Guardian Angel {Schlundy}

By MisfitsBitch

936 68 97

(this book is heavily inspired by the movie Piggy (2022) but I made it my own version :)) Fundy gets bullied... More

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By MisfitsBitch

A couple days passed and it's the same as usual, this time he'll leave the house before his mom would wake up just so she doesn't think that he's drinking her drinks.

He's been outside way more often after the night his dad beat him, with just the vine it hurt but with thorns? He was going to do whatever it takes to not have that happen to him. But not only is he trying to avoid his parents but also Clayton and his group. Not that long ago he saw George's father and it led to a chase throughout town. His kid is scary enough but a whole ass dad? No fucking thank you.

Every time he walks through town he would normally keep his head down, hearing the same shit.

But the worst part about town too is that after getting out more he became extremely hungry, and surprise surprise, not even the restaurants or stores allow him inside.

Yeah, that's how bad they despise his parents.

Even him.

So he barely ate throughout this week.

It was 10am and Fundy put on a zipped up hoodie, black ripped jeans, and converse. He walked to his closet to grab a bookbag, a hold on yet usable. Looking underneath his bed he rummaged around and grabbed a sketchbook and a water colour palette. He made sure to have his pencils and paintbrushes before stuffing everything in his bookbag.

Putting the backpack on he quietly makes his way downstairs, he walks downstairs seeing his mom passed out drunk on the couch asleep while his dad was asleep in their bedroom. Walking to the kitchen he opens the cabinet door as slowly as possible to not make a sound, grabbing a pack of bread to take some slices for him and Autumn.

She's the one reason why he loved going outside these past few days, she was the little ray of light he had in his life right now.

Grabbing about five slices, he puts the bag back and shuts the door before making his way out of the kitchen.

Walking past his parents bedroom door and the couch his mom slept on he reaches for the door handle before hearing his mom groan, making him freeze. Chills ran throughout his body hearing her "mmm~ my boy, my sweet baby boy~" she's dreaming again "you're my...everything..." she mumbles, making Fundy stand there.

She's having that dream again.

That dream from when she was happier with him.

Too bad she fucked it up.

Without a second thought he unlocks the door and opens it, leaving the house once again.

Walking down the rocky path he makes his usual and walks off the path and towards the woods where his trail was at, it took a few seconds before getting on the tracks humming softly to himself walking down the dirt road. The sunlight shined through the leaves hearing the mourning doves sing softly, feeling the soft breeze of the wind blow past him. All he wants to do is see his fox and find a spot to draw.

Today he'll just stay away from everyone and find a spot to be alone.

Further he walked down the path the more a smile formed on his face, looking around for that pesky little thing "Autumn?" He calls out softly putting his hand in his pocket to grab the bread "Autumn I got some bread for you!" Looking around at his surroundings to see that familiar face "Autumn~" waiting for her to pop out from the bush.

He stops in the usual spot they would be in "Autumn?" Strange, she's always earlier than him. He stands there waiting for her, maybe she's a bit late? No, she's not. She pops out even before he stands in his spot "A-Autumn!" Waiting for her "come here girl! I have your favourite!" Nothing.

Where is she?

...Did she finally leave?

No, she wouldn't...not now.

It saddened him a bit, he only really took this path because of her and without her here what's the point of even taking this path?

Standing there silently he hears rustles, making him flinch. He puts a hand on his chest, it was Autumn making her way over to him "Autumn! There you are I was worried you left me!" Chuckling to himself, but...something was off. The way the branches crunched and the bushes rustled over to the path, it seemed...bigger?

For a moment he thought it would be a bear but you could tell if a bear was coming your way.

She probably brought friends.

"Autumn?" Taking a step forward but he freezes, there he sees a familiar Ravenette and Brunette walking out from the bushes. Fundy steps away ready to make a run for it but sees something behind Alex's back " looking for someone?" Fundy stood frozen in his spot, shaking.

Right behind his leg he sees a familiar tail tears already filling his eyes "n-no," shaking his head " didn't..." Karl smiles "and what if we did?"

Alex tosses the small body in front of Fundy, and with his other hand he tosses a bloody rock next to it.

Fundy slowly walks to the body, tears streaming down his face "oh god...oh my god..." falling into his knees staring at the dead fox. Autumn's head was bashed in so badly you could barely tell where her mouth and eyes would be, Fundy sobbed placing a hand on the back of her neck, looking up at them. He noticed how bloody their hands were, but not as bloody as Alex's "SHE DIDN'T DO ANYTHING! WHY! WHY WOULD YOU DO THIS TO HER!" He sobbed heavily "WHY THE FUCK DID YOU DO IT!"

Kale grins "she was so happy coming out of those bushes, and you were too." Looking over at Alex "so I grabbed some bread like you would and gave her some, but I led her into the woods and from there you know what happens."

Fundy stared at Autumn, he should've been there sooner. He should've come earlier.

"She seemed to be such a good girl, she was so sweet too, and honestly that was my first time ever petting a fox. My first time killing one too." Karl chuckled "you should've heard the way she cried out, how much she fought back~"


But he kept on going "it was so sad~ too bad we didn't care to stop." Alex stared at Fundy, taking a few steps forward "just know that she died because of you, she could've had babies Fundy, she was probably nursing them yet she came back to see you which only led her to us." Fundy stared at the mutilated fox "I'm sorry, I'm so sorry..." petting her.

"That's fucking disgusting, how are you going to pet a fucking corpse." Looking up he sees Karl taking a video making his eyes widened, standing up "STOP FUCKING RECORDING ME!" Running at him but Alex puts his arms over his shoulders, stopping him "now that you say that! Karl wanna show him the video we recorded?" Karl stops recording and smiles "hell yeah I do."

Trying to get away from Alex the sound of screeching makes him pause "sound familiar?" Tears streamed down his face more "ST-STOP IT!" Trying to free himself but Alex pins him to the dirt ground "listen to it Fundy! She died because of you!"

The sound of a rock cracking open a skull filled the once peaceful air, Autumn cries echoed around him;


He tried to get from underneath him, Alex's arms wrapping around his neck making him sob "LISTEN TO HER FUNDY!" Over and over he heard the blood gush out and her brains were mushed into nothing "SHE COULD'VE BEEN ALIVE IF YOU GOT HERE EARLIER!" Alex grabbing a fist full of his hair forcing him to see the fox "SHE WOULD'VE LIVED IF SHE NEVER MET YOU-"

Fundy sank his teeth into his arm making Alex scream, shoving him away from him "YOU MOTHER FUCKER!!" Holding his now bleeding arm, standing up from the ground shoving Karl out of his way trying to make a run to it in town.

He ran out of the woods into a more open wooded area "FUNDY!" Karl shouts, Fundy looks back to see them chasing him, so he takes a random turn and runs deeper into the woods. His bookbag was slowing him down but he has important shit in there that he refuses to lose "GET BACK YOU LITTLE BITCH!" Fundy ran faster and faster, tripping over some roots sticking from the ground but he quickly got back up and ran.

During his run Fundy cut his leg against a broken tree branch making him shout out in pain, holding the new open cut on his body.

No matter how fast he tried to run sadly his running will have to come to an end, because while he thought it was just Karl and Alex chasing him, out of nowhere somebody else ended up tackling him from right. His body hit the ground so hard it nearly knocked the air out of him "GOT YOU!" The person above him laughed happily.


He's fucked.

"Nice tackle Nick!" Karl smiles "that's just how I am." Getting off of him. Fundy sits himself up using the ground as support, blood drips from his head and onto his hand. Karl and Nick grabbed him by the arms picking him "LET ME GO!" Fundy shouted trying to fight back but they pinned him against the tree "LET ME GO!!" Alex glares at Fundy before punching him in the gut "YOU THINK THAT WAS FUNNY? HUH!" Punching him again "MY ARM IS FUCKING BLEEDING BECAUSE OF YOU!" Nick grabs him by the face "look at him Fundy! He's talking to you!"

He could barely wake up.

"You must've tackled him hard man." feeling them let go of him "he's just fucking weak." Coughing up blood Fundy tried to keep himself awake, he couldn't pass out here in the middle of the woods "what's he got in there?" A slight tug was felt from his bookbag "n-no! Stop it-" Karl slapped his hand away taking his bookbag off of him.

He listens to the bookbag unzip, all three of them taking a look inside;

"Holy shit, looks like the town's whores son has some actual talent!"

Glancing over he could see them flip through the book "you drew this all by hand? No shot dude!" Karl smiles "let's see how much the people in town would pay to burn each page?" Fundy's eyes teared up "please, please don't-"

Alex punches him in the face "fuck off!" Fundy sits there sobbing quietly "please! That's the only thing I have-" his heart dropped hearing him tear out a page "oops~" crumbling it and shoving it in the bookbag with his stuff "I'm fucking beat man, let's go grab something to eat." Nick nods "I'm down, I haven't are shit." Karl also agreed, Nick wrapping his arm around him.

Without saying anything they just walked off with his bookbag, and Fundy couldn't do anything about it.

He sits there against the tree, nose and head bleeding and in pain. He looks down at his leg seeing the blood stream down, soaking his pants. Panting softly he shuts his eyes.

Completely passing out.

Opening his eyes, the morning sky was now getting dark. Shit. How long has he been out for? Thank god it's barely night. Fundy hisses, standing up from the ground holding his head.

It was pounding really bad.

Stumbling through the woods he held onto trees for support kneeling losing his footing. He sniffles. They not only took his stuff but killed Autumn, the one thing that made him happy was dead right in front of him. He couldn't imagine the pain she went through with them...and they were right, if she never met him she would've been alive.

So much for coming outside today. But if he would've stayed in then he would've been best for no reason again.

Walking out from the woods Fundy prepares to make his way to the trail that leads him back home, but he froze. To his right he sees a white van, one he's not familiar with at all and it honestly gives him a bad feeling. A very bad feeling. Standing there he stares at the van, feeling some sort of unease coming from the vehicle alone. Why would a van be out here this late?

Fundy stares for a few more seconds before turning away, ready to walk away from this weird ass van suddenly a door creaks open.

Gasping he turns around seeing someone stepping out from the van, a man.


A man with some sort of skeleton mask on.

He tried to tell himself it was fake but it was clearly real. It was a rams skull. The man wore a hoodie, a black hoodie with black jeans, and black heavy boots. He was walking towards him. Fundy panted, gasping when he got closer, but he was in too much shock already to even run so he stands there like a fucking idiot.

How is this day worsening by the second???

Staring at the man just meters in front of him he suddenly places something down in between them, Fundy looks down to see...his bookbag?


How did he get this?

Karl, Nick, and Alex stole it from him.

He kneels down and unzips it, looking inside everything was in there, nothing was missing. Fundy zips it back up and slowly grabs it, hugging it. His eyes stared up at the man, flinching when the man lifted his hand towards the mask, pulling it up to reveal his face.

It was that man from days prior.

The one he accidentally bumped into.

Slightly confused he looks behind him, staring at the back of the van. Staring a hand slowly lifted itself placing a bloody handprint against the clean glass window, his eyes widened seeing someone stand up from behind the glass window.

Karl stared back at Fundy, his face is covered in blood, his left eye completely swollen and his face all cut up. It was like he was attacked with multiple knives and beaten with a crowbar while at it.

Fundy stares at him, watching him weakly bang on the glass mouthing "help." He slowly looks back at the man in front of him with a tear falling from his eye, unable to utter a single word. The man tilts his head, lifting his hand to wipe away the tear before caressing his cheek, Fundy couldn't help but close his eyes, slightly leaning into the warm touch.

Giving the unknown man a softened gaze.


The voice behind them spoke out, Fundy glancing over at Karl crying "help me..." the man just stared at him, basically telling him what he wanted to do with him.

With that look alone Fundy already knew what he wanted.

The man removes his hand and takes a step back, putting his mask down making his way to the driver side. Fundy stares at Karl, watching him hit the glass a bit harder "help me please, let me out, he's going to kill me!" Karl sobbed as Fundy stands there staring. Karl was so desperate for him to open the door, he was fearing for his life but Fundy didn't move, he refused to move an inch towards the van.

Slowly he lifts up one of his hands and slowly waves at Karl, watching the van turn on seeing the fear in his eyes "n-no, NO! HELP ME! OPEN THE DOOR!! OPEN THE FUCKING DOOR FUNDY!! HE'S GOING TO KILL ME! PLEASE! HELP ME!!" The van slowly started moving "HELP ME!" Fundy smiles watching the van drive further away as he listened to Karl scream for his life.

Then he was gone, out of his sight.

The walk back somewhat felt good, he saw autumn's body and picked her up, walking into the part where she always walked through placing her in a spot of flowers a couple of feet from the trail.

Before walking away he left all of the slices of bread with her.

Silently walking all the way back home with his backpack. By the time he got there his mom and dad weren't home so he went upstairs and took a shower to take off all the dry blood on him, he stood there completely lost in his thoughts.

After getting out to change he sits on his bed, he can't get him out of his mind, the man.

What is he going to do to Karl?

And how is he going to do it?

Sitting there he grabs his sketch book, flipping onto a new page he grabs his pencils and water colour brushes and gets to work.

The once empty page turned into a page filled with the same face, of the man who took one problem off his back.

His guardian angel.

Karl panted heavily, we is tied down onto a wooden chair, his arms were tied down tightly. It was so tight he swore his circulation was going to be cut off. His legs were also tied down but they were straight out on top of two separate stools that were completely stuck to the ground.

Tears ran down his face as he stared at the man with the ram skull mask on, with his back facing him.

He sobbed heavily shaking his head "w-whatever I did! I'm sorry! Pl-Please don't hurt me! Please! Please sir I-I don't want to die! I have a-a mom and dad at home! I-I have a l-little brother, pl-please don't do this to me! Please! I-I won't tell anybody I swear!" He begged but he was ignored "d-do you want money! M-My dad owns a company! He'll give it to you! Name the price!" The man turns around with a saw in his hand.

"NO! PLEASE GOD NO! DON'T KILL ME!" He sobbed "I HAVE A BOYFRIEND! DON'T DO THIS TO ME!" The man walks closer to him "DONT HURT ME!" The man leans down, putting a finger over his lips "shhhhhhhhh~"

Karl sniffles staring at him, hiccuping as the man slowly tilts his head staring at the young man;

"...wh-what do you want from me..."

The man just stared at him, he looked so desperate.

You could tell he wanted to live.

He picks up and slams the saw against his leg making Karl scream at the top of his lungs before sobbing as he kept it there, sitting between his flesh "FUCK!! FUCK!!" Wailing "IM SORRY!! WH-WHAT DID I DO!? IS IT BECAUSE OF NICK!! I'M SORRY! IM SORRY I CHEATED ON HI-HIM WITH AL-ALEX-AAAAAAAGH!!!!! IM SORRY! FUCK IM SORRY!!!"

The man shakes his head "tsktsktsktsktsk~" sighing as he moves the saw through his leg making Karl scream in agony "PLEASE!!! AHHHHH!!!" he brings the saw back to him hearing him scream louder as the saw breaks through his flesh more.

The pain was unbearable, the stinging feeling of his bone being sawed through feeling each pain second after second.

Blood squiring from his open leg, flesh tearing more and more as he continued to do the same thing. No matter how much Karl struggled underneath the ropes trying to escape he wouldn't even have a chance running off, and the more he moved he could feel the saw cutting him in other places.

Putting a hand over Karl's eyes he began sawing through his leg hearing the teen scream louder and louder.

He watched how he gripped onto the chair, the veins popping out from his neck trying to hold back his wailing but how could he? He was literally cutting his fucking leg off. Honestly he should just leave the saw there and play with him a little more, but he didn't want to hear his stupid fucking voice, there's a reason why he brought him here and it was to kill him.

Finally saw cut its way through his bones, blood puddling underneath him getting larger and larger.

Soaking the man's boots.

He kneels down admiring the work he just did, listening to Karl screaming at the top of his lungs at the new burning sensation.

The man looks over at the teens pants before shaking his head, raising the bloody saw and tracing it against his crotch "N-NO PLEASE NO!!" Begging, whimpering as the sharp metal presses against it. The man shoved his face away, chuckling. He didn't want him shitting himself at the moment too, wouldn't be surprised if he did honestly.

"Wh-why are you doing this to me??" Karl sobbed looking over at his now chopped off leg.

The killer stands up and walks over to the desk filled with tools, grabbing a certain something that Karl was very familiar with.

He walks back and places it in front of his hand. Unlock it. The man wants it to unlock it.

Karl gasps, panting heavily before looking up "wh-why?" The killer just glares at him, pressing it against his finger so that he could unlock it but Karl refuses "n-no, not until you tell me." That was the worst thing he could've said at that moment, because after refusing the killer puts the phone it his pocket and forcefully opens his hand, raising the saw to immediately sawing through his index finger. Karl screams now feeling his bone and skin being torn open before it was completely unattached from his body.


He was a complete mess, he couldn't help but vomit on the ground in front of him from the pain and torture he was going through right now.

The man places the finger against the finger ID button, successfully getting inside. Going into the camera roll he looks for the video he was trying to find, while at it seeing sex videos he took with what seemed to be not only this Nick guy but also Alex, nudes, other photos of him and his friends or nature photos, pets, and finally the one video he was looking for.

Panting for air Karl shuts his eyes keeping his head low;

"That's fucking disgusting, how are you going to pet a fucking corpse."


"now that you say that! Karl wanna show him the video we recorded?"

"hell yeah I do."

His slowly looks up at the killer.

He watches the video for about three times before pausing. He looks at him and walks over to the teenager, showing him the screen.


Fundy was on the screen.

The man taps the screen, making Karl's eyes widen. The killer tilting his head at him making eye contact with him "he sent you d-d-didn't he?" The man smiles grabbing his face tracing the back of the saw down Karl's leg, hearing him gasp before the man shakes his head.

Karl glares at him "I don't know what the fuck you're doing, but I don't care if you're trying to protect him because he deserves everything coming towards him." Tears falling from his eyes hearing him chuckle, and after being silent for so long the man opens his mouth;

"And why is that~?"

"Because he's their child. That's why."

The man nods, standing up.

Slowly making his way around to his other leg.

And without a word he lifts up his leg and with full force slams it against his leg making it fold in words, a scream escapes Karl's mouth.

"BULLSHIT!" He shouted as Karl wails and screams, leaning down to grab his broken leg pulling it making Karl scream even more "I CANT STAND STUCK UP FUCKERS LIKE YOU! all because his mother and father caused that shit doesn't mean it falls on the fucking child." Gripping his saw as he cuts through his shattered leg "STOPSTOPSTOPSTOPSTOP!!"


Karl held back a strained scream feeling his flesh being saw through once more, but the pain was even worse.

Throwing the saw the man grips the leg and pulls the rest off himself, taking a large amount of skin from his upper leg. Karl panted heavily nearly on the verge of passing out "you know," grabbing Karl by the hair "the way you guys dragged his fox out in front of him like that, I should do the same to your boyfriends~ let's see how they react." Karl sobbed shaking his head "thankfully I'm recording every single thing to show Fundy, he would love to see this happening to you. I feel like it will bring peace~" forcing him to look across the room, and there it was, a camera recording.

How did he notice that?

Karl sniffles looking up at the killer, watching him drop and stomp on his phone "w-who are you...?" He smiled "everyone knows who I am, I'm the talk of all the towns." It took a moment but he felt his soul leave his body "you're...Jschlatt..."

Schlatt smiles "bingo, and you're my latest victim~" he shakes his head "wh-why? Why did you let him go? Why are you doing this for him?" Schlatt leans in closer "because that man will be my one and only soon, I'll be the one to make him happy. Just me alone~" whispering at the end.

Walking away he grabs a butchers knife "I never thought I would kill for some nineteen year old, at first I was going to kill him but the more I walked around town the more I learnt about him, I even followed him to his house," tracing his finger against the clean sharp blade "you should've heard the way he screamed when his dad was hitting him."

Slowly making his way to the teen "N-NO! NO MORE! NO MORE!" Schlatt raises the knife and swings it down on his arm cutting it halfway "I felt so bad, seeing nobody cared enough to help, and then there's me, a fucking serial killer who cared more about a person then you fucks!" and with another swing he fully chopped it off, goes for the other arm too.

Karl couldn't take anymore, he felt his eyes getting heavier by the second "no no! Stay up longer! We still have so much to do~! I'm not even close to done!" Tossing the butchers knife to the ground

Schlatt grabs a small blade from his pocket staring at the pail teen;

"Please...just kill me..."

He smiles down at the limbless teen, shaking his head;

"not yet~"

• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •


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