Blind is only what you make it

By TrayceeStewart

3.5K 139 80

Waking in your own tomb with nothing but your non seeing eyes is not the best way to start your new life but... More

What I Lost And Yet I Gain
How Can You Not Feel That?
Hylia Waits For No One
Your face cloth?
Will You Shut Up!?!?
Whats that!

Give Me A Cool Story

464 16 8
By TrayceeStewart

Zelda's POV
Link just left me on Impas doorstep, he just left... "Zelda...." Impa says opening the door. "Impa..." I whisper back as I embraced her in a hug. "Oh Zelda I'm so glad your safe...." Impa says running her hand through my hair. "Where's Link?" She asks and hold her hand, "he left me here.... He was hurt..." I say and Impa flinches. "Give him time Zel.... Give him time."
Its the next day and I'm sitting next to Impa and her granddaughter. I feel a presence that appears seemingly out of nowhere. As if a bundle of hero spirits appeared out of thin air. I stand from my seat and look at Impa. "We need to fine Link"
Wilds POV
The kid Hyrule won't let me get up, he wrapped my arm and leg and is forcing me to stay down in the cabin. I sigh in annoyance, it's far from my worst injury so I don't see the problem. I feel a presence sit next to me. "Do you have a hero title?" Sky? I think that's him, says from beside me. "Nope." I say popping the p "I'd reckon I'd need one?" I say and Sky seems to nod but catches it and replies with a curt 'yes'. "If you will place your hand on the master sword I'll be able to tell what your hero title will be." Sky says and I nod. Sky sets the sword on my blanketed lap as I use my teeth to take off my right glove. The tree s a small intake of breath, probably at the missing ring finger and half of my pinky. I glaze my hand over the blade and I can see the light glow bright then darken quickly, it shines like my own master sword now.

Sky quickly takes the blade away and inspects it. "You are so far into the future that the master sword has grown so weak." Sky says huffing out a humorless laugh. "Welcome hero of the wild." Sky announces and My eyes widen at the title. "Well that'll do it." I say picking at the bandages on my left hand. A hand grabs my arm and pulls my hand away from the bandages. I flinch quite violently. "Hyrule says sorry but you can't pick at the bandages." Sky says in turn of Hyrule. "Does the name bother you?" Sky asks inching closer. "Ain't too bad, nothin to fuss over" I say waving my hand. "You sure?" Sky pushes on. "I don't think it's very important but if ya wanna hear I'll tell ya." I say with a shrug and Sky just gives a small 'sure'.

"Well when I woke up I had nothing, not'a thing. No memory's, no food, and not a damn thing in my name." I say and I see the outline of Hyrule tilt his head. "The wild is all I've known. I was Wild as I'll get out, but it just makes too much damn sense that I'd be stuck with that name." I say and I can feel the pity in Sky's eyes. "Oh don't give me pity, I ain't gonna take that." I say glaring where Sky is. "You said you woke up.. what do you mean?" Sky asks and I shake my head. "I'll fight that battle when the lot of ya are all here." I say and all I get is silence. "Oh sorry, ok, we keep forgetting that you can't see us nod." Sky blurts out and I just shake my head. "An honest mistake, don't worry too much bout it." I say and Hyrule stands up. "Hyrule says he going to get the others." Sky says and I nod an wait for the others.

"Hyrule told us your hero name is Wild?" Time asks and I nod. "Yepper-do." I say sitting up but as expected Hyrule pushes me back down. "From the sweet baby three.. will you knock it off!" I snap as I push myself back up. "I'm as right as I'll get out, I don't need y'all fussing bout me over nothin' so lay off!" I say with a huff and the room goes silent. "What never had someone tell ya off." I say raising a eyebrow. "Yeah but... never like that." Wind says as his head turns to look at Hyrule (I think)

I sigh and run my right hand down my face. "Oh for the love of- whatever. Sorry for causing such a ruckus, I don't need to be babied, I can handle my own mistakes and injuries just fine. I'll be better in two shakes." I say crossing my arms the best I can. "You shouldn't have to take care of yourself, we can help." Time says stepping forward. I just groan. "Y'all don't get it do ya. I ain't in this world for shits and giggles. I was here to fight Gannon, not to sit with my boots up in an old bed. Hylia made me to fight so god damnit I'm gonna. Now I got one new ruckus to cause with y'all and I sure as hell gonna get it done no matter the injuries." I say and  Twilight buts in. "Let's change the subject, why don't you explain the rag covering your eye. You told Wind you would explain it." Wind starts to bounce up and down. "Alright" I say as I try and undo the knot with one hand.

"Would you like me to help?" Four asks and I just nod. Once Four gets the knot untangled I close my left eye and wait for it to come off. Once the fabric has stoped brushing across my face I open the eyelid to an empty eye socket. The group is as quiet as can be.... Except Wind. "Whoa that's... so cool!" Wind says coming closer. "I know a bunch of pirates that don't have a eye but they wear a eyepatch, why don't you wear a eye patch." Wind asks and I let out a loud laugh. "HA kiddo you might not know this but....." I say putting my hand on the kids shoulder and bringing him closer to me. "I don't know what a eyepatch looks like, and I reckon your little buddy's think it's some cool story." I say and Wind bobs his head up and down, I can feel it on my arm. "Well you may be right." I say shrugging and sitting back. "What is it? Tell me, tell me, tell me." Wind says bouncing up and down once again. "I know why don't you make me a good story for it, a good tall tell." I say and Wind makes a confused noice.

"Always wanted a story for the scar." I say pointing at the empty socket. "Can't quite remember it exactly so I'd like one hell of a good story from you." I say knocking him on the noggin with my hand. Winds hands fly up to his head but quickly responds. "You got it! It will be the best story you've ever heard!" I laugh. "It better be!" I say and Wind squeals and runs off to think about a story. I sigh and turn to the others. "Well we can't make fun of Times singular eye any more." Warriors says and my head snaps to them. "pardon?" I ask and the others go quiet. "Mmhm Time has a scar over his right eye. Don't know if he's missing a eye but he never opens it." Twilight says and I nod. "It missing, I lost the eye a while back." Time says as he sits next to me. "Well I'll be damned, ain't that a copy cat if I've ever seen one." I say and Time snickers. "You do understand I'm older then you, so your copying me." I smirk "oh and how old are ya?" Time clicks his tongue before he starts to speak. "Now that would be a secret." He says and my American grows into a smile. "Oh well, I reckon I'll keep mine a secret too, ill even throw in a reward if someone can guess the right age, only 3 guesses a day from the whole group." I say holding up three fingers.

"What's the prize?" Legend quickly asks. "One golden ruby." Now if I could see I think Legends eyes would be sparkling. "Deal, 18" he says and I shake my head "that's one." I say and the others huddle into a circle as me and Time sit next to each other. "We will be leaving the plateau tomorrow, that work for the lot of ya?" I ask and Time give a quick 'sure'.

"16!" Warriors yells. "Nope" I say snickering. "100!" Wind yells and the others turn to him. "Does he look 100 to you!?" Legend says snakily and Wind just shrugs as he continues to think of a story. "Wrong again, your shit out of luck." I say "Language." Time says thumping me on the back of the head. "Ow shit." I let slip and he does it again.
Zelda's POV
"Zelda you just got back you need rest!" Impa says as I pack up to go look for Link. "I need to go Impa! He needs me!" I say back and Impa sighs. "Im not letting you go alone... take him with you..." she says pointing to someone beside her. "This is Simon, he will help you fine Link." She says resting her hands on her cane. "Not go, make haste. Link is waiting for you

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