Stowaway: A Star Wars Rebels...

By MultiverseEnthusiast

20.1K 515 101

Attempting to retreat from a losing battle, the Ghost Crew unknowingly jumps into a wormhole and crash lands... More

OC Datapad
Brace for Impact
Unidentified Fragmented Object
Detachment In Distress
Quick Recon
Immoral Compass
Sum of Their Parts
Under Pressure
Escape Plan
A Noble Cause
Searching for Answers
Seasoned Veterans
The Bro Code
Friends Old and New
Search and Rescue
The Fights Get Harder
Newfound Wisdom
Creatures of the Beyond
Conflicting Perspectives
Within Reach
Home Away from Home
Part Two Sneak Peek
Reeling and Recovering
Brothers Divided - Part 1
Brothers Divided - Part 2
A Date With Darkness
In Enemy Territory
Military Exercise
Bridging the Gaps
Close Encounter
A Sign of Things to Come
Breaking Barriers - Part 1
Breaking Barriers - Part 2
Winds of Change
The Bigger Picture
Fading Fast - Part 1
Fading Fast - Part 2
Race Against Time
Going Home
Far From Home
Author's Note

A Galaxy Far Far Away

518 16 0
By MultiverseEnthusiast

(Credit to @Mehdic on DeviantArt)

Y/N's POV:

While the crew was busy with their transmission, I went through a set of doors and found a ladder. I climbed up and slid away from the metal plate, eventually stumbling upon a common area. I sat on the couch and went into deep thought, mainly about my last encounter with the crew. They were all so nice to me a couple hours ago. Come to think of it, I don't even know what time it is now. I may not have formed a legitimate connection with them, but they blindly put their trust in me and I returned the favor. But I run away for my own safety and they grow all sour? It doesn't make sense. Nothing does anymore. Now I have to get used to life in space. I break out of thought upon seeing Kanan and Ezra enter the lounge, looking at me.

"Let me guess, you're mad that I'm still here?" I said accusingly. "You couldn't be more wrong, we just want you to tell us why you stowed away," Kanan replied. Almost too pleasant, there had to be a catch. I sighed and began my explanation. "Wonder why I rushed you all out of my home? My plan didn't work." "Yes it did, we're on the Ghost and back in our galaxy," Ezra said reassuringly, but he didn't fully understand. "Not completely. I was labeled as a potential suspect in the robbery we created. The police were searching the whole city instead of crowding around the Ghost. Leaving at night was no longer an option, even if it could have been done more quietly. Every minute I waited was another minute the police would get closer to my door, ready to arrest me and throw me in prison for a couple decades. Taking the fight to them was our best shot at that time. Besides, Chopper would have gotten left behind," I finished, but they unfortunately knew me better. "There's more," Ezra probed. "Out of all the places you could have gone, why here?" "I would have gotten caught eventually. I believe that I'm stealthy, but a lot of that is because I know my city very well. I wouldn't have that same luck in a foreign place that I know nothing about," I countered. "He's telling the truth," Ezra said to Kanan, who smiled at me. "Welcome aboard, Y/N L/N. We think you'll make a great addition to our crew." I smiled back in comfort. At least I had two people I could trust out here.

I felt hungry and tired after today's events, and I needed to replenish my energy somehow. "Hungry?" Ezra asked. I nodded. "Follow me." I followed him into the kitchen, where he tossed me a purple fruit I wasn't familiar with. "It's actually pretty good, try it," he encouraged me. I took a small bite; it was quite flavorful and juicy. "What is this?" I asked Ezra. "Jogan, it's native to Lothal, my home planet," he answered. "Hmmm, this is good," "See, now you're getting used to it." We sat at the table and conversed for a while. His life was pretty rough growing up, roaming the streets for years. The fact he survived for so long was admirable. Tough but sweet was a rare combination to find in someone. He cared for everything deeply, and this Jedi stuff was no joke. Although I didn't have the Force, I wanted to see life from his perspective. It was a different way of thinking, but one I could get behind. I told him about my life before I crossed paths with his crew. Growing up wasn't exactly easy, but my parents made sure I knew how to face every challenge that went my way. They let me loose from a younger age than most, recognizing that I had to spread my wings to move up in the world. The town I grew up in was decently sized, I had a few groups of friends and my former coworkers whom I cared for deeply. I even shared a couple funny stories about life back home, such as the one where we had to pull a coworker's car out of a ditch. I was slightly older than Ezra, but we were close enough in age that we had a lot in common despite being from two different points in the universe. This bond will strengthen over time, and I can't wait to see how far it takes us.

The Ghost rocked out of hyperspace, alerting us that we reached our destination. Rushing to the cockpit, I saw a few spaceships bigger than ours, and some smaller ones surrounding them. "Ghost to Phoenix Home, requesting permission to dock," Hera said over her comms. "Permission granted, Ghost. Proceed," someone responded. This was mesmerizing to look at. Over what I believed to be a few hours after I left, everything had changed. Their technology was so much more advanced here than it was back home. "Let's go, Y/N," Kanan said. I followed the Ghost crew out of the ship and into the narrow corridors of what I assumed to be the rebel command ship. I remember they were fighting a war against an oppressive imperial regime, and it was their responsibility to overthrow them. Walking into the bridge, an adult man - who looked like a high-ranking officer - greeted us.

"It's good to see you all in one piece, Ghost crew," he said warmly. "Thank you, Commander Sato. We apologize for being out of contact for a few days. We crash-landed on an unfamiliar planet and it took some time to repair our ship," Hera responded, trying to cover up my presence. "We picked up a passenger, who was actually the one to help us get back," Kanan said, putting me on the spot. Why? I already got enough negative attention from you all, please don't put me on a pedestal. "And who might you be, young man?" Sato inquired. "Y/N, good to meet you, sir," I said. "Where were you all that I couldn't contact you?" The commander asked. "You wouldn't believe us if we told you," I answered half-jokingly. "Very well, let's brief you on our next mission," Sato said, getting us to business. "There are some cargo crates, possibly including shield generators on this imperial convoy," he started out. Everyone, including myself, was horrified. The last time they raided a convoy, they jumped galaxies and crash-landed about 10 minutes away from my home. No one wanted to relive that. "Luckily, the cargo is being held under a transport, so no infiltration is necessary." Sighs of relief then filled the room, indicating that their mission would be much easier this time around. "Take your crew and two A-Wings to assist you. We'll provide support. Good luck," Sato concluded. "Everyone, move out," Hera announced. As I made my way to the door, she held me back. "Except you. You're staying here. We'll discuss - well, you - after the mission." I frowned. I guess I'm still useless to them for now. They still don't trust me and I'm trying to figure out why. Yes, I stowed away, but Kanan and Ezra warmed up to me. Chopper should also be grateful because I saved his life. I will prove my worth, I will show myself to be useful, and they will see that spark of rebellion in me.

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