Intertwined Destinies

By freetimewriter_

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Disclaimer: I don't own Avatar: The last Airbender Set in one day before Katara and Sokka find Aang in the Ic... More

Book 1 Water
The Boy in the Iceberg

The Avatar returns

867 37 16
By freetimewriter_

Disclaimer: I don't own Avatar: The last airbender. I got the transcript from and changed it a bit.

Previously: Six people from different Nations were gathered to watch their future.

A/N: I know I said I will continue this after PTS is over, but I couldn't help myself. 😅 Anyway, have fun reading.


While the countdown was counting down, the others talked to each other or were eating and drinking from the table.

Aang sighed. "I just hope it didn't get your tribe in too much danger. That's all my fault."

Sokka looked down at him. "Well, Katara did tell you to not go on that ship. Listen to her next time." Then he sighed. "I won't be happy about that at all."


The Countdown was almost down to zero. "We're gonna see what happens." Toph spoke up, and they turned to the screen when it reached zero and the screen lit up again.

The episode opened to the yellowish sky as the flare, Aang accidentally launched into the air, soared through the air in the distance. It panned downward to show Aang and Katara appearing over the horizon. The Southern Watertribe villagers have gathered at the entrance of the village, waiting for the duo's return.

Aang and Katara approached the villagers. The children became overjoyed upon seeing Aang. "Yay! Aang's back!" The village kids joyfully exclaimed.

Some of them ran over to him, while the others remained cheerful in the crowd. It panned from the children to the adults, revealing more stern and offended expressions. The children reached Aang and Katara crowding around him gleefully, and Aang responded kindly. Sokka broke from the line of villagers and stepped forward toward Aang.

Aang gulped guiltily when he saw the expressions of the villagers. He felt bad because of him, the village was in danger now.

"It was an accident, Aang." Katara told him.

Aang sighed. "But you warned me not to go in there, and I didn't listen."

"I knew it!" he said angrily as he pointed his finger accusingly at Aang as he and Katara drew closer. "You signaled the Fire Navy with that flare! You're leading them straight to us, aren't you?"

"Aang, didn't do anything!" Katara protested. "It was an accident."

"Yeah." Aang said sheepishly, as Katara glared at Sokka. "We were on the ship and there was this booby trap, and, well-" He awkwardly rubbed his head. "We booby-ed right into it."

"Katara, you shouldn't have gone on that ship!" Kanna told her worriedly. "Now we could all be in danger!"

Katara frowned worriedly. She hoped nothing would happen to her Gran-gran and the others in the village.

"Don't blame Katara." Aang said sorrowfully. "I brought her there. It's my fault."

"Aha!" Sokka exclaimed angrily and triumphantly. "The traitor confesses! Warriors, away from the enemy." The children began to sadly walk away from Aang. "The foreigner is banished from our village."

"Banished?!" Katara exclaimed with a shock look. "Sokka, you can't be serious."

"He put the village in danger. Accident or not. I'm just looking out for you and the village. Dad told me to protect you. And that's what I am going to do. And I don't even know that Aang is the Avatar yet."

Katara went to protest, but Toph interrupted her. "I'm with your brother on this one. The men of your tribe are not there to protect your village, and Sokka doesn't want to risk any more danger than they already are."

Katara sighed in defeat as Aang smiled at her. "Don't worry, Katara. I understand."

Meanwhile, Zuko was thinking about his Dad when he heard Sokka use the word banished. He would return home to gain his honor and his love from his father back.

Katara clenched her fists, irritated by Sokka. "Sokka, you're making a mistake."

"No, I'm keeping my promise to Dad." he said stubbornly. "I'm protecting you, from threats like him!" He pointed at Aang.

"Aang, is not our enemy!" she said angrily, but then continued in a calmer and soothing voice. "Don't you see? Aang's brought us something we haven't in a long time: fun."

"Fun?!" Sokka repeated annoyed. "We can't fight firebenders with fun!"

"I don't think so." Toph commented. "Kicking firebenders in the butt? Sounds pretty fun to me." Ignoring the glare Zuko send her way.

Aang smiled at her. "We should try it as soon as we get out of here."

She smirked. "Of course."

Sokka glared at the two but didn't say anything as he was thinking about what Toph said.

"You should try it sometime." Aang replied optimistically and with a small smile.

"Get out of our village! Now!" Sokka demanded.

"Grandmother, please." Katara pleaded. "Don't let Sokka do this!"

"Katara, you knew going on that ship was forbidden." Kanna said gravely. "Sokka is right. I think it's best if the airbender leaves."

"Fine! Then I'm banished, too!" Katara said, outraged, as she dragged Aang away. "Come on, Aang, let's go."

"What?!" Sokka said, shocked and hurt at the same time.

"You know him a few hours and chose him over your Tribe?" Toph asked her in disbelief. "No offense." she added when she looked at Aang.

"None taken." he replied.

Iroh was surprised, too. "Banishment shouldn't be taken so lightly. If your family accepted this, which I doubt they would do, they seem lovely. You could never return home and never see your family again."

Katara looked down. "Never see them again?" She looked at Sokka with wide, sad eyes. "I couldn't do that."

"I wouldn't let you go." Sokka replied. His heart twisted at the thought if she went and never returned, he would worry about her every second. If she was hurt or worse... he couldn't forgive himself when he wouldn't be there to protect her.

"And I wouldn't want to get between you and your family. I would never forgive myself." Aang told her. "Family is something precious." He thought of the airbenders, and he felt sadness and guilty because he wasn't there to protect them.

Zuko furrowed his brows when he thought of his mother. She was precious to him, and he missed her dearly. He wished he knew what happened to her that night. His father would show him love when he gave him the Avatar and Azula... he'd rather not think of her. He glanced at his uncle and was glad that he wasn't alone.

"Where do you think you're going?" Sokka demanded.

"To find a waterbender." Katara said angrily. "Aang is taking me to the North Pole."

"I am?" he asked confused, then his face brightened. "Great!"

"Katara! Would you really choose him over your tribe?" The entire Watertribe was shown. "Your own family?" asked Sokka, there was sadness in his voice.

Katara stopped in her tracks, right between Appa and her tribe. She looked down sorrowfully as Aang approached her with a sad look upon his face. "Katara, I don't want to come between you and your family." he said in an understanding tone.

Katara was upset. "So you're leaving the South Pole?" Her tone became quieter. "This is goodbye?"

"Thanks for penguin sledding with me."

"Where will you go?" she asked him.

"Guess I'll go back home and look for the airbenders."

Katara frowned worriedly. "I don't know, Aang. Going alone home and seeing...." she didn't finish her sentence, not wanting to say it.

Aang tensed at the thought of seeing the temple alone and finding the bodies of his people. Tears gathered in his eyes. "I want to go back home..." he said quietly. "But not alone, I don't think it would be a great idea."

"Then we're coming with you." Sokka stated, and Katara looked at him in surprise. "What? We know already we're leaving home, then we can go there together."

Aang smiled at him gratefully. "Thanks, Sokka."

Zuko frowned slightly when he thought of the empty temples when he was there. He was about to say something but chose not to in the end. 'Why should I tell him this? He already knows they're not there anymore. And I wouldn't let him go away anyway.'

He placed one hand on Appa, but then his eyes widened slightly. "Wow, I haven't cleaned my room in a hundred years. Not looking forward to that." He used his airbending to hop onto Appa's head. "It was nice meeting everyone."

"Let's see your bison fly now, air boy." Sokka said sarcastically, with his arms crossed.

"Come on, Appa. You can do it." Aang told his bison encouragingly. He flicked the reins, but Appa merely rose and growled.

"He must still be tired." Aang explained. "A good rest and he flies through the sky."

"Yeah, I thought so!" Sokka mockingly commented.

"Aah!" A little Southern Watertribe girl suddenly ran up to stand next to Katara and looked at Aang with tears in her eyes. "Aang, don't go! I'll miss you!"

"I'll miss you, too." he said sadly, looking at Katara at those words. She frowned back at him, her eyes saddened while her hair loopies swayed in the wind. "Come on boy." Appa turned and plodded away, disappearing over the hill.

Zuko was glaring at the screen. 'He's getting away. I was so close to getting him!'

Sokka glanced at him and was satisfied at his angry expression. "One good thing you're gone now, Aang. Zuko can't catch you."

"Shut up!" Zuko yelled at him while Iroh pushed him back in his seat as he had stood up in his rage.

Katara glared at him back. "I'm glad, too."

Aang frowned as he looked between them. "But your Tribe is still in danger."

Sokka scoffed. "Don't worry, I can protect our village."

Toph raised an eyebrow, clearly not believing it, but stayed silent to not worry them even more.

The young girl sighed and trudged back to the village, while Katara remained standing in the snow. Kanna walked up to her and said in a consoling voice. "Katara, you'll feel better after you-" Katara quickly turned around and cut her off.

"You happy now?!" she rounded on her, her voice full of rage. She gestured in the direction Aang took off. "There goes my one chance at becoming a waterbender!" She marched away furiously, leaving Kanna alone, saddened.

Meanwhile, Sokka coached the young boys to prepare for battle just outside the village. "All right, ready our defenses! The Fire Nation could be on our shores any moment now!"

One of the boys stopped and danced around. "But I gotta..."

"He really has a tiny bladder." Toph commented.

"He's a little boy with a tiny bladder." Katara responded and Toph hummed in agreement.

"And no potty breaks!" he said authoritatively, a twinge of annoyance could be heard in his voice as he pointed onward, ushering the boy in that direction.


The scene changed to a snowy landscape dotted by several ice formations. It panned to the right, where Aang and Appa were resting in an ice formation, Appa lying lazily on his back in the lower section and Aang resting above him. Appa grunted.

"You're still nearby."

"I couldn't leave knowing the Fire Nation was coming." Aang told Sokka.

"Yeah, I liked her too." Aang said sorrowfully. He caught sight of the Fire Nation ship advancing towards the Southern Watertribe and he gasped. "The village!" He slid off the ice formation onto the ground. "Appa, wait here." Appa responded by mere grunting lazily.

Katara felt relief and smiled at Aang. "Thanks, Aang."

"We're friends now, aren't we? I would never abandon my friends, who need my help."

"Yes, me too." Katara agreed.


The scene changed to where Sokka prepared for battle inside a Watertribe tent. He put on gloves, boots, bindings, and applied face paint. After that, he put his boomerang away on his back.

Toph whistled at the sight. "Wow, nice war paint."

Sokka nodded. "Thanks, it's traditional Wolves war paint in our Tribe."

"It looks awesome." Aang told him.

The scene changed again to Zuko's ship, where servants were seen helping him to put on his Fire nation outfit, complete with a red helmet. During this, Zuko stood stiff as a statue.

It was silent, no one commented on when they saw how Zuko geared up for the fight.

Zuko sat straight and concentrated on the screen, he was ready for this encounter.

Back to Sokka, who was kneeling inside the tent, he grabbed his club, glanced at the candle which flickered as he left.


The scene cut to an overhead shot of the village, it panned upward to the low-stooping wall surrounding the village. Sokka stood atop of the wall, overlooking the foggy horizon. A mother was squatting beside her child, but she suddenly jerked up upon hearing a loud, cracking noise. Her son gasped, and the other villagers also turned around in fright to see what the source of the noise was. Kanna, who was sitting on a log by a camp fire, rose and gasped. Suddenly, the ground began to quake and a rumbling sound could be heard.

Katara fidgeted in her seat, she was worried about her Tribe.

Aang placed a hand on her arm. "It's going to be okay, Katara."

She sighed. "I hope you're right."

Kanna gasped louder, and her face contorted in horror. It showed Sokka's feet where bits of the wall were cracking and breaking off. A mother carrying her child slowly backed away in fright. The watchtower on the wall shook and collapsed.

Sokka groaned. "Seriously, again?"

"Doesn't surprise me." Zuko spoke up. "It was a petty example of a watchtower."

Sokka glared at him.

"Oh, man!" Sokka sighed in disappointment.

Inside the village, the citizens fled from the scene. Katara ran up and looked at her brother still standing atop of the wall, and her look turned into one of horror. From her perspective, it showed an enormous shadow of the bow of Zuko's ship came into view.

"Oh man..." Sokka stammered horrified.

The ship approached the village, cutting through the icy sea. Katara stood there as she watched in terror at the vessel while backing up slightly. Villagers passed her in their haste to get to safety, and the shadow of the large ship descended over her.

The ship's bow plowed through the snowy shores, splintering the ground. Sokka looked up, terrified by the large ship. The ship's approach created a large crack that quickly traveled toward the village and over the wall.

Katara helped her grandmother into a tent when she heard a frightened scream. She gasped in terror when she realized that the sound came from a small boy, kneeling on the ground. The fissure was rapidly approaching him, but Katara quickly ran over and scooped up the child. She set the child down again in front of a tent, which he quickly entered, and Katara turned back to look at her brother.

"Oh, no." Katara gasped. "The ship is going to destroy our village."

"Sokka, get out of the way!" She yelled at him hysterically.

Sokka was still standing on the wall, the bow of the ship glowed through the snow. Sokka raised his club in defense, ready to strike. Before he can make his move, the bow crumbled a large portion of the wall into snowy ruins. The snow slid downward, pushing Sokka several feet back before he landed to a halt. With a loud hiss of steam, the ship came to a halt as well. It showed the village from above.

The villagers came back out of their tents and stared in shock at the large vessel. Katara looked at it with her mouth wide open as she gasped. Sokka also gasped when he saw that the bow of the ship opened and creaked forward in a burst of steam, forming a walkway. He backed up and fell to the ground once the bow hit the ground.

Sokka braced himself for the fight. That was it, he was responsible for the safety of his village. He was going to protect them.

The villagers gathered closer around, and various people covered their eyes. Katara took a step back upon noticing the shape of three figures cloaked in the mist.

Zuko emerged from the mist, two guards were closely following behind him. The villagers huddled together and Sokka, who kneeled in the snow in front of them, got ready to defend them.

Zuko descended from the ship along with the guards. Sokka let out a battle cry and charged at him with his club in his hand. It switched to a side-view of the walkway, where now even more soldiers trudged down while Sokka ran up to them.

When he reached Zuko, the prince merely kicked the club out of his hand, and without resting his foot on the ground, he kicked Sokka over to his right, sending him into the snow, where his head got stuck. He tried to free himself as Zuko continued his way to the villagers, followed by six more men.

Sokka looked at the screen in disbelief. "What?"

Toph snorted. "I'm sorry, I know this is serious right now. But what was that? I thought you can fight?"

"I can!" Sokka responded.

"Yeah, I saw that." she commented dryly.

Zuko smirked. 'That was easy.'

Katara covered her mouth in shock as she witnessed her brother's quick defeat.

Zuko and his men stopped in front of the villagers. He approached them and passed to the right, searching for something, and stopped in front of Katara, who was clutching Kanna.

"Where are you hiding him?" he asked them angrily.

"Who?" Toph asked mockingly. "You have to be more specific about that." She earned herself a glare from Zuko which she ignored again.

Zuko surveyed the crowd of villagers, who fell completely silent. Unexpectedly, he extended his arm out in the crowd and grabbed Kanna, holding her by the hood of her parka.

Iroh shook his head with a frown as he saw how he handled the situation.

Katara gasped in shock as Sokka glared at him. "Don't you dare touch her!"

Zuko ignored him.

"He'd be about this age, master of all elements?" he shook Kanna annoyed by the lack of response.

He shoved Kanna forcefully back into the crowd. She shuddered in fear and embraced Katara, while Katara shot an angry glare at Zuko. When he still got no response, he swung his arm out and released an arc of fire that passed just over the heads of the villagers, causing them to cover their heads and cry out in fear.

"I know you're hiding him!" he yelled at them angrily.

Sokka ran over to him, picking up his club, and let out a battle cry as he charged at him. Zuko swiftly turned around, just as Sokka approached him. He ducked under Sokka's wide swing and hurled the warrior forward. Sokka landed on his butt in the snow and was quickly to dart from his spot when Zuko blasted fire at him.

"A bit of advice?" Toph offered him. "Don't yell when you're going to attack, it gives a disadvantage."

Sokka glared at her. "You sound like you're an expert in fighting or something." he responded sarcastically.

"Because I am."

"Yeah, sure." Sokka clearly didn't believe her. She was normally blind, after all.

Toph shrugged. "You'll see."

He spun to the side and tossed his boomerang at Zuko, who barely managed to miss getting hit by it. Zuko growled and glared at Sokka at the near hit. The boomerang flew into the air and vanished in the distance. One of the village boys tossed Sokka a spear.

"Show no fear!"

Sokka handily caught it and charged at Zuko again. It showed the scene from Sokka's perspective as he faced him head-on. Zuko broke off pieces of the spear with his forearms, pulled the remains out of Sokka's hands, and poked him thrice in the forehead with the blunt end. Sokka fell to the ground as Zuko snapped the spear in two and tossed the pieces to the ground on both of his sides.

Sokka groaned disappointed. "This is a disaster."

Zuko scoffed at Sokka's so-called fighting skills.

Sokka rubbed his head in pain before it switched back to a shot of Zuko. Behind him, a sparkle of light shone briefly in the distance and Sokka's boomerang spun into view, unnoticed by Zuko. It struck Zuko on the back of his helmet with a loud cling, he was momentarily pushed forward by the unexpected blow.

"You landed a hit." Aang tried to cheer Sokka up, which helped only a little.

He fixed his helmet and growled at Sokka. The boomerang had plummeted into the ground in front of Sokka's feet. Enraged, readied two fire daggers in his fists.

It cut to Aang, who was seen rapidly riding on a penguin toward the battle scene. He held his glider horizontal on the animal, and he had a determined look on his face. He had his tongue out in full concentration. He came from behind Zuko and took out his feet underneath him, tossing Zuko off his feet, speeding past, Aang soared into the air as the prince landed on his face, his legs in the air.

He spun around a few times before coming to a halt in front of his men, his helmet landing on his butt, as they watched him.

Toph laughed out loud. "That was good."

Aang grinned at her.

Zuko was furious. "That won't stop me, I'll capture him."

Katara shot him a glare.

The villagers cheered for Aang, as he rode speedily towards them, still mounted on the penguin. The children were cheering for his arrival. They were showered in snow as Aang rode past them, however, after giving each other silent, unamused looks for a few seconds, they began cheering once again, shaking the snow off.

Aang came to halt in front of Sokka, Katara and the other villagers. The penguin crawled out under him, tossing him off. Aang fell on his butt, blinking surprised. Aang smiled at the penguin when the animal quacked at him before waddling away.

"Hey, Katara. Hey, Sokka." he greeted them cheerfully, despite the present situation.

"Hey, Aang. Thanks for coming." Sokka responded moodily.

"Anytime." Aang told him.

Aang looked back at the Fire Nation soldiers, where Zuko just got back on his feet. Upon on his signal, his men spread out, surrounding Aang while Zuko assumed a fight stance. It showed the scene from above as Aang assumed a fight stance as well, his staff held firmly in front of him as he was being surrounded by the soldiers. He swept the ground side-to-side with his staff, showering the man with snow. He subsequently slammed the ground, sending a rush of snow at Zuko, who braced for the impact. After being sprayed with snow, he was heating up so it would melt off, Zuko looked up angrily.

"Looking for me?" Aang asked him.

"You're the airbender? You're the Avatar?" Zuko asked him in shock.

"Well, that was dramatic." Toph commented.

It switched to the siblings, who were surprised to hear this. "Aang?" Katara exclaimed surprised.

"No way!" Sokka said in bewilderment.

It showed Zuko and Aang from above, they were moving in a circular pattern, both awaiting the attack of the other.

"I've spent years preparing for this encounter. Training, meditating. You're just a child!" he yelled at Aang angrily.

"I'm sorry to disappoint you. But you're not any better. You're just a teenager." Aang remarked sarcastically.

Zuko glared at him.

Aang calmly titled his head to one side, seeming confused. "Well, you're just a teenager."

"That was weird. No need to repeat yourself." Toph told Aang.

"I'll try." he answered.

Zuko launched a series of fire blasts at him at that remark, who defended himself by twirling his staff, dissipating the flames. Zuko fired another blast at him, who twirled his staff again to ward the attack off. The villagers cowered as the flames streamed through the air over their heads. Aang's eyes widened in horror at the sight of the frightened villagers and immediately ceased to defend himself.

Iroh frowned when he saw that Zuko almost harmed the innocent villagers. He shook his head at this.

Katara fidgeted in her seat worriedly. She was worried that they were going to get hurt during the fight.

He held his staff in front of him as an offer, making sure Zuko understood that he didn't wish to continue fighting. "If I go with you, will you promise to leave everyone alone?"

Zuko smirked victorious. 'I win. I can finally go home after two years.'

"What?!" Katara and Sokka exclaimed in shock.

"No, Aang, you can't do this!" Katara told him worriedly.

"If it keeps your village safe, then I have to do this." Aang tried to calm her down. "It's still my fault that you're in this mess."

"But to get you captured by the Fire Nation? I won't let that happen! Who knows what these crazy idiots are going to do to you!" Sokka was angry and worried.

"He's right." Toph agreed with him.

Aang frowned at Sokka's words, a part of him was afraid of what would happen to him, another part of him thought it was the right thing, it would keep his friends and their home safe.

After a few moments of hesitation, Zuko nodded in agreement. Aang was apprehended by Zuko's men, who took his staff. Katara ran forward as they led Aang away.

"No! Aang, don't do this!" she called after him sadly.

"Don't worry, Katara. It'll be okay." he told her calmly. He gasped when he was shoved on the walkway. Katara's face contorted with sadness and fright. "Take care of Appa for me until I get back."

"You won't see that animal ever again." Zuko mumbled under his breath, and only Iroh heard him.

Iroh sighed. He would always support his nephew, but seeing that it was a 12-year-old boy, Zuko had to capture, conflicted him. He didn't want that at all that the young boy would be captured.

"We will get you back, Aang." Katara said determined. "You saved us, and now we're going to save you."

"Yeah, don't worry. We won't let anything happen to you." Sokka assured him.

Aang smiled at them gratefully. "Thanks, guys."

Zuko boarded the ship up the walkway. "Head a course for the Fire Nation. I'm going home." he said, determined.

The villagers were looking up at the ship, Aang was standing at the top of the walkway, he was smiling weakly as he was surrounded by Fire Nation soldiers. Katara looked up at him with tears in her eyes. Aang frowned at the sight as the bow rose and closed. The screen blacked out as the bow was looked into place with a thud.


The scene changed to later in the day, it showed the village from above, it revealed the wreckage that the ship left behind. A woman dropped a pile of firewood onto the ground next to a camp fire in a rather melancholy manner. Other villagers were surveying the damage to the wall, trying to repair the watchtower or helping to put up a fallen tent.

Katara was standing on the edge of the Southern shores, looking into the distance. "We have to go after that ship, Sokka. Aang saved our tribe, now we have to save him." she said determined, while Sokka was seen in the background carrying a pack.

"It's getting creepy now. That you're saying the same sentences a moment later." Toph said.

"We can't help it." Sokka answered her. "How should we know what we're going to say a moment later?"

"You're you." she told him, and he hummed as an answer.

"Katara, I-"

"Why can't you realize that he's on our side?" She made arm gestures to emphasize her words while she spoke in an objective tone. "If we don't help him, no one will. I know you don't like Aang, but we owe him and..."

Sokka saw the worried look Aang gave him with his big innocent eyes, he patted the boy on the shoulder and smiled. "Don't worry, that was only at the beginning because I thought you were Fire Nation."

Aang smiled back at him in relief.

"Katara!" he cut her off, slightly annoyed. "Are you gonna talk all day, or are you coming with me?" He gestured to a canoe floating in the water.

Katara immediately grinned and gasped in happiness. She ran over to him. "Sokka!" She gave him a hug.

"Get in, we're going to save your boyfriend."

Aang's eyes shot wide open and he blushed. "We're not..."

Sokka shrugged. "Well, you did behave like that."

"We know each other for what? A day? And we're just friends, Sokka." Katara argued back.

"Yet." Toph smirked.

Zuko meanwhile wasn't worried that they wanted to chase after him. 'That little canoe against my ship has no chance.'

"He's not my-" Katara went to say, annoyed.

"Whatever." Sokka shrugged, nonchalant.

Suddenly, Kanna appeared behind them. "What do you two think you're doing?" she asked them, accusingly.

"Oh, oh."

"We're in trouble." Sokka groaned.

The two siblings turned around, looked at her and tried to act innocently as possible; Sokka grinned broadly.

Kanna smiled warmly at them. "You'll need these."

The siblings blinked in surprise. Katara smiled. "I'm glad she supports us."

"Yeah, we don't have to sneak away then." Sokka said.

She held up their sleeping bags. "You have a long journey ahead of you." The siblings glanced at each other in surprise, while Kanna walked over to face Katara. "It's been so long since I've had hope, but you brought it back to life, my little waterbender." She hugged Katara, who at the end took the sleeping bag out of her hands. She turned to Sokka. "And you, my brave warrior, be nice to your sister."

Katara smiled fondly at the screen. "I'm going to miss her."

Sokka nodded. "We're going to see her again soon."

Kanna hugged Sokka, who, slightly embarrassed, patted her back. "Yeah, okay Gran." He smiled broadly when she released him.

"Aang is the Avatar. He's the world's only chance. You both found him for a reason. Now your destinies are intertwined with his." Kanna told the siblings. They both looked at each other uneasily.

Toph titled her head. "Hey, didn't Yin say something similar when we came here?"

"You're right." Katara said in realization.

"I'm curious what we will experience together." Aang said.

Katara pointed at the ready canoe. "There's no way we're going to catch a warship with a canoe."

Appa appeared over an icy hill on the horizon, making his presence known by growling.

"Appa ready to the rescue!" Aang exclaimed happily.

"With his help, we're going to be fast enough to catch with Zuko's ship." Katara said in relief.

Zuko gritted his teeth. 'No...'

"Appa!" Katara exclaimed happily, as she began to run towards the bison.

"You just looove taking me out of my comfort zone, don't you?" Sokka asked, annoyed.

"It's more fun this way." Toph said calmly, earning a glare from the boy.


It showed Zuko's ship making its way through the icy sea. Aang, Zuko, Iroh and some of Zuko's men were standing on the deck. Aang's hands were bound behind his back, while Zuko held Aang's staff.

He inspected the staff. "This staff will make a great gift for my father. I suppose you wouldn't know of fathers, being raised by monks." He turned to his soldiers, who were standing behind Aang. "Take the Avatar to the prison hold, and take this to my quarters." He handed the staff to Iroh.

"My staff." Aang frowned.

"You won't need it anymore, when we arrive in the Fire Nation." Zuko dismissed him.

Katara glared at him before she turned to the young air bender. "Don't worry, Aang. You'll get your staff back."

Iroh took the staff and looked at it for a moment while Zuko walked away. He turned to one of Zuko's men and gave him the staff. "Hey, you mind taking this to his quarters for me?" he asked him casually. The firebender accepted the staff and Iroh walked away.

Zuko rolled his eyes at his uncle, and Iroh chuckled lightly at the scene.

Aang was pushed forward by two of the soldiers, and he grunted as they roughly shoved him ahead. Aang was being taken below, while Iroh and the firebender carrying Aang's staff were walking towards a door leading to the upper decks. Aang was being led down a staircase leading to a compartment beneath the deck. It cut to Aang's perspective as walked down the staircase, his eyes never leaving his staff as long as he could.

It showed the ship for a moment, as it made its way through the water, flanked by large icebergs, before it changed the scene changed to Aang, who was walking through a corridor on the lower deck. He was in the middle of the two soldiers.

"So, I guess you've never fought an airbender before." Aang began slyly. "I bet I could take you both with my hands tied behind my back."

Toph smirked at him. "You mean this literally, right?"

Aang grinned back at her. "Of course."

"Silence." said one of them, unamused.

They stopped in front of a door at the end of the corridor, and observed the soldier in front of him as he prepared to unlock the door. As he began to unlock the door, Aang inhaled deeply and unleashed a powerful breath. The firebender in front of him slammed into the door, subsequently knocked out from the impact. Aang was sent several feet back, slamming into the guard behind him. They both flew back even further, where they crashed into the stairs.


"That was awesome!" Toph exclaimed. "Kick their butts!"

Zuko was furious. "These idiots!"

Iroh put his hand on Zuko's shoulder. "They weren't prepared for that at all. No one had fought an air bender for 100 years. It's not their fault, Prince Zuko. They don't have the experience."

Zuko grumbled under his breath but didn't say anything more.

Aang propelled himself onto the deck and kicked a door open using airbending. He quickly ran down the hallway, panting heavily. He tossed a frightened look over his shoulder, afraid of being followed.

It showed the helmsman overlooking the deck. A soldier emerged from the lower deck and addressed him. "The Avatar has escaped!" The helmsman immediately turned around and ran off.

"Not for long!" Zuko glared at the screen.


Katara and Sokka sat atop Appa, who hadn't got airborne, but was instead swimming in the water. Appa was growling as he swam. Katara was sitting on top of his head while Sokka rested in the saddle.

"Why don't you guys fly? Just say the command." Aang said, confused, why are they swimming in the water.

"I don't know." Katara shrugged her shoulders.

"Go. Fly." he ordered unamused, while Katara shot him an annoyed look. "Soar."

"That's not it. It seems you forgot it."

"What's the command again?" Sokka asked.

"Yip, yip."

"Please, Appa." she pleaded as Appa growled again. "We need your help. Aang needs your help."

"Up. Ascend. Elevate." he said blandly.

"Are you just saying things that has something to do with flying?" Toph asked Sokka.

"If it works eventually, then yes." Sokka shrugged and went to eat something from the table in front of him.

"Sokka doesn't believe you can fly, but I do, Appa." she stroked him. "Come on, don't you want to save Aang?" Appa grunted in response.

"What was it that kid said? Yee-haw? Hup-hup? Wah-hoo? Uh... Yip-yip?"

"You did it! That's the one!" Aang exclaimed happily.

Sokka startled at the sudden movement that the last command brought with it, as it seemingly prompted Appa. It showed his head bobbing in the water as he grunted and beat the water with his tail. After what appeared to be a brief running start, he took flight and soared through the air.

"Woah! He's really flying!" Toph said in awe.

Sokka and Katara mouths were wide open in amazement. "That's amazing!"

Iroh was amazed in what he saw. "Wonderful."

Zuko was the opposite. 'No... They're going to catch up with us very soon.'

"You did it, Sokka!" Katara exclaimed, thrilled.

He was looking ecstatically over the rim of the saddle. "He's flying! Katara, he's-" When he saw that Katara was smirking at him, he tried to play it cool. "I mean, big deal. He's flying." he said sheepishly, but his face brightened quickly.

Appa rose higher into the air, and flew into the direction Aang was.


It switched back to the ship, where Aang was frantically running through the corridors. He stopped in his tracks and yelled, when he encountered three soldiers standing with swords drawn in the middle of the corridor. "You haven't seen my staff around, have you?" he asked them.

"No, I don't think they did. I would be surprised if they even answer your question." Sokka told him.

Aang hummed. "But it was worth a try."

The three men prepared to attack him, but before they can move, Aang sprinted across the hallway at the speed of wind, along the floor and the walls, spiraling in circular patterns past the soldiers, through their legs, and manged to escape, leaving the soldiers looking dumbfounded.

"Thanks anyway!"

He continued racing through the hallways and encountered a single guard when he rose another deck. The soldier fired a blast at him, who leaped forward. It showed the scene in slow-motion as Aang was somersaulting over the soldier and used the sharp tip of his helmet to cut through his bindings, freeing him. The soldier fell over from the impact and proceeded down the hall.

"That was great, Aang!" Katara praised him.

"Now I need only my staff and get out of there." Aang nodded.

"Yeah, that will be easy. Break in the quarters from Mr. Angry guy and steal it." Toph said sarcastically.

Sokka groaned.

Zuko narrowed his eyes. 'I won't let him escape!'

The young Avatar raced through the interior, opening two doors leading to various compartments of the ship. Upon opening the third door, he found Iroh sleeping blissfully, snoring. He began to close the door, his mouth still visible through the crack. "Sorry!" he whispered.

Iroh laughed. "It's alright."

Aang smiled back at him.

Cut to the interior of another room, the entrance way was open wide. Aang was seen running past the doorway, only to slow down and trace his way back upon catching sight of his glider. His face brightened and dashed through the open door. "My staff!"

The moment he was in the room, the door closed behind him. Zuko stood by the door, having clearly waited to corner Aang. Aang looked surprised and turned around, and his face fell when he saw Zuko.

"Now is a great an opportunity to kick his butt again!" Toph said excited.

"You're pretty violent, you know that?" Sokka told her.

"What can I say? I love fighting." she shrugged.

"Looks like I underestimated you." Zuko stated.

Zuko took a fighting stance and fired a blast at Aang, who yelled and narrowly avoided the attack. Zuko fired again, forcing Aang into the corner of the room. He panted heavily in alarm as Zuko fired once more and Aang spun around out of the corner and against the back wall. He ducked to avoid another fire blast.

Zuko was standing in the middle of the room, while Aang managed to roll over directly behind him. Aang deftly managed to stay behind Zuko, utilizing circle-walking. Zuko spun around, desperately to land a blow. It cuts to a shot of the deck and the cabin of the ship, the window of the room, where they were battling, was illuminating two consecutive times from the fire blasts.

Back in the room, Aang used his airbending to try to deter another one of Zuko's attacks by catching his flames in a current of air. After extinguishing another of his attacks, Aang used Zuko as a stepping stone. He pushed himself off against his head and created an air scooter in mid-air that he used to ride around the room and over the walls and ceiling, as Zuko resumed attacking.

He avoided Zuko's attacks; however, the prince managed to dissipate the air scooter by shattering it with a flame arc. Aang was smacked against the wall underneath a hanging tapestry. He quickly pushed himself up under the tapestry to avoid another fire blast. When he emerged at the top, he grabbed the tapestry off its hooks and wrapped it around Zuko's body, tangling him momentarily.

"That was a good move." Toph nodded in approval.


Zuko clenched his fists in anger. 'If this goes on like this... he will make me look like an idiot...'

Aang grabbed his glider and turned around to face Zuko again, pointing the end of his staff at him, who destroyed the tapestry with firebending. He assumed a fighting stance while Aang looked at him in alarm. Aang used his airbending to propel a mattress, which was lying in the corner, toward Zuko. The mattress slammed into Zuko, sending him colliding into the wall, before falling onto the mattress.

Aang propelled the mattress upward, sending Zuko slamming into the ceiling of the room. Aang made a ran for it before the mattress touched the ground again. Zuko and the mattress fell onto the ground, and he remained lying face upon it. He raised his head and glanced around the empty room, fuming.

Sokka and Toph were laughing loudly at the scene.

"The way it made the bang sound was awesome!" Toph gasped out while she continued to laugh.

Iroh held Zuko back, who was trying to get to the two. "Let me go, uncle. They're laughing at me!"

"Calm down, Zuko. We promised not to fight."

"I don't care!"

Sokka stopped laughing and looked back at him. "Calm down, man. The scene was funny, not you."

Zuko huffed angrily and sat down.

Toph glanced at Sokka. "That was a lie." she whispered.

"I know." he whispered back. "But it wouldn't be good if a fight started breaking out again."


Cut to the main control room of the ship. The wheel of the hatch located towards the back of the room began spinning rapidly. The hatch opened with a small tornado of air and Aang emerged. Aang leaped from the hatch and ran across the room, leaping over a table and past the helmsman, who looked up in surprise. He exited the room and ran onto the upper deck of the ship.

"I made it!" Aang exclaimed happily.

"Good! I was worried it would be much more difficult." Katara said in relief.

Aang happily spread his arms and welcomed the fresh air. He threw his staff over the balcony, which opened into a glider and began soaring away. Aang jumped on his glider when Zuko appeared behind him, leaping forward, his arm extended outward. While yelling, Zuko managed to grab hold of Aang's ankle. Aang struggled to maintain the weight of the extra, unexpected person.

"Oh, come on!" Sokka groaned annoyed. "Do you have to be so stubborn to catch him!"

Zuko didn't answer him, he stared at the screen, hoping he would recatch him again.

Katara grew nervous, she hoped they would catch up soon and rescue Aang out of Zuko's clutches before he could get hurt.

They plummeted down to the lower deck of the ship and landed with a crash, bounced a few times before coming to a halt. Aang's glider closed again to a staff. Both laid on the deck for a moment. Zuko narrowed his eyes at him in anger as he rose with a look of persistence on his face.

Aang rose and assumed a fighting stance, looking very unsure of himself. Before they could fight again, they heard Appa's growl that distracted both of them. Aang averted his gaze and caught sight of Appa heading towards the ship with Katara and Sokka on his back.

"Just in time!" Sokka pointed out.

"Great timing." Toph nodded.

"What is that?" asked Zuko in shock.

Aang was ecstatic to see his friend. "Appa!"

He turned to face Zuko and managed to deflect a firebending attack by spinning his glider around like a baton. However, he propelled himself accidentally into the air and landed on the ledge of the deck. He leaned precariously over the side, unsteadily balancing himself, but managed to regain his balance only for Zuko to fire another blast at him. He twirled his glider again to deflect the attack. Two more blasts were sent his way before he lost his grip on the glider and the object spun several feet away.

Aang ducked, spun and leaped out of the way of the blasts and landed on the very ledge, struggling to keep balance. Zuko hurled more fire blasts at him, and Aang held up his hands in defense, but the blasts seemingly knocked him out cold, and he fell backward off the ship into the water, where he slowly sank.

Katara gasped in shock. "Oh, no! Aang!"

"No! Not good! Not good...!" Sokka murmured to himself in fright.

Toph frowned in worry.

"Aang! No!" Katara screamed horrified.

Aang sank further underwater. Katara's voice could still be heard. "Aang! Aang! Aang!"

It cuts close to Aang's face, his eyes closed, seemingly unconscious. Suddenly, his eyes opened, glowing a bright white, along with his arrow tattoos, and he frowned angrily. He steadied himself in the water and began swiveling around, a waterspout forming around him. He rocketed upward and erupted from the surface, riding a humongous spinning water vortex.

"Woah!" Katara gasped.

"Your eyes and tattoos are glowing again!" Toph said with wide eyes. "And you're bending the water now!"

"I thought you couldn't water bend yet." Sokka said, confused.

"I can't. It's the Avatar state." Aang explained.

Zuko didn't like this one bit. 'In this state, I won't stand a chance against him.'

Zuko's was being overshadowed by the waterspout. Aang appeared atop the vortex. Zuko looked up in horror. Aang landed on deck, summoning water behind him. His eyes and tattoos were still glowing, as he brought his hands around behind his head. The water swirled around him, forming a protective circle, before spreading outward, knocking Zuko and several soldiers off their feet. Zuko fell over the edge and shouted in surprise.

"That looked so easy!" Sokka said in amazement.

"I like this Avatar state very much." Toph stated with a grin.

"That was some awesome waterbending!" Katara said excited. She hoped that she could do this, too, one day when she found a great teacher to teach her and Aang.

Katara and Sokka were leaning over the side of Appa's saddle, watching in shock. "Did you see what he just did?" she asked him in shock.

"Now that was some waterbending!" Sokka said impressed.

On the deck, Aang collapsed onto the ground from exhaustion, his eyes, and tattoos ceasing to glow. Appa growled and landed on the deck. Katara and Sokka slid down and ran quickly toward the unconscious Avatar.

"Is that normal?" Katara asked him worried.

"I don't have any experience with the Avatar state yet. I still need to learn to control it somehow."

"I'm sure, you'll get this." Katara smiled at him, and he smiled back at her gratefully.

"Aang! Are you okay?" she asked him worried. She kneeled, holding Aang with Sokka following close behind.

"Hey, Katara. Hey, Sokka. Thanks for coming." Aang said weakly.

"Well, I couldn't let have you all the glory." Sokka joked.

"I dropped my staff."

"Got it!" Sokka said, rising to his feet.

Sokka ran over, grabbed the glider and lifted it, only to see Zuko's hand firmly gripping the other end. Sokka had a horrified expression on his face as Zuko attempted to pull himself upward onto the deck.

Sokka jumped in his seat. "Seriously, don't you never give up?!"

"Never!" Zuko shouted back at him.

The two struggle for a bit, before Sokka poked Zuko repeatedly in the head with the end of the staff. Zuko grunted and fell off the side of the ship, but managed to grasp the anchor chain.

"Ha! That's from the Watertribe!" Sokka exclaimed triumphantly.

It switched over to Appa, who rose from a puddle of water after Katara helped Aang to climb atop his head. Three soldiers rose from the ground and menacingly approached Katara. She took a step back and slowly and precariously bend a stream of water from the puddle, causing the men to slow down and gasp in surprise. She swung her arms around in an attempt to whip them, but only succeeded in freezing a channel of water behind her on the deck, encasing Sokka's legs in ice in the process.

"Katara!" Sokka complained loudly.

"Oh, ups." Katara said sheepishly. "I'm sorry, Sokka. It's a stressful situation."

Sokka sighed in defeat. "It's alright."

The soldiers resumed their approach. Katara turned around, her back facing the soldiers, and drew another stream of water. She closed her eyes tightly, swung her arms behind her and turned around to see one of the soldiers completely frozen in front of her in a casing of ice, his arm still twitching to grab her.

"That was great, Katara!" Aang cheered her on.

Katara smiled at him. "Thanks, Aang."

She backed away slowly and quickly turned around and ran toward Appa. She began mounting Appa, while Sokka was still trying to cut himself free by smashing the ice with his boomerang.

"Hurry up, Sokka!" she told him urgently.

"I'm just a guy with a boomerang." he muttered to himself as he freed his left foot. "I didn't ask for all this flying and magic!" He managed to break free and raced up Appa's tail. "Yip-yip! Yip-yip!"

Sokka mounted Appa, who grunted and took flight, flying past the cabin of the ship. Iroh was standing there, just woken up from his nap. He rubbed his eyes and stared up at Appa in surprise. "Duh? Huh?"

"It seems I slept through everything." Iroh said sheepishly.

"I could have needed your help." Zuko growled in annoyance.

"I don't want to know what would have happened if he helped." Sokka mumbled under his breath.

"It would have been more difficult." Toph answered, who heard him.

Appa soared away from the ship, while Iroh helped Zuko, who grunted angrily, to heft himself back onto the deck. "Shoot them down!"

Appa gained altitude when Zuko and Iroh synchronized a firebending move and fired a powerful blast at the bison. Sokka and Katara stared at the incoming attack in horror, while Aang leaped onto the saddle, and opened the small wing of the glider and swung it around, using a powerful swipe of air to redirect the fireball into a nearby cliff side. The impact caused an avalanche of snow to fall down onto the ship below.

Katara, Sokka and Aang sighed in relief when they saw that they could escape from the ship without any injuries.

"No!" Zuko yelled in frustration. He held his hands on his head and stared at the ground.

"I'm sure, you'll get another chance to get him." Iroh tried to cheer him up.

Zuko frowned slightly. "Are you sure?"

Iroh nodded. "I am."

Toph looked at the trio. "That went well." she commented.

Zuko looked up in horror, raising his arms to protect himself. The front of the ship got buried in a mass of snow and ice, while Appa flew higher and higher. The trio laughed as they escaped successfully. Aang waved goodbye as Appa disappeared around the cliff.

The bow of the ship was stuck in the ice, while Zuko bent over in rage and Iroh behind him stood up. "Good news for the Fire Lord." Iroh stated calmly. "The Fire nation's greatest threat is just a little kid."

"Kind of embarrassing when you say it like that. It let it sound like the Fire Nation is just a big joke." Toph stated mockingly.

Zuko lifted his head as he held rage back. "That 'kid', uncle, just did this. I won't underestimate him again. Dig the ship out and follow them!" He yelled the order at his soldiers as he pointed at the pile of snow.

Three soldiers were using their firebending to melt the icy encasing coating the three soldiers.

"As soon as you're done with that." he added after a moment. He looked back up in the sky in anger and determination.

"More time for us to put a lot of distance between us." Sokka stated.


Appa was soaring lazily in the sky while the sun began to set. Aang was perched on the rim of the saddle, while Sokka and Katara sat at the back of it. "How did you do that?!" she asked Aang bewildered. "With the water? It was the most amazing thing I've ever seen!"

"I don't know. I just sort of... did it." he answered quietly, slightly downcast.

"Why didn't you tell us you were the Avatar?" she asked him, curious.

"Because..." He turned away slightly, saddened. "I never wanted to be."

Katara frowned at his words. Something must have happened that make him think that way.

A dark cloud passed them, shadowing their figures. It showed Appa flying in the sky, shafts of sunlight streaming through the clouds. It was silent between the three for a brief moment.

"But Aang, the world's been waiting for the Avatar to return and finally put an end to this war." Katara told him, gently.

"And how am I going to do that?" he asked, still downcast.

"According to legend, you need to first master water, then earth, then fire, right?"

"You say it like it would be easy to do that." Toph remarked.

"Well, I'm not saying it is. I'm just saying what he needs to do." Katara explained. She saw the stressed look on Aang's face. "You're not alone in this, Aang. We're going to help you with that."

"I'm glad." Aang sighed in relief.

He looked at Katara. "That's what the monks told me."

Katara's expression brightened a bit. "Well, if we go to the North Pole, you can master waterbending!"

"We can learn it together!" He smiled at her and brightened up completely.

Sokka hummed in a deep thought. "That sounds like a good plan. But what about after that? You'll need an earth bending teacher."

"I know an earth bender, he was a very good friend of mine." Aang frowned slightly. "But I don't think he would be still alive."

Toph crossed her arms in front of her chest. "I think that's why I am here. I am an earth bender. I could teach you."

Aang's eyes lit up in excitement. "You are?! That would be amazing!"

"And you need a firebending teacher, too." Katara said. "Where are we going to find one?"

"I think we should think about that when it's time for that." Sokka said. He looked at Zuko and furrowed his brows. 'Why is he here? It's not like he'll be the teacher for Aang, that would be nonsense.'

Zuko scoffed at the thought of finding a firebending teacher. 'Good luck with that.'

"He's right. Let's focus on water first and then on earth. Maybe during that time we'll find someone." Katara told him.

Aang nodded. "Okay."

She turned to her brother. "And Sokka, I'm sure you'll get to knock some firebender heads on the way." she told him cheerfully.

"I'd like that. I'd really like that." he said with a small smile.

"Then we're in this together!" Katara said optimistically.

"That sounds so cheesy." Toph shuddered.

"I'm just saying how it is." Katara explained.

"Still cheesy."

Aang pulled out a rolled up scroll. "All right, but before I learn waterbending, we have some serious business to attend to." he told them cheerfully. He used airbending to situate himself onto the saddle and unrolled the scroll, revealing a map of the world. "Here, here and here." While stating this, he pointed to three locations, two in the Earth Kingdom, one in the Air Nomad territory.

"What's there?" Katara asked, curiously, pointing to one of the locations.

Aang pointed to the location in the Earth Kingdom. "Here, we'll ride the hopping llamas." He pointed to the location in Air Nomad territory. "Then waaay over here, we'll surf on the backs of the giant koi fish." Katara and Sokka stared at him in wonder. "Then back over here, we'll ride the hog monkeys." The siblings glanced at each other." "They don't like people riding them, but that's what makes it fun!" Aang smiled enthusiastically, his eyes widened with excitement. It showed Appa again, flying peacefully in the sky, sunbeams were breaking through the clouds behind him.

"Eh... what?" Toph asked confused. "You want to ride animals?"

"Yes! If we're going to the North Pole, we can have a bit of fun on the way." Aang grinned happily.

"If it doesn't waste much of the time we need to get there, then I am not complaining." Katara said smiling.

'And I will take the chance to capture you on the way there.' Zuko thought determined.


New Chapter is here! 😊
How do you like this chapter?

Who is your favorite character in atla?

Mine are Aang, Suki and Sokka.

Are you excited for the Live Action series?

Yes, I am. I'm interested in how they would do it. The trailer looks great already, and in the German Dub they have the voice actors from the cartoon. I love that part already.

See you soon. ❤️

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