Rise of The Fallen (unedited...

Autorstwa Bioshockgrl

266K 12.9K 1K

Abandoned and left to die, a human girl must fight to survive on an alien planet filled with monsters that wa... Więcej

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter -7
Chapter- 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
chapter 28
chapter 29
chapter 30
chapter 31
chapter 32
chapter 33
chapter 34
chapter 35
chapter 36
chapter 37
chapter 38
chapter 39
chapter 40
chapter 41
chapter 42
chapter 44
chapter 45
chapter 46
chapter 47
chapter 48
chapter 49
chapter 50
chapter 51
chapter 52
chapter 53-part 1
chapter 54
chapter 55
chapter 56
chapter 57
chapter 58
chapter 59
chapter 60- Epilouge
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chapter 43

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Autorstwa Bioshockgrl


At the first sound of chirping in the morning my eyes opened and adjusted to the light of day as I laid on my back facing the sky. 

As I moved I realized there was a presence beside me and looked over to see kora sleeping peacefully curled up on her side facing me. She hardly stirred from the sound of movement as I sat up and watched her. 

Reaching over I stroked her cheek with the back of my hand earning a small murmur in return. My gaze moved to the braid tied into her mane. My braid, and a smile graced my lips as my tail twitched excitedly.

Looking around at the outcrop we were sleeping underneath I didn't see anything new. Before we had retired for the night I had brought us here and scouted the area for any dangers such as blood vines or devil-cat tracks. So far there were no signs of any dangerous animals in the area but that didn't mean I shouldn't be cautious. 

Getting to my feet I went through my bag and pulled out the knife I had taken from kora. In most cases it would be considered disrespectful to use a dead man's knife but kora did not kill him. She did not desecrate his body and steal from him out of malice. She took this knife to protect herself against the dangers of the forest.

I see no reason why she should not wield it a bit longer. Moving back to her I placed the knife in front of the sleeping female before slinging my bag over my shoulder.

"I'll be back soon mate…" I pet her head as she continued to sleep before standing and walking away. She will be safe here for now, my village is close and it won't take me long to get there.

I just hope things haven't gotten worse.


Upon entering my village I immediately seeked out paku and roku. Speaking with them about the hunting party and drakov was of the utmost importance. 

If I could get the To call off the hunters in the area then it will be easier for me to keep kora hidden and safe. We would still need to make sure no stray villagers see her while out scavenging but the drakov threat should decrease everyone's activity outside of the village as well.

On another note I needed a new weapon and some more supplies. Most of our stuff was abandoned in the hunting cave and my spear broke in the midst of the fight with the drakov warrior. 

Tentatively I touched the wound on my side. I'm lucky I did not sustain more than a few scratches and a single flesh wound. Kora was also injured but it wasn't as bad as it could have been. Had there been more than one warrior I'm not sure how things might have turned out… I am far from an adequate fighter. My skills are all devoted to hunting and scavenging.

If kora was not with me i'm not sure i would have been able to fight off that warrior. Gritting my teeth I moved on, passing by those frolicking outside of the cave. Upon entering the main chamber someone sitting by the entrance jumped up, their face lighting up in excitement. Kion.

"Elazar!" He smiled before rushing over to my side and keeping pace with me as I looked for Roku. "I have been looking all over for you! Where were you?! You've been gone for days!"

"Not now kion, where is roku?"

Completely disregarding what I said, Kion continued blabbering off. "Roku said you came back briefly but immediately took off afterwards without an explanation! I've been waiting for you to come back every day, I even got a bit worried something happened, even Roku seems a bit worried- but now you're back! Hey, how did you get hurt?"

"Kion." I growled a bit looking at the boy. "Now's not the time for this I need to speak with roku, paku and talok-"

Kion stopped seeming a bit confused. "Why talok? I thought you wanted to avoid him after rasha-"

"Elazar!" A familiar voice called out and we both looked up to see Roku walking over. I stepped forward to speak with him. "Where have you been? You left in such a hurry last time… and now you've returned with even more injuries." Roku spoke, looking me up and down.

"Brother I must speak with you and the hunting party that's looking for the human."

Roku arched his brow before crossing his arms. "What about?"

"We must call off the search for the time being." This seemed to catch Roku off guard. 

He turned back to look towards the cooking area and waved over paku who quickly came over. Roku turned back to me and nodded for me to continue. 

"We must call off the hunt for the human." Paku's eyes widened as he shook his head. 

"What- why?!" Paku asked demandingly.

"I'm sorry I know this is sudden, and you wish to put your brother to rest. I can assure you this is only temporary." This was still a sore subject for him I'm sure.

"What has you saying such things in the first place?" Roku questioned while kion stood behind me listening in on the conversation.

"The drakov… I was attacked yesterday by one of their warriors, and barely managed to fight him off. They've become more active near the borders. it's too dangerous for us to be leaving the village carelessly."

"And? We've always had issues with their kind. Why is it any different now?!"

"Because before I was attacked I came across one of their ritual sites… There was evidence of a draven hatchling being born from a host. The draven that has been roaming in their territory as of late is a female." Everyone paled at this new information and was silent. 

"It's because of the cold season. If they are making more of those monsters then…they could very well attack us." Paku spoke up worriedly. 

"If Elazar is speaking the truth then we need to take into consideration the danger. A single draven could wipe out a hunting party of eight or more, we don't have the numbers to fight off the drakov and a draven should they attack the village while our hunters are out." Roku mused.

Facing me once more. "We shall warn everyone and call back the hunting party now and make sure no one goes out unaware of the threat; we can't risk leaving our home undefended. We must be prepared for anything."

I nodded as paku left to grab his weapons. "I shall keep an eye out and alert you if I find anything else." Roku looked at me confused as I turned back to my den to quickly gather supplies. 

"Where are you going?" Roku spoke.

"I only came here to give you the news of the drakov I need to return to the forest." I continued walking.

"Wait, you're leaving again?!" Kion ran after me.

"Yes, I have urgent matters to take care of, and must return to the forest." Upon entering my den I started gathering the essentials.

"Is it because of the hunt tomorrow?" Kion asked, seeming even more confused. 

I paused but for once I didn't feel the pang in my chest that I usually felt when ratha or talok were mentioned. It no longer hurts to think about her, To think about my failure. 

The hole in my heart after losing ratha is no longer there… it was filled by kora. 

 "No, it has to do with something else. Something more important. I grabbed a new spear and looked towards my box of leathers, seeing a dark cloak that I often used when it rained to keep dry. I grabbed the cloth as an idea came to mind.

"I will return in a few days. I don't have time to stay and must leave immediately…"  Glancing back at kion I was surprised to see him angrily glaring at the floor. Without another word he quickly ran out of my den leaving me alone.

Kion rarely got mad. As much as I wanted to go after him and check on the boy I knew I didn't have time for that. I needed to return to Kora at once. Sighing I looked back over the supplies and tied the bag shut.

Hearing someone enter my den behind me I looked back expecting to see kion. But the one standing at the entrance was the last person I expected or wanted to see.

"Ratha?" I breathed while looking at the woman before me. 

The tall well toned woman stood in the entrance gazing at me nonchalantly crossed her arms over her chest. She was dressed in new leathers adorned with beads and brightly colored feathers. All of her hair was tied back in two separate braids with colorful threads woven into them. Her horns that protruded forward like a crown were adorned with metal bands that matched the jewelry hanging from her tail and ankles.

Ratha looked regal compared to most others but that was fairly common amidst the few females within our tribe. They often didn't hunt when their mates could easily go out and bring them back whatever they desire, ratha was no exception. She lived leisurely within the tribe grounds unwilling to step food into the wild to hunt or scavenge.

With ratha's sire being a renowned warrior and her mother being a woman of unfathomable beauty, she has always been highly sought after and gets anything she could want from males interested in courting her.

Even I often gifted her with the finest furs to wear because I was such a skilled hunter. I thought that my skills and capability to gather the things she wanted most would be enough but in the end she still accepted Taloks offerings and forced me to fight for the right to mate…

I had avoided her in the months after that fight not wishing to feel the shame of my defeat when I saw her. Very few times have I caught glimpses and I've not seen her since meeting kora. She looks the same as she did the day I first started courting her, only now her beauty was overruled by the cold gaze in her eyes.

She glanced at my bag before turning her silver stare to me, that hard cold look in her eyes turning soft. Why is she here? What reason could she have to enter my den?! Her seeking me out is unthinkable unless she wanted something from me…it would be against tradition, against our very culture for her to come running back to me. Would rasha do such a thing?

 I balled my fists. No it doesn't matter why she is here. She's of no concern to me anymore, I must focus on what is important.  


She is what matters now, Not rasha. Turning away from the xandisan female before me I grabbed the cloak, my bag and spear. She seemed taken back by this as I turned to walk past her, back out to the main chamber. 

"Elazar!" She snapped blocking my path with a hand on my chest. Her touch felt wrong. Unlike kora she did not entice the feeling of peace nor comfort. In turn I stepped back away from her hand. 

"We need to talk."

I stared at the female before me unsure. My gaze moved to her braided hair and it quickly reminded me of my true purpose. "There is nothing to speak of between us." I tried to step around her again only to be blocked once more with an irate growl. The soft gaze she had before was gone. The eyes she used to look at me with adoration were no more.

"This needs to stop." She stated sternly. Standing idly, I didn't understand what she meant by that and could only watch her confused by the statement and annoyed by her blocking my path, keeping me from my mate.

"I don't know what you speak of." I spoke plainly.

This time rasha crossed her arms over her chest and her tail flicked behind her lightly jinggling with the bracelets adorning it. "This." She nodded towards my supplies and I tensed. She couldn't possibly know about Kora no one could-

"Roku asked that I speak to you. He said that you refuse to listen to reason, it's been months and you are still running away from the tribe, avoiding us like a sickness." She waved her hand  in the air and rolled her eyes before refocusing on me. "He said I'm the only one you may listen to." 

My grip on my spear tightened and I relaxed somewhat, realizing that this wasn't about Kora, merely a misunderstanding. Even then I still can't believe that roku thinks rasha is best suited to handle me.

"You need to stop running out into the forest like a kit and-"

"Enough!" I snarled, cutting her off. She flinched in surprise as I stepped closer glaring back. 

"I may have been avoiding you and the tribe before because I was ashamed but that is over. I've found a new purpose and what I do is no longer your concern just as you are of no concern to me. I do not wish to stand here and listen to a lecture by someone who doesn't Even know what I am doing. Especially when that someone is you. Now remove yourself from my den before I remove you myself.

Rasha stared at me in utter shock and slowly backed out of my way. I stepped past her and paused before speaking up once more without even sparing her a glance. "Enjoy your hunt with talok. I'm sure he'll enjoy having his female surrender early into the ritual… can't let your hands get dirty now can you?"

Rathas face flushed purple and her tail thumped angrily against the ground asshebstood there fuming. I quickly left my den and made my way out of the cavern. Once I was outside I let go of the breath I was holding and glanced back at the cave.

I felt a weight lift from my shoulders as I continued on, returning to the forest…returning to Kora.

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