Karmatic Trio (Bad time trio...

By DontAskImN0body

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This story takes place after the player vanishes from their fight with the bad time trio aka Sans, Shift, Str... More

โ„‚๐•™๐•’๐•ก๐•ฅ๐•–๐•ฃ 1 [โ€ขแด„สœแด€ษดษขแด‡โ€ข]
โ„‚๐•™๐•’๐•ก๐•ฅ๐•–๐•ฃ 2 [โ€ขแด˜ส€แดา“ษชสŸแด‡โ€ข]
โ„‚๐•™๐•’๐•ก๐•ฅ๐•–๐•ฃ 3 [โ€ขสŸแด‡ษชsแดœส€แด‡โ€ข]
โ„‚๐•™๐•’๐•ก๐•ฅ๐•–๐•ฃ 4 [โ€ขแด‡ษดแด›ส€แด€ษดแด„แด‡ แด‡xแด€แดโ€ข]
โ„‚๐•™๐•’๐•ก๐•ฅ๐•–๐•ฃ 5 [โ€ขา“ษชส€sแด› แด…แด€สโ€ข]
โ„‚๐•™๐•’๐•ก๐•ฅ๐•–๐•ฃ 6 [โ€ขส™แด€แด›แด›สŸแด‡ แด›ส€ษชแด€สŸโ€ข]
โ„‚๐•™๐•’๐•ก๐•ฅ๐•–๐•ฃ 7 [โ€ขแดœsแดŠโ€ข]
โ„‚๐•™๐•’๐•ก๐•ฅ๐•–๐•ฃ 8 [โ€ขา“แดส€แด›สœแด„แดแดษชษดษขโ€ข]
โ„‚๐•™๐•’๐•ก๐•ฅ๐•–๐•ฃ 9 [โ€ขsแด˜แดส€แด›s า“แด‡sแด›ษชแด แด€สŸ 1โ€ข]
โ„‚๐•™๐•’๐•ก๐•ฅ๐•–๐•ฃ 10 [โ€ขsแด˜แดส€แด›s า“แด‡sแด›ษชแด แด€สŸ 2โ€ข]
โ„‚๐•™๐•’๐•ก๐•ฅ๐•–๐•ฃ 11 [โ€ขแด…แด‡แดแดษดsแด›ส€แด€แด›แด‡โ€ข]
โ„‚๐•™๐•’๐•ก๐•ฅ๐•–๐•ฃ 12 [โ€ขสœแด‡ส€แด แด‹ษชสŸสŸแด‡ส€โ€ข]
โ„‚๐•™๐•’๐•ก๐•ฅ๐•–๐•ฃ 14 [โ€ขส€แด€แด„แด‡โ€ข]
โ„‚๐•™๐•’๐•ก๐•ฅ๐•–๐•ฃ 15 [โ€ขแดแด€แด›แด„สœโ€ข]
โ„‚๐•™๐•’๐•ก๐•ฅ๐•–๐•ฃ 16 [โ€ขแดแด€สŸสŸโ€ข]
โ„‚๐•™๐•’๐•ก๐•ฅ๐•–๐•ฃ 17 [โ€ขแด›ส€แด€ษชษดษชษดษข แด„แด€แดแด˜โ€ข]
โ„‚๐•™๐•’๐•ก๐•ฅ๐•–๐•ฃ 18 [แดษดsสŸแด€แดœษขสœแด›]
โ„‚๐•™๐•’๐•ก๐•ฅ๐•–๐•ฃ 19 [sแด‹ษชส€แดษชsสœ]
Chapter 20 [แด…แดส€แดษชแด›แดส€ส]
Chapter 21 [Artifice]
Chapter 22 [License]
Chapter 23 [Patrol]
Chapter 24 [Incursion]

โ„‚๐•™๐•’๐•ก๐•ฅ๐•–๐•ฃ 13 [โ€ขแดแดแด„แด‹ ส™แด€แด›แด›สŸแด‡โ€ข]

658 30 21
By DontAskImN0body

Welp i haven't updated in a while. That's cause my phone was broken, I already fixed it so no worry.

The next day they were assigned to go to the Hosu hospital to get interviewed alongside the others who were with them. They arrived there quite late, the Hosu's chief of police, Kenji Tsuragamae was already there.

"You must be the U.A students who defeated the hero killer, right?" The chief says as Shift, Stretch and Sans was behind him

"Well.. Stretch, Sans and Shift is still not here. They were the ones who rescued us and Sans ultimately took the Hero Killer down" Lida says as Shift peeks out of the chief's back and waved their hand

"Is that certain? He took the hero killer down." The chief asks

"Y-yes!" Midorya says nervously as Todoroki nodded as they saw the others just standing behind the Chief, it certainly was an awkward sight.

"So, what you three are saying here Sans defeated the Hero Killer by himself? With no outside help besides the damaged you have already inflicted upon the Hero Killer" The chief asks while he's still not aware of the trio's presence

"Yes, its quite hard to land a hit on him. Which is the requirement of the Hero Killer to activate his quirk. It makes people paralyzed. " Todoroki says as he eyed Stretch who's head was peaking out on the side of the chief's shoulder because of his height

"Uh, we're here.. Sorry we're late." Shift says as it definitely was quite evident who was the cause of them being late since Sans seemed to be dragged here and he's still asleep..

"At least you three arrived, that's what matters" The chief says and added "Regarding the Hero Killer we arrested... He had very serious injuries with burns and broken bones he's currently receiving treatment under very strict guard, woof. Since you are U.A students, I'm sure you already know that when superpowers were still becoming the norm, the police attached high importance to leadership and standards and made sure Quirks were not used as weapons. The role 'hero' emerged to fill that gap, woof. For an individual's use of force and powers that can easily kill others... Actions that normally would be inappropriate to denounce, to be accepted officially is thanks to early Heroes who followed the ethics and rules of profession, woof. Even for up against the hero killer for uncertified individuals to cause injury with their quirks without specific instructions from their guardians or supervisors is clear violation of the rules. The three of you in front of me, and the pro heroes, Endeavor, Manual and Gran Torino must receive strict punishment.

"What about them?" Midorya says as he points to Shift, Stretch and Sans

"These three Dreemurr's behind me alongside the pro hero Hawks will not receive any punishment since they we're given permission to act beforehand; they also did not sustain considerable injuries, woof" The chief says

"Wait a minute. If Lida hadn't done anything Native would've been killed. If Midorya hadn't come both of them would be killed. No one realized that the Hero Killer had appeared. Are you saying that we should've followed the rules and let people get killed?" Todoroki says furiously as he answered logically knowing that they could've easily died if they had obeyed the rule

"W-wait!" Midorya says nervously as he tried to calm Todoroki down but he can't get in between the two since his leg is still injured so he can only use his hands as a seeming barrier to which inevitably failed

"Are you saying as long as things turn out fine, it's all right to bend the rules?" The chief answered with a stern voice as he looked at Todoroki directly at his eye

"Isn't it a hero's job to save people?!" Todoroki shouts angrily as he's being blinded by absolute rage because of the unfair rule.

"This is why you're not a full-fledged hero yet. Goodness, what are you being taught by U.A and Endeavor, woof. " The chief says seemingly pondering on the thought

"You dog!" Todoroki says as he walks towards the Cheif with fury in his eyes, his fists we're clenched and seemingly ready to throw a punch.

"Stop it! He's absolutely right" Lida says he stood up in an attempt to calm Todoroki down

"Hang on a minute, hear him out until the very end" Gran Torino says as he got in between the two. With Todoroki having respect for Gran Torino he calmed down and did exactly what he said

"That was the official opinion of the police and the punishment and such would only happen if this were all made public, woof. If this were made public you would probably be applauded by the public, but you would not be able to escape punishment. On the otherhand, this is a bit underhanded but if it's not made public we would just says that Sans, Shift and Stretch over here would be named as the Hero who saved the day. Any involvement that you made will not be made public and these three will solely take credit, and it would end there, woof. Thankfully there were no witnesses except for the pro hero Native or else this violation would be crushed here, woof. However this would also mean that no one would know about your good judgement or achievement. Which do you prefer? Personally, I would not want to be the one to find fault with promising ones because of this one big mistake." The Chief says as he gave a thumbs-up as this seemingly serious situation and the tension vanished

Sans tuggs at the chief's clothing and says "For us it'll be better to not announce us as the hero of this"

"Yeah, we'd rather stay hidden. I really don't want to deal with stuff like this. We don't want to be applauded by the public" Stretch says

"Are you sure? Good deeds like these deserve to be known." The Cheif says in a questioning manner as he moved to the side thus letting the three in, since he was blocking the entrance

"Yes we're certain. We don't want much fame" Shift says as they walked inside the room

"Very well then, that is your choice. But it will go down in the records nevertheless." The Chief says as he acknowledged their preference on things

"Either way, we will still take responsibility for being negligent in our supervisory duties." Manual says in a slightly down tone

"I'm truly sorry.." Lida says as he bows his head in a apologetic manner

"All right. You've caused trouble for the others. If you understand then don't do it again!" Manual says in a stern voice

"Yes sir!" Lida replies

Midorya who was eyed by Gran Torino says "I... I'm sorry.."

"Please take care of it" Todoroki says as he referred to the case

"Because of the unfairness of adults you will not be able to receive the praise you would probably have gotten.. But at least as someone who protects the peace, I can say thank you" The Chief says as he bows showing his gratitude

"Please start with that the next time..." Todoroki says in a low tone

As the Chief exits the room the Stretch says "Sir, I do have some valuable information about what happened last time."

"Oh? What is it." The Chief says in interest

"The leader of LOV Shiragaki was actually spying on the whole chaos that happened. He was at a rooftop just two blocks North from where the alleyway was located. He left via a warp gate from Kurogiri" Stretch says as his hands were in his pockets

"I thought you were at the alleyway helping, how did you have the time to do this?" The Chief asks in a confused way

"Stretch was looking at our surroundings when i was tending to my classmates wounds. Sans was fighting the Stain" Shift answers blandly

"Anyways it seems that Stain and Shiragaki already met judging by Shiragaki's actions." Stretch says

"This is valuable information, thanks" The Chief says as he left

Afterwards that they just did talked a bit to their fellow classmates about some simple ordeals and stuff. Sans definitely did not participate in any of it, since he was being lazy like always. Even though they were asking stuff about his abilities that they vaguely even saw since Shift managed to strategically block their sight when the whole fight with Stain was happening. None of them saw the full extent of the fight and how one-sided it was. The sound of blasters and bones destroying concrete and stuff was enough to cover the conversations the two had. People were asking how and what he had done to defeat the insanely hard to beat Hero Killer. Shift on the otherhand was asked on how the hell did they managed to heal wounds to an extent since they did not show any signs of being capable of such a thing back then or even at school.
After the whole talk was over they used a shortcut back to the place where they intern. Upon arrival they met Hawks, who simply greeted them.

"Oh! You guys are back. So how was it?" Hawks asks

"It was okay. The Hosu chief of police did show up tho" Stretch says

"He showed up in person?" Hawks asks seemingly surprised

"Well yeah." Shift says with a simple shrug

"Well that's rare" Hawks says and then he adds "I wasn't able to join you guys, since my schedule was full at that time."

"Well have you left any space in that schedule of yours for our little mock battle?" Sans says cheekily as he remembers what Hawks said yesterday

"Yes, I have. I didn't forget about that." Hawks says

"So when are we doing the mock battle?" Stretch asks

"Well we should head to a field first. We can go right now, just follow me" Hawks says as he took off, exiting via the window.

Just like the last time Sans ans Stretch took off, using each of their respective blasters to ride on with Shift hitching a ride onto Sans's blaster since it's wider. After tailing Hawks for a while they arrived unto a field to where Hawks had landed. They too soon landed.

"Alright who goes first?" Haws asks as he looks to the three. His wingspan was on its full length signifying that he's ready.

"uh.. Shift." Stretch says with uncertainty as he eyed Shift who looked confused.

In all honesty all of them wanted to go last since they want to observe Hawks capabilities. I mean they stalked the human whenever it was a genocide run just to simply gather data.

"Okay, Shift you go first." Hawks says as Shift can only reply with as simple sigh and a nod

The moment Shift raised thier head a singular knife shot out. Hawks parried it with some feathers it was dangerously close to hitting his face, Hawks displayed a shocked look on his face he was startled, not because he was caught off guard he was already prepared for an attack, it was because of the speed of the knife he barely even saw it fly towards him. It could've easily decapitated people who we're not used to dealing with speedy attacks.

Shift was already gone when Hawks looked back. A shadow was casted above Hawks which instantly told him where Shift was. Hawks looked up to see Shift's blank expression as they charged onto him with a knife in hand. Hawks jumped back to dodge the oncoming attack, whilst Shift was plunging down Hawks left a couple of feathers to attack. To Hawks surprise Shift managed to dodge the feathers in midair. Shift rushed to Hawks using slashes of their knife, Hawks flew up to avoid the barrage of attacks yet it still followed. Flying knives were something to be wary of. In a twist of events Shift jumped up and hit Hawks in the side using thier fists but he hit back. Shift didn't really want to overpower a Pro hero since it would make them stand out. So they just made their attacks slower than what they're used to, this was the same thing they did in the sports festival.

In a spur of a moment Hawks surprisingly managed to hook one of his feathers to hook Shift cloth to Hawks took as a chance to attack. Shift attempted to kick Hawks in the face when he was approaching which he blocked by covering his face with his arms, but Hawks managed to hit Shift in the leg which definitely was weakened because of the attempted kick to the face.

The two were exchanging blows one after another, Hawks was having a hard time to keep up as Shift just simply sliced his feathers no matter where he attacked Shift using it. The feathers only use was to distract and to aid Hawks's movement. Well some feathers managed to slip through Shift's insane defense, which caught their shoes and yeeted them to the ground, but by Shift stabbing the ground with a knife they managed to cushion the fall. Hawks's feathers were everywhere and so are Shift's knives it was all just flying around and attacking what they considered the opponent. For the first time in this fight Shift used a shortcut directly at Hawks's back and giving his side a kick, probably breaking a rib or two. With that kick Hawks was sent to the ground almost instantly since he didn't expect that. The fall made a crack in the ground which definitely portrayed that it hurts.

"Okay, okay you won." Hawks says as he gave up, placing his hands above his head. Because of him giving up it made the fight a bit underwhelming.

"It's over?" Shift asks

"Well, yes. I still need to battle the other two so.." Hawks says

"Fair enough" Shift responded as they brushed the dirt of their clothes.

Both of them knew that none of them took the fight seriously. They were seemingly fooling around. Hawks easily knew that if this kid would take the fight seriously he'd be dead where he stand.

"So who's next?" Hawks asks as he wiped the blood of his injury

"Stretch" Sans says cheekily as Stretch who wasn't paying attention got caught off guard and looked at Sans in a 'bruh' kinda way.

"Well then Stretch it is" Hawks says

"sigh... Fine" Stretch says

A blaster was instantly summoned out to Hawks right, this forced him to twist his side which there were some ribs broken. It hurts like hell, Stretch intentionally did this. To not make the fight unfair he stopped taking advantage of Hawks's previous injuries, anyways it was still no problem he can heal him later.

Hawks flew up yet again but as he rose up a blaster just materialized in front of him forcing him to duck or he'll probably vaporize instantly . Well Stretch had less counters to Hawks's feathers, but shooting bones at it seemed to work.

Hawks managed to get a solid blow to Stretch by hooking one of his feathers to Stretch's clothes and pushing him towards him giving Stretch a punch on his face. As a comeback Stretch landed a hit using a bone to which he controlled to a point so he'll only graze Hawks. It was real fast Hawks didn't even managed to see it he only knew he got hit when his cheek got wounded and bled, well so much for not paying full attention to his surroundings. Then after Hawks just touched the bleeding wound, a blaster materialized in front of him, instead of shooting like a normal blaster would it charged up to Hawks and knocked him to the ground. It litterally felt like someone insanely huge just punched him.

"Ouch.. I give up alright." Hawks says as he teased his hand and then added "Geez..."

"Well then I won." Stretch says smugly

"Sigh... It's Sans's turn right?" Hawks says in a low tone

"Yep" Stretch says

"I'll need a rest first I'm quite wounded" Hawks says

"Well they can heal your wounds" Sans says as he points to the two as Hawks's head shot up

"Yea we can, here" Shift says as they started healing all of the major injuries vanished in an instant and Shift just left the light ones

"Thanks, I'm probably good to go" Hawks says

"Well then we should start with a blast" Sans says as a blaster just got summoned

He blasted towards Hawks to which he dodged closely. Hawks sent out a few feathers to which Sans decimated, tho Sans is still wondering how his wings still haven't turned into a featherless chicken wing because of how many feathers already got destroyed.

Hawks zoomed through tge sky seemingly trying to fine an opening for him to attack. Well It doesn't matter how much attacks Hawks let out Sans simply dodged with ease. Not to mention you can't even predict what Sans will do next.

Out of the blue Sans thought that it would be a good idea to kick his pink slipper towards Hawks face, well he used it as a distraction to shortcut behind Hawks and attack him using his other pink slipper which hit his face yet again. The simple foolish attack that Sans did somehow hurt like shit.

Since Sans was getting lazy he decided to finish the fight already. So he summoned a blaster behind Hawks and made it creep up to him and bite on his clothes. Afterwards the blaster dragged him round and round, spinning like it was a top or a god dang U.F.O. After five minutes of continuous spinning the blaster finally stopped. Hawks was rendered unable to fight considering how dizzy he got well you can't blame him, he literally spun at high speeds for a good 5 minutes. He felt as if he wanted to vomit... As such Sans was regarded as the winner of the fight..

Well that's it for this chapter i got lazy in the end

3039 Words


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