Unnerving feelings [Sakamaki...

By Gothgirl1994

50 0 2

Kanato finds a girl who is different from the human girls they are used to. Now he has to share the attention... More



3 0 0
By Gothgirl1994

Laito was beside Astra the entire time she slept while her father had been taken to the demon world to get his own punishment after he took the mark off of his daughter by force. It took two nights for Astra to wake up, when she did she hissed out in pain as she sat up. She soon felt her glasses on her face only to see that Ayato and Laito were on either side of her.

"Hey there princess, feeling okay?" Ayato asked curiously

"I'd be better if my back didn't feel like my skin was burning." Astra said honestly

"Well your father did take that awful mark off of your back while you were out cold. No doubt that's having an affect on you right now. How about taking a bath to relax your muscles? No doubt not moving for two nights has done some damage to you." Laito said with a smile.

"W-What?! Two nights?! I...I'm really sorry boys, I never meant to cause any trouble here." Astra said first shocked before she looked down sadly

"Princess don't look so down, you're just gunna have to work through this alright? You can't be expected to be flawless alright? Can you move or do you need help?" Ayato asked making her look up at them.

She blushed as she looked at them. "I...I can barely move right now."

"Aww that look is so adorable on you, alright just this once." Laito said as he picked her up

He took her to the bathroom and he sat her on the toilet with the seat lid down before he undressed her of her clothes. As he did he saw that she didn't even try to protest to him anymore. "What's going on with you princess? You aren't acting like yourself."

"I'm just a pawn to my father...whatever I do isn't enough for him to be happy. I don't know why I ever thought I could do anything right. As long as I am alive I'm going to be a disgrace to my father." She said sadly

Laito gave her a small smile and pecked her cheek softly. "Don't act like that princess, you must know that most of us here cherish you no matter what. We've been very concerned for you since we saw what happened to you. But now our father has set new rules for this year, Kanato and Shu cannot have any say in what happens."

"I figure...Subaru probably doesn't want anything to do with me...huh?"

"I don't know, I haven't seen my little brother in a while. He's around here somewhere." Laito said as he finished stripping her of her clothes before he slipped her into the water.

She sighed and closed her eyes. "Thank you Laito...I think from here I can take care of myself."

"Very well, just yell out if you ever need anything." Laito said before he kissed the top of her head softly

When she opened her eyes he was gone, she closed her eyes once more and slipped her glasses off of her face before slipping into the water more. As she did she felt a burning sensation between her legs that made her bolt up right and hiss out as she placed her glasses back on. "Ouch...what the hell was that?!"

She ignored it for the moment until she saw Subaru come into the bathroom and place a new pair of clothes to the side for her. "Laito informed me you were up and in here. I figured you'd want new clothes to get into."

"Mhm, thank you subaru...Uhm...c-can you help me out please? I..I'm a bit unstable right now."

Subaru averted his eyes as his cheeks were tainted a bit, he then went up to her pulling her up quickly and gave her a towel to place over her body. "Is that is or do you still need help?"

"I think I'll be okay Subaru. Thank you."

"Yeah whatever, when you get done getting dressed I'll be waiting for you. We need to talk." Subaru said before he left

Astra didn't like the tone he used and sighed before she stumbled as she got herself dressed, she ended up just sitting on the ground as she finished getting herself dressed. She then used the wall to get herself up before she left the bathroom with her clothes.

After placing her clothes in her room she went to find Subaru, she felt weak the entire time she walked. Her legs wouldn't work for her and that concerned her, she didn't know what was going on with her but it was making her feel more useless than she knew she was. When she found Subaru in a sitting room she saw him instantly look to her and he sighed.

"You're having troubles still yet you don't ask for help, what's wrong with you?"

"We don't have that type of time Subaru, let's just say I'm used to doing things on my own. Asking for help isn't part of who I am."

He rolled his eyes and he picked her up before placing her on the couch as he sat on the other end. "I need to talk to you about what you spoke about two nights ago. I can't be beside you, I'll destroy you. I wouldn't know the first thing about keeping you safe or how to be-"

"Don't speak about that crap, I don't care. I know what will happen to me and I refuse to place any stress on you boys." Astra said with a sigh

Subaru looked to her sadly "So you will just end yourself for the sake of all of us here?"

"No..that's not why. I'm doing it because I'm nothing more than a worthless woman. I cannot do anything without help, I am stubborn. this I know from the heart. But to place things bluntly, I've dug my own grave now I must go and die within it. I will forever be grateful of those here who've been nice to me but I've wasted a year of your time with someone as worthless as me. I don't wish for anymore time to be wasted." Astra said sadly

"Is that truly how you see yourself Princess Astra?" Reiji asked from the door way

"What the hell do you want Reiji?" Subaru asked standing up

"I was merely curious about the princess Succubus that's been here for this past month. Now that her father is dead no doubt she'll be crowd the queen in no time." Reiji said seriously

Astra's purple eyes widen. "W-What?! M-My father is gone?!"

"Sadly yes, after a sever punishment from our own father for what he had placed you under after we all told him what we knew about you. It seems there was many lines he had crossed that he wasn't supposed to cross with you, death cannot come to you so soon Princess." Reiji said seriously

She teared up and looked down at her boots. "Then...What am I to do? I feel like my entire body is numb to the core of me. I can't walk or do anything without someone's help."

"It may be the protection spell your father had on you finally wearing off on you, your kind lives off of sexual intent and you haven't had that type of intent happen to you for years. No doubt you'll need that type of assistance just to be properly moving again." Reiji said seriously

Astra thought for a moment before she wobbly stood up and sighed out. "Then I know who I need to speak with, hopefully he won't laugh at me."

"Do be careful with yourself Princess." Reiji said before he left.

Astra then looked to Subaru. "I get it that you want nothing to do with me, that's fine. You probably wouldn't be able to keep up with me anyways. Thank you for being honest with me Subaru." She said before she left out.

She knew who she had to find only to slide down the wall not far from her room before she called out to Laito, she knew damn well he wanted to be her first, she knew that he actually cared for her. He was one of the first people in the manor to really understand her and she was more than happy about that. He gave her the attention not many gave her, even if he was a flirtatious male, her being a succubus...it worked in her favor in some respects. She soon saw the male and he grinned at her.

"About time you called for me Astra. Let's get you somewhere safe shall we?" He said with a toothy grin

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