The Enchantress² | N + E Mika...

By Kinky_BabyGirl14

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-Book 2- A Niklaus and Elijah Mikaelson love interest book. ... More

Authors Note
Chapter 1 - Return of the Heretic
Chapter 2 - Unanswered Questions
Chapter 3 - Of Witches, Secrets, and Family Ties
Chapter 4 - The Unseen Protector
Chapter 5 - Reunions and Confessions
Chapter 6 - Morning Surprises and Midnight Revelations
Chapter 7 - A Desperate Plan
Chapter 8 - Bound by Chains, Freed by Fury
Chapter 9 - Unintended Consequences
Chapter 10 - The Davina Problem
Chapter 11 - A Game of Memories
Chapter 12 - A Vengeful Reunion
Chapter 13 - Revelations and Complications
Chapter 14 - A House Divided
Chapter 15 - Gifts, Betrayals, and Threats
Chapter 16 - Between Dreams and Reality
Chapter 17 - A Miracle and a Tragedy
Chapter 18 - Protecting the Future
Chapter 19 - Reclaiming the Kingdom
Chapter 20 - A Heretic Unleashed
Please Read
Chapter 21 - A Night of Revelry and Mayhem
Chapter 22 - A Game of Truth and Consequences
Chapter 23 - A Dangerous Gamble
Chapter 24 - Monsters Within
Chapter 25 - Making Choices
Chapter 26 - A Moment of Peace and a Desperate Plan
Chapter 27 - Thanksgiving Surprises
Chapter 28 - Unintended Consequences
Chapter 29 - Love, Loss, and the Power of Family
Chapter 30 - The Unwanted Alliances
Chapter 31 - Desperate Choices and the Unraveled Truth
Chapter 32 - The Sacrifice Play
Chapter 33 - Moving Forward with a Smile
Chapter 34 - Forever a Mikaelson
Chapter 35 - When the Past Comes Knocking
Chapter 36 - A Lethal Game of Secrets
Chapter 37 - Interventions and Confessions
Chapter 38 - Chains and Revelations
Chapter 39 - Magic, Miracles, and Mikaelsons
Chapter 40 - Deceit, Confrontations, and Magical Showdowns
Chapter 42 - Family Under Siege
Chapter 43 - The Mindscape Connection
Chapter 44 - The Resilience of Phoebe Mikaelson
Chapter 45 - The Society of Shadows and Saviors
Chapter 46 - Fighting for Control
Chapter 47 - The Beginning of the End
Chapter 48 - Happily Ever After?
Chapter 49 - In the Name of Love
Chapter 50 - Promises and Lullabies
Chapter 51 - A Message from the Grave
Chapter 52- A Family Scattered
Chapter 53 - Flames of Desperation
Chapter 54 - Back From the Dead
Bonus Chapter - Blades, Magic, and Mikaelson Shenanigans

Chapter 41 - The Unfinished Prophecy

411 22 11
By Kinky_BabyGirl14

"Freya?!" I yell as I walk through the compound, trying to find her and Henrik but come up short in every direction I take.

As I walk past the downstairs living room, I pause for a moment before backtracking and walking into the room but only for it to be empty.

I feel a chill run down my spine as I look around the room.

I can't quite put my finger on it, but the hairs on the back of my neck are standing on end, alerting me that something is not right. 

Everything is perfectly in place, perfectly neat. I have two toddlers, a newborn and an army of Mikaelsons living in this place, these rooms are nearly neat and clean.

Everything feels amiss.

I decide to walk around the room, trying to see if there's anything that could explain the eerie feeling I'm getting.

As I approach the fireplace, the faint smell of copper hits my nose and I squat down as I notice something strange on the stones around the fireplace. I lean closer to the stones, trying to make out what it is. 

My heart pounds in my chest as I realize it's blood. A deep shade of red coats the stones, pooling in small droplets around the edges. I gasp aloud, moving my hand up over my mouth as I choke back a sob while my thoughts run rampant.

My mind races as I try to understand what could have happened. 

Did someone attack Freya and Henrik? Are they hurt or worse? 

I try to calm myself down and think logically. I need to search the rest of the house. I have to think logically. My mind races as I try to think of where they could have gone. 

Maybe they went out for a walk or something and I just missed them? 

But the doesn't make sense. 

I need to find out what happened, and fast.

A glint of light catches my eye and I notice something under one of the couches. I move closer to the couch, getting down on my knees to look underneath. I pull the item out and notice it is a phone, Vincent's phone, which should not be here.

The phone is open and a video message is already cued up. I sit down with my back pressed against the couch as I play the video.

"Phoebe, listen... Um, we're in serious trouble. Now, I'm recording this here because it's-it's free from magic, and magic is my enemy. The Ancestors got me on the hook doing some pretty twisted magic, and I want no part of it, but they're forcing me to help Lucien Castle. I am sorry. I never wanted this to happen, I need you to understand that. They took Freya. And Henrik. I don't know what Lucien plans to do to them but I don't want to be part of any of this. You need to find us before it's too late. Because I have a feeling that if you don't, Lucien will kill them. Please, Phoebe, be careful." Vincent's voice trembles with fear as he speaks while looking around in paranoia.

The video ends and I stare at the dark screen for a moment before everything Vincent comes crumbling down on me like a wall of bricks.

I jump to my feet and vamp around the compound but find no Freya, no Henrik, and no other signs of a struggle but all of Henrik's stuff is still in his room, untouched which further confirms Vincent's video.

I grip Henrik's cot as I let out a soft sob, feeling the weight of the situation settling in my chest.

Panic sets in and I realize that I have to call for help. I vamp from Henrik's nursery and to my study as I pull my phone out of my pocket, calling Elijah. I frantically pull maps from shelves as my phone rings, praying that Elijah will pick up.

"Elijah, please answer," I plead into the phone, my voice shaking with fear.

My heart races as the phone rings, each passing second feeling like an eternity. Finally, on the fifth ring, I hear Elijah's voice on the other end.

"Hello, Angel."

I take a deep breath, trying to steady my voice. "They're gone, Elijah. Lucien took them."

Elijah's voice is laced with concern as he responds. "Who did he take, Phoebe? What's going on?"

I swipe a knife off the table and slice my hand, dripping blood onto the map as I speak to Elijah, "He took Freya and Henrik. He has our son."

There is a moment of silence from Elijah before he speaks again, his voice hardening with determination.

"Kol, Finn and I are on our way back. Stay where you are and don't do anything without us. We'll find him, Phoebe. I promise."

I nod, even though he can't see me. 

"Please hurry," I plead before hanging up and tracing the blood on the map to try and find a lead on where Henrik and Freya are but the blood tracing is leading in circles and not ending.

I scream out in frustration, swiping the things off the table when my phone rings.

"What?!" I bark into the phone, not bothering to check the caller ID.

"Whoa, Phoebe. That's no way to answer the phone."

I sigh when I hear Shaun's voice.

"Sorry, Shaun. Just things are happening here." I tell him and Shaun chuckles darkly, "Oh I know. It's exactly why I am phoning. Seems Kelsey has her phone off which makes contact between you and the others. One of our birdies that you had following Lucien, just contacted me. Lucien along with two of your witch friends and a baby just arrived in Mystic Falls."

My heart stops at Shaun's words. "Henrik," I whisper, my mind racing with possibilities. "Do we know where they are?"

Shaun pauses for a moment before answering. "The source said they were headed towards a cabin in the woods. It's a bit out of the way, but I can send someone to scout it out if you want."

"Yes," I tell him, my voice firm. "Do it. You stay with the twins and make sure that no one touches them or any of those Crescent wolves. I am going to Mystic Falls. I will only be returning when Lucien is dead."

I hang up the phone and immediately start packing my bags, grabbing the essentials I'll need for the trip. I can't lose Henrik, not after everything that happened to us. 

I won't lose him.

As I grab my magical blades, strapping some to my body while packing others into the bag, Kelsey appears in the doorway and watches me and my moments before speaking, "What's going on, Pheebs?"

I stop packing and look at her as I feel the tears threaten to spill over.

"Henrik and Freya are in Mystic Falls. Lucien has them and I don't know what he's planning to do with them. But I'm not going to sit here and wait for him to hurt them. I'm going to go get them back."

Kelsey nods her head in understanding, "That son of bitch dies this time." Kelsey says as she walks into the room and pulls open drawers on the other side of the room.

Kelsey pulls out the blades, that me and Kol got her for Christmas, as she starts to make calls.

Lucien walks through the woods leading Freya and Vincent behind him as he holds Henrik, staring at him with a frown.

"It's such a shame that he looks so much like his father."

Freya glares at Lucien, her magic crackling around her. "Let my nephew go, Lucien. You have me, you didn't need to take him too."

Lucien chuckles, his eyes gleaming with an unhinged madness. "On the contrary, my dear Freya. Henrik is a valuable bargaining chip. And with you and Vincent under my control, I have everything I need to complete the spell."

"Phoebe will come for Henrik. She will come for both of us. And when she does, she will kill you." Freya whispers savagely, her eyes full of fury.

Lucien grins back at her, "I am sure you fully believe that but once we are done here, even Phoebe will be afraid to go against me."

Vincent glares at Lucien, "The Ancestors must have lost their damn minds!" Vincent grumbles loudly which makes Lucien smile, "Quite the opposite! I've never dealt with a saner bunch. See, when I arrived in New Orleans, I made them a deal. Upon my request, they would grant me access to the Regent. And, in exchange, I'd provide for them a world without the Originals and Phoebe Salvatore."

As they continued to walk, Lucien scowled at Henrik who just laid in his arms quietly, staring at Lucien with wide eyes, his mother's eyes. 

Lucien grew angry having Phoebe's eyes haunting him through her son.

"You know, Henrik," Lucien says, his voice low and threatening, "Your mother is the reason why I had to do all this. She promised me a way to become better than Mikaelsons, to kill them too. Instead, she betrayed me and ended up in their arms, a part of their family."

Freya hearing Lucien shit talking about Phoebe lunges at Lucien with her magic at the ready but Lucien sees her coming. Freya is slammed against the tree by Lucien as Vincent finds himself with baby Henrik in his arms.

"Do something like that again and I will kill him for you to watch." Lucien snarls, staring at Freya who stares back defiantly.

"I can't wait to watch Phoebe rip you limb from limb before ripping out that rock you call a heart." Freya hisses back and Lucien chuckles, " I don't think she will. Not with her son's life hanging on the line."

Freya glares as Lucien releases her and carries on walking while Henrik watches Freya from his spot in Vincent's arms.

"Why didn't we just contact your brothers again?" Kol asks as the group of us drive past the 'Welcome to Mystic Falls, Est. 1860'

"You want to call Damon and Stefan for help? Who are you and what have you done to my Kol?" Kelsey jokes with narrowed eyes.

Kol grumbles something to Kelsey but I don't pay attention as I keep my eyes on the road, "Damon and Elena are staying in Whitmore, Elena is working at the hospital there. Alaric is teaching at the university there and Caroline moved up there to keep close to her twins. And Stefan and Caroline have become a pair which means he moved with her. While Bonnie and Enzo have moved into our old house they are traveling currently. Other than Caroline turning the boarding house into a school for the supernatural, there are no vampires in Mystic Falls for now." I explain to the car quietly.

"So, are we to drive around this entire pathetic town, hoping to run into my sister before Lucien murders her and your son?" Finn grumbles which makes Elijah sigh deeply, closing his eyes in annoyance before replying, "No, Finn. We have a plan. Phoebe has a contact in Mystic Falls who has intel on Lucien's whereabouts. We'll meet him and gather the information we need to find Freya and Henrik."

Kol perks up at this, "Who's the contact? Is it anyone we know?"

I swallow before tearing my gaze from the window, "No."

I glance over my shoulder and see Kol giving Kelsey a look while she gives him a guilty one in return.

Elijah parks the car and everyone jumps out, having spent hours stuck together everyone has become sick of each other.

I see someone sitting on the bench in the square and glance back at the others, "Give me a moment alone with him."

Kelsey nods and grabs Kol's hand before vamping him away.

Elijah looks convinced to leave me by myself while Finn stands behind him with a pissed off and bored look.

"Please. He can help us get Henrik and Freya back before Lucien kills them." I plead and Elijah sighs before nodding in agreement.

Elijah and Finn walk off in the opposite direction that Kol and Kelsey disappear in.

I approach the bench as I call out to the guy waiting, "Dean!"

He doesn't move which makes me slow my walking as I look at him worried, "Dean?" I repeat but still, he doesn't move an inch.

I have known Dean since he was turned. He was always so eager to help and to be involved in anything I had going on. 

But now, he just sat there motionless.

I take a step closer and realize that he's not breathing. Panic sets in as I run towards him, I stand in front of him and I can feel my body start to shake with rage as I look at the desiccation on Dean.

I notice the hole and blood in his chest before reaching forward and sticking my hand into his chest, searching for the thing that killed him.

I feel the bullet and with a yank, I pull it out of Dean. I look closely at the bullet when I find initials carved into the wood.


"Fucking Donovan." I grit out as I pocket the bullet. I move forward and gently lay Dean onto the bench before ripping into my wrists with my teeth. 

I drip my blood onto his head as I say, "Pour l'instant et pour toujours. Que ton âme repose avec ceux que tu aimes."

I take a breath as I feel a tear fall down my cheek and with a flick of my wrist, his body goes up in flames. I watch him for a moment longer before wiping away my tears and letting my rage lead.

I storm from the town square to the one place I will always find Matt.

Mystic Grill.

"We don't have time for this. My sister, Freya, and my son, Henrik have been taken." Elijah tells Matt who is holding his gun at them.

Matt makes a face at Elijah's statement, and Elijah rolls his eyes impatiently.

"Yes, we have another. So, option one, you go about your business like a good little boy.

Elijah walks toward Matt quickly, clearly unafraid of his gun despite Matt aiming at him with it as he approaches.

"Option two? Violent disembowelment. What's it gonna be?" Elijah asks Matt, his patience running thin.

"I'm gonna go with option three. This is my town, my business." Matt says determined but he is interrupted when another voice joins the three of them.

"Isn't now?"

Matt turns around and comes face to face with Phoebe, right before she plunges her hand into his chest and rips out his heart.

"We don't have time to be placating human idiots who think they are in charge." She comments as she drops his heart next to his body before looking at Elijah and Finn, "My informant is dead. Donovan here-" Phoebe delivers a kick to his corpse, "-killed him before we could speak."

"Now what?" Finn asks her, his face a mask of rage.

"Well if you can get over your damn little pity party that I could hear from the town square, maybe some sort of idea would be able to come to one of us." Phoebe grits out to Finn before she shoves the side door to the Grill open and storms into it.

Finn gives Elijah a look before following Phoebe in with a muttered, "She's right."

Elijah turns his face back to Matt's corpse and takes a deep breath before walking into the Grill.

Elijah enters the main area of the Grill to find Phoebe pulling bottles from behind the bar while Finn sits at the bar watching her.

"So, this is the plan then?" Elijah questions which earns him a drop-dead look from Phoebe as she continues to grab items from around the bar.

"Phoebe and I had an idea on how to find Freya and Henrik," Finn explains to Elijah as Phoebe places a big bowl on the bar top.

Elijah takes a seat next to Finn as Phoebe pours alcohol into the bowl before pulling a vial out of her pocket. A vial of blood.

"Whose blood is that?" Finn asks her.

Phoebe pauses her moments as she answers, "Niklaus."

"How will Nik's blood help you find Freya and Henrik?" Finn questions.

Phoebe blows out a breath in frustration, "When Klaus, Elijah and myself married, I bound our souls. Always connected until death. I was pregnant with Henrik at the time, meaning the magic I used to do so wasn't purely mine but his as well. Therefore, if I use Klaus, Elijah and my blood, it will lead me to them by tracking Henrik's magic."

Phoebe flexes her fingers and the alcohol that is sitting in the bowl ignites into flames, turning blue as she drops the blood vial into it.

Phoebe picks up the blade and slices her palm, holding it over the flames as she hands the blade to Elijah with her other one. Elijah follows her, slicing his hand before letting his blood dip into the fire.

The flames shift colour again as Elijah and Phoebe's blood hits it, turning the flames black.

Finn watches as the flames change colour before leaning forward, inspecting them as Phoebe joins her hand with the open wound with Elijah's as she starts to chant a spell.

Finn sits back in his seat and watches Phoebe with a raised eyebrow as she continues to chant.

Finn is taken aback as he notices that as Elijah's blood meets Phoebe's in their hand, Elijah's blood turns purple as do his veins. Something inside Elijah pulls to Phoebe and if on the auto-pilot he starts to chant the same words as Phoebe. Phoebe feels a rush of power in the spell as he does but focuses on the spell.

Elijah and Phoebe chant together, their voices matching.

The flames change one final time, turning white. As Phoebe chants her final line, the flames disappear, leaving ashes on the bottom of the bowl.

Phoebe gasps out, her eyes turning milky white, the same as the flames had just been, which makes Finn stand to his feet as Elijah stumbles back a little.

Images flash through Phoebe's mind, there are so many trees before it switches to Vincent on the ground as blood drips from his head while Freya lies unconscious a few feet away from him. Suddenly everything moves at a fast speed, everything around a blur before it shifts and all that can be seen is Lucien's face but his face is different.

Phoebe screams as she falls to the ground, clutching her head as Elijah rushes to her side, catching her before she hits the floor. Finn watches on with concern, unsure of what to do.

As Phoebe writhes in pain and Elijah holds her, Finn approaches them, trying to figure out what's happening. Phoebe's milky eyes are closed tight, but her body is still shaking from the pain. Elijah looks up at Finn, panic present in his eyes.

Finn reaches out to Phoebe, but Elijah holds up a hand to stop him. "Don't touch her," he says, his voice strained.

Finn nods, taking a step back. He watches as Phoebe's body continues to convulse, her breathing shallow and irregular. Suddenly, her eyes snap open, now their normal brown colour as she screams again, louder this time.

Elijah pulls Phoebe closer, trying to calm her down, but she seems to be in a trance-like state. Her eyes dart around the room, as if seeing things that aren't there, and her body tense up again. Elijah tries to hold her still, but Phoebe's strength surprises him as she breaks free from his grasp.

"Get away from me!" she yells, her voice echoing off the walls.

Finn steps back further, unsure of what to do. Elijah reaches out to try and calm Phoebe down, but she recoils away from him as if he's the cause of her pain. Finn watches on as Phoebe's body continues to shake violently, her eyes still darting around the room.

Elijah looks at him, then back at Phoebe, trying to figure out what's happening. "Phoebe, it's okay," he says, his voice soothing. "It's just me. You're safe."

But Phoebe doesn't seem to hear him, lost in her mind.

"We don't have time for this! We are running out of time!" Finn tells Elijah, his voice raised in urgency.

Elijah looks around before his eyes settling back on Phoebe before vamping forward at her. Phoebe tries to stop him with her magic but his body just absorbs it.

Elijah reaches her and wraps his arms around her holding him close as they hit the floor.

"It's okay. You're okay. Everything will be okay." He whispers to her, his voice full of reassurance. Phoebe's shaking slowly begins to subside as Elijah continues to hold her, rocking her gently back and forth.

Finn watches on, unsure of what to do or say. He had never seen anything like this before. He had heard rumors of Phoebe's mental state being unstable but he had never witnessed it firsthand. 

The sight of Phoebe convulsing uncontrollably and Elijah trying to calm her down was both terrifying and heartbreaking.

Phoebe stops shaking, relaxing in Elijah's arms but he doesn't stop whispering the reassuring words in her ears until she turns over, looking Elijah in his eyes with a thankful smile.

"I know where they are," Phoebe says to him, her voice hoarse from all the screaming.

Elijah lets out a breath of relief as he shakes his head, his face inches away from hers. "I was very worried about you."

Phoebe smiles at him, a look of understanding passing over her face. "I'm sorry. I'm okay now."

She closes the space between them and presses her lips against his, her body softening in his arms as he deepens the kiss. 

Finn watches on, feeling like he's intruding on a moment of intimacy between the two lovers. He's never seen Elijah this vulnerable before. The usually stoic vampire is holding Phoebe like she's his whole world, protecting her from any harm that may come her way.

As Phoebe pulls away from Elijah, her eyes are full of determination. "We have to go. We don't have any more time to waste."

Elijah stands up and offers her his hand to help her stand, "Let's go get our son back."

I vamp through the trees with Elijah, Finn, Kelsey and Kol following behind me as I lead them. We arrive at a slight clearing and I find exactly what I had seen. Vincent lying on the floor, with a head wound while Freya lies unconscious a few feet from him but no Lucien nor Henrik is in sight.

I vamp forward to Freya and hold her up as I bite it into my wrists, forcing it into her mouth so she can heal.

Kol vamps next to me and takes Freya from me as I stand back to my feet, marching over to Vincent with fury raging in my eyes.

"Where is my goddamn son?!" I demand as I wrap my hands around his throat, lifting off the ground as I slam into the tree.

Vincent gasps for air, his hands gripping my arms as he tries to pry me off of him. "I don't know... I swear, I don't know," he choked out between gasps.

I glare at him, my grip only tightening around his throat. "You took him. You took my son and now Lucien has him. If anything happens to him, you better plead to your ancestor to save you and all your nine covens because I promise you that you'll regret the day you ever crossed me."

"Phoebe." Elijah's voice is stern as he steps forward, placing his hand on my shoulder. "Let him go."

I release Vincent, throwing him to the side and he lands next to a stone bowl that has some sort of liquid within it.

"Which way did Lucien go?" I ask Vincent, my voice deadly.

Vincent hesitates before gesturing behind me, "I have to warn you, Phoebe. He drank the serum and staked himself, he can kill you all with a simple bite." Vincent warns, his eyes full of fear.

I scoff, "I've been through worse, Vincent. I'll kill him before he even knows what hit him."

I vamp off in the direction that Vincent had gestured in while following the pull to Henrik's magic.

As I run through the forest, my mind races with all the possible scenarios. What could Lucien want with my son? Why would he go to such lengths to take him? My heart races with fear and anger, but I push it all aside, focusing on finding Henrik.

Suddenly, I stop dead in my tracks, my hearing picking up loud crying. Henrik's cries echo through the trees, a heart-wrenching sound that only makes me run faster.

I burst into a clearing, my eyes locking onto the sight before me.

Henrik is in Lucien's arms, his small body wracked with sobs as Lucien locks eyes, a menacing look in his eyes.

"Let him go," I say as I feel my magic rising to the surface.

Lucien tuts out in response, "I wouldn't do that." He says referring to my magic, "You might hurt the little one."

I feel my anger boiling over, "You don't get to talk about my son," I growl as I walk toward him, my eyes locked onto Henrik's trembling body. "Let him go, now."

Lucien smirks at me, "Oh, I plan on it. But not before I kill you and Elijah."

Elijah stands hidden behind Lucien but Lucien doesn't seem to notice him as he taunts me. I lock eyes with Elijah and give him a slight nod.

In a blink of an eye, Elijah vamps forward and tackles Lucien to the ground, causing Henrik to fall from his embrace. I rush forward and scoop Henrik into my arms, holding him close and comforting him as he continues to cry.

As I look up, I see Elijah and Lucien rolling on the ground, fighting with everything they have. I can see the rage and fury on Elijah's face before I turn my attention to my son as I try to soothe him.

"It's okay, love. Mama's here." I whisper to him and kiss his forehead, feeling the warmth of his tears on my skin. "You're safe now."

I feel a hand on my shoulder and I look over my shoulder to find Kelsey behind me. I nod and pass, the now quiet, Henrik to her before turning my attention back to Lucien and Elijah in time to see Finn but himself between Elijah and Lucien, getting bitten by him.

"Take Henrik and go. Don't stop for anything or anyone until you make it to the boarding house. Caroline and Stefan should be there." I tell Kelsey before I vamp forward to check on Finn.

Lucien tries to leave but Freya and Kol appear in the clearing, making a boundary around him.

I inspect Finn's bite as he writhes on the ground, "You need to get him out of here." I say to Elijah before glancing to the weakened Freya who is trying to hold Lucien in a boundary spell, "Both of them."

Elijah nods in agreement before helping Finn onto his feet and vamping away. I look over to Kol as he does and share a look with him but he doesn't leave. 

Freya continues to struggle to hold the spell up as she continues to become weaker.

"Go, I will be right behind you," I reassure him which seems to be enough as he forces Freya with him as he leaves in the same direction that Elijah and Finn had.

"You really shouldn't lie to your family," Lucien says to me with a smirk on his face, causing anger to bubble up inside of me.

I vamp forward towards him, but he's faster and manages to grab me by the neck, slamming me into a tree. I gasp for air as his grip tightens, but then I see something glimmer in his eyes.

"Why are you doing this?" I ask him, filled with curiosity.

"Why, you ask? Because all the Mikaelsons do is take and be damned those that aren't Mikaelsons! They turned your back on us, on me!" he yells, his grip tightening on my neck even more.

One of my blades slipped from my sleeve and I plunged it into him as I told him, "You should take your advice. You really shouldn't lie."

I feel his grip loosen on my neck and I use my magic to push him away from me and against the tree opposite us.

"If you are going to go around killing us, at least be honest with us. You didn't do any of this because of the Mikaelson's behaviour. You did this for power."

Lucien chuckles, blood spilling out of his mouth as he wipes it away with the back of his hand. "You're wrong, Phee. This was never about power," he says, his eyes glinting with a manic intensity. 

"No, you love power." I walk towards him as I feel the ancestors trying to fight against me but are failing, "That's what I gave you. When I did your bidding, you could have taken the Mikaelson's out but instead, you wanted me to find a way for you to match their power. And when I refused, you discarded me to those who wanted me."

I hear footsteps coming up behind me and I spin around to see Vincent coming towards me with a face filled with pain, "Prohibere." I say and he freezes, unable to move.

Suddenly my face is slammed into another tree as Lucien bites into my neck, drawing blood. I scream out in pain, but he keeps going, his grip on me strong.

"I've always loved the taste of your blood, Phee," he whispers in my ear as I struggle to get free. "You're a tough one to kill, but not impossible."

Lucien spins me right, so I am facing him and I try to focus on my brain, on my magic. I let out a manic laugh and Lucien watches me hestant by my behaviour.

He pulls me up and slams me against the tree again, "What is so goddamn funny?!"

I grin at him, "If I am to die, I am taking you with me. I am laughing because I can't choose how to kill you."

As I finish speaking, I slam my hand into his chest and wrap my hand around his heart.

"See you in hell," I whisper as I let my magic flow out of me and into him. 

Lucien gasps as he starts to splatter out his blood as his chest, followed by his body starts to turn black like cooled-down lava.

Lucien lets out a cry of pain hards as if turning to stone. I feel black magic flow out of me as I scream out, the black magic coming from me breaks the stone Lucien and sends him into pieces. 

I fall to the floor exhausted and watch as Damon runs to me, his eyes full of worry.

"You are so damn stubborn, Phoebe Salvatore." Damon says and I crack a smile at him as I correct him, "Mikaelson."

Damon chuckles as he helps me to my feet, "Let's get you home."

I nod and Damon starts walking away as I move my hand to my neck to feel Lucien's bite mark. Damon looks back at me and I move my hair to cover it while Damon looks at me concerned, "You okay?"

"Fine," I tell him with a fake smile.

I walked into the compound alone as Damon went to fetch Hope and Faith from Hayley's. Finn is looking better while Rebekah stands with Henrik and Kelsey is calming Kol who has dried blood on his nose but none of that has my attention as Klaus stands in the middle of the room.

As if feeling eyes on him, Klaus turns around and lets out a breath when he sees me, "Love."

I vamp forward, wrapping myself around him. He drops his arms around me and I feel his lips at the crook of my neck, "I am sorry, love. I am sorry I was not there to protect you."

I pull away from him, placing a kiss on his lips. "Klaus, it was not your fault."

"Lucien?" Klaus questions.

"Dead," I say, my voice barely a whisper. Klaus looks at me, his eyes full of concern, "Are you alright, Phoebe?"

"I will be," I tell him with a faint smile.

I place my feet back onto the ground and find Elijah standing next to us. I pull him for a kiss, feeling his arms wrap around me. The kiss is passionate and filled with emotion, a release of all the tension and fear that had built up inside of us. 

When we finally pull away, Elijah cups my face in his hands, his eyes searching mine and I give him a reassuring smile.

Finn clears his throat and we turn to him as he speaks to us, "I want to thank you all for saving me. Today, I saw a glimpse of your coveted 'Always and Forever'. And... I..."

He's cut off by an intense coughing fit that causes him to throw himself over the edge of the couch as he coughs up a large amount of blood. Klaus rushes over to him, followed quickly by Elijah and Freya.

"What's wrong with him?" Elijah asks, panicked

"His body, it's dying..." Freya says horrified and with wide eyes.

"No! No, it's not possible! I cured him!" Klaus yells in disbelief, but Freya shakes her head sadly.

Freya looks at me as she pleads, "Help him. Please."

I swallow hard as I feel Lucien's bite on my neck already wreaking havoc on my body. I could siphon Finn's wound but with so much black magic in my body, I don't know what would happen to me. 

But Finn is family.

I nod as I move over to him while motioning for Elijah and Klaus to hold him down on the couch.

"Finn!" I hear a gasp behind me as Cami, Delilah and Damon along with the twins join us.

"Get them out of here," I shout and Ezra walks forward from where he had been standing in the corner of the room before moving them all back into the hall while physically holding Cami back from vamping over to Finn.

I grab Finn's face and force him to look at me.

"Please.." Finn begs while I speak to him, "Look at me, Finn."

Finn shifts his eyes up to me before I ask him, "Do you want this? Do you want me to save you or to let you die? I won't take this decision from you again."

"Finn!" Cami screeches as Kol catches her from getting any closer than she already has.

Finn's eyes drift over to Cami before meeting mine again, "Please. I don't want to die."

I nod as Finn screams out in pain again while Elijah and Klaus hold him down. I place my hand over the wound as I close my eyes and take a deep breath.

The moment I touch his wound, I feel the dark magic coursing through my veins. A wave of pain hits me like a ton of bricks, but I fight to keep it together.

As I siphon the magic from Finn's wound, I feel the darkness within me growing stronger. My vision blurs and my body trembles, but I push through the pain, refusing to let Finn die. With every passing second, the black veins on my arms become more prominent, and my skin turns paler and paler.

Suddenly, Finn's scream of agony turns into a gasp of relief as the wound on his neck begins to heal. I continue to siphon the magic until the wound is completely healed. Finally, the wound on Finn's chest closes, and I pull my hand back, panting heavily. 

I collapse to the floor, feeling weak and drained.

"Finn!" Cami rushes over to him, tears streaming down her face as she checks his pulse. "He's alive!" she exclaims, relief flooding her face and voice.

I try to stand up, but my body is too weak. Elijah and Klaus help me up, supporting my weight as I try to catch my breath. 

As I look down at my arms, I see that the black veins are slowly fading away, and my skin is returning to its normal colour.

"Are you alright?" Klaus asks concern etched on his face.

I nod weakly, still trying to catch my breath. "I'll be okay," I manage to whisper.

But as I stand there, supported by Klaus and Elijah, I can still feel my own Lucien bite burning but it quickly slips my mind again as Hope and Faith come running into the room.

I give them wide smiles as I bend and they run into my arms, relieved to see them unharmed.

"Thank god you two are okay," I say, kissing the top of their heads.

"Mommy, are you okay?" Hope looks up at me with her big brown eyes, concern etched on her face.

"Yes, baby. Mommy is fine," I reassure her, ruffling her hair, feeling grateful for both of them.

Faith spots Kol behind me and glances between me and him before pulling out of my hold and running to him.

Kol scoops her up and she giggles loudly before he settles her on his hip.

Klaus picks Hope up and showers her with kisses as Elijah steadies me back up straight.

Faith taps Kol on the shoulder he looks at her as she leans forward and whispers into his ear, "Mommy's got a bad ouchie."

"What do you mean?" Kol asks her confused.

"Mommy has a bad ouchie on her neck," Faith tells him before pointing over to Phoebe.

Kol looks at Phoebe as she holds Henrik in her arms with a look of relief. 

He quickly puts Faith down and rushes to Phoebe as she hands Henrik over to Elijah who looks at his son with adoration. Phoebe stumbles a little and by the time Kol reaches Phoebe, she collapses. 

Kol catches Phoebe and Klaus puts Hope on the floor before vamping over to them, concern etched on his face.

"What happened?" Klaus asks, worry in his voice.

"I don't know," Kol replies, holding Phoebe close to him. "She just collapsed."

Klaus takes Phoebe from Kol's arms and places her on the couch that Finn had just been lying on.

He checks her pulse and furrows his eyebrows, his mind racing with worry. "She's burning up," he says, looking at Kol.

Kol looks from Klaus over to Faith who is watching her mother with a tilted head. 

Kol moves forward, passes Klaus and moves Phoebe's hair off her neck as he searches it for the ouchie that Faith had mentioned. 

Kol rolls Phoebe slightly and sees a nasty bite on the back of her neck.

"Klaus, Lucien bit her," Kol says, his voice low and urgent.

Klaus's eyes darken with anger as he looks down at Phoebe, "Why didn't she say anything? Or just siphon it?" Klaus questions loudly.

"It might have been too much dark magic in her system for her to siphon hers after she siphoned Finn's bite." Freya pipes up.

"Mama?" Hope calls out as she moves towards Phoebe, not liking how her mother's magic feels.

"Get the girls out of here!" Klaus demands from Rebekah who nods her head while moving forward to grab Hope.

"No!" Hope screams as Rebekah grabs her hand. 

Hearing her twin's scream, Faith snaps her head to Hope and Rebekah.

She watches as Hope tries to fight her way out of Rebekah's grasp. Faith quickly runs towards them and stands in front of Hope, blocking Rebekah from taking her away.

"Let me go! I need to be with Mama!" Hope shouts, tears streaming down her face.

Faith looks at Hope with a nod before grabbing Rebekah's wrist and siphoning magic from Rebekah. Rebekah yelps, letting go of Hope as she yanks her hand towards herself.

This gives both girls a moment to run forward towards Phoebe but are stopped when Klaus stands in their path.

"Nik, wait." Freya calls out as she looks at the frantic faces of Hope and Faith, "Let them go to her. They can help her."

Klaus hesitates for a moment before stepping aside, allowing the girls to rush over to their mother.

Hope and Faith stand next to Phoebe, looking over her as Hope whispers out, "Mama...."

Phoebe doesn't respond and the twins join hands before Faith reaches out, holding onto Phoebe's arm as she starts to siphon Lucien's bite.

The girls don't recoil or flinch as the dark magic transfers into their bodies, their veins turning black as it goes through Faith as well as Hope. 

Klaus goes to stop them, not liking what he sees, but Freya stops him, "Let them be, Klaus. They can handle it."

Klaus reluctantly backs off, watching as the girls siphon the venom's magic from their mother's body.

As the twins siphoned the dark magic from their mother's body, they could feel the agony that she was going through. Their veins turned black from the magic, and their eyes glowed brighter with every passing moment. 

Faith and Hope could feel the dark magic like poison coursing through their bodies, but they didn't stop.

They knew that they had to save their mother. They had to be strong and keep going, no matter what.

As the last of the poisoned magic was siphoned from Phoebe's body, the twins felt a surge of energy coursing through them. 

They gasped and stumbled backwards, their hands still held tightly together. Faith and Hope's veins returned to their normal colour, and their eyes stopped glowing as Phoebe's eyes fluttered open while she started to cough.

"Mama!" Both girls exclaim as they throw themselves onto Phoebe, hugging her tightly. Phoebe wraps her arms around her daughters, tears streaming down her face as she holds them close.

"Thank you," Phoebe whispers, her voice hoarse.

Hope and Faith held onto their mother tightly, relieved that she was okay. They had never felt that kind of pain before, and it scared them.

As the three of them embrace, Klaus watches from a distance, a sense of pride swelling in his chest. He had always known that his daughters were powerful, but seeing them save their mother had solidified it. 

Klaus couldn't help but wonder what other incredible feats his children were capable of.

Freya approaches Klaus, placing a hand on his shoulder. "They are resilient, like their mother," she says softly.

Elijah sits next to Phoebe and she lays her head in his lap as he holds Henrik in his arms while the girl's eyes start to drop, exhausted.

With her strength back, Phoebe whispers to Elijah, "I am going to put them to bed."

Elijah places a kiss on her temple before moving and getting up so that she can lift the twins while standing up.

Phoebe carried Faith and Hope in her arms, their heads resting on her shoulders. She could feel the weight of their bodies, but it was a welcomed burden after the ordeal they had gone through. Phoebe carried them to their bedroom, placing them gently on their bed.

When they had moved them from their cribs into actual beds, Hope and Faith refused to sleep in separate beds. Every night when Klaus or Phoebe checked in on them, they would find that one had sneaked into the other's bed as they had been unable to sleep without the other. Not thinking it was worth fighting over, Klaus and Phoebe got them a bigger bed so that they both could sleep comfortably in it together. 

She tucked them in and kissed their foreheads but as she turned to go, Faith grabbed her hand which stopped her.

"Stay." Faith asks as she looks at Phoebe with sleepy eyes.

Phoebe nods before climbing into bed, lying between Faith and Hope who then snuggle closer to her as they drift to sleep.

Klaus stands in the doorway of Hope and Faith's room, watching us as I run my fingers gently through their hair while they sleep peacefully with their heads resting on me.

I can sense Klaus's gaze on me, but I don't look up. Instead, I focus on the soft rhythm of their breathing, the way their little chests rise and fall in unison. It's moments like these that remind me of why I fight so hard to protect them.

I eventually look up at Klaus and without a word said, he gestures his head to outside the room. I nod my head, understanding that he wants to talk before I carefully move and manoeuvre myself out from between Hope and Faith so as not to wake them. 

I stand next to the bed and watch the twins for a moment as their brows furrow at the loss of me but quickly shuffle closer to each other before settling back into a deep slumber.

Outside the room, Klaus takes my hand and leads me to the upstairs living room.

Klaus closes the doors behind us before he begins ranting, "How could you be so reckless? You could have died!"

I ignore his ranting as I spin around and move towards him, silencing him as I smash my lips against his.

He's caught off guard at first but quickly responds with equal fervour, his hands finding their way to my waist. Our kisses are urgent, almost desperate as if we both need to reassure ourselves that the other is there, alive and well. 

I can feel all of his worries and fears melting away, replaced by a burning passion that we both share. When we finally break the kiss, we're both breathless and flushed.

Klaus looks into my eyes and I look into him before he leans forward, resting his head against mine as he speaks, "I do love you, you know."

I smile at him, feeling the warmth spread through my body at his words. "I know," I reply softly, "I love you too."

We stand there for a moment, wrapped in each other's embrace, before Klaus pulls back slightly and looks at me with a more serious expression. "You can't keep taking these risks."

I press my lips against him again as I whisper to him, "Don't ruin the moment."

Klaus chuckles at my response, but I can sense the underlying worry in his voice as he speaks again, "I'm serious love. Hope and Faith need you. They need their mother."

I nod at him. "I know, Klaus. But at this moment I need their father."

Klaus laughs softly against my lips, his arms tightening around my waist as he deepens the kiss. Our bodies press close together as he lifts me off the floor with one arm while his hands trail up and down my back.

My hands start to get busy as well, moving down to his behind and pulling him close to me as I press against his arousal and grind against him. Klaus groans against my lips as I rub myself against him, wanting more, needing him inside of me.

Too caught up in each other, they had noticed that Elijah had joined them, slipping into the room as if a shadow.

He watches them for a moment before he speaks, his voice teasing and slightly amused, "I see you two are just getting started. I didn't miss much then."

We pull apart and I lean back, giving him a clumsy smile as I place my feet back on the floor which forces Klaus to let go of me. I move over to Elijah before he pulls me closer and into a heated kiss. I gasp against his lips as his hands trail down my back and cupping my behind.

Klaus moves in behind me, my back pressed against his chest as he leans down and presses kisses against my neck.

As Klaus leaves a trail of kisses, I reach down and begin to pull up the bottom of Elijah's shirt, exposing his tanned, muscular stomach. I smile as I place my hand against it, stroking and teasing him. Elijah shrugs his shirt off as I let my eyes roam over him. I smile as I pull my attention away from his body and place my lips against his again.

Elijah's hands move to my top, and he begins to unbutton it. Klaus pulls away from me, and I look up at him with a question on my face.

Klaus smiles as he places a hand against my cheek and strokes it softly, his eyes burning into mine with so much love. "Let's take this to our room."

I nod and turn around, stepping out of my shoes as Elijah pulls my top off. Klaus takes my hand as we head down the hall towards our room. Klaus wastes no time, getting me into the bedroom before anyone comes across me, half-naked in the hall.

As soon as both brothers step into the room, closing the door behind them, my eyes dart between the two of them as they watch me with hunger present in their eyes.

Elijah walks over to me and pulls me into his arms, kissing me deeply as he pushes me against the wall. He grinds his hips against mine as he deepens the kiss, moving his mouth and tongue against mine.

I moan against his lips as Klaus moves up behind me, pressing his body against my back, kissing a trail up my neck to my ear. "I've missed you so much, Phoebe." He growls before biting down on my earlobe.

I gasp as I feel the sensation shooting through me, straight down to my clit.

"I've missed you too. It's terrible being away from you."

Klaus pulls away from me, eyeing me for a moment as he unbuckles his pants but my attention is taken when Elijah reaches down between us and pulls my pants down.

I moan as Klaus takes a step back, sliding his pants off, and tossing them onto the ground.

Elijah takes a step back, pulling my pants off, and throwing them to the side. He pushes me towards the bed and I stumble back, looking at him with eager eyes as he takes off his pants. Elijah lifts me off of the ground and I wrap my legs around his waist as he moves over to the bed, laying me down on it.

Elijah wastes no time, spreading my legs apart as he positions himself at my entrance, sliding just the head of his cock into me. My mouth drops open as I gaze up at him, watching the appreciative look in his eyes as he pushes into me the rest of the way.

I moan, throwing my head back as Elijah thrusts into me, with a force. My body arches, a moan escaping my lips as his cock slams into me, his hands on my ass to keep me still.

Klaus comes up beside me on the bed and he kisses me, his hand moving up to my neck, holding me still.

I moan against his mouth Elijah continues to thrust into me, his cock hitting my sweet spot over and over.

"You're so tight, baby. I'm going to fuck you hard, and I'm not going to slow down." He growls into my ear, biting down on my earlobe, drawing a whimper from my lips.

Elijah pulls out of me and Klaus throws me on my stomach on the bed. He spreads my knees apart as he positions himself behind me, his fingers running down my spine before he thrusts into me briefly.

"Oh god, I missed you!" He groans as he pulls out of me once again before slamming back into me.

Klaus leans down, biting my shoulder as he begins to thrust into me, his pace increasing with each thrust until I can barely keep myself up.

"Mmm, Klaus." I moan loudly, thrusting my hips back against him.

"Oh god, fuck you're so tight." He growls, his fingers sinking into my hips as he continues to fuck me.

I moan as Elijah kneels on the bed, next to us. He kisses my back, licking down my spine, his hands caressing my ass and legs.

He runs his tongue up my back to my neck where Klaus is biting down.

He pulls away, his hand reaching out to the nightstand next to the bed and taking the lube off of it. I look over my shoulder just in time to see Elijah push his fingers into my ass.

Klaus leans over me, his hand caressing my cheek as he kisses me lightly and I can feel Elijah's finger moving in and out of my ass without any problems.

I moan as Elijah pushes into me, his cock sliding into my wet slit.

He thrusts into me before pulling out of me, and I moan, Elijah thrusting into my ass a second later.

"Fuck!" I moan loudly, Klaus kissing my neck as he thrusts into me, now moving faster and faster.

Elijah's thrusts into my ass in time with Klaus's thrusts in my pussy.

"Does he feel good, baby?" Elijah murmurs, moving his lips to my ear.

"God, yes." I moan loudly, as Klaus hits my sweet spot.

"Do you want more?" He asks, his mouth moving to my shoulder, biting down on my skin.

"Please, yes."

I whimper, biting down on my lip.

Elijah smiles against my skin before biting down on my shoulder, harder this time, causing me to whimper.

His hand reaches down the front of my body, rubbing my clit.

Klaus started moving even faster. "Oh god, I'm going to cum!" He growls, his teeth sinking into my other shoulder.

I moan as I feel both of them thrust into me harder than before, their fingers digging into my hips. I scream out in pleasure, my orgasm ripping through me.

"Cum for me, baby," Elijah whispers in my ear.

"I want to feel you come around us," Klaus growls, biting me again.

I scream out, my pussy and ass clenching around them.

Elijah continues pounding into me, faster and faster as I feel Klaus cum, filling me up.

Elijah pulls out of my ass as Klaus pulls out my pussy. Elijah moves holes, slamming himself into my pussy before I feel him spill his seed into me as well.

I moan as he pulls out of me, Elijah moving around to the front of my body, his hand caressing my cheek.

"I love you, Phoebe," Elijah says, kissing me gently.

I smile, "I love you too, Elijah."

Vincent stands in the Lycee as he talks to the Ancestors, trying to get them to listen to him.

"I know you're listening to me. You wanted me to be the Regent of the nine covens. You believed that I could lead our people. But how am I supposed to be a leader when you keep jerking me around like I'm a damn puppet or something? I need you to talk to me."

There is no answer, no movement and no sign that they were even listening to him at all.

Vincent huffs out in frustration as Van steps into the Lycee behind him, "They won't answer you."

Vincent turns round to face him, "Van Nguyen. All grown up, I see. Of course, they won't answer me. They barely ever do. Not that this has anything to do with you."

Van scoffs, "Actually, it does. See, my mom's one of the Ancestors now. Thanks to your friend Phoebe. You know the one you have been running around with, even after everything she has done to our covens. Some Regent you turned out to be. Well, no wonder the Ancestors want you out."

Vincent scoffs at him as he crosses his arms across his chest, "Oh, so you speak for the Ancestors now? Why don't you ask the Ancestors why they trusted Lucien Castle, a vampire who has done nothing but lie and kill ever since he stepped foot in New Orleans?"

"He killed a Mikaelson, which is more than you ever did."

Vincent laughs at Van as he shakes his head, "Oh man, Lucien killed no one. Phoebe siphoned his bite from Finn, saving him and Hope and Faith saved Phoebe from her bite. The only thing Lucien and the Ancestors have done is start a war."

"A war that the covens are gonna win, thanks to me. Your time as Regent is over. The witches are gonna take back the city. Step one? New management." Van tells Vincent before he begins to cast a spell but is interrupted.

"I prefer current management," Phoebe says as she steps out of the shadows of the Lycee and Vincent grins at Van.

Van turns to Phoebe as he starts a new spell, trying to take Phoebe but when nothing happens, Phoebe tilts her head and gives Van an unimpressed look.

"Wow, that was fucking pathetic." Phoebe laughs out, "If you are the Ancestor's choice for Regent, then they must be desperate."

"I am the best choice for Regent. I am the only choice!" Van tells her as he once again begins to cast a spell but Phjust raises her hand and pushes him back a few steps. 

Van growls at Phoebe as he tries another spell. This time he manages to send out a pain-filled shockwave that Phoebe blocks without much effort.

Getting bored of this, she vamps from her spot to behind Van and grabs his hand from behind him as she tells him, "Consider this your notice on the Regent position."

Van coughs up blood before Phoebe pulls his heart out of his chest with a euphoric grin which frightens Vincent.

"What are you doing here? Other than killing witches." Vincent questions.

"Fulfilling a promise that I made." She tells him as she drops Van's heart and gives him a flat smile before leaving the Lycee, and heading into the ceremony.

Vincent follows after Phoebe and finds her at Davina's grave with items set up around her.

"Phoebe, what is this?" Vincent asks as he slowly takes a step towards her.

"I told your Ancestors that if they went after or messed with my children again, I would rip them out. Root and stem. I would cut off their connection to the living as punishment. They are the reason that Lucien got his hands on Henrik and Freya. My son and sister. They started a war that they can't win but I can." Phoebe explains as she continues setting things up.

"What are you doing?" Vincent asks again, obviously getting a bit impatient.

"Well, right now I am removing Davina from the ancetoral plane. I am putting her in a pendant like I had Finn. Although she keeps trying to keep my family, I once saw her as such and letting her die, doesn't sit well with me." I explain as I finish setting up the last of the items and step back to look at them

A stone bowl sat in the middle of a candle circle and the new pendant that Phoebe had created this morning sits below the candle circle. The necklace that Phoebe had given Davina and that she had worn every day until she died.

Phoebe pulls a knife from her boot and slices each palm before placing one of her palms against the stone. Closing her eyes, Phoebe starts the spell.

Blood drips from her palm onto the pendant and the stone bowl as the ca sat in the middle of the circle flickered to life.

Soon the connection to Davina and Phoebe are connected and when opens her eyes, Davina stands beside her or at least her spirit is.

Davina looks awful and Phoebe feels a sliver of guilt but it disappears as she continues with the spells.

"Can you feel this?" Phoebe whispers.

"How are you doing this?" Davina whispers back.

Phoebe says nothing as she moves the pendant into the stone bowl which is when, Davina sees her necklace clutched and covered in blood, in the hand that is forging the connection between them.

"What are you doing?" Davina asks, obviously noticing the blood and pendant.

"I am removing you from the Ancestor realm," Phoebe explains as she drops Davina's necklace into the bowl before she closes her eyes and starts the spell.

Power surges through her and she rubs her palms together and focuses on sending the spell. The blood on the pendant begins to bubble, as it glows red for a moment while the blood on Davina's necklace turns black.

After a moment, Davina's necklace cracks and explodes into ash. The spell was a success and Phoebe's eyes opened to see Vincent looking at the bowl but no Davina in sight.

As the white ash floats down, it fuses to the pendant which makes it start to glow bright as the spell and Davina's soul settles within it.

Phoebe stares at the pendant in silence for a moment before Vincent speaks up, "Davina is safe now what? What did you mean you were going to cut off the ancestor's connection?"

Phoebe gestures for Vincent to walk with her as she heads to one of the many coves in the cemetery.

"I had a spell to disconnect a person from the ancestors but doing that to every witch in the eight covens would be tedious and a waste of my time. But that's when I came across something in your wife's file. She tried to siphon power from your ancestors without actually being a siphon witch so to do that she created the Un depot d'argente. A beautiful piece, I must say."

They walk into the coven and the colour on Vincent's face drains of colour as he sees the device sitting on the table while there are charcoal rune drawings on the floor next to it.

"Thank you for the help, Del," Phoebe says to Delilah who gives her a reassuring smile before vamping out of there before Phoebe starts.

"Phoebe, how did you know about the device?" Vincent asks and Phoebe turns to him with a frumbed smile.

"A long time ago, my other half stopped me from letting your crazy ex-wife's spirit stay in her body. I still have Eve's body, it only took a spell and some digging before she showed me where you stowed it away."

Phoebe moves over to the device and goes to pick it up but Vincent stops her by grabbing the device as well.

"You can't do this. Not until precautions have been taken." Vincent says.

"The only people who might get hurt are the witches and they are a part of the problem that these covens are showing. And I am probably the only one who can do this." Phoebe retorts.

Phoebe wrenches the device from Vincent's hands and steps into the charcoal circle before speaking to him, "I am sorry Vincent but I am doing this and you can't stop me."

With that said Phoebe closes her eyes and starts to say the spell under her breath. Vincent watches as Phoebe falls to the floor but the device disappears from her hands.

Vincent takes a step into the circle but a magic barrier stops him.

Phoebe opens her eyes and finds herself in the ancestral realm, it won't take long for them to figure out she is here and when they do, they will come for her magic.

Phoebe looks around the ancestral realm and sees nothing but darkness and shadows before it clears and she finds herself in the replica of the living world.

Shrugging it off, Phoebe vamps through the tombs until she reaches the central one. The one that Esther held Elijah in the world of the living as well as other things.

Phoebe places Un depot d'argente on a table before she takes a breath and starts the spell.

"Rompriez le lien vivant. Rompriez le lien vivant. Rompriez le lien vivant." Phoebe repeats as she feels the magic around start to shift.

Josh finds Vincent in the cove, looking at unconscious Phoebe and starts to question him, "What is happening?"

The walls begin to shake, the floors rumble and the foundation cracks and crumbles and Josh looks at it frightened while Vincent sighs out.

"Phoebe is being reckless with innocent lives. We need to get out of here."

Josh and Vincent run from the tomb as it starts to crumble.

"Rompriez le lien vivant. Rompriez le lien vivant." Phoebe repeats as everything around starts to be engulfed in a white light.

Just as the light starts engulfing Phoebe, she says another spell, "ramène-moi à mon corps."

As they make it clear of the cemetery, Josh and Vincent watch as the tomb explodes.

"Holy shit," Kol says as he stands next to the other two.

"What about Phoebe?" Josh asks Vincent but Kol hears and looks at him with raised brows, "What about her?"

"This is her doing," Vincent informs him as he gestures to the tombs which are now up in flames.

"She is in there still," Josh adds and Kol's head snaps back to the tombs.

Just as he goes to vamp towards them, another tomb explodes. The explosion sends shockwaves through the ground, and the trio of vampires stumble back, their eyes wide. As the dust clears, they see a figure standing amid the flames. It's Phoebe, her eyes glowing with her magic as the flames flicker against her but don't burn her body. She looks at them with a smirk on her face.

"I see you guys made it out okay," she says, walking toward them.

As she clears the flames, all three men shift their gaze up to the sky as even though the flames had not burned Phoebe, her clothes were not so lucky. The fabric had been burned away, leaving her standing there completely naked.

Kol shrugs off his jacket and holds it out for Phoebe.

"Here," he says, "Put this on."


Phoebe takes the jacket gratefully and slips it on, grateful for the warmth it provides.

The three vampires stand there in silence, staring at the burning tombs and the naked Phoebe.

"I can't believe you did that," Josh says, his voice laced with fear and admiration.

Phoebe shrugs, "I had to. They got what they deserved."

Vincent looks at her with concern, "But at what cost?"

Phoebe looks Vicent up and down as she tries to figure out his standing, "Whatever the cost, it was a necessary one."

Kol nods in agreement, "She's right. This was long overdue. Those witches were messing with things they shouldn't have."

"But what about the other witches?" Josh asks, "Won't they come after us now?"

Phoebe gives him a dark grin, "Let them come."

Vincent says nothing as he watches Phoebe. Something is different about her, something dark. Phoebe had changed and become more reckless and unconcerned for innocent life. This was not the Phoebe he knew.

Marcel sits at the bar with a sad, angry and frustrated expression. Phoebe had yet again refused to bring Davina back and then she went and disconnected the ansteareal plane from the world of the living.

Vincent slips onto the stool next to Marcel and places a vial in front of him.

"What's this?" Marcel asks as he picks up the vial.

"Lucien's serum. I grabbed some before Phoebe sent the remainder of it up into flames." Vincent explains.

Marcel looks at the vial sceptically, "And what am I supposed to do with this?"

Vincent leans in closer, his voice low, "Use it to your advantage. You once drove the Mikaelsons out of this city by summoning the one person they fear most. That was brilliant was hoping you could do that one more time, only this time you be the thing that they fear. New Orleans is our home Marcel and it's time we took it back."

Marcel looked around before back at the vial. Marcel raises his gaze to Vincent, "Why now? What changed?"

Vincent sighs as he grabs Marcel's drink and finishes it off, "Phoebe has become out of control."

Marcel thinks it over for a moment before opening the vial and drinking its contents in one gulp. Phoebe wouldn't bring Davina back, he was going to make her and the whole Mikaelson clan feel the hurt that he does.

As Marcel drinks the serum, Phoebe bolts up from between Klaus and Elijah in bed as visions plague her mind. Visions of things to come, of a powerful force rising in New Orleans and threatening everything she holds dear. She looks around wildly, trying to shake off the images, but they persist.

"Phoebe, what's wrong?" Klaus asks, noticing her distress.

Phoebe says nothing as she scrambles out of bed, grabbing Elijah's button-up shirt on her way out the door. Phoebe races to Klaus' art room and both brothers share a look before hurrying after her.

They watch as she rips apart a sketch pad, laying it across the floor before she grabs a piece of charcoal and starts to draw.

She lets her visions guide her hand as she uses art to refine the vision she is having.

Klaus gets a message from Marcel and looks over at Elijah who nods for him to go. Elijah watches as Klaus leaves the room, before turning his attention back to Phoebe. He kneels next to her and studies the drawing she is working on. The charcoal lines are rough and jagged, but there is a definite sense of power and danger emanating from the image. Elijah starts to speak, but Phoebe cuts him off, "I don't know what's happening. I just keep seeing this...thing. It's like it's coming for us, for our family."

Elijah's eyes narrow as he studies the drawing, "Keep going." Elijah encourages and Phoebe nods as she continues to draw.

Josh drinks drink after drink as Marcel walks in behind him and rests his hand on Josh's arm.

"Hey, you should slow down," Marcel tells him but Josh rips his arm from Marcel before putting some space between him and Marcel.

"Maybe you should slow down. Hey, how about that little declaration of war you made this morning? Yeah, you might want to pump the brakes on that plan because of the Mikaelsons. They aren't exactly known for letting bygones be bygones." Josh stresses to Marcel as he finishes his drink.

"Maybe I don't care. Maybe it's the Mikaelsons who need to worry about me." Marcel replies, his tone firm as he leans against the bar next to Josh, placing a vial in front of him.

"Oh, cool. So you're gonna die soon too, well, that's good to know, I'll make sure I get this suit cleaned stat." Josh says as he pours himself another drink and drinks it quickly.

"This'll make sure I can't die," Marcel says and Josh pauses, his breathing deep as he turns his gaze to Marcel with a look of disbelief on his face.

"You being blinded by your fury. Marcel, if you take that, you will be the last thing on earth that can kill a Mikaelson. That's like an open declaration of war. Best case scenario, You gonna kill all of them?"

"So then I kill them all," Marcel replies and Josh pours himself another drink, downing it in one swift motion.

"You don't get it. Phoebe will rip you apart. But let's say you do somehow, rendered her dead or unable to go against you. Phoebe still has thousands of people who are out to collect revenge for her death. This mark-" Josh pulls the top of his shirt down to reveal it to Marcel, "-is a mark of loyalty to her, to everyone who has one. You kill her, you put everyone at risk. You be strong with that serum following through your veins but how long will you last with thousands upon thousands of wolves, vampires and witches coming to kill you? Trust me when I say you haven't seen loyalty like theirs."

Marcel says nothing, his face stoic which makes Josh sigh as he pushes away from the bar, going to leave when Marcel calls out to him, "What of you where do your loyalties lay?"

Josh freezes before he looks back at Phoebe, "When you turned me, I was petrified. You and Klaus both used me for your agendas neither taking the time to explain things or check in on how I was doing. I had been thrust into an unknown world in the midst of my own, alone. When Phoebe came into the basement that day and took over the bleeding of that man, she stood there with her hands covered in blood and asked me about her. From that moment one, she always made sure to check on me and protect me from harm. She showed me loyalty and kindness when I didn't even know I needed it. She also protected Aiden and brought him back from the dead for me. She united the wolves and vampires as well as keeping the witches in line which allowed for me not to have a relationship in the shadows." 

Josh takes a breath before sighing out, "If it comes down to choosing between you and her. My loyalty lies with her, Marcel. She's the only one who's ever had my back without anything in return, from the very start. It lies with her and the people she protects."

With that said Josh leaves Marcel and walks out of the bar, heading to the bayou.

Elijah walks back into the art room with blood bags in hand, to find it covered in rough sketched indescribable images. Elijah looks over each discarded page but still can't make any of it out, at least not until, he touches the lines on the page with his fingers.

Suddenly one of the visions in Phoebe's mind filters into his own.

The image flashes across his mind Marcel standing upon a lit bridge at nightfall.

Elijah grabbed another and another as each showed him bits and pieces of the uncompleted prophecy.

One shows Elijah looking weakened with a bite wound on his arm. Another look of betrayal on Phoebe's face as desiccation sets across it.

Kelsey and Cami look sullen as they both climb into a car;

Delilah in the mirror with Henrik in her arms as she looks at something in her hand with a look of horror;

Klaus is being held down in the Abattoir as Marcel plunges an object into his chest;

An older Hope and Faith holding eyes with a look of anger on both their faces as the eyes glow brightly;

Marcel plunges a stake into Elijah's back before several closed coffins are shown.

Elijah takes a breath before grabbing the last finished image. He touches the sketched line and sees a shadowed figure hunched over stands and the shadow is revealed to be Marcel as The Beast, fangs elongated and dripping with blood.

As the vision fades, Elijah looks at the page in horror before glancing over at Phoebe, who hadn't even noticed that he had rejoined her. Elijah placed the paper back on the floor before sparing Phoebe look then vamping from the room and to the entrance of the compound as he phones Kol and Kelsey to come watch over Phoebe while he deals with Marcel.

Phoebe's phone rings constantly as both Josh and Aiden try to get a hold of her but the noise doesn't seem to make it into the bubble that Phoebe has retreated into as she draws.

Kelsey vamps into the room just as Phoebe's phone bursts into flames, causing Phoebe to look up from her sketches, her eyes dark with worry. When she sees it is nothing, she returns to her drawing.

Kelsey watches Phoebe with worried eyes from the doorway when Kol joins her, wrapping his arms around Kelsey as they both watch the frantic Phoebe.

Phoebe's mind was racing with all the supernatural visions that were flashing through her mind. She couldn't focus on anything else, Phoebe remained focused on her drawings. Her hands moved quickly across the paper, sketching out the images that had been haunting her for weeks. 

She had tried to ignore them after she killed Lucien but they only came on stronger and stronger until she could no longer pretend they weren't happening. They seemed to hold a weight and significance that she couldn't ignore.

Kelsey's phone rings and she sighs out when she sees a missed call from Ezra and Josh's name flashing across her screen.

"What can I do for you, Joshua?"

Kol pulls Kelsey close as she talks to Josh on the phone, his eyes darting back to Phoebe who was still lost in her thoughts. He could sense the fear and worry radiating off of her, and it made him uneasy.

Kelsey answered the phone, trying to keep her voice steady despite the worry she felt for Phoebe. Josh's voice sounded tense on the other end, and Kelsey could sense that something was wrong.

"Kelsey, thank God you answered. Look, Phoebe isn't answering and we need to get a message to her urgently."

"What is it?"

"Marcel has a vial of Lucien's serum and I think he has taken it. We need to warn Phoebe before it's too late."

Kol's grip on Kelsey tightens as he listens in on the conversation. Phoebe's art is momentarily forgotten as the urgency of the situation sinks in. Kol exchanges a look with Kelsey and they both know what needs to be done.

"We will handle it," Kelsey tells him before heading the call.

Not a moment later, Kol vamps off to find his brothers, to stop them from doing something stupid while Kelsey carefully approaches Phoebe.

Phoebe starts to move fast, using her vampire abilities as well as her magic, picking up speed in her drawings as the visions become more intense. Kelsey becomes concerned, vamps forward and grabs Phoebe, holding her against the word to try to stop her.

"Phoebe, you need to calm down," Kelsey says trying to reason with her but is quickly stopped when Phoebe breaks her neck with her magic.

Meanwhile on the bridge, Marcel rants at Klaus while Elijah stands behind him.

"No, you meant to keep your precious upper hand. Don't you get it? Whatever I have to do, Klaus I will find a way to hurt you."

Phoebe's visions start to become too much for her and they are soon shared. Elijah's veins start to glow slightly as snip bits of the visions that Phoebe is having enter Elijah's mind through Phoebe's magic that sits within both of them. 

The more Marcel speaks, the more rapidly new visions come to Phoebe, slowly driving her mad as she tries to get them out as fast as she can. Neither Klaus nor Marcel seems to notice as Marcel still speaks, "You will never be safe, not as long as I am alive. You can call me family all you want, I am done being your friend. From this day forward, I am nothing less than your worst..."

Marcel is cut off as Marcel eyes widen and he lets out a soft grunt, Klaus' eyes widen in shock and horror as he sees Elijah behind Marcel with his heart in his hand. Marcel stumbles and falls over the bridge. Klaus races to the side of the bridge, trying to catch him but fails to do so.

"No!" Klaus screams as Marcel's body splashes into the water.

As Marcel's body hits the water, Phoebe lets out a small whimper, "No..." before she collapses to the floor.

Klaus slowly moves from the railing of the bridge to glare over at Elijah who is panting while looking at his hands and Marcel's heart in absolute horror over his actions.

Both Klaus' glaring and Elijah's self-loathing is interrupted, "What have you done?" Kol says as he stares at Marcel's heart in Elijah's hand with shocked eyes.

Elijah looks up at Kol, his eyes filled with intense pain. "I couldn't let him hurt us, Kol," he says, his voice trembling. "He was going to do something unforgivable. I had to stop him."

Kol approaches Elijah slowly, looking at him with shock. "You killed him," he says, his voice barely above a whisper.

Kol clears his throat as he remembers why he was here in the first place, "Josh phoned us...Marcel had the serum in him already. I was meant to stop you from doing what Elijah just did."

Kol peaks over the edge at the spot where Marcel fell into the water, "He's going to turn into a supercharged hybrid now. "

Klaus says nothing about Kol's revelation. Instead, he strides over to Elijah and snatches the heart from his grasp, tossing it into the water below. The siblings stand in silence for a moment, all of them processing the gravity of what just happened.

Back at the compound, Phoebe's body lies motionless on the ground as Hope and Faith run into the room. They look from their mother to Kelsey before deciding that they are just sleeping. They run over to the couch each pulling a blanket off of it. Hope places her blanket on Phoebe while Faith places hers on Kelsey. 

They both take a step back and smile proud of themselves. 

The twins notice the pages on the floor and are drawn by the magic coming from them but Faith frowns as something about them feels off. 

So with one foot in front of the other and her sister following behind, they start to rearrange the picture their mother had drawn.

Kol looks at Klaus and Elijah, not sure what they are meant to do now.

"We need to go," Klaus finally says, breaking the silence. "We'll deal with the consequences later."

Elijah nods silently, knowing that they cannot stay in the area for much longer. The three siblings walk away from the bridge, each lost in their thoughts.

Elijah and Klaus walk into the art room to find Phoebe stills passed out on the floor, covered with a blanket as well as the twins asleep in the middle of a now organised laid-out picture that Phoebe had drawn.

Without saying a word to each other, Elijah lifts Phoebe off the floor and carries her back to her room while Klaus lifts his daughters from their spot and puts them in there, being careful not to wake them.

As Klaus tucks in the twins and Elijah places Phoebe in her bed, they both can't help but feel a sense of relief that they are all safe and sound. 

But Klaus can't shake the feeling that something isn't right with them. 

He walks back into the art room and goes to pick up the pages that the twins had rearranged but stops when he sees a slight image appearing from the lines. Klaus grabs a chair and stands upon it, to see the image revealed from the way Hope and Faith had arranged the drawings.

It is a black bird of some type. He studied the lines and shapes carefully, and as he did, the image started to become clearer.

Klaus shifts a little to the right and all the line up perfectly. As if imbued by some sort of magic, the dark, charcoal lines start to glow gold and seem to be lifting off the pages, moving up towards him.

Klaus hesitates for a moment, sure of what is happening before reaching out and touching the glowing, golden lines. 

As he does, he is hit by the last vision that Phoebe had seen before she passed out, one not even Elijah had seen.

It's of Marcel. It starts with him drinking down the vial of serum before it warps to him banging his fists against a magical barrier with his teeth barred at something in the shadows in front of him. 

Klaus can't see who it is as the only thing he can see is his glowing purple eyes.


Lucien dead! Finally!

The twins are getting so good with their magic. :)

Bad things to follow and I apologize for the things that are about to happen....

Finn lives!!

Thoughts? Questions?

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