The new starter (Male gligar...

By Superbowie

2.9K 54 23

As there were the three starters in the kanto region. charmander, squirtle and bulbasaur, there was an extra... More

Episode 1: Choose a starter
Episode 2: A wild encounter
Episode 3: Showdown At Viridian
Episode 4: The Caterpie Ambush
Episode 6: The Forest King

Episode 5: Charmander gets punched in the face

349 9 3
By Superbowie

After the fight that came from the caterpie leader and her army, the four starters continued there journey in trying to evolve, Charmander using his usual ways in killing any Pokémon that gets in his way thinking that he would get exp, which didn't work, but the rest of the three wouldn't say anything due to knowing Charmander would not listen to them, although would find the pleasure about saying how right they were once the realization hit Charmander that he got no experience in killing Pokémon...

If they would ever happen...

And now, the four were back to training, Y/N being forced into training Bulbasaur while Charmander was back to training Squirtle in a strange area that they don't even know where they are or even noticed the wondering human that was on there way.

Charmander: Come on, command him! (Charmander turned to Y/N, making the gligar like Pokémon sigh)

Y/N: Right...Bulbasaur use vine whip!

With Bulbasaur hearing his command, he quickly followed his orders and used one of his vines that came out of his body and used it to hit Squirtle, although not as hard due to the fear of hurting one of his companions. Once the vine hit him, not only did it not hurt Squirtle, but the water type only shivered in disgust at the strange feeling of why it was so wet.

Squirtle: eww! why is it so wet!?

Bulbasaur: sorry, I've been chewing on it a lot...(Bulbasaur apologized, infuriating Charmander at the weak attack and the apology he just gave)

Charmander: NO! Don't apologize! raaah...! Bulbasaur if you wanna evolve, you gotta be less terrible at everything.

Y/N: He's trying his best, dude.

Charmander: Yeah, well that's not an excuse he can keep using.

Squirtle: Maybe he needs to be watered or something (Squirtle suggested, which might not convince Charmander at this while they didn't notice the incoming human that spotted them)

Charmander: Maybe you need to shut your face.

Gaven: Human! (A voice spoke, the four turned to the noise behind them, seeing a tall human behind them that stared at them, knowing humans well, this guy wanted to catch them) Human human!

Cool TRAINER Gaven wants to fight!

Charmander: oh great (Charmander sighed, looking back up at Gaven as he was ready to fight whatever Pokémon the trainer was about to send out)...alright guys I hope your ready for this

And with that, Gaven threw a pokeball he picked up from his pocket and threw it in the air, sending out the fighting type Pokémon that was known as hitmonchan. Hitmonchan landed on the ground, slamming his boxing glove covered hand on the floor as he stood up and was ready to fight whatever Pokémon Gaven wanted him to take on.

Hitmonchan: Alright let- (Hitmonchan was enthusiastic of course for the Pokémon he was about to fought, but that all went out the window in a matter of seconds when he saw his opponents...pre-evolved starters that stood in front of him and one other Pokémon that he didn't recognised) Tho come on gaven! pre-volves!? t-t-t-this is not cool! I'm at most level thirty five! I don't waste my time on things like those! you can get them anywhere...ok, except for maybe that thing, but still!

Charmander: Dear lord! what is that thing!? it's hideous! (Charmander spoke in disgust at the strange Pokémon he never saw before)

Y/N: That thing is gonna kill us with a few punches and the first thing you say is how hideous it is!?

Bulbasaur: Yeah Charmander that's not a very nice thing to say.

Charmander: Well that's not a very nice thing to see! looks like a potato wearing a dress!

Bulbasaur: I don't know I think it looks pretty.

Hitmonchan: Never mind, I'm good, let's kill em.

Charmander: Guess again tator tot! (Charmander said, turning to squirtle immediately) squirtle, I chose you!

Squirtle: what? (Squirtle looked at Charmander confused, instantly being picked up by the fire type and was straight up thrown at the fighting type) AHHHHHH! (Squirtle screamed, hitting hitmonchan by the leg, which didn't do much and when squirtle looked up, he could feel the fear running down his body when he looked up and saw hitmonchan glare at him) uhh hehe...hi.

Gaven: Human hu! (Gaven pointed, a white box appeared in front of him that explained what hitmonchan needed to do)


And with that order, Hitmonchan hit the poor blue Pokémon right past the order while he screamed at practically being flinged away.

Charmander: Well can't say I expect that...alright you two, go get him (Charmander spoke, pushing the two up to hitmonchan to handle it on there own)

Y/N: well uhh...looks like we're gonna fight you now so...Bulbasaur use...something! (Y/N said, not entirely sure what can Bulbasaur do that would be effected against the mad fighting type in front of them after seeing Bulbasaur's weak attack against the Pokémon that should be weak against him)

Bulbasaur: well ok...guess I'm suppose to attack now so...hmm! (Bulbasaur, not sure what he should do and decided to move around left and right, moving in a strange way that only confused hitmonchan that would surprisingly work later) yeah this is an attack right? are you feeling attacked...?

Hitmonchan: I...what is this? I don't get it or why your even following orders from...whatever the hell that thing is...what is this suppose to be, I just...I'm confused...

Gaven: Human hu! (Gaven spoke, another white box appeared in front of him for his attack)

Hitmonchan: you know what, it doesn't matter because I'm about to-

HITMONCHAN punched himself in the face

Hitmonchan: COME ON!? REALLY!? (Hitmonchan yelled his trainer in shock that he would make him do something like that, but with a deep sigh he calmed down, having no choice but to do it)...Guess you know what your doing...(And with that, hitmonchan started punching himself) is it working? (Punch) am I doing it right? (Punch) wow...I'm really strong! (Punch)

Charmander: this is stupid...Y/N your turn, attack!

Y/N: fine fine fine (Y/N went up to hitmonchan who was busy punching himself. He looked down at his leg and used his claws, pinching him as hard as he could)

Hitmonchan: OW! Alright! (Hitmonchan spoke enthusiastically at the fight back, looking down at the little scorpion like pokemon)

Gaven: HUMAN HU! (Hitmonchan looked back, reading what gaven wanted him to do)


Y/N: nah po- AHH! (Y/N screamed, getting kicked away to the direction squirtle was walking back to them)

Squirtle: uhhh what happened- (squirtle asked, rubbing his head while walking back to the three, but on the way he was soon hit by the thrown Y/N as the two rolled away)

Charmander: well that's just sad. Step aside, I'll do it myself (charmander said, walking up to hitmonchan and biting his leg)

Hitmonchan: OW! The leg again!? (He asked, kicking him off as he turned to Charmander to fight)

Gaven: Human hu!

Hitmonchan: Alright let's- (Hitmonchan turned around to go read what Gaven wanted him to do, but felt the sharp teeth dug into his skin around his head when Charmander pounced on him and attempted to attack him again) Hey! you can't attack twice in one turn, what is this armature hour? (He asked, turning around and holding Charmander up by his tail)

Charmander: Ugh did something happen to you? there's no way your face is meant to look like that.

Hitmonchan: OHohohohoho! wow, you're so funny! wow! I'm gonna punch you in the face now! (Hitmonchan laughed sarcastically at Charmander's little insult, about to hit him in the face before getting a shell thrown at his face and dropping Charmander) OH!

Y/N: We're back!

Charmander: Now try punching this! (Charmander spoke, looking down and took a few second before shooting out a powerful flame that once it hit hitmonchan exploded right in his face, which...he thought was effective)

Gaven: Human hu! 

With gaven commands, Hitmonchan came out of the spoke, throwing charmander on the ground and stood on top of him, throwing furious punches from both sides of his face. he kept on throwing punches in his face furiously without stopping before throwing one last punch across his face, causing charmander to faint from the battle.

Hitmonchan took a few deep breaths before realizing what he had just done, screwing up that they couldn't have a powerful starter on there team.

Hitmonchan: nah crap!

Squirtle: well...guess good things do happen.

Bulbasaur: is he dead!?

Hitmonchan: Nah, just's a shame, we could've used him on our team

Gaven: Human hu! (Gaven spoke up, Looking back at Gaven, reading what he just said and turned to Bulbasaur and squirtle)

Hitmonchan: Lucky you two! (He smiled, raising both his fists in the air before swiftly throwing them down and hitting the two starters on the head)

And...everything went black. charmander didn't witnessed what had happened to his two fri- Pokémon he adventures with while Y/N manage to get away on time before he could get caught, bringing charmander with him and tried to keep him ok or try to get his some what hp up so he get out of his fainted state.

After some time, Charmander soon awoken, looking around the area he was in and saw no one, but Y/N there, the two being alone together after the recent capture of his two friends.

Charmander: what...happened...?

Y/N: Oh good, your awake! Thought you would be out forever.

Charmander: Where are we...?

Y/N: Some hiding spot I found so I wouldn't get caught while the kid was there, luckily I pulled you with me so I wouldn't leave you alone with those guys.

Charmander: Where's Bulbasaur and Squirtle?

Y/N: The human took them (Y/N answered, shocking Charmander at the news he heard)

Charmander: What!? he can't do that!

Y/N: Technically he can, he's a human remember...humans catch Pokémon, it's pert of the rules that you don't follow (Y/N spoke, crossing his arms, despite what he witnessed, he still wanted to follow the rules and be good and now being alone with charmander, he ain't afraid to show it)

Charmander: yeah there's a lot of rules I don't wanna follow, now come on, we're going back for them (Charmander said, getting up and began to walk away, expecting Y/N to follow him and obey him like the other two he forces to obey, but Y/N didn't budge and only stood there with his arms still crossed, which charmander noticed when he stopped and turned around to see Y/N wasn't following) Y/N, let's go!

Y/N: I'm not doing that for you, not anymore.

Charmander: What!? I said move!

Y/N: No! You know what, I'm tired of this, crap!

Charmander: YOU- Bulbasaur and Squirtle are our property and you have to listen to me! we are going back to get them!

Y/N: You'll just die again! but what would you care! you never listen to those around you with more decent common sense! (Y/N yelled back at charmander, finally yelling at him back, but got a swift hit from the face, knocking him back) You really think because your automatically stronger then some people you think you have the authority to boss people around!

Charmander: excuse you, I can tell people what to do because I'm more-

Y/N: Yeah I know, your the strongest, your the fastest, your whatever your want! It takes more to be a trainer you idiot! all you ever do is kill anything that gets in your way, you never think or plan, you just rush into things like you will be alright! grow a head you idiot! the fact Bulbasaur and Squirtle are better off with that kid other then you is more better then the fact that you want to evolve! and I'm lucky that your that dumb or else if you knew that killing Pokémon wouldn't get you experience! then the world will die when you evolve!

The two were quiet after Y/N had yelled at Charmander, the pent up rage he felt for the fire-type from all the murders he had witnessed, he was done with his crap and he released all what he wanted to say. he only looked at Charmander with anger while the lizard himself only stood quiet for a couple seconds before breathing fire on Y/N's face, which didn't do much since he was a ground type.

Y/N: Yeah that doesn't work. geez, at lease know the rules if your gonna break them! (Y/N sighed tiredly, walking away from him)

Y/N walked away in anger as he was ready to leave Charmander for good. for some odd reason, Charmander felt something strange, no one usually stood up to him or told him off like this about his behavior, seeing that Y/N leaving without a care about him actually made him feel...guilty?

He looked down, knowing he was going to be alone now, he didn't want some trainer to take him as he still had his morals of not needing a trainer to help, but he still needed a team with him, even the people he disliked like squirtle and maybe bulbasaur when he annoyed him too, swallowing his pride...he spoke...

Charmander: Y/N....(Charmander called out to him, Y/N paused and turned around, looking at him quietly at what he wanted)...fine...your right ok...your right...I hate to admit that...I really, really do...but your right...everything and I mean everything...your right...I...I'm sorry...

Charmander learned empathy 

Charmander: But I refuse to obey the humans! you and I know are better off without them and you know that...but we can't beat them if we don't stick together! my me get our friends back...

Y/N was silent for a bit, looking at Charmander who put his arm out for him to take. he was skeptical if he would change for a bit and tone down the killing for good. this was the first time charmander acted like this, more...nicer and seeing the white box that he learned empathy so maybe...just maybe he did change and with that...Y/N took his hand.

Y/N: Fine...(He spoke, grabbing his hand with his claw and shook it) If we are going up against that punch guy, we're gonna need a plan.

Charmander: Got any ideas...?

Y/N: I think I got about a few...

With the plan they were thinking of and discussed it for a few minutes before setting off. the two set off to go find gaven and get there friends back and continue there journey, Y/N thought of a distraction to get gaven's Pokémon while Charmander had a different plan on his mind.

Gaven who was alone in the area, listening to a...fossil? minding his own business till Y/N came in, getting his attention by yelling at the trainer.

Y/N: Hey over here! the wild...uhhh...wild pokemon appeared! (Y/N paused, not knowing what Pokémon is yet before yelling again)

With the new Pokémon in front of gaven's eyes, he picked up his and send out hitmonchan, although he didn't look to happy seeing the same Pokémon again.

Hitmonchan: Ugh you guys? are you all that desperate to get captured?

Y/N: Yeah I just love to do whatever you guys say- CHARMANDER NOW! 

Giving out the signal, Charmander was suppose to grab Bulbasaur's pokeball and run, but to give away the dangerous punching Pokémon that was hitmonchan, he decided to grab his pokeball as well, swiping it away from gaven's hand and hold it up for hitmonchan to see, which actually scared him at the fact a nuisance like Charmander was holding something that could kill him.

Hitmonchan: W-wait no no no!

Y/N: Wait charmander what are you doing!?

Charmander returned hitmonchan to his pokeball, but before he could even go inside his ball, charmander threw the pokeball on the ground and quickly stomped on it, destroying the ball and with that, something very unusual happened. hitmonchan turned blue and began to...well what it seems like he was glitching like crazy, screaming in agony and in pain.

Y/N was in shock too at what he was seeing, a Pokémon that glitched like in some kind of broken video game, he swore that Charmander wouldn't kill, but wasn't even sure it counts as killing, but more of....he didn't even know what the hell this was anymore.

Hitmonchan: AHHHHHHHHH! AHHH! (Hitmonchan screamed, glitching like crazy before finally disappearing out of existance that evens cared his trainer)

Gaven: HUMAN!? hu hu human hu! (Gaven panicked when charmander jumped onto his waist, walking back a bit before charmander let go after managing to get bulbasaur and squirtle that were trapped in the pokeballs gaven held while the trainer ran away in fear)

Charmander: Yeah that's right! run away! what are you without your slaves!? (Charmander yelled to the cowardly trainer running away before releasing bulbasaur and squirtle from there pokeballs)

Squirtle: oof! uhh what happened..? (Squirtle asked, rubbing his head as he got back up)

Bulbasaur: Charmander...Y/N? oh no did you guys kill gaven!?

Charmander: The kid? nah he got away, but I can kill him next time if you want.

Bulbasaur: Nah that's ok, Gaven's actually pretty cool, he taught me how to do this (Bulbasaur spoke, when Squirtle and Y/N walked up between him, bulbasaur did what he was taught and used both of his vines to smack both the pokemon away)

Squirtle and Y/N: AHH!

Charmander: ahh sweet! we gotta test that out some more. oh by the way, I have something for you (Charmander walked back a bit, grabbing Bulbasaur's hat that he lost before)

Bulbasaur: yeah! (Bulbasaur gasped in excitement, being given the hat by Charmander, which at least...he was now nicer) I missed you hat

Charmander: good to have you back vege-burger. now come on let's go kill us some dinner (Charmander smiled, walking away with Bulbasaur following while Squirtle and Y/N got back up)

Y/N: You get a pass now since you got Bulbasaur and Squirtle back, but don't push it.

Squirtle: What happened to the punching guy tho?

Charmander: Oh you don't need to worry about that...

And with the four starters back to there journey, now this time with none of them holding the position of trainer or owning them as property, the four now walked the journey as four friends, going on there journey to evolve as fast as they could, but on the way, they might encounter some new...discoveries and possibly new enemies on the way, either from the past or the enemies that charmander will make for them later...way later. 

But while that day comes, the four will remain friends, and will stick together no matter what happends and try...try to remain friends as possible before anything escalates because they were...the starter squad 

The end

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