Episode 5: Charmander gets punched in the face

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After the fight that came from the caterpie leader and her army, the four starters continued there journey in trying to evolve, Charmander using his usual ways in killing any Pokémon that gets in his way thinking that he would get exp, which didn't work, but the rest of the three wouldn't say anything due to knowing Charmander would not listen to them, although would find the pleasure about saying how right they were once the realization hit Charmander that he got no experience in killing Pokémon...

If they would ever happen...

And now, the four were back to training, Y/N being forced into training Bulbasaur while Charmander was back to training Squirtle in a strange area that they don't even know where they are or even noticed the wondering human that was on there way.

Charmander: Come on, command him! (Charmander turned to Y/N, making the gligar like Pokémon sigh)

Y/N: Right...Bulbasaur use vine whip!

With Bulbasaur hearing his command, he quickly followed his orders and used one of his vines that came out of his body and used it to hit Squirtle, although not as hard due to the fear of hurting one of his companions. Once the vine hit him, not only did it not hurt Squirtle, but the water type only shivered in disgust at the strange feeling of why it was so wet.

Squirtle: eww! why is it so wet!?

Bulbasaur: sorry, I've been chewing on it a lot...(Bulbasaur apologized, infuriating Charmander at the weak attack and the apology he just gave)

Charmander: NO! Don't apologize! raaah...! Bulbasaur if you wanna evolve, you gotta be less terrible at everything.

Y/N: He's trying his best, dude.

Charmander: Yeah, well that's not an excuse he can keep using.

Squirtle: Maybe he needs to be watered or something (Squirtle suggested, which might not convince Charmander at this while they didn't notice the incoming human that spotted them)

Charmander: Maybe you need to shut your face.

Gaven: Human! (A voice spoke, the four turned to the noise behind them, seeing a tall human behind them that stared at them, knowing humans well, this guy wanted to catch them) Human human!

Cool TRAINER Gaven wants to fight!

Charmander: oh great (Charmander sighed, looking back up at Gaven as he was ready to fight whatever Pokémon the trainer was about to send out)...alright guys I hope your ready for this

And with that, Gaven threw a pokeball he picked up from his pocket and threw it in the air, sending out the fighting type Pokémon that was known as hitmonchan. Hitmonchan landed on the ground, slamming his boxing glove covered hand on the floor as he stood up and was ready to fight whatever Pokémon Gaven wanted him to take on.

Hitmonchan: Alright let- (Hitmonchan was enthusiastic of course for the Pokémon he was about to fought, but that all went out the window in a matter of seconds when he saw his opponents...pre-evolved starters that stood in front of him and one other Pokémon that he didn't recognised) Tho come on gaven! pre-volves!? t-t-t-this is not cool! I'm at most level thirty five! I don't waste my time on things like those! you can get them anywhere...ok, except for maybe that thing, but still!

Charmander: Dear lord! what is that thing!? it's hideous! (Charmander spoke in disgust at the strange Pokémon he never saw before)

Y/N: That thing is gonna kill us with a few punches and the first thing you say is how hideous it is!?

Bulbasaur: Yeah Charmander that's not a very nice thing to say.

Charmander: Well that's not a very nice thing to see! looks like a potato wearing a dress!

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