23. The arrangement

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The next day, the West Manor was bustling about. House elves and maids scattering around, cleaning up form the ball the previous night. Theo had left early in the morning to go back to his house, his father probably wondering he had went off to that night. 

Marilyn decided to stop by Malfoy Manor, Draco's house always had the best breakfast feast every morning and Draco's friends were always welcome.

As Marilyn walked into Draco's kitchen, she was surprised to see Theo's father sitting at the kitchen table with her parents and Draco's mother. They hadn't noticed her walk in and they were  mid-conversation. 

"Your son was at our Manor last night. I saw him leaving Marilyn's room this morning" Marilyn's mother chuckled to Theo's father.

"Romance is indeed in the air." Narcissa Malfoy smiled knowingly.

Marilyn couldn't help herself from smiling too. She had always loved Narcissa. She made Marilyn always feel welcome in their home and hosted many of the group's hangouts over the years. Marilyn had always seen her as an Aunt.

"Looks like our kids are finally getting along now." Marilyn's father chuckled, running a hand through his thinning hair. 

"About time too. I was worried the arrangement would fall through" Theo's dad chuckled, he looked up, noticing Marilyn in the doorway. 

Marilyn looked at him puzzled. 

"I'm sorry- what arrangement Mr.Nott?" Marilyn spoke up.

"You and Theodore's of course. Your marriage arrangement to each other." 

"What the fuck?" 

"Marilyn! Language!" Her mother scolded her.

"I'm so sorry, I just assumed she knew." Theo's father apologized. 

"We hadn't gotten to that yet." Marilyn's father chuckled. "But I guess now is good as time as any to tell her."

"Darling, it's traditional for members of our circle to have arranged marriages." Her mother explained. "And you two are obviously getting along. You don't have get married for another couple years, there's nothing to worry about."

"Yes mother, there is." Marilyn angered. "We don't even get a say in who we want to be with? This is so unfair! And WHEN were you planning on telling me? I can't believe this." She scoffed, crossing her arms. 

"We were planning on telling you, but we didn't want you to get stressed over something so little." Her father rolled his eyes. "Honestly Marilyn can't you be more mature about this?"

"THIS IS NOT LITTLE. THIS IS HUGE. AND SO FUCKING UNFAIR!" Marilyn shouted at her father.

"ENOUGH" Her mother snapped at her. "I expected you to be mature about this but I guess I should have known better. Marilyn, you are arranged to Theodore. That is that. It is your duty." 

"All of your friends are arranged. Draco and Astoria, Pansy and Blaise, what did you think was going to happen? You are a part of this family and a part of the death eaters. You have a duty to the dark lord and a duty to your family and you WILL do it. That is final." Marilyn's father stated strictly.

Marilyn's mouth was open. She couldn't believe they didn't tell her. She couldn't believe Theo didn't tell her. Was that the whole reason he had been romantic with her all of the sudden? Was he just doing his duty? 

"Fine. I hope this helps with your perfect little family." She spat as she walked away, finding somewhere, anywhere to be alone. 

She felt the tears brimming and she raced to find an empty room in the Manor. She found an unlocked door on the third floor, she pushed it open and walked inside, letting the door close behind her. It seemed to be a normal bedroom, it was inviting, she felt more at ease as she stepped further into the room. It was a guest bedroom she assumed, but it looked lived in. She sat down at the desk that was facing the window. 

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