Solar Pax and Scarlet Wasp

Autorstwa Tinysimps

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Come and learn of siblings of Bumblebee and Optimus. Learn of there time on earth with the rest of team prime... Więcej

Meet Solar Pax
Meet Scarlet Wasp
I Missed You Big Bro/Lil Sis
Meeting the other Autobots and Human ( Wasp)
It's been a long time ....
At peace...
Masters and Students
Con Job
Sick Minds
1 year anniversary 🎉🎉🎉
The Voice
Operation: Truth

Out of her mind.

18 0 0
Autorstwa Tinysimps

Solar's POV

" Follow the light. Good. Good. I wouldn't advice anything strenuous, Optimus, Solar, but it appears that your systems have fully recovered from the cybonic plague". Ratchet said as he finished checking up Optimus.

" Thank to your medical expertise, old friend." Optimus said.

" It was your scout who braved unknown territory to locate the cure." Ratchet said turning to Wasp.

" It was lucky for us, that Megatron was still alive." Wasp said.

" I can't believe you said that." Bee spoke.

" Yeah. I actually said that." Wasp responds.

" What matters is that is that you two are on the mend, Optimus and Solar, while Megatron--" Ratchet said but was interrupted.

" -- Is scrapped up and the light of the All-spark." Bee said.

"He's right. Me and Wasp did our best to finish Megatron's story. just couldn't stick around long enough to see how it ended." Arcee said as Wasp started walking away.

(Hours later)

Bee and Bulk are play a cybertron version of basketball. Bulk shoots a basket as Jack and Raf watch and Miko refs.

" Come on best two out of three." Bulk said as past the ball to Bee. Bee dodges Bulk and heads to the basket.

" Bee, you're in the clear!" Raf shouts excitedly. Bee goes for a dunk when Bulk smacks the ball out his hand and went flying towards Wasp. Wasp quickly catches it, looks at it before throwing it hard to Bee and Bulk as they quickly ducked.

" Whoa!" Bee and Bulk said at the same time. I look at Wasp and see seems a little off.

" Wasp, are you ok?" I asked.

" I'm ok. Sorry guys." She said walking away.

(next day)

I was on my way to talk to Wasp when I heard.

" Scarlet Wasp! I needed that!" I heard Ratchet yelled. I quickly made my way to the Medbay to see Wasp holding a now crashed flashlight in her servo.

" How did I ..." She said looking confused.

" What has gotten into you?" Ratchet questioned.

" Ever since I gotten back from Megatron's mind, I've been seeing his face." Wasp said. My optics wide.

"You're seeing Megatron's face?" Ratchet questioned.

" Wasp why didn't you tell anyone especially Me and Bee?" I said worriedly.

" I didn't want to worry you guys." She spoke.

" Wasp, I want to do an induced power-down so your mind can rest and recover." Ratchet said. Wasp nodded as we walk to the medbay and put her in the tube. She slowly powered down.

"Ratchet, What's wrong with Wasp?" I heard someone say. I turned around to see Bee and the other bots, along with the human.

" Scarlet Wasp's complaining of intermittent visions-- waking nightmares, if you will." Ratchet said.

" But you said Wasp was fine when you checked her over." Bee said.

"Physically, but the experience she endured seems to be having a temporary effect on her psyche. This induced power-down should force Scarlet Wasp's mind to rest and recover." Ratchet said but then beeping came from the monitors. We all walked over to it and answered it to see it was Agent Fowler.

" Prime... you spot any decepticons wearing hula skirts lately?"  Fowler said.

" No, special Agent Fowler. Why?" Optimus asked/.

" Cause I was hopping you'd have a lead on the cons that busted into the Kauai naval observatory. The place looked like it was hit by an army of wrecking balls." Fowler said.

" Why would cons break into an observatory?" Arcee questioned.

" Does the hoit-nikogosian ring any bells?" Fowler asked.

" The space telescope." Raf said.

" As of last night, missing its primary lens." Fowler said.

"It's difficult to guess Starscream's intent without knowing where the lens has been taken." Optimus spoke.

" Good thing the lens has a tracking device. I'm sending you its location now." Fowler said as location of the lens popped up on screen.

" The Arctic? Great. Another change to freeze our spark plugs off." Arcee said annoyed.

" [whistles] That's a ND-& class. Biggest unminable energon deposit there is." Bulk said.

" Unminable until Starscream melts his way down to it." Optimus spoke.

" With the help of the lens." I spoke.

" Melting a glacier that size would cause sea levels to rise and demolish coastal cities." Fowler said. With that Optimus, Arcee and Bulk left to stop him while Me and Bee stay at base with the human, Ratchet and a power-down Wasp.

" So, I blow past the finish line." Then my other sister Pilar asked how I got so good at racing games. And I told her I know twins who knows cars." Raf said telling Wasp.

" Rafael, I'm afraid Scarlet Wasp can't hear you in power-down mode. It's getting late. Why don't you ask Bumblebee bring you home." Ratchet said coming over.

" Because I told Bee and Wasp I'd stay. They're family too." Raf said.

" Don't be ridiculous. You're not even the same species." Ratchet told him.

" That's being related. It's not the same thing. I'll show you." Raf said taking out his phone.

" This is my Family." Raf said showing Ratchet the picture.

" Mm-hmm. It's very nice." Ratchet said unamused.

" Very large. Sometimes I can shout, and no one hears me." Raf said.

" Yes, yes, yes, yes." Ratchet said looking like he wants this to end.

" But Wasp and Bee always listens. And I can understand Bee. I'm not sure why, but I do." Raf said looking at Bee then Wasp. Mintes later as I was walking back to the medbay with bee I heard the groundbridge active.

"Scarlet Wasp!" I heard Raf yelled. Me and Bee quickly ran to the medbay to see Ratchet and Raf watching Wasp going through the bridge.

" What did you do?" Ratchet asked Raf.

" N-nothing! Scarlet Wasp just got up and--" Raf explained but was cut off.

" She was in power-down. Where does she think she's off to?" Ratchet questioned as when to look at the coordinates.

" These are the coordinates for the site of our previous battle with Megatron's undead. The same place where Scarlet Wasp pod had crashed to." Ratchet explained.

" M-maybe we should call Optimus." Raf said.

" Optimus is busy preventing a polar ice cap from melting." Ratchet said.

" We need to handle this ourselves." I spoke as Ratchet pulled the lever and opened the groundbridge. We looked over to see Wasp coming back with something in her servo.

" Scarlet Wasp? What have you been doing" Bee questioned as he grabs her wrist to revel her hold Dark energon.

" Dark energon?" Ratchet said looking shocked as I was. Then Wasp punched Bee sending him into Ratchet and the side of the groundbridge controls. She then turns to me and before I can react, she punched me, sending flying to the wall. I shake off the pain and saw Wasp run through the bridge.

" Guys, are you okay?" Raf asked us.

" We're fine. More importantly, is Scarlet Wasp? I fear the time spent in Megatron's mindscape is causing her to think like a decepticon." Ratchet said.

" Wasp's not a con." Me, Raf and Bee said simultaneously.

" Agreed. But we need to find out exactly what Scarlet Wasp intends to do with that shard. The only one who knew of the dark energon..." Ratchet said then stopped. My optics wide.

" Megatron." I finished.

" Scarlet Wasp has Megatron's memories?" Raf questioned.

" Worse. Megatron is occupying Scarlet Wasp's mind." Ratchet spoke.

"WHAT?!" Me, Bee and Raf said.

"How could I have been such a fool? The cortical psychic patch acted a two-way conduit. When Scarlet Wasp returned to her own mind, Megatron followed. And Scarlet Wasp-- Megatron has bridged to nearly the same coordinates Optimus used." Ratchet said activating the bridge.

"Stay here." Ratchet told Raf.

" No! Scarlet Wasp needs me." Raf said.

" Of course, she does, hop on." Bee said to Raf as Raf hopped on to Bee servo and Bee placed him on his shoulder. Then we all ran through the brigde to the other side to see that we're on the con's warship.

"The decepticon warship." Bee said. We started running through the halls, as we turned a corner, we saw scraped cons.

"Did Scarlet Wasp do this?" Raf questioned.

" I fear Megatron's mind is dominant, and clearly he came for one purpose-- to use the dark energon to resurrect his own body." Ratchet spoke.

" No! Scarlet Wasp won't let him, like she didn't let Megatron hurt me back at the base." Raf said.

" And either will we. We have to move." I said running down the hallway. We made it to the medbay and saw Wasp-- Megatron hooking himself up for the cortical psychic patch. Ratchet charged at Wasp.

" Ratchet, don't hurt Scarlet Wasp!" Raf yelled to him.

" That's not Scarlet Wasp." Ratchet said trying to hit Wasp/Megatron, he dodges and punched Ratchet into the wall. Bee runs over trying to grab her but she punches him into him making us both hit the wall.

" Scarlet Wasp, No! Remember who you are! Remember us! I know you always listen to me, no matter what. " Raf yelled. 

" R-Rafeal..." Wasp said looking down a Raf.

" That's Right, Wasp. It's me, along with Solar and Bee." Raf said. Wasp started groaning in pain holding her helm.

" Get out of my mind!" She said falling on the ground. Wasp looked up and slapped Raf away.

" RAF!" Bee said going to him. I looked over and saw Ratchet pull the life support cable for Megatron's body. Wasp/Megatron threw Ratchet to wall close by Raf and Bee.

" Scarlet Wasp!" I yelled. She stopped and turned to look at me.

" Scarlet Wasp can't hear you anymore!" The voice of Megatron said. I looked at her shocked then scowled.

" As much as I want you to leave Wasp's body, I can't let you go back to your own!" I said pulling on the cord yanking Wasp back. That's when she pulled on the cord hard, yanking her to her then she kicks me to the wall. Then Wasp walks over to Megatron's body and plugs the dark energon into his chest.

Megatron started sitting up slowly as Wasp shakes off the dizziness then starts backing up. Cons started running watching the master up and running.

"Decepticons... your rightful lord and master has returned." Megatron said as he walked from us but not before saying.

"Finish these pests! I have my own extermination to perform." Then the cons started shooting at us. Wasp quickly grabbed Raf and went for cover with Ratchet as me and Bee started fighting back before going to cover as well.

We finally got off the ship and started walking around to find the other that's when we heard agonizing yell from the warship.

" Goodbye Starscream." Wasp said with a smile. I lightly shoved her as she giggled hugging my side as me walked.

" Thanks, guys, for not giving up on me." Wasp said. I looked down at her and smiled. before we heard Optimus's voice.

" Ratchet, we need a bridge." Optimus said.

" You are not the only ones." Ratchet said as we came in view for them. We had to call Fowler to bridge us back to base. When we got their Ratchet did a check and scan on Wasp to make sure everything was in working order.

" Everything's back to normal." Ratchet said.

" Normal you say?" Wasp said as her eyes flashed violet then when back to light blue.

" Well, normal for Scarlet Wasp." Ratchet said.

" Hey Raf, I'm so sorry that Megatron hurt you, I tried to stop him." Wasp said.

" It's okay." Raf said.

" Were you scared?" Wasp asked."

Of course, I was." Raf exclaimed.

" You know what you did was dangerous?" Wasp said.

"I know." Raf said.

" But I glad you did it. Thank you Raf." Wasp said picking up Raf, holding him close to her helm and gave him a hug, as Bee joined in. After that she put Raf down and came over to me and hugged me.

" Thank you too, Solar. I'm glad your okay also." Wasp said hugging me.

" You know I would do anything for you." I said hugging her back.

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