Alpha King's Missing Mate (Bo...

By AutumnShore1

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Regal Eclipse Pack Series is now available on Kindle More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61

Chapter 30

16K 483 10
By AutumnShore1

Cold air whipped through Jenna's clothing, making her shiver as she pulled Noelle even closer. The day was overcast and miserable, just like her inside. She had cried so much over the last few days that she doubted she had any tears left. She stood now, her cheeks dry, as the small graveside service ended.

Her job of taking care of her mother was now over. Jenna had pretty much put her life on hold for the last year. She hadn't worked a job, hadn't really gone out, or even gotten a new phone.

She briefly considered going back to New York City, but it wasn't a place she wished to raise her daughter.  Things couldn't be the same. Daniel wasn't from the city either, and Jenna knew he was part of the drawl to go back. But Talia had said he wasn't from her pack, which meant he didn't live there. Jenna hadn't forgotten his accent. He could live anywhere in the world.

More than likely he had moved on, and forgotten about her. He was probably happily mated with a pup on the way by this point. The thought sent pain through Jenna and a fresh wave of sorrow hit her, as she cuddled her own pup even closer. Why was she thinking of such things on the day she was burying her mother?

After the graveside service, Jenna and her family returned to their empty home. A few families from the neighborhood, and some of Tyler's co-workers came by on and off throughout the afternoon offering condolences and food.

Jenna wanted them all to go away and leave her alone. She wanted to hide in her room and never come out. But she needed to greet the guests and make nice, pointless conversation.

Dr. Ben and his wife, Risa came by, bringing a casserole, and they were the only ones that Jenna was actually glad to see. They both hugged her and expressed their condolences.

"Where's Noelle?" Risa asked, rubbing Jenna's arm.

"She's upstairs. Would you like to see her?" Jenna asked. Looking at the beautiful woman now had almost confirmed in Jenna's mind that both she, and Dr. Ben were werewolves. She hadn't paid much attention the first time she'd met Risa, but then, she'd been busy giving birth. They were both gorgeous and athletic looking, and Jenna would bet her last dollar she was right.

Risa nodded. "Of course." She and Dr. Gray followed Jenna upstairs and slipped into her room. They peeked into the bassinet, admiring the baby for several minutes before sneaking back out.

"She's already grown some," Risa smiled happily.

"Yes, she has," Jenna said sadly. Part of her wanted Noelle to stay tiny forever.

For a brief moment, Jenna considered asking them outright, but she let the moment pass. Maybe one day soon, but she'd rather not be at home when she did so.  That was a secret she didn't wish to burden her family with.  What if she was wrong? The good doctor might have her committed.

The Grays said their goodbyes shortly after they returned to the kitchen and left, leaving Jenna and her family alone to grieve.

Jenna headed back up to her bedroom and settled into her rocking chair next to the bassinet. She watched her daughter sleep as tears rolled down her cheeks. Somehow she'd managed to hold it together during the funeral, but now, she let it all go.

After several moments, she wiped her tears, and decided to put together a plan of action. She wanted to find Talia, she wanted to get a job, and a car. She also wanted to find out if Dr. Ben and his wife were actually wolves.

All of a sudden, she remembered something. Elaine had told her she could smell that Jenna was carrying a werewolf pup. Did that mean that Dr. Ben and Risa knew that Noelle was half wolf? And what about a pack? If Dr. Ben and Risa were werewolves, that meant that there had to be a pack in the area. Did Noelle have a pack? Would she automatically be a member of her father's pack because she was his daughter? If not, would that make Noelle a rogue?

Jenna felt panic bubble up inside of her. She knew that rogues were outcasts, that some wolves killed them. No one was going to touch her daughter!!! She forced herself to calm down, knowing she was borrowing trouble. She would find Talia and get some answers, and hopefully she could figure out the truth about Dr. Ben and Risa. So far, they had been kind to her, but Jenna was sure that it had been a shock to them when she'd delivered a half wolf pup.

Jenna glanced at the time, then stood and began to undress for bed. Tomorrow she would come up with a game plan.


Mitch Browning sat in his small office staring at his email in relief. Another day with no new messages from his DC contact was a good day. It was one more day he could keep Jenna, and now Noelle safe.

When Jenna had first told him she was pregnant, a small part of him had been disappointed, but he had quickly brushed it aside, and vowed he would protect and support both her and her daughter no matter what. He had asked her if she knew who the father was, which she did, and if she was in contact with him, which she was not.

Mitch still suspected the person trying to find Jenna was Noelle's father. He had decided to handle the next time this unknown person came searching differently. If the man turned out to be Noelle's father, he had a right to know that he had a daughter. Life was too precious...


Mitch looked up to see Jenna in the doorway of his office. "Come in, Dear."

She walked in and settled herself into a chair, with her legs tucked up under her.

"Noelle napping?" Mitch asked as he closed his laptop.

Jenna smiled. "She is. Daddy, I want to get a job."

Mitch felt his heart stop at that. He had expected this, though not so soon. They had just buried Caroline. "Are you asking my permission?"

"No. But I will need a babysitter," Jenna reminded him.

"You have three of them here at the house. Noelle has all of us wrapped around her tiny fingers. What are you thinking of doing?" Mitch asked her.

"I've noticed that little diner in town. I'm going to go apply there. I have experience waitressing, and I enjoy it," She folded her hands in her lap.

Mitch nodded. "Jenna, I'm giving you your mother's car. You're going to need one."

Jenna's eyes widened in surprise. "You are?"

He gave her a small smile that didn't reach his eyes. "Your mother and I discussed it before her ... We wanted to repay you for putting your life on hold for the last year to take care of her."

Tears welled up in Jenna's eyes. "Daddy, I don't need you to do that. I never expected anything in return, and I would gladly do it again. I'm glad I was here to take care of her. I got to spend so much time with her, and I will always treasure that time we had together." She swiped at a tear that was running down her cheek.

"I know that, but I still want you to have it," Mitch said gruffly, trying not to cry himself. "You can use the car now; it's yours. I'll get the paperwork going to get it transferred over to your name. We own it outright, so no money is owed on it, and your mother hasn't put many miles on it. The car should last you for a while. You also need to get a cell phone, and think about getting your driver's license switched over to Pennsylvania."

It would make Jenna much easier to find now, which worried Mitch, but he knew it was inevitable. His little girl couldn't stay hidden forever.

Jenna stood and came around the desk to hug her father. "Thank you, Daddy. And you don't mind watching Noelle?"

Mitch gave a small laugh. His granddaughter was the light of his life. "I'm going to be teaching that one how to fish as soon as she is old enough to hold a pole."

Jenna laughed too, and he reveled in the sound. His home had been so sad the last week.

"Do you mind if I get dressed and go into town? Noelle should sleep for a while still," Jenna pleaded.

"No darling. Just bring me the baby monitor. And for now, take your mother's cell phone. Heck, you might as well take over that too," he said, pulling the phone out of his desk drawer and handing it to her.

Jenna took the phone reverently and gave her father a small sad smile. "I'm going to get ready, and I'll bring you the monitor in a few." She gave him a kiss on the cheek, then left the office.

Mitch rested his head in his hands for a few moments, and sighed before opening his laptop again.     

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