat, seeing Jahmir follow behind them.

"What do we do?" Nova asked as they followed closely behind Peter, almost rear ending his car. Jahmir didn't give a fuck if he was being obvious, he was not finna lose sight of this car.

"Call and Share yo location with Durk, tell him call Officer Brian." Jahmir said as he sat up in his seat.

"Who the— shit!" Peter said looking through his rear view mirror at Jahmir's car, noticing that he was being followed.

Peter sped up his car, going 70 at a 35 with Jahmir hot on his trail.

"Make sure y'all seatbelts on." Jahmir told them as they sped onto the highway, Peter almost getting hit due to him not yielding.

"Mama we— we seen peters car so we're chasing it down." Jasmine told India over the phone, holding in a sob as she wiped her tears away.

"You sure it's his car?" India asked as she shuffled around probably looking for her keys.

"Yes. He drove faster when he saw us following him." Jasmine told her, staring ahead as Jahmir followed him down the highway.

"Jaleah must be in the car." India said shutting her car door behind her. "Durk went looking for her in Dalton GA but he should be on his way to y'all. I'm not to far behind. Please be safe."

"We will." Jasmine said before she hung up the phone, looking back at the road seeing Jahmir hop lanes to stay behind Peter, not giving a fuck about the police sirens behind him.

Jahmir started honking his horn but all Peter did was press the gas. Jahmir stayed focused on the road as he sped passed a few cars trying to stay close to Peters car.

"Your dumbass boyfriend is fucking everything up!" Peter raised his voice glancing back.

"Please! Just let me go." Jaleah said but peter ignored her. "Make this easier for yourself cause if Jahmir or my dad get ahold of you, you're done for."

Peter stayed quiet once again only irritating Jaleah more as she got back into her position from earlier and began kicking at his shoulder, earning a loud groan.

"Goddamn!" Peter yelled as the impact made him jerk the car to the left. "I'm fucking tired of you!"

He reached over glancing down at his glove department pulling out his gun before looking back at the road.

Jaleah gasped as he cocked it back and pointed it at her.

"No!" She screamed out, squeezing her eyes closed as she kicked her feet up, hitting his hand causing the gun to point towards the ceiling of the car as it went off.

Jasmine gasped, "Was that a gunshot?"

"Hold on." Jahmir said as he put all his weight on the pedal, accelerating fast towards the back of peters car slightly hitting it.

The impact took Peter by surprise as he lost control of the wheel, swerving in front of a car that seconds later smashed into the side of his car causing it to flip once before landing back on its wheels.

"Jaleah!" Everybody in the car screamed as Jahmir hit the breaks, hearing his tires screech.

As soon as the car came to a stop everybody hopped out running towards peters car, where Peter was seen crawling out of the car.

Jahmir instantly ran towards Peter grabbing him to stop him from crawling away, sending a punch to his nose.

Jahmir continued to send blow after blow to peters face, built up anger only making his punches all the more painful.

"Jahmir, stop!" Officer Brian yelled as he stepped out of his patrol car, running toward them and grabbed Jahmir who held a tight grip on Peters shirt.

"Back the fuck up! Gimmie one more minute!" Jahmir yelled as he made eye contact with Officer Brian who stared at him for a second before silently nodding, backing away to let Jahmir finish what he was doing.

"Jaleah!" Jasmine called out to her sister as she looked into the car seeing Jaleah laying on the floor of the car blinking slowly as she regained consciousness from the crash.

Jasmine tried to open the car door but couldn't due to it being jammed. Nova soon came over and helped her until it eventually popped open.

Jasmine reached for Jaleah, catching her attention as Nova and her sister pulled her out of the car, Jaleah falling to the ground due to her ankle twisting during the crash. Jasmine dropped to the ground beside her instantly  engulfing her in a hug.

"Jasmine!" Jaleah sobbed out as she hugged her sister back just as tight.

She couldn't believe that she was still alive. It felt like a fever dream.

"Oh my god, Jaleah." Nova said as she fought back her own tears just watching the twins reunite. She soon joined the hug, feeling Jaleah hug her back as well.

"My baby!" India yelled slamming her car door shut before running towards the 3 girls who were still sitting on the ground hugging.

"Mama!" Jaleah sobbed hugging her tightly. She was going through a wave of emotions.

"Your safe now Jaleah. It's okay." India told her as she rubbed her back. They stayed like that for a minute before India stood up helping Jaleah up as well.

"Alright, alright!" Officer Brian yelled after seeing the other squad cars pulling up to the scene, grabbing Jahmir and pushing him away from an unconscious Peter. "Walk it off!"

Jahmir breathed heavily as he walked off his hands still balled up as his eyes landed on Jaleah who was slowly limping towards the ambulance with the help of the girls.

"No! No!" Officer Brian yelled grabbing a hold of durk who had just pulled up and was on his way to Peter. "Jahmir just beat his ass. If he get punched on anymore you gone be in jail for murder."

Brian told Durk who let out a deep breath to contain himself. He was gone be chill for right now. He had something for Peter though.

"Go check on yo daughter." Brian said before grabbing up a barely conscious Peter and cuffing him. "Check his car, Sanchez!"

Durk walked over to the ambulance where Jaleah was sat on a stretcher and instantly hugged her sighing in relief.

This whole situation had opened his eyes. It made him realize how he hadn't been spending time with his family lately.

How this could've probably been prevented if he had taken time outta his day to teach Jaleah how to defend herself like he did with Jasmine.

It had him realizing he didn't know much about her. Most of the questions the police would ask him had him stumped that he had to look at Jasmine for an answer.

It made him feel shitty. After everything gets situated with Jaleah he would try to make it right with them. He knew he owed everyone an apology and a very long vacation.

"How you feeling?" Durk asked as he adjusted the blanket the ambulance had wrapped around her since it was freezing out here and she barely had on anything. "You hurt?"

"I'm fine. I don't need to go." Jaleah said referring to the hospital as she looked at the women who was shining a light in her eyes

"Yes you do. Your showing signs of a mild concussion and you twisted your ankle." She told Jaleah who huffed wanting to get home, shower and sleep the feelings she was feeling off.

"It's okay, Jaleah—

"Body!" They heard Sanchez yell causing everyone's attention to fall on him.

Officer Brian walked towards the car and looked inside the trunk that Sanchez had popped open, sighing heavily.

"What?" Jaleah frowned up as she glanced at India. "There was no one else in the car."

"It's Savanna Williams." Officer Brian said causing Jaleahs heart to stop.

Everyone gasped looking at each other, not expecting this at all.

"She— that's not right." Jaleah mumbled in disbelief as her eyes watered with tears.

"He killed Savanna?" Durk asked her and she slowly shook her head, her hands starting to shake.

"No, that's not her." Jaleah said as her breathing picked up. "He— He told me she—

Jaleah sat up and tried to get off the stretcher but was instantly stopped by the paramedic.

"Just relax. I'm going to take you now." She told Jaleah who was starting to have a panic attack.

"I don't want t- to go!" Jaleah raised her voice causing India to grab her hand trying to calm her down.

"Calm down, Jaleah. We'll find out more but right now you need to go to the hospital. Your hurt and freezing cold." India told her.

Jaleah didn't say anything as they lifted up the stretcher and put her inside the ambulance, getting her iv started.

A/N: that's the longest ima leave y'all hanging I promise. Ima try to do better on updating for y'all just because I know how it feels when a book I really like suddenly stop getting updates. So sorry y'all🥹🩵

I feel like the whole kidnapping shit just ruined the book for me. Idk 🤷🏾‍♀️

Anyway, HAPPY NEW YEAR YALL. We made it through another year. 🙌🏾

I hope you enjoyed & don't forget to vote.🤎

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