All is Fair in Love and War


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"I don't want to bruise you with my fists...I want to bruise you with my lips." -- Gabriella Marquez, one of... Еще

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Taylor flipped through the tv channels and came across a group of sportscasters were doing commentary on her most recent fight. She knew it was better to avoid these things but sometimes she couldn't help it. She intently listened as the men on the panel spoke. "I'm telling you she's just getting boring." One sportscaster said. "I'm tired of seeing her fight yet some other arrogant fighter who thinks they can take her on and we all know she's gonna win. The fun of the sport comes from suspense, it comes from watching two great fighters with something to lose battling it out." He said.

"You just want to exploit for your own fucking entertainment." Taylor muttered to herself. "I agree some of her fights have just been a little tiring. There's no fun to it, I think she's losing her edge and just desperate to keep her name and title up now." Another panelist said. "I still think she's one of the greatest. She's an undefeated champ, I think the fun comes from wondering if anyone will ever be able to take her down. No one has." Another commented.

Mateo was in the kitchen doing homework and overhearing the conversation from the television. "I don't understand this interest in her. Personally speaking, I don't think a person like her should even be glorified in the sport. She destroys fighter's careers, she badly injuries these other women. One even to the point of death. She's dangerous and cruel." One of the panelist said.

Mateo looked over at Taylor as she turned the tv off and stared at the blank screen in silence. Some people commended her for her fighting. She lived for the praise. But then there were those who just thought of her as a monster. They thought of her as cruel and evil. Sometimes those voices were louder than the ones praising her.

Mateo slowly stepped into the living room and look at Taylor. "I don't think you're dangerous or cruel." He softly spoke. His voice snapped her out of her thoughts for a moment and drowned out the negative thoughts in her head. She looked at him as she approached. "You're the coolest fighter ever and you take care of me and you're nice." He said. She faintly smiled. "Thanks kiddo." Taylor quietly replied.

Mateo wrapped his arms around her neck and gave her a tight hug. She was surprised for a moment but quickly returned the embrace and held him. "You'll always be my favorite." He said. She held him tighter as tears rolled down her cheeks.

"Haven't changed your mind yet?" Marcos asked. Gabriella stayed focused on her punches. "About?" She asked. "Taking Ian's offer to that fight?" Marcos asked. Gabriella stayed silent. "Gabby?" Marcos asked. "What?" She asked. "You act weird anytime we bring up any conversation about that fight. What's wrong?" Marcos asked. Gabriella stopped and looked at him. "I just don't want to do it. It's not worth it." She said as she walked off and took a sip from her water bottle.

"But why not?" He asked. "You know why." Gabriella muttered. Marcos sighed. "Mateo?" He asked. Gabriella stayed silent. "Danny wouldn't be so mad about you rejecting that offer if you told him you know." He said. "You know why I don't tell anyone about him. Do you know what the media would do? Endless comments about me being a bad mother, people commenting if I should even have a child. People don't care about the truth they want entertainment, even if it means dehumanizing you. They see me for what I am when I step into the octagon, they don't see who I am outside of that." Gabriella said.

Marcos stared at her for a moment and faintly smiled. "You're not a bad mom." He replied. "No. But the media and public won't care. I'm not a 'typical mom' but it doesn't mean I'm a bad one. That won't stop them from saying I am." Gabriella replied. "I'm going to wash up and head home." She tiredly sighed. Marcos nodded, "I'm just going to clean up and go. Don't forget to lock up before you leave." Marcos said. Gabriella nodded and walked off toward the locker rooms.

Damien sat in his car and watched Gabriella exit and lock up the gym. He carefully watched as she got in her car and drove off. He tailed her car from a distance. She arrived home and he parked across the street and watched as she got out of the car. His hand gripped the door handle, ready to get out. He watched as the front door opened and Mateo ran out into her arms.

He froze and saw Taylor leaning against the doorway and smiling at the two. He glared and gripped the door handle as he watched Taylor wrap Gabriella in her arms and kiss her before heading inside. He started the car back up and looked at the house one last time before driving off.

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