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In the middle of the forest mid-day on a windy but warm spring day Kanato walked through the forest, he couldn't sleep and none of his other siblings were up. So he took the time to walk around the forest, he had a lot of time to spare so he didn't know what to do with it most of the time. It was very quiet even though the light from the sun hurt his eyes, he had to use his hand that wasn't holding Teddy to protect his eyes as he walked around

He saw nothing out of the ordinary until a flash of light blinded his lavender purple eyes as he fell against the grassy ground. He passed out from the impact for a half hour before he shook off what he felt which the pain was something he wasn't so used to. He rubbed his head before he began to look around only to see that the entire forest was now darken by something, he knew he hadn't been knocked out for that long otherwise he would have been yelled at by Reiji for being out for so long.

So he quickly went searching for the source of it all when he came across a young woman with short black hair and glasses. From how she looked he couldn't tell much about her other than the fact that she didn't belong there. The one thing that really got to him was how attracted he found himself to be to the young woman. He quietly went up to her as he knelt down to where she was out cold. He sniffed her and he couldn't tell if she was human or not.

His sense of smell was off and that confused him a lot. He poked the young girl's face as she slept before he saw off in the distance a small stuffed pig plush. He got up and picked it up, he then looked to the young girl and wondered if it was hers. He shook her wake only to have her jump as she looked around at her surrounding. She began to tear up before she sat the pig plush in Kanato's hand.

"Is this yours?"

She nodded her head silently as she held out her hands to Kanato; wanting her plush pig back. He gave it to her before he saw her once sorrowful look on her face now changed to one of content.

"Just who are you?" Kanato asked

She held her pig plush with one arm as she got out of her back shorts pocket a piece of paper. He looked at it before he got it out of her hand. He sat in front of her before he read it to himself.

|Hello, my name is Astra Satosha. I am a mute succubus from a plane in between. I have been sent here to watch over a family with the surname of Sakamaki.|

"Astra? Did I say it right?" Kanato asked as he looked up to her

She nodded her head quietly

"So the forest getting dark is it cause of you?"

She shook her head no before she made appear a pen and a notebook. She then wrote before she showed it to Kanato.

"If it was light before and it turned dark that would be because my father is watching me and anyone I'm near. Are you a Sakamaki?"

Kanato smiled at her. "I am, if you wish to meet the others then I can show you."

She quickly nodded her head before she wrote. "Its my job here, please if you will be so kind? Also...what is your name?"

"My name is Kanato." He said before he spelled it out for her.

"Its nice to formally meet you Kanato, I hope me being here hadn't hurt you."

He pulled her up and held her hand tightly. "I'm used to it, don't worry about me. Worry about the questions you're going to hear and the idiots that are my brothers."

She nodded her head as she walked back to the Manor with Kanato as she did it became brighter out and she sighed out.

"I'm not actually mute, my father made me mute around him so he doesn't have to hear my voice. Thank you for going along with it even if you didn't know."

"You have a beautiful voice why would he want to take that from you?"

"I'll explain in time, as well as why I am here Kanato." She said with a weak smile

By the time they had gotten to the house the sun had just started to go down. Kanato opened up the door for her before letting her in. He then got her into one of the sitting rooms before he got the others. Some where easier to get than others. But slowly she saw the other five of them.

None of them said much of anything to her until Kanato came back into the room. "Why did you get all of us Kanato? Who is this woman?" Reiji asked

Kanato looked to Astra who happily smiled at Kanato. "I can tell them everything don't worry Kanato." Astra said before she got up and stood beside Kanato.

"I apologize if most of you were sleeping, but what I have to say is fairly important to the lot of you. My father and yours had made a ridiculous bet that includes the six of you and myself. What that bet is very simple, your father bet that none of you would date nor marry me by the end of two years. My father believes that I am worthy enough of any of you. So for two years you boys will have to deal with me, whether you go along with the bet that has been set is up to the lot of you."

"Her name is Astra." Kanato said as he hugged his teddy as he smiled at Astra

She nodded her head.

"Also, it seems that her father will be watching over her a lot of times and when he does she will become mute. There's nothing that any of us can do about that when it happens, we just have to wait until her father leaves her be. Apparently from what Astra has told me her father dislikes her voice from the moment her mother died since they sounded almost too a like." Kanato stated

Reiji looked to Astra seriously. "You aren't human...are you?"

"No, I'm not. I refuse to tell anyone who is rude what I am."

Laito came from behind her and sniffled her before he smiled a bit. "You aren't human, you aren't a vampire...what else could there be out there?" He asked as he looked to her curiously

"Be around me long enough and you might just find out." Astra said as she turned to look to him. "There's only one person who knows who I really am and that's Kanato. He's the sweetest guy I've known, vampire or not. Even though my father hurt him when bringing me here he was still nice to me."

Ayato scoffed a bit. "Just wait that impression will change."

"Don't you even start turning her against me!" Kanato said glaring at Ayato

"This is stupid, first some human girl now her? What the hell are we to that sick bastard?" Subaru said with a scoff

"Easy, you're experiments to him." Astra said looking to Subaru seriously. "All of you grew up differently, and have different personalities. All of you have your pros and cons...the only one I was told to stay away from was the one named Laito."

"That would be me, but he's just jealous I know how to court and be with a woman correctly. Don't listen to our father, he doesn't know anything about any of us." Laito said with a grin

She sighed and shook her head. "With me it'll be a lot harder for any of you to get to me. I'm not like any woman that you have ever been around. I don't break that easily and honestly if any of you try to piss me off I can easily kill you in your sleep." She said darkly

Hearing that Shu looked to her. "You're a succubus aren't you?"

"That's for me to know and you to find out. Now where will I be able to be staying while I am here?" Astra asked looking to Reiji

"You will have to follow me to figure that out." Reiji said before he walked out.

She followed after him and she was quiet as she saw the surroundings of the house become darker. Reiji looked back to her only to see her shivering a bit. "You're being watched aren't you?"

Unnerving feelings [Sakamaki brother love story]Where stories live. Discover now