BLOSSOM ~~ romione

By hermione24frvr

268 11 23

FORMERLY Book 1: Romione First story in the series. The story of Romione and their kids. Will include all can... More

Prologue ~~ may/august 1998
1 ~~ july 1999
3 ~~ october 1999

2 ~~ september 1999

43 2 4
By hermione24frvr

September 1, 1999

Today was the Granger-Weasley wedding and to say she was nervous was an understatement. Hermione Granger was a gryffindor, one of the bravest and smartest, but right now, she was terrified, and not acting very smart.

Ginny was doing her makeup and talking to her about how glad she was that Hermione would finally be part of the family, officially.

"But what if he runs away?! What if he doesn't want me?!" Hermione cried, tears welling up in her eyes and her voice cracking.

"Then I will kick his arse and cut off his—"

"Let us keep zis PG, shall we? Teddy is right across ze 'all." Fleur said from where she was adding a few finishing touches to the dress.

"You're no fun!" Ginny groaned, "But seriously Hermione, he'll be there. And don't cry, you'll ruin the makeup."

Hermione looked up at the ceiling and Ginny saw she was grinning, "How much longer?! I wanna get married already!"

The other girls in the room rolled their eyes at the sudden change in Hermione's mood.

"An hour."

"Can I see Ron?! As long as he closes his eyes, it'll be fine, right?"

"Fine! I'll get him, Fleur, finish her makeup. And don't cry!" Ginny said, handing the mascara to Fleur and leaving.

A few minutes later, she returned with Harry, Hermione's parents, and Ron, who was blindfolded and being led by Harry.

"Ron!" The bride squealed, running into her fiancé's arms. They kissed passionately for a few seconds until they were interrupted by her parents, "You look beautiful Hermione!"

"How does she look?! What hairstyle? Hermione! Can't I just look?"


"Fine, I love you Hermione. I'll be waiting for you."

"I love you so much Ron." She whispered, kissing his cheek lightly.

Then he left, still being led by Harry.

Forty minutes later, it was time to walk down the aisle. Hermione and her father were hidden from view but she could see Ron as he nervously smiled and waited for her. Instead of having unnecessary flowers and decorations, there were more personal details. As a centerpiece for each table was a large glass jar with a floating orb of light. The aisle was decorated with more glowing lights, a symbol that only the Golden Trio understood. A symbol of Hermione and Ron's love.

The music started playing and the crowd stood up. Hermione started walking and looked up at Ron as he beamed down at her. The rest of the world faded away and all the two could see was each other.

Ron watched as his best friend walked down the aisle. Her smile was glowing, just like the rest of her, and she looked beautiful.

She glided down the aisle and smiled up at Ron, whose face was already covered in tears.

Once she was at the altar with him, they held hands and the chocolate eyes bore into the ocean blue. Their breathing seemed to calm and slow to be in sync, as did their heartbeats.

"Hermione, please say your vows."

"Ron, I love you more than words can describe. I love you so much. I want to spend the rest of my life with you, I want to grow old with you. I want to be that old couple that sits on the porch and watches each sunrise and sunset together. I want to argue with you and then make up and then cuddle up again. I love you Ron. I promise to love you and I will never hurt you. I will always love you Ron."

"Now Ronald."

"Hermione, we met on September first, 1991. That was exactly eight years ago and so much has changed since then. Back then, we pretty much hated each other. But now, we're so in love Hermione, I can't imagine my life without you. Hermione, I love you and I can't wait for our life together."

Ron was crying so much he could barely speak and Hermione was beaming at him through her own tears.

A few minutes later they said their 'I do's' and shared their first kiss as a married couple. And that was it, they were married!

Hermione and Ron were both crying so hard they could barely get a word out. Their parents had to help them sit down at a table.

"I l-love you!" They both cried, hugging and kissing each other.

"Hermione, Ron, congratulations!"

"Harry? I can't see anything so seriously, is that you?"

He chuckled, "Yes, it's me. Honestly though, why are you crying?"

"We're so happy Harry. I mean, I can't even describe how happy I am."

"Ummm, Molly's calling you to have your first dance."

Hermione pulled out her wand and whispered a spell to make them stop crying. It worked and a few minutes later, the two were spinning around on the dance floor.

An hour later, Ron was hungry and everyone else was ready to eat, so they cut the cake.

It was chocolate with white frosting. After cutting it, Ron put one piece on a plate. He picked it up and brought it up as if to feed some to Hermione. When she smiled at him and opened her mouth, he grinned down at her. Then, almost in slow motion, he slammed her face down against the dirt brown slice of cake.

When she straightened up again, he grinned at her, "You've got cake on your nose, by the way. Did you know?"

"Well we better get some on you, shouldn't we?" With that she kissed him full on the lips, smearing the cake on his face as well.

"I love you Hermione."

"I love you too Ron. Let's eat and then get out of here," She whispered, pulling her wand out to clean their faces.

The rest of the evening passed quickly. Hermione danced with her father, father in law, brother (Harry), and her brother in laws.

During Harry's dance, the two danced to the same song they had when Ron had left. Harry had thought they should do another song but Hermione insisted.

While they were spinning, Harry asked her why.

"Because, I don't want to hear this song and remember him leaving, or the war. I want to hear it and remember this moment. My wedding," She smiled. He grinned at her just as the song ended. Then he kissed her cheek, "I love you. Congratulations Hermione."

"Thank you Harry, I love you too."

The two separated and soon, it was time for the newlyweds to go on their honeymoon.

Hermione changed out of the white dress, Ron changed out of the suit, and the two picked up their bags and left the wedding in a car.

In the car as the driver drove away from their wedding, Hermione and Ron looked at each other. In sync, they said, "We're married!"

Then they were kissing.

The car reached their portkey a few minutes later. The portkey was an old bottle of shampoo and the two ran to touch it as it started glowing.

When they reached their destination, Paris, Ron looked around, "Bloody hell, it's amazing."

"I know, should we go put the bags in the room? Then we can go out and roam around."

"Why don't we stay in the room, doing something else..." He smiled, pulling her back in for a kiss.

"Like..." She whispered and he nodded, then she did too. Hermione pulled Ron toward the main entrance.

"Hello, how can I help you?" The short blonde woman at the front desk asked.

"We've booked a room, may we have the key?"

"Which room and what name?"

"It's the honeymoon suite for Weasley."

"Weasley, Weasley, Weasley, oh," She looked up at them, "Yes, you have room 248. Here are the keys, everything in the room is included in the package. Congratulations on your wedding, have a great time!"

"Thank you!" Hermione said at the same time that Ron said, "We will!"

This made Hermione blush bright red and pull him to the room even faster.

Once there, the two barely locked the door and dropped the bags before climbing into the bed. They had been saving this moment for their honeymoon and it was time to finally get to know each other.

As Ron started pulling Hermione's clothes off, she stopped him, "This is it Ron, our first night as a married couple."

"It is, now...shall we?"

"We shall," Hermione whispered, locking his lips in hers.

The rest of the day was spent in bed.

September 2, 1999

"Ron? Shall we go to a restaurant?"

"Sure, which one?"


The two quickly got dressed and walked out to a nearby cafe across the street, where they ordered and sat down at a small table outside, next to each other. The two were smiling and talking to each other, staring at the other with gooey eyes, shining with their love.

Just then another couple, sitting at the table beside them, turned around and said, "Congratulations on your wedding!"


"You two are here on your honeymoon, aren't you?"

"Erm, we know you?"

"No, I don't think you do. I'm Charlotte," The brunette woman said, extending her hand for a handshake.

"I'm Hermione, how did you know?"

"When me and Jacob here got married, we were so lovey-dovey that people couldn't stand being in the same room as us. It's been ten years now and we're much better."

"Oh, well...Do you live in Paris?"

"Heavens no! We're visiting family, we're from Scotland."

"We went to school in Scotland!"

"Is that how you two met? In school? That's so sweet!"

Hermione and Ron shared a look before bursting out into laughter.

"It was anything but romantic," She said.

"Well now we just have to know!" Charlotte smiled, and Hermione nodded.

"We...had a class together and he couldn' what we were supposed to. I could and tried to help him, but he still couldn't do it. Then when the class had ended, he and his friends at the time—now they're both of ours—were talking and he said something about me. I was right behind them and I heard, so me being the 12 year old I was, ran into a nearby toilet and cried in there. Long story short, a...bear came in the restroom and then he and our other friend saved me. I took the blame when everyone got caught, and we've been friends since then."

"Wow," Jacob said, "We met on a dating site..."

"Charlotte, Jacob, I'm so sorry but we have to leave. Ron, we have an appointment for the Eiffel Tower...tour."

"We do?"

"Yes, Mer- blimey Ron. I just told you. It was great meeting you two though, I hope we'll meet again."

"That's absolutely up to you, the family we're visiting owns this cafe. We'll be here for the next few days."

"Oh! We'll most likely see you again then." And with that she pulled Ron away. The two ran across the street into their hotel. When they got inside their room, Ron said, " we change for the tour?"

"There is no tour Ron. I just really want to... you know," She leaned in for a kiss.

"Wait, you left people to come here and shag me?"

"Yes. Are you mad?"

"Of course not, but bloody hell Hermione. Have I been that bad of an influence on you?"

"Maybe, why don't we find out?" She pulled him onto the bed and joined his lips with hers.

The next day the two did actually roam around the city of love. For two more weeks, that's what they did. When they came back to the hotel, they would do their things together but mostly, they weren't the kind of people who were always kissing. They preferred cuddles and just being with each other.

On the 17th of September, the couple celebrated their 17 day anniversary and left Paris. The portkey took them home.

September 17, 1999 — as soon as they got home

Before the wedding, the two had rented a small apartment. But now, they had bought a house. The house was small, two stories but small. Just a bedroom (with a bathroom, closet, and balcony attached), a separate bathroom, a living room, and a kitchen, but it was enough. There was lots of storage for everything and a huge bookshelf for Hermione.

When the newlyweds came home, they dropped their bags and ran into the bedroom, fell onto the bed and started snogging. That's when he noticed the spider. Ron, being Ron, screamed and ran out of the room. Hermione, being Hermione, picked it up and levitated it outside. Then she came back in and hugged her husband, "You're such a baby Ronald. Just a spider..."

"Thanks..." He mumbled back before pulling her onto the couch to continue.

A few minutes later the Floo buzzed as Harry and Ginny walked through to find them half naked on the couch. Hermione was only wearing her bra and panties, Ron was only wearing his boxers. They were busy so Harry just covered his eyes while Ginny said, "You two had a great time, clearly."

Hermione's head snapped up, "Oh! Ermm, Ron? Blanket."

Ron reached for it and covered his wife with it. "He-hey, what are you doing here?"

"We came to invite you to dinner?" Harry said, sounding like he regretted this decision. They were his best friends, his siblings, and now they were basically naked.

"I- I think we'll pass Harry. You said it yourself, we're annoying as lovesick teenagers."

"Won't be a teenager for long," Ron said, kissing her cheek, "Your birthdays in two days."

She smiled at him and the other two waved them bye before flooing away.

The newlyweds got up and decided to decorate their house to make it a home.

They went out to buy paint and other items.

They came back home and, after covering their furniture with tarp, Hermione went to change.

"Bloody hell Hermione. How do you do that?" Ron asked when she came back out.

"Do what?"

"Look so sexy in an old shirt that practically ripped?"

"I don't. You just love me." She smiled, going on her toes to kiss his cheek. Or at least, she tried to but could only reach his neck.

"Maybe, or maybe you are just really amazing. And really short." He laughed, putting his elbow on her head, and it was going downward.

"I am not short! You just have weird Weasley genes. They make you ridiculously tall, and ridiculously handsome," She kissed his chest. He pulled her up and she wrapped her legs around his waist, and they kissed.

"You know you love me like this," He whispered in her ear as she ruffled his hair.

"Of course I do. I love you so much. Maybe too much."

With that, the paint lay there while they disappeared into the bedroom again.

September 19, 1999

Hermione, under layers of blankets, stirred as Ron tip-toed into the room, a heaping tray of breakfast balanced in his hands.

"Good morning, birthday girl!" He whispered, putting the tray down next to her and kissing her forehead.

Hermione's eyes fluttered open, and a smile spread across her face at the sight of Ron and the tray filled with a home cooked breakfast. Over the few days that they had been home, the two had settled into an unorganized schedule.

In the morning, Hermione would wake up at about six-thirty and get ready for the day. Ron would be awake by seven and, while Hermione packed their bags for work, would make breakfast for them. After eating, Hermione would go to work at eight, Ron would get dressed and go by eight thirty. The two, sometimes along with Harry, would eat lunch together. Then, Ron would usually come back home by seven, with Hermione coming an hour later. While she was still at work, he would make dinner, clean whatever he could, and then just sit there and watch something on the television. When Hermione came home, they would eat. By then it would be almost nine, so they would go and do something outdoors. Sometimes it would be going for a walk around the neighborhood, sometimes it was just sitting and talking in their backyard, and sometimes it was walking to the nearest ice cream shop to get a scoop. By ten thirty, they would be back home, in bed, talking. Sometimes Hermione would read a book while Ron sat and listened, or played with her hair, or gave her a massage. Then they would go to sleep at around midnight and the whole thing would repeat.

Today, Ron had woken up at six to do all this. As Hermione sat up, blinking the sleep out of her eyes, he started singing, "Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you, happy birthday happy birthday, happy birthday to youuuuu!" He ended with a kiss on her lips.

She smiled softly and whispered, "Ron, what's all this?"

"Breakfast in bed. It's your birthday; you're twenty Hermione! Getting old," He smiled, his eyes showing that he was joking.

"Oh yeah? I can still take you on whenever. You're terrified of me!"

"Mhm," He grinned, setting the tray down on Hermione's lap, displaying a tray full of pancakes, fresh berries, bacon, eggs, and a steaming cup of tea.

"But seriously, happy birthday. I love you."

She gasped, "Ron, this is incredible. You didn't have to do all this."

"Well, I wanted to. Now, eat up. We've got a big day ahead."

They shared a small kiss before Hermione, feeding some to Ron every now and then, ate her breakfast, thinking about how amazing her husband was.

After breakfast, Ron disappeared with her tray. She had tried to follow him but he had told her to stay and quickly left, leaving Hermione to wonder what he was doing. When he came back, he was carrying a pile of wrapped presents, each one decorated with a bow and a note.

"Twenty presents for twenty years of you being the most wonderful person in the world."

Hermione's eyes widened as she took in the sight. He really loved her.

She started unwrapping the gifts one by one. Somehow, each present was unique and personalized. Not necessarily engraved, but they all meant something to Hermione.

There were photographs, jewelry, new books, and a leather-bound journal.

"Ron, how did you even come up with all of this?"

"I had some help from your parents. But I just borrowed a few pictures and things, the idea was mine."

There was one present left. She unwrapped it slowly, revealing a beautifully decorated notebook. The cover was of an otter and a terrier, and in the distance was a dragon flying.

"That one's special. When we miss each other or just want to write something, we write it down here. You know us, we fight. So when we do, and don't want to talk to each other, we can read this and not be sad."

Hermione traced her fingers over the smooth surface of the journal, "Ron, that's amazing."

He blushed, rubbing his head, "Well, I had a bit of help with this one. My parents have one and they recommended it."

She laughed, "Do they really fight? I've never seen them actually fighting."

"I don't really know. "

They settled into a comfortable silence, leaning into each other as Ron ran his fingers through her hair.

"You know, when I first met you, I really didn't like you."

"Thanks," She chuckled, knowing he wasn't done.

"No, I mean...I did a full 180. We both did. It's insane."

"It is, isn't it? I mean, even just eight years ago, I was celebrating my twelfth birthday. I was lonely. And now..." She paused, gesturing around the room and kissing him, "Now we're married. We're in our own home, celebrating my 20th birthday together."

"You used to be this bossy, know-it-all girl. And I hated that. But the more I got to know you, the more I realized there was so much more beneath the surface."

Hermione grinned, a playful glint in her eyes. She thought that he would say something funny, Ron like. "And what was that?"

But he didn't. He was completely serious. "A girl who was brave and loyal and caring. Someone who'd face a mountain troll without a second thought, who'd follow us into a chamber guarded by a giant dog, someone who would sneak a dragon out, even though it broke so many rules."

Hermione blushed and Ron smiled at her before continuing, "But I also found a girl who loved books and learning. It wasn't just that you loved reading Hermione, it was the fact that you had all that knowledge and you taught us, but not in a mean way. Anyone else would have called us stupid for not knowing Gamp's laws or whatever, but you didn't. And Hermione, that's what made you so great. I love you so damn much."

Hermione leaned in, locking her lips in his.

"You are my everything Hermione. I can't imagine my life without you."

"And you're mine."

"I better be," He teased, "I didn't go through all of that work just for Harry to be your everything."

Hermione grinned, "I mean... I wasn't going to mention it, but we are having an affair, so are you and Luna."

"Right, duh. How could I forget?" He grinned back. Over the past year since the war, the daily prophet had been bored. So of course, the only sensible thing to do was to report about the relationships of the Golden Trio, plus any other war heroes they could loop into it. The most recent was that Harry and Hermione were having an affair, so were Ron and Luna, and Ginny and Neville.

Their laughter filled the room as they talked and talked about various other things.

It was past noon when Ron, on his back with Hermione laying on top of him, asked, "Do you think twenty presents was overkill? It's just that it was your first birthday since we got married and I wanted to do something special, different."

"Not at all. I love all of them, especially the thoughtful gestures behind them."

They sat in silence for a while, holding hands, until Ron spoke. "You know, the best part of the honeymoon was waking up next to you every morning. And now, I get to do it for the rest of our lives."

Hermione smiled, "It's going to be amazing, Ron. Every single day, we can be together."

"I love you. But get dressed. One of your presents was a dress, can you please wear that? I have a matching thing for me."

"Sure, I'll be right back." She disappeared into the bathroom with the clothes, coming out a while later with a maroon dress on. Ron was dressed too, wearing black pants with a matching maroon shirt and black tie.

He apparated them to a restaurant that he had made a reservation at and the two enjoyed lunch there.

After lunch they went to a few more places before going home. They had an hour of 'sleep' before ordering takeaway pizza and sitting on the couch to eat it. A few hours, one medium pizza, multiple garlic breads, and two movies later, Ron brought out a bottle of wine.

The two went to their bedroom and sat in the balcony, poured a glass for each of them, and sat together.

As they watched the sunset, Ron pulled Hermione closer.

"Happy birthday, Hermione. Here's to many more."

"And to us, Ron. Always." They cheers'd their glasses and took a small sip before kissing each other.

Then, after quickly draining the rest of their own cup, the two disappeared into the bed.

when i combined all 4-5 chapters that happened during september 1999, it's almost 4000 words. that's insane

Next up...

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