I Reincarnated as Louis XVI t...

By KageNishi

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A man playing a history game falls asleep and wakes up in the Palace of Versailles. To his shock, the man was... More

Prologue: Welcome to France
The Man, Louis XVI
Box of Versailles
Let's Dance at the Ball
Red Rain Incident
Bourbon Reforms
I Will Conquer, with the People
Dawn of a New Era
Attitude Survey Results
In the Swaying Carriage
The Start of Reforms
Bath Arc
17 Years Old
Whereabouts of Foreign Currency
Be a Sword, Be a Shield
Academy of Sciences
Doctor Sanson
Enriching Meals
Operation Stork
New World Disturbance
Villainous Intentions Righteous Opportunity
1st International French Fashion Fair
If I Shouted Too Much Love in the Middle of Versailles, They Got Mad at Me
Swedish Noblemen
His Majesty's Holiday
Made in Taiwan
Bourbon Doctrine
How About Spices?
Last Kingdom
Fire on the Other Shore
Looming Threat
Economic Index
Anti-Britain Grand Alliance
Opening Moves for Dominance

Operation Leviathan

470 13 1
By KageNishi


"Dissolution of the Subjugation Army"

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August 27, 1775

Good morning, everyone. It's not the usual refreshing morning; it's rather a hectic one for me, Louis XVI.

I was awakened... not by the usual morning breeze but by some incredibly significant information brought to me by an intelligence officer from the Department of Land Administration. Hauser woke me up through a speaking tube, informing me of an urgent first report from the Department of Land Administration. It was 06:30, about an hour earlier than my usual waking time, and it turned into quite an early morning call.

"Your Majesty, I apologize for disturbing your rest, but we have received an urgent first report. Could you please come over here?"

"Is it domestic or foreign?"

"The latter, Your Majesty. It has the potential to greatly impact our future policies."

"Alright. I'll head there right after changing clothes."

I got up from bed slowly, being careful not to wake Antoinette and Thérèse, who were still sleeping. When it comes to significant information from overseas, it's likely related to the New World... It must have been a major development for them to report it as breaking news in the first place, so there's no doubt about that. Otherwise, it wouldn't make sense. I change out of my sleepwear into my regular attire and head to the office of the Department of Land Administration. Lately, I've found that simple and easy-to-change clothing is better than flashy, decorative outfits.

I hope that my two girls are still asleep for at least an hour. If they wake up now, Thérèse will throw a tantrum and insist on coming along. Despite being at the age where she seeks affection, it pains me to see her cry when I have to leave. Perhaps this is the trial of a father with children. I quietly closed the door to ensure they wouldn't wake up and made my way to the Department of Land Administration's reception room. Hauser was already standing there, waiting for me.

"Sorry to keep you waiting. What's this urgent first report?"

"Your Majesty, according to information received from a spy who just arrived from the New World, the British subjugation army had suffered a massive defeat."

"...A massive defeat, you say? That implies they suffered a significant loss, correct?"

"Yes, Your Majesty. Following a large-scale assault by the Continental Army on New York and St. John on August 2, the garrison forces staged a rebellion on a regimental scale immediately after the massive offensive. The rebel-held fortresses and urban areas fell, and even naval vessels were captured. Here is the report."

In the New World, the Americans, which declared independence, initiated a large-scale offensive on New York and St. John on August 2. Initially, the British subjugation army on the defensive side managed to repel the attacks. However, in the early hours of August 8, the gates of a fortress in New York were suddenly opened, and regular troops from the Continental Army entered. Simultaneously, a rebellion broke out within the British garrison and on multiple naval vessels that were reinforcing the defenses. It was not just isolated incidents; the rebellion occurred on a regimental scale.

"A rebellion... and not just a few individuals, but entire regiments? It's hard to believe, Hauser."

"Yes, Your Majesty. I had the same doubts and double-checked with the person who brought the report multiple times. It appears to be factual."

"This is unprecedented... With this, the British subjugation army will collapse."

"Indeed, both New York and St. John have undoubtedly fallen... Regarding the naval vessels off the coast, the information is somewhat chaotic, but it appears that rebellion occurred on several ships as well. The only remaining British subjugation army in the New World is the main force in Norfolk and Richmond."

The punitive expedition centered around Britain suffered a rapid defeat due to a large-scale offensive and rebellion. Moreover, it's reported that many British naval vessels attempting to escape offshore were seized by soldiers of the Continental Army and rebels, taking advantage of the command confusion. The Americans achieved victory with minimal casualties, capturing New York and St. John. On the other hand, the British subjugation army suffered catastrophic losses and concentrated its remaining forces in Norfolk and Richmond to resist tenaciously.

It was hard to comprehend, but precise information kept pouring in nonetheless. The places in question had strong defenses and solid fortifications, and the military had estimated it would take at least half a year to conquer them. Thus, the reports of their swift capture were truly unexpected. I asked Hauser, who brought the report, once again to confirm the accuracy of the information.

"Hauser, I'll ask again, but is this information undoubtedly highly reliable?"

"Yes, Your Majesty. In New York, most of the Hessian troops who were defending have... in St. John, soldiers from the Waldeck regiment staged a rebellion. They captured key British subjugation army officers, including Charles Cornwallis, who was commanding on-site."

"What an incredible turn of events... a rebellion within the subjugation army..."

It was unheard of for a punitive expedition sent out with belief and trust to turn into a rebellion. Britain must be in utter shock. If I were the commander of that army, I'd probably collapse from stress. But why did this rebellion happen?

While it was not uncommon for rebellions to occur within military forces due to dissatisfaction with treatment or conditions, having it happen simultaneously on such a scale seemed unusual. There must be reasons like ideological alignment or family members being taken hostage. The fact that the Continental Army launched a simultaneous large-scale offensive on New York and St. John suggested they might have had insiders cooperating with them. Otherwise, it wouldn't make sense.

"This would suggest that it's possible there were internal conflicts within the subjugation army, right? Rebellion doesn't happen easily, and what has the subjugation army been doing recently?"

"Yes, primarily, the main forces of the British subjugation army in Norfolk and Richmond have been gradually expanding their occupation... they've been meticulously subjugating villages and strictly controlling anything that could be used as a weapon, such as axes and hoes, in the captured lands. Regarding the troops from Prussia who were assigned to defend New York and St. John, there haven't been any noticeable movements. In fact, the Continental Army hasn't launched any attacks; it's been more of a standoff."

"I see... so there haven't been large-scale battles, at most minor skirmishes... that's correct."

"We'll receive further details as they come in, but with this, the British subjugation army has lost half of its key bases. We don't know how long the remaining main forces in Norfolk and Richmond can hold out. They might even withdraw from the New World by the end of the year, at worst."

"If things continue like this, the British subjugation army may be completely driven out of the New World... if that happens, British public opinion is likely to hit rock bottom."

Not only did we request reinforcements from our homeland but also from our constituent states to mount an expedition against the New World. However, due to incessant sabotage and destruction in the region, the British forces have become cautious and stuck in a prolonged stalemate instead of advancing. The liberation of Richmond owed much to the North American Confederation Army's reorganization of their lines.

The British Empire had requested reinforcements not only from their own mainland, but also from the territories and headed for the New World, but because of the constant disruptions and sabotage in the area, the British became cautious even when advancing and is continuing to linger in a state of stalemate. The liberation of Richmond was made possible largely because of the Continental Army was consolidating its frontlines. For the British subjugation army, losing strategically vital New York was a significant blow.

With this development, it's highly likely that Britain's defeat is imminent. Even if New York and St. John were still intact, a surprise assault from the south could have encircled the Continental Army. However, not only could that not be executed, but the British forces in New York and St. John were almost annihilated and taken as prisoners, which also means there were fewer individuals capable of executing strategies within the subjugation army. Furthermore, the British mainland is boiling with internal dissent due to multiple defeats and retreats even worse than in the original history, and criticism against King George III, who continues this war, is mounting.

"Suppose... Britain were to withdraw from the New World, would the citizens accept it?"

"...Likely not, Your Majesty. They've been covering significant military expenses with loans and income from the colonies. If that source is lost, it will lead to disputes and political struggles among government officials regarding debt repayment, not to mention the general populace. Additionally, the New World is the most important colony for Britain. If it's lost, they'll have to make up for it with India, but that would require even stricter tax collection than before."

"Also, in Britain, there are radical essays circulating advocating the abolition of the monarchy, called the Treatise of Government... Even among the educated class, those dissatisfied with the current monarchy seem to be banding together. It's quite concerning..."

"Yes, I've read that book, and it's excessively radical... abolishing the monarchy, establishing a republican system, and revolution led by a civilian government... It seems designed to overthrow the king and create chaos. It might even lead to a situation worse than the Glorious Revolution of 1689."

"The return of the Glorious Revolution... Send information regularly from both the New World and Britain. Have the foreign affairs division of the Department of Land Administration remain in a state of readiness, and ensure the salaries of the staff are increased accordingly."

...There might be a chance that Britain experiences radical ideological political struggles like the French Revolution. If that happens, chaos seems inevitable. If it does come to that, I need to have a thorough discussion with my ministers about what steps France should take.

"And Hauser, besides the Department of Land Administration, I want to hold an emergency meeting with the reformists. Instead of tonight's dinner, if possible, arrange for it to be held by this evening, with a focus on those reformists living near Paris."

"Understood. How about Her Majesty the Queen?"

"...Antoinette should attend as well. This is an event that will determine France's future."

I need to ensure that Antoinette is well-informed and involved in this matter. This is not an easy war. It might even turn into a Seven Years' War, involving various parts of Europe, like what we experienced twelve years ago. With these thoughts, even my morning coffee, which I used to enjoy without fail, no longer goes down smoothly.



"Opera House"



Though we were 20 minutes behind schedule, those who responded to the emergency summons have been gradually gathering in Versailles. There's a traffic jam of carriages, and given the urgency of the summons, some are exchanging glances and discussing matters with each other. Among those summoned by the reformist faction were mainly people living in the suburbs of Paris, and messengers were sent to those in the outskirts and other regional cities, requesting their presence within three weeks. This is the first time we've issued an emergency summons. Given the major crisis that might befall all of Europe, we want to ensure that information is shared thoroughly.

The reformists are composed of various professions, classes, and races. Knowledgeable individuals make up half of them, but there are also many from the commoners. Since its formation on April 11, 1771, with Louis XVI at its helm, the reformist faction has grown into a major force. At its founding, there were only about 200 members, but now there are nearly 1.200, including scientists and artists. Not everyone is in the mainland of France, so only around 300, a quarter of the total, were able to attend this time. It may be a bit fewer, but it's quite a gathering for an emergency summons.

By evening, those who had gathered included mid-level employees of the Department of Land Administration and key members of the reformist faction. There's Étienne Bézout, Jean-Sylvain Bailly... and even the newcomer Pierre Vernier who joined this year... I was tempted to ask, 'Aren't you a lawyer of the Girondins?' But it seems he was inspired by the Bourbon reforms and didn't get deeply involved in radical revolutionary thought. Instead, he's passionately discussing national policies while being quite eloquent. The reformist faction has attracted many talented individuals, but it seems it's time to borrow their wisdom.

"Is this attire suitable...? Well then, should I have some hot water..."

In a room at the Palace of Versailles, I adjust my clothes and slowly sip honeyed hot water. Time is running short, so I can't keep them waiting any longer. Actually, I unconsciously swallowed the scalding hot consommé soup I had earlier in the day without letting it cool, and it slightly burned my mouth. It's not excruciating, but there's a tingling pain... It's not a good idea to dwell on various thoughts while dealing with it. And mouth burns are quite uncomfortable... They remind me of the time before reincarnation when I heated convenience store mapo tofu in the microwave and burned my tongue.

"Alright... My throat is feeling better now... When your throat feels scratchy, honey is the best."

"Yes, drinking this will moisten your throat and make you feel better... Then, shall we go?"

"Yes, let's go together, Antoinette. It's a serious matter that requires discussion, and I have to gather wisdom from the people who have gathered here. It's my duty as a king."

"Well then, I'll assist you. I'm a member of the reformist faction, and above all, if you try to do everything alone, you'll overexert yourself. I must support you!"

"Hahaha... Thank you, Antoinette. I appreciate it."

Antoinette today has put effort into her hairstyle. She's swept her hair upward, but not in a flashy manner like in the original history, more in a stylish and refined way that would still be fashionable in modern times. It's not extravagant, but it's a natural hairstyle that suits her well. She looks incredibly beautiful and radiant. Well, from my perspective, Antoinette was beautiful from the start, so I believe any hairstyle would suit her as long as it's not too eccentric.

"Now, I need to give a speech at the Palace of Versailles Opera House... Antoinette, you can take a seat when the speech begins."

"Yes, I understand. Also, Lord Auguste, you're delivering the speech in the theater this time, not outdoors."

"That's right, it's because the central seats in the theater are visible to everyone... Considering the number of attendees today, I thought the theater would be better. Plus, it can accommodate a large number of people, so there's no need to set up chairs separately."

This time, there is a planned explanation for the New World, including the speech in the opera house. You may wonder why it's being held in the opera house. There are two reasons for that.

One is to prevent rumors from spreading among people outside who have heard about the British defeat in the New World and have twisted the facts into gossip. The other reason is the occasional light rain that has been falling since morning. If I were to give a speech outdoors in the rain, I might catch a cold. I remember, a few months after my reincarnation, I caught a cold and was quite unwell, coincidentally on the day when Louis XV was assassinated... There are no antibiotics or such medications in this era, so catching a cold is a serious matter. Therefore, to avoid catching a cold and to make it easier for everyone to hear the speech in a place where everyone is gathered, I decided to give the speech in the opera house.

"Oh, there are more people here than I expected. The front seats are already filled... Have we received a report on the numbers?"

"No, there hasn't been a report yet, but it seems there are more than 500 people."

"I see... Given that it's in the opera house, we'll have to raise our voices... Shall we go to the chairs that have been prepared, Antoinette?"

"Yes, let's go, Lord Auguste."

The gathered members of the reformist faction total around 300, and if you include the mid-level employees of the Department of Land Administration, there are probably more than 500. We need to be transparent and communicate clearly. I made up my mind and appeared in front of everyone. As the gazes focused on me, those who had been seated immediately stood up and bowed their heads. I stood in front of the chairs arranged in the center of the stage and began my declaration.

"My friends, I apologize for keeping you waiting... Please take your seats in the chairs we've prepared. We will distribute the materials shortly."

The reformists who had gathered immediately straightened up and lowered their heads when I arrived. Then, they were all seated in the chairs that had been prepared. The chairs provided for me and Antoinette were Swedish-made. In fact, I received these chairs as a gift from Fersen, and they are quite comfortable, so I always use them in situations like this in large halls. Antoinette is also present, and she is using the same chair as me. Matching chairs for a married couple... They are quite nice chairs.

Once seated, the attendants began distributing documents. These documents were printed using movable type and contained two key reports: the first was a summary of the latest developments in the New World that had just arrived this morning, and the second was an express delivery that came in at 3 o'clock in the afternoon. Both reports greatly shocked the mid-level employees of the Department of Land Administration and the members of the reformist faction.

"The British subjugation army has suffered a major defeat in the New World, losing New York and St. John. Both locations were occupied by the North American Union Army due to a rebellion by the regional forces stationed there. Multiple naval vessels off the coast were also captured. The number of prisoners is estimated to exceed 16.000..."

According to the latest information, a large portion of the British troops stationed in the New World surrendered to the Continental Army, which had stormed into fortresses and urban areas. They couldn't suppress the rebellion, and when fully armed soldiers swarmed in after the gates were opened by rebel forces, surrender was the only option. It seems that aside from the stubborn military officers who refused to surrender, most people surrendered willingly.

Furthermore, surrendering to the military meant their lives were still salvageable. In the current New World, if civilians found them, they would likely face vigilante justice. In Boston and Quebec, it's said that the corpses of British soldiers massacred by civilians are scattered everywhere, and without a military tribunal, they are being tormented, killed, and burned like tattered rags by the townspeople. It would be better to surrender to a military that would treat them humanely than face such treatment.

The British army's major defeat aside, the key questions now were how to deal with the emerging new nation in the New World, the Americans, and how to handle the anticipated turmoil within Britain itself. To discuss these matters and future developments, the reformist faction and the Department of Land Administration members were gathered. There was no need for restraint. With a request for everyone to speak their minds, the Opera House had become the meeting place that would shape the future of France.



"Commissioned Officer"


"The situation in the New World is that terrible...? It seems the British Parliament is in for something even more dreadful."

"While we're already boiling in debates about the economic situation, the rebellions and surrenders in the two major strongholds in the New World... We're undoubtedly in for a turbulent time."

"So, unless there's a major turnaround by the British subjugation army, it seems they'll be driven out of the New World."

"What a troublesome problem... That the British and the territorial armies of Prussia would be dealt such a blow..."

At the Opera House, there were debates among reformists armed with documents. Of course, among them were mid-level officials from the Department of Land Administration, and they too shared information within the bounds that didn't touch the most confidential matters, listening to efforts aimed at resolving the situation. Doing something like this at the Opera House was unprecedented, but given its capacity to accommodate a large number of people, there didn't seem to be any issues with the discussions for now.

And so, the question arises: What should France do next?

France may not be militarily involved at the moment, but that might not be the case in the future. After all, there are issues such as whether to engage in economic activities in the New World – the American continent – and, above all, there are many uncertainties in future predictions. I even considered convening a ministerial-level meeting to brainstorm ideas, but when I was struggling, I received advice from Antoinette that it might be better to listen to the opinions of many people, so I'm implementing that. Indeed, Antoinette is right – sometimes bold actions are necessary.

While Britain is our hypothetical adversary, France has not intervened militarily in the New World as it did in the original history. Other countries like the Netherlands, Spain, and Portugal are also watching the developments in the New World from a distance. Currently, France doesn't need to assist Britain, and there's no need to deploy troops to the New World. However, attention is focused on what policies the states forming the new nation in America will pursue after the British subjugation army leaves...

One of the reasons for convening the reformists was to gather opinions that could provide insights into the likely actions of the Americans regarding their unpredictable future course. Through their regular discussions, they have begun to make predictions about the actions the Americans are likely to take in the future.

"Well then, first, let's consider the future... After capturing New York and St. John, they probably intended to sweep up the main forces all at once. The Continental Army has promoted many militia members to regular troops, and, above all, they control the northern industrial areas. Moreover, they enjoy considerable trust from the citizens... If I were the commander of the Continental Army, I would not only equip regular troops but also distribute equipment to the militia before confronting the main British forces in Norfolk and Richmond."

"That would be the logical move based on past experience... However, there are still some puzzling things. It's been reported that multiple naval vessels have been captured, but couldn't they use these captured ships for surprise attacks? They've already incited uprisings and taken control of territorial army units that were part of the British subjugation army in New York and St. John, so they might attempt ambushes on the British reinforcement fleets based on false information."

"It's not an impossible scenario... Military personnel generally prefer disciplined and brave combat, but I've heard that the Continental Army forces have repeatedly conducted surprise attacks with small groups against the British subjugation army. Furthermore, with the local population being highly cooperative with the Continental Army, their intelligence network is believed to be accurate. They might also have information on reinforcement fleets coming from Britain and could consider ambush attacks using the captured naval vessels..."

"Still, it's unlikely that the Continental forces have many naval personnel, especially if they've captured the ships..."

"No, they could simply get instructions from the captured naval personnel, and there were reports that shipping companies in Boston were conducting training for naval personnel using their ships. If that's true, it's safe to assume they have the ability to operate at least a few ships, right?"

While individual discussions and debates were taking place, predictions about the actions of the Continental forces in the New World were beginning to take shape, albeit roughly. Among them, the prediction that they might use the captured ships for ambush attacks or disguise themselves as reinforcements and launch a coordinated attack on Norfolk and Richmond was heard frequently. The total number of the actually captured naval vessels was unknown, but if they could act as a fleet, they could approach the fortresses under the guise of friendly forces and launch a surprise attack, or they could have soldiers on board and quickly board from the sea. From the perspective of the main British subjugation army, it was a nightmarish and dire situation with no way out.

"If I may, Lord Auguste, there are various opinions being presented, but it seems that everyone is still leaning towards the idea of using the captured naval ships."

"That's right, Antoinette... Even though the total number of captured ships is unknown, it's highly likely that they would use them to deceive the British... It almost looks like the Americans are pushing the British out to the East Coast. While there's still a possibility of a turnaround from here, the defeat of the British forces is almost certain..."

"Then... does that mean it's a British defeat in the war in the New World?"

"Unless there's a significant turnaround, it seems impossible for them... Despite entrusting New York and St. John to territorial army soldiers, they've defected... I'm sure the British forces in Norfolk and Richmond are now deeply suspicious. Furthermore, even if the British navy sends reinforcements, it's uncertain whether they can successfully retake them... and beyond that, if Britain and the Kingdom of Prussia can't see what lies ahead, they will be in a dire situation..."

"Britain and Prussia... are they defeated in the war?"

"That's part of it, but for Prussia, which had been supporting the territorial army, the fact that the territorial army soldiers rebelled and took the British forces in the fortress as prisoners is a significant issue. It will likely put a significant strain on the relationship between the two countries, and above all, it allows them to shift the blame for the defeat onto the territorial army. For Prussia, it's like having mud thrown in their face..."

Antoinette was greatly surprised by the fact that soldiers from the territorial army, who were supposed to be their allies, had captured British soldiers. At the same time, if this war were to end in a resounding defeat for the British subjugation army, it would lead to issues of responsibility. Both the Hessian and Waldeck soldiers were military forces with political leanings favoring the Kingdom of Prussia, and they had relatively poor relations with Austria. In France, they were considered one of the countries treated as hypothetical enemy nations. If the collapse of the front lines was due to the betrayal of soldiers in this war, it would be the territories that would bear the consequences. Of course, Prussia hadn't directly allied with Britain, but in contemporary terms, it was aligned with the German side while maintaining a high degree of autonomy.

While there wasn't a formal alliance between Britain and Prussia, in the context of the American Revolutionary War, Britain had even promised to cede land in the southern regions to the territories upon victory and had requested Prussia for the deployment of volunteer troops.

...It might be a delicate situation to navigate, but if things continued like this, Britain would not only find itself isolated in the New World but also in Europe. In such a scenario, Britain would have to reconsider its existing diplomatic relationships and might even turn to France for help to address the growing dissatisfaction among its citizens. In that case, how much diplomacy and civilian-level information sharing should take place? Various challenging questions were arising, but there might be solutions. I continued to seek opinions in the forum of discussion.



"General Staff Headquarters"


This is my first post since I took a Prussian invention.


The time had just passed 20:30.

Two hours and ten minutes had elapsed since the start of the discussion, and inside the Opera House, discussions were taking place by candlelight. Among them, the focus was on future policies toward Britain and civilian-level consultations. In the realm of economics, heated debates were occurring among bankers and investors. While military predictions had largely been consolidated, economic discussions tended to become more intense. Optimistic views were being expressed, but there were also strong pessimistic arguments. While observing the discussions, I asked a nearby Hauser about the current situation.

"How is it going? Have discussions reached a conclusion for each group?"

"Yes, for the most part, the military aspects have been settled. Now, various groups are continuing their discussions regarding Britain's future economic measures."

"Economic measures are crucial... I feel that the discussions we've had so far are coming in handy."

"Yes, this joint discussion between the reformists and the Department of Land Administration is a valuable opportunity. In the military, the General Staff Headquarters is planning to continually update the strategy against Britain. Some of the perspectives brought up in this discussion will be incorporated."

"That's good to hear. General Staff Headquarters Chief Suffren is a military leader who actively considers opinions. We can leave it to him without worries."

"Yes, he is also participating in the discussion, so I believe it's all right for now."

In the military domain, the General Staff Headquarters would be responsible for formulating strategies against Britain in the future. The General Staff Headquarters... it has a nice ring to it.

Up until now, the military hadn't been so heavily regulated, but it was decided that the Army and Navy would share their operational plans, making it easier to coordinate and communicate in each other's campaigns. To achieve this, a plan was put in place to establish the General Staff Headquarters in France, effective August 1 this year. It was likely the world's first establishment of a joint operational planning body for both the Army and Navy. In the original history, Prussia developed this system, but here, we managed to create it about half a century earlier. Prussia can cry about it.

After searching for suitable candidates, Vice Admiral Pierre André de Suffren, who had quelled the turmoil in Saint-Domingue, was appointed as the Chief of the General Staff. He could be considered a naval man through and through, and in terms of military temperament, he was a remarkable officer who excelled in leadership.

Physically, he had quite a round figure, and personally, I was a little worried about his BMI, but in terms of military qualities, he was outstanding. His eyes for the battlefield had been sharp since the Seven Years' War, and he had a knack for discerning the operating methods of the British Royal Navy, the adversary of that time. However, it seemed he had faced considerable struggles, particularly with various superiors.

His training was extremely rigorous, almost akin to Spartan education, but the fleet under his command always had high morale, and his fleet operations were so exceptional that he even received recognition from the Minister of the Navy. With the merit of quelling the turmoil in Saint-Domingue, he was promoted to the rank of Vice Admiral. He was trusted by both superiors and subordinates to the extent that he was given the responsibility of training the newly built Charlemagne-class frigates.

He was so highly regarded by other naval officers that they called him a formidable commander worthy of the title. He was like Admiral Halsey, who was lauded as a formidable commander in the United States Navy during World War II. I've met him personally, and I know that he understands the ways of a military man. At the same time, he is a person who conducts education firmly.

"I want to entrust you with the duties of the Chief of the General Staff. Do you think you can handle it?"

"As there are many new things to deal with, I intend to collaborate and share information not only with the Navy but also with the Army. I'll be assisting in the command of both land and sea forces... By adding specialized aides to cover areas where I've had to rely on my individual abilities until now, military operations in the future should become easier!"

"That's good to hear. If there's anything you don't understand, don't hesitate to ask. I want you to report to the respective Ministers of the Army and Navy if there are any areas of improvement that come up during regular exercises and such. I'm counting on you, Vice Admiral!"

I grabbed his shoulder tightly and made the request, and Suffren was delighted with tears in his eyes. Well, it's true that effective communication within the military is crucial. As someone who was reincarnated, I know of a military that suffered a disastrous end due to a lack of such communication. I'm talking about the Japanese military. It's embarrassing, but...

Once upon a time, there were both the Imperial Japanese Army General Staff and the Imperial Japanese Navy General Staff. In wartime, they were commanded by the Imperial General Headquarters.

...However, during World War II in the Pacific, not only was there a lack of communication, but the two sides had fundamentally different strategic visions. The Army was training for a war focused on the continent, with China and the Soviet Union as the main adversaries. On the other hand, the Navy was preparing for a war against maritime nations like the United Kingdom and the United States... That's right, the two branches did not have a coherent set of strategic objectives!

Furthermore, they dragged each other down despite both being the same military. The Army didn't trust the Navy, so they went as far as creating their own transport submarines, and the Navy, in turn, seized supplies meant for the Army. There were internal disputes. The infamous line, "The Navy is opposed to the Army's proposal!" from a certain game precisely reflected the situation at the time. Ironic, Japan was waging a war against the US, Britain, and China, but its real enemies were its own military...

The result was the dropping of atomic bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki, the complete breakdown of the military, and the country being placed under occupation. Japan, which had never allowed foreign forces onto its mainland in wars with other countries since its founding, ended up under the occupation of the Allied forces centered around GHQ. To avoid such a situation of mutual interference, it was necessary to understand the operational commands of each branch of the military.

The issue at hand was economic policy. When it came to the economy, members of the reformist faction, including many bankers, merchants, and individuals more well-versed in economics than the Department of Land Administration, were engaged in discussions. However, there were broadly two opinions being considered. One was the idea of a large-scale entry into the New World, while the other was to continue conservative trading in the Mediterranean and with neighboring countries like Spain and Portugal.

While entry into the New World was attractive, France had already failed once, and we were currently taking action to acquire Keelung in Taiwan. Pursuing two major entry projects at once was high risk, and in the New World, there was a prevailing Treatise of Government ideology, including the abolition of monarchies. This meant there was a high likelihood of introducing not only trade but also dangerous revolutionary ideas. Caution was paramount, but among the reformist members, there was a significant voice advocating for expanding trade routes, believing that this was an opportunity to seize with Britain in disarray.

"Military actions aside, the real issue lies in economic measures."

"Yes, discussions have been held within the Department of Land Administration, and for now, the prevailing sentiment is to restrain ourselves and observe... However, there are still voices advocating that we should take action as a means to expand business and promote economic development."

"Oh? Isn't Britain currently in turmoil? Wouldn't that mean there's hardly any impact on us if they turn their attention to the New World?"

"Your Majesty, if Britain withdraws from the New World, a new nation will inevitably arise. I don't know the exact name of the country, but when the colonies became a nation, it will significantly affect trade in the New World. Especially in places that were once under French control since the Seven Years' War but have now become British territory, trade in the New World was almost a monopoly. If that monopoly collapses, European nations will be eager to acquire new trade routes."

"In other words... other countries besides Britain will enter the new market... and in addition to the conservative trade with neighboring countries, we should also expand trade in the New World where Britain is not present. Is that the general understanding?"

"Yes, that's the understanding."

Antoinette pondered this for a while, occasionally touching her chin with her finger after asking Hauser. It was quite cute to watch her deep in thought, but with Antoinette, it was hard to predict what kind of thinking would eventually crystallize. After about 20 minutes of discussion, Antoinette suddenly seemed to have a revelation and asked me a question.

"Lord Auguste, is France currently engaged in trade in the New World?"

"Well, we are to some extent, but it's mainly done by information liaison ships disguised as private companies. Of course, we also engaged in the trade of luxury goods with the British and Boston under the Continental Army's occupation... But why do you ask?"

"That's the point! We still can't produce luxury goods in the New World... In other words, if we make it possible for them to be produced in the New World, couldn't we conduct trade there without taking on significant risks?"

Trade without taking on significant risks. In other words, promote the production of goods there. Oh, this could work! It's the most excited I've been all year, to the point where there's an explosion of sound effects for problem-solving in my brain.

"...Ooh! Is that what you mean!? Antoinette, you're brilliant! With that approach, France can make high returns with low risk! Let's go with that plan!"

"Well, I'm glad my suggestion could be of help."

"Hauser, what do you think about the idea of French state-owned companies entering the New World as Britain withdraws? Of course, with a small number of personnel..."

"Well, if it's a small number, it shouldn't be a problem... But what exactly do you have in mind?"

"Hehehe, let's call it the mastermind plan... I'll explain the details now..."



"Back to the Topic"


When I conveyed the new trade proposal for the New World to Hauser, he looked surprised with wide eyes. While it was an excellent application of what we had been doing so far, it still had relatively low risks and could be executed economically and with minimal manpower. Hauser listened to my proposal while nodding in agreement.

"...Indeed, with that, we can expect significant profits in the New World. It won't require much in terms of labor costs, and as long as we secure the necessary personnel and initial funding, we can go ahead."

"What do you think, as the head of the Department of Land Administration? Can this proposal work?"

"...Hmm, I believe it can work with few issues. Our country has not been involved in that war, and above all, the reputation on the New World's side is favorable. I think as long as we pay fair wages and such, there should be no problem."

"I see... then, let's include this proposal as one of the opinions."


With advice from Antoinette, my proposal was also incorporated as one of the opinions. Hauser said it seemed to have sufficient support for approval, but we should keep it as a reformist opinion nonetheless. It would be troublesome if I acted unilaterally without considering various issues. We should discuss things together and understand the presented opinions. It's not advisable to act on our own without reflecting on others' input. Doing so would erode the trust others have in us.

After we had completed the discussion, I began to review the opinions and ideas that each person had put forward. While I do believe that the entry method I came up with is a good idea, it's essential to first go through everyone's opinions. There might be something that could lead to improvements. Maintaining a stance of listening carefully to others' opinions is crucial, both in work and in private matters. Even when presenting counterarguments, it's not a good feeling when personal emotions rather than opinions are involved or when a different topic is brought up. I had a bad boss in the past life who conducted meetings without listening to others' opinions, so in a way, they served as an excellent example of what not to do as a supervisor.

Power harassment was a daily occurrence. I was slapped in the face with a document because the staple was in the wrong place. Alcohol harassment at drinking parties, getting new employees so drunk that they were hospitalized with acute alcohol poisoning. Sexual harassment of a female employee and attempts to take her to a hotel, etc...

Even though I petitioned the company, they would not let me quit due to my exceptional performance.

However, there was one time when I couldn't defend myself. During a presentation to the company's important client, the executive threw a tantrum because he didn't like the content of the presentation. He not only slapped a female subordinate but also punched her with a closed fist. Nevertheless, our company, which didn't even fire him for such misconduct, is incredibly unethical... seriously.

But getting back on track, we've compiled the ideas that came up during the discussion and reached a consensus on incorporating some of them into our future policy direction. It seems my opinions were also chosen, which is a relief.

"Now then... while it's still somewhat rough, it seems we have gathered everyone's opinions."

"Yes, there were many opinions at the beginning, but as of now, we have narrowed it down to roughly five action guidelines. From these, the reformists and the consensus of the Department of Land Administration will select the final choices through a vote."

"Hmm... very well. But before that, let's have an evening snack... I'm feeling a bit tired from all the discussions, and I want to nourish my brain."

"That's a good idea. It's already 10 o'clock, so it would be wise to have a light meal. The head chef is preparing a light snack specifically for this occasion, so shall I call for it? We'll have it ready by half past ten, when the discussion resumes."

"Yes, please do that."

As the clock struck 22:00, a light snack was served to everyone. It was a sandwich made with lettuce grown in the Alps, generously filled with ham and cheese. The attention to detail even extended to providing wrapping paper to prevent any sandwich spills. The head chef was truly thoughtful and a valuable asset. While my colleague and I weren't just sitting idly by, as we were also brainstorming trade proposals for Britain and the New World in preparation for the future, the timing of the late-night snack couldn't have been better.

"Your Majesties, we have brought you sandwiches made with lettuce from the Alps. Since it's an evening snack, we've used tartar sauce to keep it light on the stomach. Will that be to your liking?"

"Ooh, certainly! Using lettuce from the Alps for the sandwiches... Let's eat these first before we move on to the summary."

"Yes, I've started feeling quite hungry after thinking about all these things. My mind was completely occupied."

"We only had a light soup for dinner... Well then, let's taste the sandwiches."

How did the sandwiches at 22:00 taste?

They were undoubtedly delicious. Especially after the discussion, it felt like a rush of sugar was flowing to my brain. The crispiness of the lettuce came through with every bite, and the ham and cheese complemented the lettuce's deliciousness. Not only sandwiches but also, on a self-serve basis, they prepared consommé soup. Its aroma wafted through the air.

"Consommé soup, huh... Antoinette, would you like to try some?"

"Sure thing... If we've had sandwiches, it would be nice to finish with a cup of soup. Shall we have it together?"

"Let's do that. It's best to take a short break and proceed steadily. That's what Archduchess Theresa suggested, after all."

"Yes, it's best to make progress while taking breaks. Overloading oneself is not good for the body. Come on, Lord Auguste!"

Antoinette was lured by the aroma of the consommé soup and gently tugged my hand as we headed toward it. Seeing her enthusiasm for the soup, she must have been quite hungry. Well, it's only natural to get hungry when discussing complex matters like this. Of course, we would have the consommé soup after finishing the sandwiches. There was a designated space for sipping soup to ensure that the seats didn't get dirty. I joined everyone in enjoying the consommé soup. Inside the soup, there were carrots, soybeans, tomatoes, and green peas, along with bacon, making it a nutritious meal. Antoinette and I sipped the soup, blowing on it gently to avoid scalding our mouths.

"...With plenty of vegetables, it's good for the body!"

"That's right... Antoinette, make sure you finish your carrots, okay?"

"Don't worry! I'll eat the carrots properly!"

"...Once you've finished your cup, let's ask the head chef to make us some cinnamon tea."

"That's a great idea! No objections here! Look! Watch me!"

"...Ooh, Antoinette, you managed to finish the carrots you don't like so quickly..."

"...Phew... How is this?"

"...Well done. I'll allow you to have cinnamon tea tonight."

Antoinette managed to down the carrots she didn't like with the power of cinnamon tea. Indeed, in times like these, it's a good idea to request things that women like—food and drinks. While sipping consommé soup, we engaged in casual conversations with the reformist members during this break, a bit of relaxation. There was still plenty of time for the break. Regardless of their status or background, simply conversing with each other was a good thing. This way, we could get to know their situations just by talking. As we chatted, a young man approached us—it was Pierre Vernier. He seemed extremely nervous, as his legs were trembling.

"Um... Your Majesty! It's an honor to meet you in person! My name is Pierre Vernier!"

"Pierre Vernier? Welcome to the reformists. You joined at the beginning of this year."

"Yes! I hope to be of service to Your Majesty... I volunteered to join the reformists!"

"Ooh, that's very commendable! We, the reformists, are an organization formed not only for the country but also for the people, aiming to lead towards a better society. We hope everyone can contribute with their knowledge."

"Yes! I'll do my utmost!"

Pierre Vernier seemed genuinely delighted. In the original history, he was associated with the Girondins, a faction of the revolutionaries, and ultimately, he was executed by Robespierre. However, he was known for being a skilled lawyer with excellent oratory skills. It's quite surprising that he chose to join the reformists instead of the revolutionaries. Life can be so unpredictable.

Now, as the break came to an end, we were about to enter the final phase of the discussion. It was time to see what policies the reformists would adopt. Antoinette and I watched closely as events unfolded.



"The Night I Disappeared into Illusion"

★ ☆ ★

The dinner party has been canceled, but instead, a heated debate continued late into the night. An emergency meeting called by the reformists took place, along with discussions on the strategy for dealing with Britain and the New World. In the past, such matters would have been quietly handled by ministerial meetings with Lord Auguste or the Department of Land Administration. However, due to the increasing likelihood of Britain's defeat in the New World and the need to decide future economic policies, people were gathered to discuss and gather opinions. Some may argue that it was unnecessary, but listening to various opinions is essential.

This gathering convened by Lord Auguste seems to have led to insights into improving future reformist meetings. The plan is to summarize opinions on how to proceed in the future. At 23:23, after listening to opinions and statements from various representatives, Lord Auguste's proposal was ultimately chosen. It was not because he was the king but rather the consensus of the reformists and the Department of Land Administration's opinions, ultimately determined by a vote. Lord Auguste had the most votes, and while the counting took a bit of time, he stated that it was a good thing to have reached a decision through a vote after hearing everyone's opinions.

"Well then, based on the voting results, we will adopt His Majesty's proposal. 'Economically, we will establish French capital factories in the New World, where we will produce and sell food and textiles, ensuring local employment and enabling French companies to expand, thereby creating an economic cycle through local factory production in the New World. On the military front, we will allocate a newly built fleet for the defense of overseas territories in the Caribbean Sea, such as Saint-Domingue, and strengthen maritime defense.' ...We will also issue an economic white paper summarizing these policies for the Atlantic region and release it every three months."

Currently, the export of items such as weapons and armaments that could trigger wars is prohibited in France. This is because a considerable number of weapons leaked out of the country and were used in wars, thanks to the actions of Cardinal Rohan. Henceforth, the plan is to use factories equipped with new technology to mass-produce products that were previously crafted manually, such as glass and textiles, in the New World. These products will be exported to other countries with some fees paid.

This will lead to the emergence of French capital factories in the New World one after another, resulting in job creation and the activation of economic activities. Moreover, as the most profitable export industry in trade, most of the profits will be returned to France since it involves French capital. Of course, if this is done excessively, it could become dangerous, as it would lead to a significant increase in the New World's profits. Therefore, the number of factories will be predetermined, and adjustments will be made toward long-term profit assurance by establishing partnerships with French capital in cities and port areas that are expected to develop in the future.

"Even if we are building an economic relationship with the New World, we should not get too deeply involved... Overcommitting could become uncontrollable. So, I intend to impose restrictions even if we proceed with investments and capital partnerships."


"Yes, precisely. We won't get deeply involved; France will only take the profits from the factory production within reasonable limits. We won't make unreasonable demands or actions that might anger the other party. We should proceed with mild conditions."

"So, the plan is to moderate our expansion into the New World... is that right?"

"That's the idea. In the long run, it will be profitable, and we won't strongly provoke Britain by doing so. The goal is to promote peaceful economic activities, not to seize through force but to compete with economic strength."

Currently, France is not involved in wars in the New World and has declared neutrality. Furthermore, they have declared that they will mediate in peace negotiations and peace treaties with Britain and the New World. To maintain relations with both countries, it seems that they intend to mainly form capital partnerships with the private sector in the New World but not establish a significant presence.

Lord Auguste's goal appears to be to compete using economic strength rather than military power or armed intervention. He had spoken about this during his time as the Dauphin. He had said that while having many soldiers may be essential, it is even more crucial to strengthen the economy to prevent the nation from starving. Much of the foundation for the Bourbon reforms as a policy of national wealth has been achieved, and France is currently experiencing prosperity.

Along with the domestic prosperity, they are determined to expand their economic activities in the Caribbean Sea, the New World, and East Asia to further extend France's trade relations. This influenced the economic activity policy towards the New World in this instance. Of course, the initial opinions were modified and improved, and the reformists, who had different arguments, also agreed. The meeting concluded with applause and appreciation.

"Thank you, everyone, for participating in the discussion late into the night. If anyone wishes to stay overnight, please feel free to let us know. We will arrange accommodations at a nearby hotel for you to rest."

Lord Auguste does not forget his consideration for those who attended. Previously, he had acquired hotels that had been exploiting their staff and repurposed them as staff residences. Some of these have been renovated as hotels with fair rates for guests at the Palace of Versailles. To ensure the safety of the participants on their way back and prevent robberies, the Paris police escort their carriages. However, it seems that several dozen participants will be staying at the hotel. After expressing gratitude to the participants, Department of the Land Administration staff, and the Facilities Maintenance Section staff responsible for cleanup, we returned to our bedrooms.

"Whew... It seems like we've mostly resolved the issues for now. What's left is to schedule the finer adjustments."

"Thank you for your hard work... You've been quite busy lately with matters concerning the New World and Britain. Would you like some water?"

"Yes, please... Antoinette."

"It's my pleasure. These are challenging times... Perhaps once the war is over, you'll have a bit more time to relax."

"That's right... If the war ends and there's peace in the New World, it'll be a relief for us too. Our workload will decrease, and I won't have to constantly monitor developments in the New World. As the king, I have to do my job. It's tough, but it's necessary."

Lord Auguste accepted the water and slowly began to sip while sitting in his chair.

Even though it's work, he's been dealing with meetings and problem-solving day after day. I'm sure he's tired, and taking a break is essential. Besides, the date is about to change soon. Thérèse was already asleep, and I suggested to Lord Auguste that he should rest in the bed.

"Lord Auguste, wouldn't it be time to rest in the bed soon? Today's meetings are over for now, and it's important to recharge your energy for tomorrow."

"That's a good point... Well then, let's call it a night."

Usually, he would continue working late into the night, claiming there was still work to be done. However, lately, he's been stopping work around the time the date changes, perhaps out of consideration for Thérèse. Spending time in bed together as a couple is a good thing. As Lord Auguste embraced me, I fell asleep in the bed.




★ ★ ★

September 10, 1775

Le Mans, Maine, France

In modern times, Le Mans is famous as the location where the most challenging 24-hour endurance race as an automobile race is held, and it's known for Japanese automobile manufacturers actively participating in the race. However, before the invention of automobiles, it prospered as a city known for its textile industry. Naturally, it thrived as a provincial city, with a population of around 140.000 people. It served as a bustling city for travelers to stay in while moving between urban areas, such as Nantes and Paris, along the route. In recent times, due to the Bourbon reforms, Jewish immigrants who came to France and former French Protestants (Huguenots) who returned after a century have resettled in Le Mans. As a result, job opportunities have been abundant in Le Mans again, attracting many migrant workers.

In this Le Mans, a major incident has landed at the Department of Land Administration.

An incident occurred where several state-of-the-art spinning machines and steam engine devices that began production in this city were stolen, as reported by investigators from the Department of Internal Public Security. Between September 1 and 2, multiple spinning machines and steam engines, which serve as power sources, were stolen from three newly established silk factories in Le Mans. The police received reports of these thefts, and officials suspected that these thefts might be more than simple thefts; they might be organized crimes. They hurriedly informed the headquarters of the Department of Land Administration, which promptly dispatched investigators.

The stolen spinning machines and steam engines were not just one or two; they were large water-powered spinning machines known for their extensive use of power. The steam engines were prototype models that had been improved by the French Academy of Sciences to serve as substitutes for the water-powered spinning machines. They had just recently started operating in the silk factories of Le Mans for experimental purposes. The weight of these spinning machines and steam engines was substantial, and they would not be attractive targets to steal for someone who did not understand their purpose. While it might be understandable if precious gems or metals were stolen, it was difficult to explain why these machines, which were the foundation of an industry like water-powered spinning, were targeted in such a large-scale theft.

"Could foreign forces or affiliated organizations have stolen this technology being researched and developed in France?"

"Prototype steam engines for water-powered spinning machines... It wouldn't be an exaggeration to say that someone who recognizes their value stole them."

This incident occurred right in the midst of preparations for the full-scale production of silk using steam engines and spinning machines. Therefore, the Department of Land Administration acted, suspecting a higher likelihood of a crime committed by a nation or an affiliated organization, rather than a routine investigation. The thefts occurred during the night of September 1 to the early morning of the 2nd, with multiple units stolen. The total amount of damage was reported to be over 100.000 livres. To uncover the cause and the main culprits, and considering the high likelihood of an organized group committing the crime, the Department of Land Administration dispatched Jeanne and Anthony to take charge of the on-site command.

"What was stolen are spinning machines powered by water and prototype steam engines for assistance... A total of 24 units, including 21 spinning machines and 3 prototype steam engines... and they were stolen in large numbers from each factory... This suggests a high possibility of an external culprit."

"But to have stolen prototype steam engines in addition to water-powered spinning machines, one would need inside knowledge, wouldn't they? It might be safer to assume that there were a few collaborators within the organization."

"In that case, we'll have to interrogate all the workers, including the factory managers... It's going to be a painstaking task..."

Both Jeanne and Anthony, serving as on-site leaders, began by conducting interviews with all the factory workers, including the factory managers. There were fewer individuals who knew about the prototype steam engines than suspicious persons to search for. In addition to 18 people such as factory managers and on-site supervisors, there were 130 workers employed in the factories... In total, 148 people related to the factories were to be interviewed by the local police. However, Anthony noticed something suspicious in a report he received from his subordinate.

"Hmm? It says here that out of the three silk factories, 13 workers resigned one after another by August 31. Is there something going on?"

"Yes, except for one who retired due to a respiratory illness, the remaining 12 workers were saying they were moving to the New World for health reasons, each taking their families with them, and they departed on an ocean freighter on September 3."

"...Thanks... it's a bit of a bother, can you also look up the profiles of these twelve?"

"Yes, we can do that in five hours. I'll get you the files immediately."

Anthony was concerned, and that uneasiness grew when it became visualized. He was concerned about the fact that not only one, but 12 people had to relocate, even though factory work is a popular and well-paying career choice. In the evening, profile information on each worker arrived, and Anthony felt dizzy when he reviewed it. He called Jeanne over to share the information.

"...Jeanne, take a look at this. These are the profiles of the 12 workers who resigned en masse in the past few days. I want you to examine the details closely."

"What... Four of these 12 workers served the Orléans family!?"

"Yes, one of these four individuals was an informal spouse of Baron Levan, who was executed for his deep involvement in the Duke's Gold incident. Her name is Julie... she lived a comfortable life as the Baron's wife, but due to his involvement in the Duke's Gold case, her noble status and land were confiscated... However, because she and her family were not involved in the incident, they were pardoned by His Majesty's grace. She had a large estate near Paris, which was seized, and she moved here to Le Mans two years ago."

"I see... but, if it was just one person, it might be different, but with so many people connected to the Orléans family, do you think they were deeply involved?"

"The likelihood is quite high. The House of Orléans is a very wealthy family and they have a lot of money. They had not a few assets and associates... most of whom had given up on the Orléans and turned neutral or emigrated to other countries... so in a way, they may have wanted to take revenge... No, but we still don't have conclusive evidence to label them as culprits..."

During the entire Duke's Gold incident, less than 2% of those arrested or executed, but Orléans family affiliates were viewed with suspicion in France. While not subjected to discrimination, the misdeeds of Louis Philippe II, who indulged in lust and accumulated wealth for his own benefit despite having a wife, were highlighted and reported. Consequently, those associated with these wrongdoings were often considered complicit.

Those who had been at the top of the Orléans family or were believed to be involved in plans to overthrow the state had been sentenced to death or life imprisonment without parole. However, individuals who were not involved in wrongdoing or whose families were uninvolved, even if they themselves were complicit, were exempt from punishment through royal pardons, as explicitly stated by Louis XVI. Lower-level employees, those involved in wrongdoing, and businessmen with strong ties to the Orléans family often left the Orléans family's employ to work for new employers or migrated to provincial cities or other countries, leaving behind the familiar streets of Paris. The former Baroness Levan, along with her 17-year-old daughter, had moved to Le Mans.

"Considering that Orléans family affiliates, including Baroness Levan, were working here... I can't see any reason for them to steal spinning machines and steam engines now, can you?"

"That's true... Even if they were the culprits, their motives are unclear..."

"That's right... we don't understand the reason... According to the report, Baroness Levan and the others who resigned were known to be diligent and reliable workers in the factory. The factory manager reportedly tried to convince them to stay, but they insisted on leaving."

What's troubling is how skilled the factory manager must have been for them to attempt to retain her. Moreover, the pay was good, and there shouldn't have been any reason to resign, yet all 12 of them left simultaneously. Right after their resignation, spinning machines and steam engines were stolen. Even if they were the culprits, their motive for resigning just before the theft remains unclear. Anthony and Jeanne, taking into account that they had left for the New World, came up with a hypothesis.

"Hey, Anthony... what if they were recruited elsewhere?"


"Yes, they departed for the New World on a cargo ship... but the New World is still in a state of civil war between the British subjugation army and the Continental Army. If we consider the British forces as on their last legs, they would likely head for the thirteen colonies. If it's a trading ship, there would be no suspicion even if it carried machines inside."

"The thirteen colonies, huh... Right, His Majesty decided on a policy regarding trade relations in the New World after the civil war at the gathering he held... Ah!"

"Yes, establishing factories locally and exporting their products is a new trade method. The essential components for this trade are spinning machines and manufacturing machines powered by steam engines..."

"So... do you think the culprits knew about this?"

"I doubt it. His Majesty convened an emergency meeting with reformists and members of the Department of Land Administration on August 27, while this incident occurred on September 1... Furthermore, Baroness Levan and the others resigned before that, so I think this was planned beforehand."

"In that case, could it be someone who wanted to implement His Majesty's trade method and stole it before that?"

"That possibility seems most likely. Perhaps someone from the upper echelons of the Continental Army... or an organization that had its sights set on them, convinced Baroness Levan and the others to steal the spinning machines and steam engines needed to operate the factory. It seems they were skilled in both the technology and handling of these machines. They could also be useful as instructors after the theft, and it's likely they won't be disposed of."

"What a situation... The ship must be in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean by now. We have to gather evidence somehow and report it to His Majesty..."

Following the theft of the spinning machines and steam engines allegedly caused by Baroness Levan and her associates, strict security measures were implemented in factories across France, hiring security personnel to prevent further thefts. Various newspapers sensationalized the situation, labeling them as "the struggling gold ingots." Anthony and Jeanne continued to command the investigation on-site in Le Mans and scrutinized the reports in their quest to gather evidence for the case.

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