The Downfall (Theo Nott FF)

By FilchLuvr

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This fic was inspired by a tik tok edit I saw one time. If I find it, I'll post it. Dont have a good summary... More

1. The Departure
2. The Train
3. The Rain
4. Lighting Up
5. Truth or Dare
6. The Library
7. Smoke Session
8. The Courtyard
9. The Party
10. Amortentia
11. Night meetup
12. The ball
13. The hot tub*
14. Harry's confrontation
15. Halloween*
16. 20 candles
17. The initiation
18. Mattheo
19. Best Friends
20. Back to school
21. Hogsmeade
22. The girl's ball*
24. The Vanishing Cabinet
25. Family Values
26. Tasks
27. Where Home Lies
28. Silent Night

23. The arrangement

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By FilchLuvr

The next day, the West Manor was bustling about. House elves and maids scattering around, cleaning up form the ball the previous night. Theo had left early in the morning to go back to his house, his father probably wondering he had went off to that night. 

Marilyn decided to stop by Malfoy Manor, Draco's house always had the best breakfast feast every morning and Draco's friends were always welcome.

As Marilyn walked into Draco's kitchen, she was surprised to see Theo's father sitting at the kitchen table with her parents and Draco's mother. They hadn't noticed her walk in and they were  mid-conversation. 

"Your son was at our Manor last night. I saw him leaving Marilyn's room this morning" Marilyn's mother chuckled to Theo's father.

"Romance is indeed in the air." Narcissa Malfoy smiled knowingly.

Marilyn couldn't help herself from smiling too. She had always loved Narcissa. She made Marilyn always feel welcome in their home and hosted many of the group's hangouts over the years. Marilyn had always seen her as an Aunt.

"Looks like our kids are finally getting along now." Marilyn's father chuckled, running a hand through his thinning hair. 

"About time too. I was worried the arrangement would fall through" Theo's dad chuckled, he looked up, noticing Marilyn in the doorway. 

Marilyn looked at him puzzled. 

"I'm sorry- what arrangement Mr.Nott?" Marilyn spoke up.

"You and Theodore's of course. Your marriage arrangement to each other." 

"What the fuck?" 

"Marilyn! Language!" Her mother scolded her.

"I'm so sorry, I just assumed she knew." Theo's father apologized. 

"We hadn't gotten to that yet." Marilyn's father chuckled. "But I guess now is good as time as any to tell her."

"Darling, it's traditional for members of our circle to have arranged marriages." Her mother explained. "And you two are obviously getting along. You don't have get married for another couple years, there's nothing to worry about."

"Yes mother, there is." Marilyn angered. "We don't even get a say in who we want to be with? This is so unfair! And WHEN were you planning on telling me? I can't believe this." She scoffed, crossing her arms. 

"We were planning on telling you, but we didn't want you to get stressed over something so little." Her father rolled his eyes. "Honestly Marilyn can't you be more mature about this?"

"THIS IS NOT LITTLE. THIS IS HUGE. AND SO FUCKING UNFAIR!" Marilyn shouted at her father.

"ENOUGH" Her mother snapped at her. "I expected you to be mature about this but I guess I should have known better. Marilyn, you are arranged to Theodore. That is that. It is your duty." 

"All of your friends are arranged. Draco and Astoria, Pansy and Blaise, what did you think was going to happen? You are a part of this family and a part of the death eaters. You have a duty to the dark lord and a duty to your family and you WILL do it. That is final." Marilyn's father stated strictly.

Marilyn's mouth was open. She couldn't believe they didn't tell her. She couldn't believe Theo didn't tell her. Was that the whole reason he had been romantic with her all of the sudden? Was he just doing his duty? 

"Fine. I hope this helps with your perfect little family." She spat as she walked away, finding somewhere, anywhere to be alone. 

She felt the tears brimming and she raced to find an empty room in the Manor. She found an unlocked door on the third floor, she pushed it open and walked inside, letting the door close behind her. It seemed to be a normal bedroom, it was inviting, she felt more at ease as she stepped further into the room. It was a guest bedroom she assumed, but it looked lived in. She sat down at the desk that was facing the window. 

She sighed as her tears fell. She sniffled, wondering how stupid she had to be to trust Theo. She knew who he was, she always knew exactly who he was. He was a manipulator. He pretended to be someone he wasn't to get with girls. He tricked them, made them think he was a good person, with good intentions. But he wasn't and Marilyn should have seen it from a mile away.

She knew the type of boy he was, she did. But once she was the target, once he worked his charm on her, his lies on her, she got caught up in him. Immersed. Attached. Addicted. 


She let out a sob. She felt so stupid. 

Suddenly, the door swung open.

Marilyn turned to look. 

It was Theo.

Of course it was.

"Woah, what are you doing in here?" He asked, closing the door behind him.

"I'm wakeboarding." She replied sarcastically, wiping her tears before standing up to leave. Theodore Nott was the last person she wanted to see now.

She pushed past him but he gabbed her arm, pulling her back to him.

"Wait stop. Lynnie, what's going on?" 

Marilyn froze. She turned to face him. 

"This whole thing was a scheme wasn't it?"

"What scheme?"

"You're such a fucking scrub Nott."


"You don't fucking like me or anything right? You don't have to pretend anymore."

"What are you even talking about."

"YOU ONLY DID THIS WHOLE STUPID THING WITH ME CUS WE'RE ARRANGED." Marilyn sobbed. She hated herself. She hated he had made her cry, she hated that she cried in front of him, she hated that she had feelings for him.

"You seriously think that?" Theo scoffed as he walked over to the bed, sitting on the edge.

"Oh come on. It only makes sense. We hate each other and argue all our lives, then suddenly you plan to start this whole relationship out of nowhere." 

"There was no plan. I wanted to tell you as soon as I found out but I knew your parents wanted to be the ones to tell you. I thought once you found out, we would sit and talk about it."

"When did you find out?"

"This past summer."

"Oh and all of the sudden you just act all interested in me as soon as you find out?"

"Marilyn, you kissed me first..."

"Well yeah but...but only because you were flirting with me!" Marilyn scoffed, grinning slightly at the thought of Theo's flirt tactics earlier in the year.

"How could I not? Look at you." Theo smirked, lightening the tone.

Marilyn snorted, wiping a tear.

"I'm sorry I didn't tell you. Believe me I wanted to." Theo said. 

Marilyn sighed and wiped her tears as best as she could.

"You should have told me. But I know it's not your fault. I'm sorry I yelled at you." She said softly.

She had decided to trust him. He gave her many reasons not to in the past. She watched how he behaved with other women, how he always left them teary-eyed and sore-legged. She watched as he teased her relentlessly is years prior. But by some push from the universe, she had chosen to believe him.

"We can talk about it now, if you want." She offered, coming to sit down on the edge of the bed next to him.

"I'm sorry you're upset about the arrangement." said Theo, facing her and wiping the remains of her tears.

"I guess I can't do anything about it so there's no point in being upset anymore." Marilyn sighed.

"If you don't want to marry me, we can always be friends and fake our marriage." He offered. Marilyn stared at him.

"No, I wasn't upset to be promised to you, I was upset that I didn't get a say in this decision and no one even told me."

"I know and I can't change that but you still don't have to marry me. I'm not the best choice in character for a husband to you. So you have an option, you have an 'out' if you want" 

"I don't want an out"

"Marilyn do you know what this room is?"

"A guest bedroom?"

Theo shook his head and stood up, walking over the the large bookcase in the corner.

"It's my bedroom."


"When my mother died and my father went to Azkaban, the Malfoy's took me in, had me live with them. I lived here." He spoke as he rand the tips of his fingers across the spines of the many books. "They never touched my room, they left it as is, and if I needed to stay here, when my father came back from Azkaban, they didn't ask any questions." Theo revealed to her.

"I think I felt your presence when I first walked in here. Are you here a lot?"

Theo nodded, not looking at her.

"Sometimes I'm here more often than my own home." He responded.

"Why are you here so often if your dad has been out of Azkaban for years?"

Theo didn't look at her.

"I just like it here better." He shrugged.

"Why?" She pushed.

Theo turned to face her.

"My mother's death was hard on my father, he became impatient and short-fused. Grief will do that to you. When he came back from Azkaban, he was still grieving but Azkaban changed him, he became...violent and aggressive. Constantly."

"Oh, Theo." Marilyn gasped, her heart sinking for him. She stood up and made her way to him, hugging him tightly. "I'm so sorry."

Theo held her in his arms.

"The point of all that was to tell you, I don't have a good example of a good husband or patient father, but I want to be one." He explained, a tear rolling down his cheek. He was relieved that she was hugging him and was not able to see his face.

"You will be." She whispered, holding him tighter.

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