My Brother Loves Me than He S...

By JiminsChubbyGirl

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This is the first Harry Styles fanfic I have ever done. Plus I'm going through a phase at the moment. I have... More

Chapter 1~ Settling In
Chapter 2~New Stuff For LaRay
Chapter 3~LaRay meets the Boys (Possibly a Boyfriend too.)
Chapter 5~ First Date
Chapter 6 ~Brother Sister and...Uncle Louis Time?
Chapter 7~Rainy Day
Chapter 8~ Visit from Mama and One Uninvited Disrespectful Guest
Chapter 9~Got'cha Covered, Dork
Very Slow Updates
Chapter 10~When Will You Learn?
Chapter 10~ Have You Learned Yet?
I'm So Happy!!!
Chapter 11~ How Can You Not Remember Her?!
Chapter 12~Breakup
What's Wrong with America?
Chapter 13~ Vacation and Makeover
I Don't Think I Can Write This Story Anymore

Chapter 4~Having a Boyfriend...And a Puppy!

268 9 0
By JiminsChubbyGirl

The next morning, LaRay was woken up by a text message. Since she was groggy, she freaked and wondered who the hell did she give her number to. She took her phone out of her pocket and looked at the screen, a sigh of relief let her body. It was only Niall, now she remembers, he put in his number. LaRay giggled to see that Niall texted 'Good morning, Beautiful!' She has never been called beautiful before, she replied with a morning and immediately got a message back.

Niall: I was wondering if you like to hang out later on today?

LaRay: Sure.

Niall: Is it ok with Harry?

LaRay: I'm pretty sure it'll be ok with him....Maybe.

Niall: I got you in trouble, didn't I?

LaRay: I don't know...I hope not. I've only been here for a few days, I don't wanna get in trouble already.

Niall: Well, if you're not in trouble, text me and I'll come over.

LaRay: Ok.

LaRay put her phone in her pocket, got off her bed, checked to see if Harry's door was still closed and it was, and tiptoed towards the kitchen. She was pretty sure that Harry was still kind of mad about last night so she decided to cook a nice breakfast, a breakfast filled with sweets. By sweets, I mean pancakes, French toast, and scones.

By the time she was done which was 30 minutes later, dishes were piled in the sink and the pastries were on the kitchen island counter. Harry walked out of his room, talking on his phone, smiling. He was talking to Nadine, the moment he hung up the phone when their conversation was over, he saw that LaRay made breakfast. She had an apologetic expression in her face, she had even written "I'm Sorry, Big Bro" on the pancake in syrup.

"Is this an apology breakfast?" Harry asked pointing the food on the counter. LaRay nodded and twisted her shoulders back and forth. "You shouldn't be apologizing." He said walking over to her and hugging her, rubbing her arm. "I should be apologizing. I shouldn't have overreacted last night. I was just shocked." Harry said sitting in one the island chairs.

"Shocked how?" LaRay said putting her forearms on the countertop.

"Well, Niall has never done that before, kissing a girl when they just met, I mean. He usually waits until after the third date." Harry explained while digging into his food. His eyes went wide in amazement. "This is really good. " He took another bite of the pancake. " You should cook more often."

LaRay chuckled and slightly blushed. When Harry was done eating, he told her he was going to get ready for work and headed off into his room. LaRay pulled out her phone and texted Niall that he could come over when Harry leaves. after 20 minutes or less, probably 10, Harry came out of his room in tight jeans, black shirt, and matching head scarf on his head.

He hugged LaRay goodbye before grabbing his keys and walking out of the house. LaRay texted Niall saying Harry was gone. She put her phone in her pocket, sat on the couch and watched TV. She put on Teen Titans(A/N: not the new one, it's stupid), once she heard the doorbell ring, she got up from the couch and answered the door. Niall practically tackled her with a hug.

"Hi." He said shyly.

"Hi." She replied, just as shy.

Silence filled the home until Niall kicked the front door closed but after that it was pure intensity. Their foreheads touched, their breathing hitting each other's face, and the closeness of their bodies. It drove Niall crazy, he never felt like this with a girl, especially with a girl he just met.

"Oh, I just remembered." LaRay said innocently and putting her finger on her bottom lip, not looking at Niall.

"What it is?" He said huskily and pressing a kiss to her finger.

"I didn't take a shower." She said casually, Niall chuckled, she told him that she would be right back. She ran into the hall and into the bathroom after grabbing a towel from the closet. Niall stuffed his hands in his pockets and decided to see where Harry had her sleeping, he wasn't going to be a pervert but he was just curious. He walked down the hall to the very last room, he pushed the door open. He walked in and sat down on the bed and looked around the room. He didn't expect the room to be decorated yet so all he saw was white wall. He walked over to the window and stood in front of it, looking at the street, seeing people walked by.

"What are you doing in here?" Niall jumped and turned around to see LaRay wrapped in a towel. He blushed and tried not to stare but he couldn't look away. As long as he controls himself then he won't get killed by Harry. "Seems like you don't have anything to say."

Niall tried to find the words to explain as to why he was in her room bit nothing came out of his mouth. He opened and closed it like a fish, no words came out. He was explaining the situation in his head though.

"Whatever. Just stand in the closet, hand me an outfit when I say so and when I'm done you can come ouyou ok?" LaRay said, Niall nodded his head, opened the door to the closet and stepped in, closing the door. He left it cracked though, just enough for him to breathe.

LaRay sighed, dropped the towel, pulled open one of the drawers under her bed and pulled out a bra and matching underwear, she slipped them on, then lotioned up. "Ok, Niall, hand me one of the outfits." LaRay said holding out her hand towards the closet. Niall grabbed one of the outfits hanging up and slipped his arms through the crack of the door. "Thank you." LaRay said as she took the outfit. She put on the black skinny jeans, and the Marvel shirt. "Ok, you can come out now."

Niall pushed the closet door open and walked out and over to LaRay, wrapping his arms around her waist. He kissed her head and sat down on her bed, he turned LaRay around so that she was facing him. He rubbed her sides, squeezed them, he pulled her body closer so that she was standing in between his legs. He buried his face in her squishy stomach, LaRay ran her fingers through his blonde-brown hair. Niall pressed his face even further into her stomach, moaning in happiness. His laugh vibrated against her stomachh making LaRay giggled and hugged his head.

"Let's go out." Niall said after pulling his head away from LaRay's stomach and looked up at her.

"Out where?" LaRay combed her fingers through his hair and gave him a small smile.

"Just out. Well, anywhere but the bakery because Harry works there and I don't wanna piss him off anymore than he already is." Niall stood up, grabbed her wrist and her Joker converse, and walked out of the room and into the living room. He ushered LaRay to sit on the couch and she did, he got down onto one knee, loosened up LaRay's shoes, and slipped them on her feet. LaRay blushed and looked away, this has never been done to her before, she has never been in a relationship so all this is kind of new to her. (A/N: I know the kissing scene made it seem like she has a boyfriend and has kissed someone before but in her backstory that I had came up with, she really hasn't kissed anyone before, it's just a natural thing that comes to her, but doesn't do it with people that she doesn't trust.) Niall put her other shoe on and stood up, he pulled LaRay up, and they both headed out of the house. They walked out of the house, hand in hand, fingers tangled with each others. It was really cute, they didn't get in Niall's car because they wanted to walk around and have some fun.

They walked down the street for a bit in comfortable silence, sharing kisses randomly, and Niall being all touchy feely, mostly rubbing his hand across LaRay's ass and pretending that he didn't do it when LaRay acted angry. It was funny really, they walked into the nearby park, walking for a bit, watching the kids run by them. Niall noticed an ice cream cart, told LaRay he was going to buy her a cone, and raced towards the cart. LaRay sat down on the bench that was only a inches away from where she was standing.  She looked around the park,observing everything that was around her, she's an abserver this is what she does. As she was observing, she noticed someone tossing a small box into the pond. It's weird, why would you toss a box into a park pond?

Being the curious teen she is, she got up from the bench, jogged over to the pond, and pulled the box over to her using a long stick. Once the box was only a few inches away, she heard whimpering and barking. She gasped in shock, the person threw a dog in a a box! How dare they do that to a poor innocent puppy?! She immediately opened the box and she was correct, it was puppy, a Siberian Husky, who would throw out such a cute and beautiful puppy?! LaRay picked up the whimpering puppy and held it to her chest as she walked back towards the bench, as she was walking she noticed Niall looking around frantically and calling her name, and holding her ice cream cone.

"LaRay, where are you?! If you're playing around to scare me, this isn't funny!" He yelled, not noticing that LaRay was behind him.


He jumped and turned around to see her standing there with a smile on her face. He let out a sigh of relief. "I thought I lost you and---why is there a puppy in your arms?" He said looking down at the black and white puppy.LaRay took the cone from him and took a lick.

"I found him. Someone put him in a box and threw the poor little guy in the pond." LaRay said taking another lick of her vanilla ice cream.

"Aww, the poor thing." Niall said reaching out and petting the puppy's head. The puppy happily accepted it and panted happily, tongue lolling out of it's mouth. "So, it is a boy or girl? What are you going to name it?" Niall asked scratching the puppy behind it's ears.

LaRay turned the puppy over onto it's back and looked down. "It's a boy. Since he's a boy, I'm gonna name him Smile Dog." 

"Why put 'dog' in his name?" Niall asked curiously.

"Because I like Creepypasta and there's a character that looks just like this puppy." LaRay said licking her ice cream. Niall tilted his head to the side, confused.

"What the hell is Creepypasta?" Niall asked wrapping an arm around her shoulders.

"All you need to know is that they are stories created by fans who like gory, creepy, and scary stories." LaRay said smiling cutely, Niall may be a little bit weirded out but he didn't care. They sat on the bench, LaRay finished her ice cream without getting brainfreeze, and they played with the puppy now named, Smile Dog.  After a while, Niall decided that they should take the dog to the vet, get him his shots and everything that he needs. So they walked to a local vet, got Smile his shots and neutered, went to another store and bought a doggy bed, toys, food, and bowls for food and water. They even bought Smile a collar with a dogtag with his name on it.

After shopping for little Smile, Niall took LaRay home, he decided that it was time for him to go and he had to go to work in a few hours so he had to get ready. He brought the bags into the house, placed them on the couch, he hugged LaRay tightly, and kissed her lips. It was a brief kiss but it had passion within.  Niall left the house after giving her three more kisses, each kiss longer than the other. Niall finally left the house after LaRay convinced him that she will see him tomorrow, she watched him get in his car and drive off.  She closed the door and leaned against the door, sighing happily, she's not in love but it's nice to know that someone could treat her and care for her like that.

Now she had to figure how she was going to explain to Harry that she has a puppy without him wondering why she left the house. Before she could think of anything, she heard Smile barking and hopping onto the couch. She walked over to him after locking the door, she caught him when he was in mid jump and held him to her chest, he nuzzled her chest, and licked her chin. She giggled and turned on the TV, she turned it Steven Universe, and sat down. Smile stayed still in her lap, curled up in a ball, pawing at his ears and nose. LaRay watched the show with interest and her undivided attention until it was broken by her phone going off. She picked up her phone and saw Niall had texted her, she smiled at how cute he was being. He hasn't even been gone for long and he's already texting her.  She petted Smile's head as she slid her finger across the screen to see what he sent.

Niall: I'm bored.

LaRay: You're at work.

Niall: I know and I'm bored. Business is so slow.

LaRay: What do you work as?

Niall: A bartender.

LaRay: Ooh, send me a picture of your uniform! Please?!

Niall: Why?

LaRay: Because some bars have uniforms that consist of a bowtie, white dress shirt, black vest and matching dresspants. I wanna see!

Niall: Alright. Silly cute girl.

(A/N: this is what Niall's uniform looks like.)

LaRay giggled and instantly saw the picture pop up. She was right, his uniform was almost how she described it.

LaRay: I was right, you look really good in it.

Niall: Why, thanks, babe.

LaRay: You're welcome. So why are you texting me on your shift?

Niall: Hmm, now that I think about it...I shoudn't be doing this. Hold on a second.

LaRay waited and within a second, her phone started ringing. She answered.


"I'm not really suppose to be texting but the rules didn't say anything about calling." Niall said laughing.  LaRay shook her head.

"So, the business is slow and you decided to call me."


"Why didn't you just leave?"

"Huh, that would make more sense but I'm the best bartender they have."

"Oh and you don't wanna have blemish on your good business?"


"You are so determined." LaRay said then heard keys jingling and being stuck into the lock the door. "Oh, that's Harry. I'll talk to you later.Tell me when you get off from work."

"At 1."

"Ok, I'll be up by then. Talk to you then." LaRay said putting Smile on the floor. "I have to explain to Harry why I have a puppy in the house."

"Ok, good luck. Talk to you later."

"OK, bye."  They both hung up the phone and LaRay was coming up with an explaination for the puppy.  Harry walked in the house, talking on the phone.

"No, Louis....No, I'm not gonna talk to her again.....No because she thought I was a big flirt....I can't help it if I naturally flirt. Hi, LaRay.....Yes, I took her out today.....I don't know she got pretty angry at those girls that tried to talk to me....Yes, I know she's suppose to get angry but not throw hot coffee in their faces.....Alright! Alright! I'll give her one more chance!....Yeah. Bye." Harry hung up and let out a loud groan, walking towards the couch and plopped down with a heavy sigh.

"You look like you need some relaxation." LaRay said looking for Smile, who was under the coffee table.

"I do."

"I got just the thing." LaRay said smiling. "Close your eyes."


"Just close them." She snapped.

"Alright, no need to snap." Harry said while closing his eyes. LaRay picked up Smile and placed the puppy on Harry's chest. "What the hell is that?"

"Open your eyes and look." LaRay said smiling, hoping he would like him. Harry opened his eyes and looked at what was on his chest.



"You bought a dog?"


"Why did you leave the house?" Harry asked sternly, while picking up the dog and holding it in the air.

"I wasn't by myself."  LaRay said shrinking , waiting for his reaction.

"What?" Harry snapped, sitting up and bringing the dog down to his lap. LaRay whimpered and shrunk even more. "Who were you with?"


"You were with Niall?! He didn't try anything, did he? Because if he did, I swear to God I will beat him--"

"Hey," LaRay said cupping his cheeks and looking into his eyes. " he didn't try anything. And if he did then I would have handle it myself."  Harry nodded his head, believing her. "Ok, now about the puppy."

"Yes, explain the puppy. Don't tell me Niall bought you it."

"No. First of all, 'it' is a 'he'. Second of all, I witnessed this dog in a box, at the park, being thrown into the pond to die. I was not going to just let it drown." LaRay explained while still staring into Harry's bright green eyes.

"Ok. I'll let you keep it." Harry said standing up, stretching, and sighing. "I'm going to bed. I've had an eventful day. I need to sleep!" He walked into the hall and into his room. LaRay giggled, making Smile bark and hop into her lap.

"Let's go to bed, Smile." LaRay said heading towards her room.  She sat on her bed, putting Smile on the bed and takig off her shoes. She stripped off her clothes and put on her pajamas. She hopped back into bed and reclined against her pillows that were propped up against the closet side.

Once it hit 1 am, Niall called her.

"Helloooo, babeh!" Niall said once she answered.


"So, how did it go?"

"He took it very well. He let me keep it as relaxation for him."

"Sweet! So, how about I drive to your place tomorrow and take you on an actual date?"

"That sounds cool."

"Awesome so I'll see you tomorrow."

"Yeah." LaRay yawned, making Smile yawn as well.

"I'll let you get some sleep, ok?"

"Ok, goodnight."

"Night, babe." LaRay hung up the phone and put it down beside her, before she fell completely asleep, she picked up her phone again, and set Niall's bartender uniform as her lock screen, and fell asleep.

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