Love In HollyWood

由 brookie445

180 1 0

Hey i'm Brooklyn. I wrote this book based off of my 2 friends who are extremely delusional (especially Alena)... 更多

Chapter 1:
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16

Chapter 4

8 0 0
由 brookie445

                                                                     Nikita's POV:

We eventually take off and Alena and I sat together while Brooklyn's in the back of the plane. Alena's scared of flights so I had to sit next to her for the whole flight. The pilot comes on and tells everyone to put their phones to airplane mode so we all did. We put our seatbelts on and I had to hold Alenas hand so she wouldn't get too scared. She's 18 now and acts like she's 5. It's so funny to me. I text Brooklyn to see if she's doing okay, which she is. She asked how the scaredy-cat was doing and I told her she made me hold her hand the entire time we took off. Brooklyn laughed. We only have a couple hour plane ride. I told Alena to get some rest. She fell asleep with her mouth open. I got a picture. I sent it to Brooklyn and she saved it. She laughed at it. I texted Brooklyn telling her I'm probably going to get some sleep for the rest of the flight. She said that she's probably going to do the same thing. A couple hours go by and I wake up. Alenas still sound asleep. The whole plane was silent when I woke up. I looked back to see if Brooklyn was sleeping or not. She wasn't, she was smiling at her phone. I bet you anything she's watching Harry Styles edits. I sent her a message. "Brooklyn, are you watching Harry Styles edits?" The message asked. "How did you know?" She replied back. "Whenever you're bored and you're smiling at your phone, it could only mean one thing." I responded back. "Fine, I am. But I have nothing better to do on this flight." She sends back. "We ask everyone on this flight to fasten their seatbelts. We're landing soon." The pilot says on the speakers. "Alena." I whisper while nudging her on the shoulder to wake her up. "What?" She says slowly waking up and rubbing her eyes. "We're landing soon." I say. "Ugh fine." She says giving me sass like usual. I roll my eyes and she begged me to hold her hand again while landing as well. I did because I'm an amazing friend. We eventually land and I told Alena we should wait for most people to get off before grabbing our stuff. She agrees and we wait about a good 20 minutes before getting off. It looks like Brooklyn had the same idea because she's still in her seat. We all get off the plane and thanked the pilot for the safe flight and we got off. We got our bags from the baggage area and we called a taxi to come pick us up and take us to the car rental place because we needed a car to use for the meantime.

Brooklyn's POV:

We arrive at our house and we explore. It's not very big but it's only the three of us living there. There were three bedrooms and 1 bathroom and we had a living room, a dining room, and a kitchen. This is an amazing starter house. Our house already had furniture in it. Our mums said they'll help us pay for rent here. We were all so tired from the plane ride so we took a nap in our rooms for what we thought was 2 hours. We all woke up at 2:00 am. Nikita woke up first. Nikita walked into my room. I could feel her presence even though I was asleep. "Brooklyn?" She whispers. "Are you awake?" She asks while pulling my eyelid up. "What?" I ask groaning while turning to my side. I slowly open my eyes to see Nikita looking right at me. She gave me a mini heart attack. "What time is it?" I ask stuttering with my croaky voice. "It's 2:00." She says. I was fully awake and we went to the kitchen. We wanted to make some warm milk but remembered we don't have any grocery's. "I'm kinda hungry." I say as my stomach growls. "Me too." Nikita says with a smirk on her face. "What are you thinking?" I say looking at her and smirking. "Are you thinking what I'm thinking?" She asks. "McDonald's!" We both scream. Alena heard us and came down the hallway and into the kitchen. "What are you guys doing up so late? Holy moly." She says being the little cranky pants she is. "Nikita and I were thinking about getting McDonald's because we have no food. Wanna come? I'll drive." I say grabbing my keys. "Okay." She says rubbing her eyes. She's probably cranky because she's hungry. "Does anyone know where the closest McDonald's is?" I ask. "No." They both say. I roll my eyes and put it in my gps. The closest one was about 10 minutes away. We played some One Direction on the way because drivers choice of music obviously. We arrive at McDonald's. "What do you guys want?" I ask. "I'll get a chicken nugget Happy Meal." Nikita says. "Me too!" Alena shouts form the back of the car. I'm probably going to get a McFlurry because I haven't had one of those in forever. We ordered and we ate in the car. "Guys, we should order decorations for our rooms tomorrow." Alena suggested. "That's a good idea!" Nikita says. We all went back home and hopped back into bed. The next morning comes around and I woke up to the sound of Alena screaming at me to wake up. "What do you want?" I ask while rubbing my eyes. "Brooklyn, the movie Chads in is out right now!" She yells for all of Hollywood to hear. "Alright, chill out." I say getting out of bed. "Can we please watch it in the movies?" She asks giving me the puppy dog eyes. "Alena, I don't think we can. Keep in mind we need to save money for groceries." I say. "Awww fine." She says frowning. I did feel bad for her. I mean if Harry came out with a movie I'd wanna go see that. I walked into Nikita's room. She was laying in bed watching her phone. "Nikita." I say. She looks up at me. "Alena wanted to go see Chads new movie in theatres today. I told her she couldn't go because we need to save money for groceries. She looked so sad when I told her no. Wanna say later on that we're just going to the store but actually take her and see the movie?" I ask looking at Nikita and smiling. "She'd love that so much. We should!" She says. "Okay but don't tell her we're doing that." I say. She agrees. I booked the movie tickets for 3:30. I was also planning dinner at a place called Delphine's. I asked Alena and Nikita what they thought of it and they liked the idea.

Alena's POV:

"Guys! Let's check for room decorations!" I yell. "Okay! Brooklyn and Nikita shout. "Okay guys. I'm looking on Amazon. I found some One Direction room decorations!" Brooklyn screams of excitement. "Really?" I'll look for some Chad stuff!" I say while typing up the Amazon website. "I'll go and look for some shameless stuff!" Nikita says. We looked for a couple of hours and ordered so much stuff. It should all be here within a week or so. "Alena we should get going to the store now." Brooklyn says. "Okay." I say. Brooklyn's driving again. I wanna drive eventually but Nikita and Brooklyn both agree my driving sucks. So apparently I'm not allowed to drive for a while. We passed the grocery store so I got suspicious. "Guys? Why did we pass the store?" I ask raising an eyebrow. "Well, we're going to a different one." Nikita says. I don't say anything until we pull into where there's a movie theatre. "Guys where are we going?" I ask with excitement. "Nikita, should we tell her?" Brooklyn asks
smiling. "Yeah!" She yells. "We're going to see Chads movie!" Nikita and Brooklyn both scream at the same time. "Omg! Omg! Omg!" I scream as if I just met Chad Micheal Murray himself. "Thank you!" I yell pulling them into a hug. "You're welcome!" Nikita and Brooklyn yell. "Let's go in!" I say acting like a 5 year old girl who just went to Disney World for the first time. "What Snacks do you want Alena? Keep in mind we have to go to dinner later." Brooklyn asks. "I'll have the skittles." I say. "Nikita what about you?" Brooklyn asks. "I'll also have the skittles." She says. Brooklyn also got the skittles and we went into the theatre. I was getting mad about the stupid adds in the movies because I wanted to see Chad. "If these stupid adds don't hurry up." I say getting mad. "Alena, chill out." Nikita says trying to calm me down. "How can I possibly stay calm after knowing they're keeping me from seeing my hubby?" I say getting more annoyed with every single one that comes on. Eventually the movie started. I was crying halfway because there was a sad sene with Chad in it. Brooklyn and Nikita called me dramatic. The movie ended and we got back to the car to head out for dinner. "Did you like the movie?" Nikita asked while fixing her mascara in the mirror. "It was so amazing!" I say yelling. Nikita and Brooklyn laughed. It was already getting dark out and we were going to a restaurant. It was fancy so we had to go home and change. We went home and I was wearing a forest green tight dress with green heels, Brooklyn was wearing a black dress that was also tight with black heels. I think she only wore a black dress because one direction has a song called Little Black Dress in their new album. and Nikita wore a tight red dress with red heels. We all had matching shoes to go along with our dresses. There was no parking so we had to park somewhere else. We had to come through this creepy ally way to get to the restaurant. It was the only way to get back as well. We walk in and a waitress greeted us. We walked over to our table and sat down. It was an extremely fancy restaurant but knowing me, Brooklyn, and Nikita, we ordered from the kids menu. We all got the same thing which was the chicken fingers and fries. She came with our drinks first and I got a root beer, Nikita got the cream soda, and Brooklyn got the iced tea. Our food arrives and we all ate it. "Guys! Midnight Memoires is number 1 in the United States right now!" Brooklyn screams. "I'm so proud of them all for doing this." She says daydreaming about her life with Harry. Which will never happen...or so we thought.


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