The promise ✔️

By angelicluvvss

338K 4.4K 2.7K

Daniella has been adored by her brothers her whole entire life, but growing up with her brothers and meeting... More

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Another Note!! (must read!!)

𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟏𝟖

8.3K 128 57
By angelicluvvss

Me, Taylor and Samantha are in the car, currently going to the mall. We obviously got Starbucks beforehand.

"So, Samantha I see you with Alexxx" Taylor teased her. Over the past few weeks they have constantly made eye contact, smiling at each other, and other things among that.

I think it's cute.

She doesn't say anything, but her cheeks fill with a rosy red. "Do you like him?" I said happily. "I think... I'm not sure yet. I mean it would seem weird because Chase and Alex are like best friends, And Chase has been inside of m-"

"Don't finish that!" Taylor interrupted her.

Hearing that Chase has been inside her, annoyed me. It annoyed me to much. I already knew this, why was I just mad about it now?

"Let's go shopping!!" Taylor pulls us both out of the car, as we enter the mall

10 stores, 3 hours of waking, and 16 bags each later, we are finally leaving. On the drive back home, we stop at Starbucks... again.

It's an unhealthy addiction.

Finally, we are home.

As we enter the house I trip over a random wire on the floor. But before I could reach the floor, a pair of strong arms catch me.

"Always clumsy." Chase's voice comes out in a low raspy voice, as if he just woke up from a nap. "Yeah." I chuckle softly.

The interaction we had the other day hasn't left my mind. We almost had kissed. "TAYLOR! I missed you." Levi runs up to Taylor and takes her into his arms.

Im so jealous of their relationship... so very jealous.

I walk into the kitchen, not trying to be a third wheel. "How was your day today." Jayden comes into the kitchen.

"Oh it was good! I'm very tired though." I said with a small chuckle.

"Understandable. Especially when shopping with Taylor." Taylor LOVES shopping. She can and will go into every store in the mall, spending over 10,000 dollars on stupid stuff, and not have any shame about it

"Yeah she was dragging us around everywhere." I groaned playfully. "I bet."

Chase walks into the room, taking my drink. "Excuse me?" I said, he didn't even bother to ask.

"What?" He takes one long and huge sip of it. "Chase!" I grab my drink back from him. I didn't pay $6.30 on this just for him to drink it.

"I was thirsty." He shrugged out, walking out of the room. I roll my eyes at him. "Let's watch Netflix!" Levi pulls me out of the kitchen and into the living room.

I'm pretty sure we have seen almost every show, movie, series on Netflix at this point. We watch it every single day.

We finally chose this new movie that just came out called 'love at first sight', we click play and start watching.

"Ew the main boy character is so ugly." Taylor says in a disgusted voice. "He's kind of cute.." I state off.

"Well that's because you're single, like a Pringle." Levi stuck his tongue out at me. "Don't get to ahead of yourself, buddy." I said, mocking his actions.

"You're just jealous!" He defended, "I am not." I scoff, and playfully whip my hair to the side, with my hand,

"Whatever you say, buddy." He wrapped his arm around Taylor. "You stole my best friend." I frowned.

He just stuck his tongue out at me, again.

Samantha takes a seat next to Alex, without realizing. She quickly covers her face trying to hide her blush.

They were insanely close, due to everyone on the couch.

Connor says something to Alex, making him immediately smirk. It now makes me wonder what he said.

"Hey, sunshine." Chase puts his arm around the back of the couch, making his muscles show a little bit more, which was insanely attractive.

"Daniella!" My mom yelled from upstairs. She finally came back yesterday but dad remained, gone.

"Good luck." Levi goes to give me a 'good luck fist bump.' But I ignored it. "It can't be anything bad, I've been an angel this week." I said kindly.

"You hit me with a plastic bowl because I took your fry.. you're not an angel, sunshine." Chase spoke.

"Okay, and you always want to be taking my food. You deserved it." I admitted, and started going upstairs.

"Yes, mama?" I entered her room softly. "Come, sit." She patted the spot in front of her. "I'm not going to be mad, Mia cara." She said a little to softly.

"What happened with Matt?" She gave me a serious look, telling me I better not say 'nothing'.

"He was just being really rude, mom." I honestly admitted. "In what ways?" Her thick Italian accent showing more.

"He tried to rape me, I'm sorry I didn't tell you, I was going to but you were just never home." Tears fill the brim of my eyes.

"Oh, Tesoro. I'm so sorry I haven't been here, I promise I'll be here from now on." She gave me a big hug, squeezing me tight.

"Mom, why hasn't dad been around?" I asked since it's been on my mind, since forever. "He uh... We uhm divorced." She choked out.

"What, why?" I say, shocked. "He cheated. But it's okay.. it was going to happen sooner or later." She played with my hair as a distraction.

"Well.. I moved my job to online, so hopefully I will be around more, I love you. Go hang out with your friends." She kissed my temple, patting my back.

"I love you to mom." Once I leave her room, the tears start pouring out. I slowly slide down the wall, bringing my knees to my chest.

A few sobs slipped out.

"Dani levi said- Shit Dani what happened." Chase comes around the corner, "N-Nothing." I stuttered. "Obviously something happened, you don't have to tell me. But are you okay?" He asked, crouching down.

"I'm okay.." I spit out, He wrapped his arms around my waist, picking me up off the floor. "Oh, dani.." he started, wrapping his arms tightly around my waist.

I cry into his chest for what seems like forever.

"Do you want to talk about it?" He asked me. "It's nothing serious. I'm good, just overreacting." I sniffle.

"Okay.." He seemed unsure.

"Do you want to wait a little while before going back down?" He said, as we were still in a hugging position.

I nodded my head, softly.

"Okay ill go tell them, I'll meet you in your room?" Once I gave him a nod, he left downstairs.

I walk slowly to my room.

After 5 or so minutes, he comes into my room. "Do you want to talk about anything?" He plopped on my bed beside me.

"Not really... how's Mrs.Hartz." I loved his mom, she was so sweet, caring, and understanding. "Oh, she's doing good. She misses you." He said with a small smile.

"I bet." I chuckle.

After that it's just pure silence.

"Read any new books?" He broke the silence, "Yeah, it's this new book called 'Love and other words.' I'm not that far into it, buts it's a really cute book so far" I smile.

"What's it about?" He seems interested, which is very rare. Usually he don't care what I have to say.

I explain to him what the book was about so far, "Oh that sounds cool." He watched me as I ranted about the book for 10 minutes.

"Want to play 20 questions?" I asked. "Sure"

"Okay... hmm favorite color?"

"Black or red."

"Favorite animal?"


"Who do you miss the most?"

"My uh mom."

What he said made me confused. "She's right next door though?" I said in a questioning tone.

"No she's not." He mumbled fiddling with my blanket. "What do you mean." I look at him confused.

"Do you really want to know?" He said with a sad look on his face, "Of course I do, I'm here for you."

So, he starts explaining everything, every single detail. "Oh my god.." I said terrified. "So who's.. Mrs.Hartz.."

"It's my step mom. She took me in while I was at foster care. The police didn't arrest my dad for long, only 1 year. So he's out roaming wild and free, while my mom.. she's just, gone and it's all my fault." His voice cracked.

"It's not your fault.." I start. I take his hand into mine and slowly trace his hand. "It is though.." tears fill his eyes.

I've never seen him cry before.

"Chase look at me." I tell him as he looks at me. "It is not your fault. You didn't make him do that decision, alright? You didn't kill her, trust me." He nodded his head, softly.

"Promise me you won't blame yourself anymore." I held out my pinky to his, he interlocks your pinkies.

Out of the random, he pulls me on top of him, hugging me tightly, suddenly seconds later he breaks down into a sobbing mess.

We both sit up as he hides his face in my chest. "Chase..." I softly caressed his back. He didn't say anything, just wrapped his arms around me tighter.

"It's not your fault." I say once again. "I miss her.. I miss her so fucking much Dani." He cried harder.

"I know you do. But she's always going to be with you, always." He looks up at me. "She's always, going to be right here, and here." I pointed to his heart, then his head.

"In 10 years I won't even recognize her voice anymore, Dani. She didn't deserve that. Why did he do that. Why." He said as if he was talking to himself.

"I have no idea, he was upset, and not thinking right." I put my hands around his neck.

After a few minutes of silence, his crying slowed down. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to break down like that." He sniffles.

"It's okay, we all have feelings. I'm glad you told me. Do any of my brothers know?" I asked curiously.

Out of all people, why would he tell me?

"No. Nobody knows. Expect you and my step family." He wiped his tears with his thumb. "Why out of all people, did you want to tell me?" I tried my best trying hard not to sound rude.

"Because, I'm starting to trust you... a lot. Us hanging out more made me realize you're actually a great person.." He said.

"Well, I think you're a great person to!" I said back happily.

"You remind me a lot of mom." He said, making my heart break even more for him.

I wish I could do something about it...

But now realizing we never finished our game of 20 questions...

Not the time!!


Longer chapter, I felt so bad for chase in this chapter. I'm also so sorry if this chapter is bad, I was working on it at school..

Dani and chase are finally starting to become friends!

Thanks for reading!


Word count - 1840

- B.

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