Modern!Famous! Naruto X Reader

נכתב על ידי LadyMarcelEleventy

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Naruto Uzumaki is the hot new singer in town. You hate him at first but a shocking secret will reveal your tr... עוד

Prologue: The Night Before
Chapter 2: A Date?
Chapter 3: Day 2
Chapter 4: Sleepover at Naru's House!!
Chapter 5: Best Kept Secret
Chapter 6: Scars
Chapter 7: Flashbacks
Chapter 8: Fillers
Chapter 9: The New Kid
Chapter 10: Truth Be Told
Chapter 11: Smile
Chapter 12: Naruto Uzumaki
Chapter 13: Sleepless Nights
Chapter 14: Home Is Where The Love Is
Chapter 15: Say Yes?
Chapter 16: So Close
Chapter 17: Don't Go
Chapter 18: Apologize
Chapter 19: The Final Decision
Chapter 20: Goodbye It Seems
Chapter 21 Bonus Chapter: You're back
An update?! Why?!

Chapter 1: The First Day

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נכתב על ידי LadyMarcelEleventy

In the morning, my alarm blared through my ears waking me up. I was so tired since I had been getting up at 11 on a regular basis throughout the summer. Then suddenly changing that routine to 6:30 was gonna suck.

I rolled myself out of bed anyways and checked my phone to see if anyone texted me while I slept. Yup, a video message from my friend, Ino. Oh terrific, what was it this time? I clicked on the video. It was horrid screeching, but on the screen there were a bunch of girls crowding my school sidewalk. Oh great, it was Naruto entering my school in the early hours.

"Thanks, I think I'm deaf now. U know I don't like that guy so y did you send this 2 me?" I texted.

"Sorry, I forwarded it to everyone in my contacts." Ino replied.

"Oh goodie, so I can expect Neji to be deaf when he comes to school too." I wrote, adding a laughing crying emoticon too.

"XD yup, unless he decides not 2 watch it." She wrote back.

"Whatever, I gotta get ready 4 school, see u soon." I replied and tossed my phone on my bed.

I wanted to look good for Neji today, I hadn't personally seen him in 3 months, so I wanted to look presentable. I picked out a pink blouse and denim jean shorts. Once I got dressed, I went into the bathroom and decided I would curl my hair today. It took me about 15 minutes but I finished with enough time to put on some cover up, light mascara and light eyeliner. I still had enough time to eat breakfast and decided on a cream cheese bagel. Once I put cheese on it, I headed out the door, keys in hand and started my drive to school.

"This just in, teenage heart throb Naruto Uzumaki has arrived at East View Highschool." The man on the radio said.

I rolled my eyes and changed the channel. Ugh, what was so special about this guy anyways? I swear if I hear 'Teenage Heart Throb Naruto Uzumaki' one more time, I'm gonna flip shit!

I munched on my bagel with irritation lining my attitude. I hoped I wouldn't have to see him all day. All I wanted to do was hang out with my friends and Neji. Was it too much to ask? No.

"This town is colder now, I think it's sick of us-"

"FUCK IT, I'M LISTENING TO A CD!" I yelled as a song by Naruto came through my speakers.

I put in a Fall Out Boy CD and turned it up to drown out my thoughts.

"We're goin' down, down in an earlier round, but sugar we're goin' down swingin', I'll be your number one with a bullet..." Patrick Stump sang.

This was much better than any of the crap on the radio. Oh, Naruto was gonna get killed for this. Who the hell did he think he was infesting my radio with nothing but him and his songs. Like geez, what was this? National Naruto day?

I parked my car and got out, hoping I'd be able to get through the door without any Naruto fan girls blocking it. I was about to open the door until...

"Where do you think you're going?" I turned around to see where the voice came from only to come face to face with none other than Neji Hyuga.

I gasped.

"Neji!!!" I exclaimed and jumped into his arms.

"Hi, (Y/N)." He said.

"Geez, after all this time all I get is a 'Hi (Y/N)'?" I asked.

"Of course not." Neji replied.

He pecked me on the lips.

"I missed you so much." I said.

"I missed you too." He answered.

He kissed me again, this time a more passionate touch. I kissed him back, blushing a little. Oh, how I wanted to stay like that forever. Neji broke away and smiled.

"Alright, we better get inside before we get caught kissing on school property." He said.

"Eh, everyone's too concerned with Naruto to notice." I replied.

"Ah, haha, very funny, we still have to get to class though." Neji said.

"Got me there." I said with a giggle.

"Okay, I'll see you at lunch." He replied.

We walked into school together and parted ways.

When I got to my locker, all I wanted to do was get through my first 3 periods then go to lunch so I could see everyone. No Naruto, no screeching fan girls. That was the other thing, I had to hope he wasn't in any of my classes or near my locker. I scanned the area around me, so far so good, Naruto wasn't anywhere in sight. As I was carelessly fumbling to get my things, I dropped a binder.

"Awe really?!" I yelled.

"Do you want some help with that?" Someone said.

I looked up slowly when I saw a pair of feet while I was trying to retrieve my lost papers. In front of me was a boy dressed in a black under armor sweat shirt, denim skinny jeans and black and white converses. This boy in particular just happened to be none other than Naruto Uzumaki.

"Oh you've gotta be kidding me." I mumbled.

I got to my feet and crossed my arms.

"So, you're Naruto, huh? THE Naruto Uzumaki?" I asked.

"The one and only." He replied.

"Right... So I'm just gonna get my papers and go. You should too, it's for the best." I said finishing cleaning my mess.

"Actually, I can't." He said as I put my binder away and shut my locker.

"Why the hell not?" I asked.

"Cause this is my locker." Naruto answered, pointing to the locker next to mine.

I started slamming my head against my locker.

"You've-" *slam* "gotta-" *slam* "be-" *slam* "fucking-" *slam* "kidding-" *slam* "me..." *slam*

"Woah, calm down there, are you alright?" He asked.

"Nope, bye." I said and practically escaped to my first period class.

Great... For the rest of the year... For the rest of the freaking year!!!! I can't believe this is happening! Why!? Why me!? Why couldn't I have just had a locker next to my friends?! But no! I have to have a locker next to a nightmare! Oh-hoho... Wait till I tell Neji.

I finally made it and set my stuff down on my desk. I sat and waited for the teacher to arrive, resting my head in my hand. The teacher walked into the room with someone behind her.... Oh bloody hell. I slammed my head down onto my desk.

"Class, I'm sure you all know Naruto Uzumaki, but just like you, he's a student and you need to treat him like one. Mr. Uzumaki, why don't you have a seat behind (y/n). (Y/n) raise your hand." The teacher said.

I slowly raised my hand and he walked over to the desk directly behind me. DammitDammitDammitDammitDammitDammit!!

"Hey, you're the girl who was slamming her head on her locker." Naruto said out loud, earning a few snickers from some of the girls.

I blushed.

"Yeah, thanks for remembering." I said sarcastically.

"No problem." He replied.

"Aauggh..." I slammed my head on my desk again.

"You sure like to smack your head against stuff." Naruto pointed out.

"No I don't, you're just annoying." I murmured.

"What was that?" He asked.

"Nothing." I groaned.

"Alright class, my name is Ms. Yamashita. I am your English teacher. For today, since it is your first day, you will only be assigned to take this syllabus home and get it signed by a parent or guardian." The teacher said and began handing out papers.

"For the rest of class, you can just hang out and socialize, but if it gets too crazy, you'll be assigned to book work." Ms. Yamashita said.

After putting the paper in my folder, I grabbed my sketch book and started drawing random things like spirals. But something caught me off guard. It felt like I was being watched. Ugh, if this is how it's gonna be from now on, I'm moving my seat. I couldn't help but blush, I wasn't sure if I was being watched by Naruto or not but the thought sent shivers down my spine.

"So, Naruto, if you were to date any girl in this room, who would it be?" A girl from behind me said.

That's right, of course, Naruto's not looking at me, he's talking to girls. Thank god.

"I don't know..." He replied.

"Come on, who's the hottest girl here?" Another girl asked.

"Yeah, who's the hottest?"

This was getting really irritating. I saw the teacher exit the room and decided this was my chance.

"Geez, just shut up!" I yelled, standing up and turning around.

"Just like the teacher said, he's no different from any of us so just stop! It's not like he would wanna date any of you sluts anyways." I said.

"Excuse me, but no one was talking to you." A girl in a pink dress said.

"I don't care if any one was talking to me, I have a right to talk if I want to. And right now, you're all annoying me, so just shut your mouths and go away." I said.

"Oh, does princess here wanna say something?" A girl with straight brown hair said.

"Yeah, I think she's afraid that his answer wouldn't be her." The girl in the pink dress said.

"Sounds like she's jealous." Another girl said.

"Why in the world would I be jealous? I already have a boyfriend." I said.

"Then why are you so defensive?" She asked.

"I'm not, you guys are just being genuine sluts and it's really annoying." I replied.

"Ladies, ladies, there's enough Naruto to go around." Naruto spoke up.

I rolled my eyes.

"Ugh..." I sat back down.

All I wanted to do now was slap a bitch and get to lunch.

After the class I rushed to my locker, trying to get away from Naruto and his mob of sluts as fast as I could. I had to make sure I got my stuff quickly so I wouldn't have to see him. But to no avail.

"Hey." He said.

"What do you want?" I asked.

"What's your problem?" He asked.

"Those damn sluts are annoying." I said.

"They aren't sluts, they're just fans." Naruto said.

"Yeah, well I figured you wouldn't be comfortable answering those questions, so you're welcome. I don't do stuff like that for just anyone, so consider yourself lucky, I'm not gonna do it again." I replied.

"Just cause you're not a fan of me doesn't mean others have to join you." He said.

"I wasn't saying that, whatever, I have to go to class." I said beginning to walk away.

"Wait!" Naruto grabbed me by the chin and forced me to look at him. I blushed, why the hell was I blushing? I... I didn't like Naruto. No, I didn't.

I knocked his hand away before I had a chance to start staring.

"What?!" I asked.

"Why DON'T you like me?" He asked.

"Cause, I don't, everyone has a personal opinion, and that's mine." I said and walked away.

Second period flew by the same as first and luckily no Naruto. Third period sucked ass cause it was math and to add, Naruto was in it too. But no sluts were there which was okay I guess. But now, all I wanted to do was go to lunch. When I got there, I found the table Neji was sitting at.

"Hey baby." I said.

"Hey beautiful, how's it going so far?." He replied.

"Ugh, horribly. Naruto's in my first and third periods, he's also next to my locker." I answered.

"He's what?!" Neji exclaimed.

"I know!" I said in agreement.

"What's he like?" He asked.

"A total moron. He's rude too." I replied.

"Heh heh, how so?"

"He was being asked questions by all these sluts in first period, I tried to stop them and be nice but he defended them! Then in math class, he decided he would start throwing paper at me asking me why I didn't like him when I already told him!" I explained.

"Geez, sounds like a real asshole." Neji replied.

"He is." I said.

Our conversation was interrupted by someone jumping on my back and hugging me. Which I didn't mind cause I knew it was one of my friends, but I couldn't tell who since they covered my eyes.

"Guess who?" They asked, now I knew exactly who it was.

"Hm... Is it Kiba?" I asked.

My eyes were uncovered.

"Sure is!" He said with a smile and hugged me.

"Ahhh I missed youuu~" I said.

"Missed you too, (y/n). How ya been?" He asked.

"Good, and you?"

"Awesome." He replied.

"That's good." I said.

"(Y/N)!!!!!!!!" Someone else jumped on me.

"Hey Ino!" I said.

"Hey girly, how's it going?" She asked.

"Could be better." I replied.

"Awe, well Ino's here to make it better." She said.

"Don't talk about yourself in the 3rd person, it's weird." I said.

"Hey, (y/n)." Another voice said from behind me.

I turned around.

"Sasuke!" I exclaimed.

"Don't forget me too!" Another person said.

I looked and saw Temari behind me.

"Temari! You're all here! Except... Where's Hinata?" I asked as everyone took a seat.

This was the best reunion ever!

"Don't know, she's usually the first one here." Kiba said.

"Was she sick today, Neji?" I asked him, then grabbed his hand.

"No, she came to school." He replied.

"So what the hell is taking her so long?!" I asked impatiently.

"Hey guys." A soft voice came from behind us.

It was Hinata! But... Goddammit, not you again...

"Guys, this is Naruto, he's kinda new so I invited him to sit with us." Hinata said.

"Gah! You!?" He said pointing at me.

I only glared at him, Neji was copying me.

"Woah, you guys should date." Naruto said to Neji and I.

"We are dating, stupid." I replied.

"Hey! How the hell was I supposed to know?" He asked.

"Learn common sense, we're holding hands, idiot." I said holding up our intertwined hands.

"Well, sorry." He replied.

"(Y/n)! That wasn't very nice, you shouldn't be so mean to Naruto." Ino said.

"Yeah, what's your problem?" Temari asked.

"He seems like a nice guy." Kiba said.

"Guys, knock it off, she's having a day, and from what I heard, Naruto hasn't made it any better on her." Neji said in annoyance.

He was wrong in a way, Naruto was the reason I was having a day.

"Oh yeah, and thanks for saying something when your little fan girls were being rude!" I said to Naruto.

"What are you talking about? At least I calmed them down." He replied.

"Whatever, I'm not sitting at a table with you." I said.

Naruto growled and started dragging me out of the lunch room.

"Hey let me go!" I said.

"What are you doing?!" Neji said.

"Talking." He replied.

"What the hell?! Let go!" I yelled.

"No! You and I are gonna talk." Naruto said.

He dragged us to the gym room.

"Listen, what's your problem? How come you're the only one who doesn't like me?" Naruto asked.

"What? Mad because not everyone is totally head over heals for you?" I argued.

"No, I just don't understand why you don't like me." Naruto replied.

"Because I want a normal high school year, I don't want it to be ruined by drama and preppy popular people, I don't wanna be judged because I'm not the same as you!" I said, tears beginning to well up in my eyes.

Naruto shook his head and wiped my tears away.

"(Y/n), I don't care about that stuff..." He said

I forced myself to look away, only for my chin to be pulled up to face Naruto's blue eyes.

"Look, I'm not asking to be in a relationship, and I'm not asking to be best friends. But, can we at least be friends?" He asked.

No! No! No! No! This can't be happening!! I'm feeling the same thing I feel when I'm with Neji. I can't be feeling like this! Not with Naruto!

No, I can't be his friend, I can't! Cause then it'll get deeper than that! And I'll have to let go of Neji, and I love him! I can't do that to him! However, speech over came my thoughts.

"I'm sorry... I'll be your friend..." I said.

Naruto smiled and hugged me.

"I'm sorry I was such a bitch to you... " I said.

"It's okay... We should go back in." He replied.

I sniffed.

"Yeah..." I said wiping the rest of the tears that had rolled down my cheeks.

I sat down next to Neji.

"Are you alright? Your eyes are all red. Did he make you cry?" Neji asked, shooting a hostile look towards Naruto.

"No, no, it's fine... We're cool now." I said.

Neji moved in close to my ear which made me shiver a little.

"What? I thought you hated him? You're cool just like that?" He asked.

"Yeah... It's fine..." I said.

Neji moved away and smiled.

"As long as it makes you happy." He replied.

Naruto took a seat next to Ino and Temari while Sasuke and Neji sat beside me and Kiba and Hinata sat across from each other.

I decided to try and get a few words from Sasuke.

"Hey, Sasuke." I said.

"Hi, (y/n)." He replied.

"You're quiet today, what's up?" I asked.

"Aren't I always?" He said with a slight smile.


"It's nothing, I'm just getting a bad feeling about that Naruto kid." Sasuke replied.

"Hm? What do you mean?" I asked.

"Just be careful around him." He answered.

"Don't worry, I hated him without barely knowing him... It was wrong of me... But I won't do it again..." I replied.

"It's not just that, (y/n). He has so many other followers, he was probably just trying to get you on his side... Or... He could turn those followers against you." Sasuke explained.

"I'll be fine okay?" I said.

Sasuke gave a Humph and stopped talking.

"So... Since we're all friends now, do you guys want to come over for a sleepover on Saturday?" Naruto asked.

"Sure, sounds like fun." Ino said.

"I'll come." Kiba said.

"Me too." Temari said.

"I've got nothing else to do." Sasuke murmured.

"Sure, I'll go." Hinata whispered.

Neji looked at me.

"Oh alright, I'll go." He said.

I nodded.

"I'll, come too." I said.

"Cool! So then you're all coming?" Naruto said.

"Yup." Ino said.

"Cool." He said with a smile.

"No one else is gonna be there except us, right?" I asked.

"No, unless you want me to invite some other people." Naruto said.

"No, the seven of us is enough." I replied.

"Alright, then I guess I'll see you guys Saturday." He said.

(A/n): See? Told u it'd be longer... That's 3183 words. See u next chapter!!

המשך קריאה

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