Alpha King's Missing Mate (Bo...

Por AutumnShore1

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Regal Eclipse Pack Series is now available on Kindle Mais

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61

Chapter 34

15.3K 482 14
Por AutumnShore1

Jenna pulled into the driveway and got out of her car. Tonight had been one of the best and worst nights she'd had in a while. She was glad she had the next five days off. Noelle had a doctor's appointment in the morning, and then there was nothing to fill her schedule.  She needed some time to think this whole thing through with Daniel.  

Jenna had visualized seeing him again over and over in her mind.  Never had she visualized him not even remembering her, and then proceeding to hit on her while with his girlfriend.  What if that was his mate?  She stopped on the porch for a moment as she felt like throwing up.  If he had a mate and was hitting on Jenna.. no.  She had to just be a girlfriend.  

Jenna hurried into the house.  She was letting her thoughts run away with her.  She needed to see Noelle. Holding her little one in her arms just made everything better.

Tyler was sitting on the couch, watching TV and giving Noelle a bottle.  Between Tyler and her father, Jenna had to fight with them to hold her own child.

Mitch looked up from the island, where he was cutting up vegetables for a late dinner. "You're home early. Everything okay?"

Jenna flashed him a tired smile. "All good. Tammy offered to close for me, and I'm really exhausted, so I agreed."

Tyler shut the TV off and walked over to the island, setting the bottle down.

Mitch washed his hands, then took his granddaughter into his arms. He tossed a cloth over his shoulder, then placed Noelle up against the cloth and began to gently pat her back.

"Jenna? Close your eyes and hold out your hand," Tyler smiled at her.

Jenna looked at him suspiciously but did as he asked. She felt him place a piece of thick paper in her hands.

"Open your eyes."

She opened them and looked down to see a plane ticket.  She looked at the destination. "New York City! Tomorrow?" She looked up at Tyler in shock.

He smiled at her. "I'm going to another seminar. Thought you might like to come with me since you're off the next few days."

"Oh my gosh Tyler! Yes of course!" She screeched, throwing her arms around him, then stopped. "What about Noelle?"

"Oh I think me and this little lady will be just fine here by ourselves." Mitch laughed as his granddaughter produced a loud belch. "We'll throw wild parties and get our nails done." He kissed her on her soft head.

"You're sure, Daddy?"

He nodded and Jenna threw herself back into Tyler's arms. "Yes, I'll go!"

He laughed, catching her. "Go get packed. We'll be back Wednesday."

Jenna headed up to her room for a quick shower before dinner. Her night had just gotten so much better. She was definitely going to try to find Talia. She slipped off her apron, dropping it on her bed, then pulled the money out. She wanted to take it to the bank tomorrow before she left.

She counted it quickly, then frowned and counted it again. There was over a thousand dollars there. She sat down hard on her bed, then her eyes caught the business card on the floor. She picked it up and flipped it over.

Remington Enterprises

Daniel Remington


She hadn't even realized he'd given her his business card, she'd been so surprised he'd asked her to call him. Of course, he'd have to provide his number.  She shoved the thoughts aside and hurried into the bathroom to take her shower. She had plenty of time to over analyze Daniel later.


The next morning, Jenna walked into the clinic with Noelle in her arms, and checked in at the front desk. Noelle was here for a checkup with Dr. Ben, and Jenna had finally come up with a way to inadvertently ask the doctor if he was a wolf. She really needed to find out, especially if Daniel was in Dr. Ben's pack.  Then she could find out if he was mated or not, and if he would want to know about Noelle.

 Later today, she would fly to the City with Tyler. She would go to the Blue Moon Cafe and hope that Talia still worked there. If not, Jenna wasn't sure how she would find her friend. She knew the apartment building Talia had moved into, but she hadn't been there, and wasn't even sure if she could gain access to the building.

Jenna had barely sat down in the waiting room when a nurse called her back. She followed her into an exam room and watched as the nurse weighed Noelle, and asked her a few questions. Then, they were left alone.

Dr. Ben didn't keep her waiting for long. "Hi Jenna, how are you doing?" He greeted her warmly as he walked into the room. He washed his hands and then took Noelle. "Hi Darling."

"We're doing good, Dr. Ben. How are you and Risa?"

After a bit of small talk, and the doctor looking Noelle over, Jenna decided to take her chance. She knew Ben was busy, and she had a plane to catch. "Ben?"

He looked up from his notes. "Yes?"

"Do you happen to know a Daniel Remington?"

To Jenna's surprise, Ben's eyes flashed green for a split second. It happened so fast, Jenna wondered if she'd really seen it, but his next words confirmed her suspicions.

"I do."

"Pretty well?"

"Yeah. How do you know of him?" Ben looked at her curiously.

Well for starters, you're holding his daughter. "I met him yesterday. He came into the diner with some others. I served them," Jenna said. It was lame, but she realized she hadn't thought this through as much as she should have. Hopefully that would satisfy Ben.

It did not. "And why would you think I know him?" he asked curiously.

"Well ..." Crap. "..I just wondered." Great job, Jenna. That'll convince him.

Ben studied her for a moment. "Jenna, I'm going to ask you something. You're either going to know what I'm talking about or you're not. It's okay if you don't."

She nodded reluctantly.

She saw his gaze flicker to the mark on her neck.  "Jenna, what do you know about wolves?"

And there it was. She heaved a small sigh of relief. "Too much."

Ben smiled. "So you know the big secret."

She nodded.

"And you know what Noelle is."

"I do."

"And what made you think to ask me about this?" Ben asked.

"I've suspected you were ... since I met you, and more so once I met Risa, but I figured if I was right, you might know Daniel since he lives in the area I think?"

"Yes he does. He's in my .. well, we're all ... together." Even though the door was closed, Ben still needed to watch what he said. His gaze flicked to the mark on her neck again and he frowned internally.  Was Jenna..?  He glanced at Noelle.  "Jenna, why are you asking about Daniel?"

Jenna looked down at her hands. Should she tell him? If she did, he'd more than likely tell Daniel, and Jenna wasn't completely sure she wanted Daniel to know. "I.." She stopped, unsure of what to say. Why would he believe her?

"Jenna, is Noelle Daniel's?" Ben asked her.

She bit her lip and nodded. The last thing she wanted to do today was cry. Today was supposed to be a good day.

"And he has no idea," He said softly.

"No." She breathed out, steadying her nerves. "Up until yesterday, I hadn't seen him since I.. since we.." Her face turned bright red.

"And why didn't you tell him yesterday?" Ben was trying to put the story together in his mind.

"He acted like he didn't know me. He wasn't alone, and I honestly was so shocked to see him, I didn't really have time to think it through. I was working. I don't want to keep Noelle from him, Ben. I really don't. I'm not even one hundred percent sure what I'm getting myself into raising a.." She cut herself off and looked at him, hoping he understood.

Ben walked over and gave her a hug. "Jenna, trust me, he'll want to know. Did he give you this?" he rubbed his finger over the mark on her neck.

"Yes," she responded. Tears were flooding her cheeks now.  She lifted her gaze to him.  "Ben, does Daniel have a mate?"

Ben was shocked, quickly realizing that the woman he was holding in his arms was Daniel's mate, the Luna Queen, and she had no idea.  He hesitated for a second.  "No Jenna.  He .. he doesn't have a mate."  He felt her relax a bit in his arms.

'Liar,' Blu muttered in his head.  

'I can't tell her that here,' Ben growled.

Blu rolled his eyes.  

"I'd really like to talk somewhere more private if that's possible," she whispered. "I need to go."

"Okay. We can do that. Are you going to New York with Tyler?" Ben asked, letting her go, his mind reeling with everything he had just learned. He had about a million questions, but he really wanted to talk to his Alpha.

Jenna smiled. "I am. I'm hoping to reconnect with a friend while I'm there that I lost contact with. I used to live there."

"Okay. Let me give you my card," he pulled it out of his pocket and wrote his cell phone number on it. "Text me when you get back, and we'll meet. I can bring Marissa if you'd like and we can discuss everything."

Jenna smiled. "I'd like that."

Ben reached out and rubbed her arm. "Everything is going to be okay, Jenna. I highly doubt Daniel has forgotten you. If he acted like he didn't know you, he had a good reason for it. I need to get back to work." He gave her a smile. There was absolutely no way Daniel had forgotten her. Not if he had marked her. Her emotions alone would be a daily reminder. "Have fun in New York."

'Thanks Ben!" she said softly.

He left the room, and Jenna prepped Noelle to leave. She had to get home, and finish packing. Talia, here I come!

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