The promise ✔️

By angelicluvvss

438K 5.5K 3.5K

Daniella has been adored by her brothers her whole entire life, but growing up with her brothers and meeting... More

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Another Note!! (must read!!)

𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟏𝟔

10.5K 144 37
By angelicluvvss

A few weeks has passed, and ever since then everything has changed. Matt still won't give up, Chase's party happened, I didn't go because me, Taylor, and Amelia had a girls date to go to McDonald's.

I'm watching tv, Halloween kills. I've binged watched all of the Halloween's. It's now September 29th. Which means it's almost October!

"Hey brat." Chase strolls into the living room, plopping down right next to me. "Hi." I said back simply.

"What are you watching?" He opened a bag of just cooked popcorn, offering me if I wanted some, I gladly took a few.

"The Michael Myers movies." I munched on my popcorn. "Remember when you were 6 and you screamed every time you saw someone dressed up as him, for Halloween" He chuckled at the memory.

"Because he was scary tall.." I said, defending myself. "You were scared of him, because of the height?"

"Yeah.." Chase waited a few seconds before laughing. "That's so shit of a reason, Dani" He laughed a bit more.

"Stop, I was 6 so it was scary to me awhile back ago."

"Where's the others?" I said because it was getting to quiet. "Oh they went out, I didn't want to go with them." He said, getting more comfortable on the couch, putting his legs over my lap.

"Do I look like your foot rest, to you?" I said with a raised eyebrow. "Uh, yeah?" He said in a sassy tone.

I seriously don't get how he's sassier than me.

A few knocks were heard at the door, "Do you wanna get that" Chase breaks the silence of us just looking at each other wondering who's going to get it.

"Can you?" I said back annoyed he can't ever do something for once. "No." He said. "It's probably just the others forgetting they literally all have keys" I rolled my eyes getting up, making Chase's legs fall right on the edge of the couch.

"Ow!" He said dramatically.

I open the door, but nobody was there.

Probably just some 4-5th graders trying to pull a prank.

"Nobody's there." I slam the door shut, making sure to lock it because.. I'm still paranoid.

I plop right back down on the couch putting my legs on Chases lap this time. "Do I look like a foot rest to you?" He uses my words.

"Uh, yeah?" I said, mocking him. "Whatever." He rolled his eyes. Few knocks were heard again. "I'm not getting it this time." I said.

"Then neither of us are going to get it then." He plays with the ends of my pants. "Oh my god, fine I'll get it." I roll my eyes once again, going to get the door.

I open it, nobody's there. "Nobody's there, again!" I shut the door again feeling a bit more frustrated.

"Let's just ignore it next time." Chase suggest, "finally you have a good idea for once." I chuckle putting my legs back on his lap.

"Hmm I'm bored, want to watch The nightmare before Christmas?" I ask getting the remote. "Sure."

"Where are the otherss" they have been gone for 40 minutes now. "I don't know they just said they were getting McDonald's, then stopping somewhere else."

"Well they are taking forever" I complain. Another knock at the door. "Oh my goddd!" I said sliding down the arm of the couch, frustrated.

"Just ignore it." Chase said. "I can't it's so loud."

"I'll go answer it." I said. Finally this time, someone is there "AHHHHH" i screech. Probably the whole neighborhood heard that.

"Dani? Are you alright?!" Chase is quick to come to the door. "What the shit.." He said stopping in his tracks.

The costume almost looks like that one guy from Terrifier. Of course to complete the costume, they had a bag.

And Of course I just had to be watching that movie yesterday.

I immediately shut the door right on his face.. or her, maybe them to though right? Whatever it is!

"Chase stop playing pranks right now." I said, absolutely terrified. Hey that goes with terrifier, Ugh! Not the time Dani, not the time.

"I'm not playing pranks Dani, you think I would scare you like that?" He said, which was dumb. "Uh, yeah?" I replied to his stupid statement,

"Whatever, but I'm not playing pranks, I swear." He said a little to seriously, so that's how I know he's not lying.

I'm seriously about to cry right now, never mind I'm already crying.

"Dani why are you crying?" Chase asked. "Because this is how my life ends!! I'm going to die tonight." Only after saying that I realize how dramatic I'm being.

The person, knocks on the door again, I slowly open the door. This time, they have a saw in their hand, one of those electric ones.

I scream even louder than last time.

Suddenly everything is quiet. "WE GOT YOU SO GOOD." Levi pulls off the mask. "Oh my fucking god Levi, you're not funny!" I slap him as hard as I could.

"You should have seen that look you had on your face." Dylan comes in chuckling.

After I'm done yelling at them for like 10 minutes because of how rude and scary that was, we all pile up on the couch, and continue watching some movies.

I will get them back, I'll get them back realllll good. Maybe not have it be that scary, I'll probably just put a spider on Levi's bed. As his number 1 fear is spiders.

My heart was still racing a mile a minute. "Are you good Dani? You look like you just saw a ghost." Alex chuckles.

"Maybe because I did?! That was fucking horrible." I said, really upset. Maybe I'm just being dramatic.. probably not though.

"But it's almost Halloween, we have to lift the spirit, girly." Luke said in a 'girly' voice making me giggle,

"Never say that again..." Connor said to Luke. "Oh so you don't like my girly voice, well that's fine! I don't like you." Luke crossed his arms over his chest, and looked away

"Fine then, don't like me. I never liked you either" Connor does the same thing Luke does. "Well that's kinda mean!" Luke starts to fake cry.

"You're mean!!" Connor says in his defense.

"I am not!"

"You are to."

"No I'm not!"

"Yes you are."

"Stop being mean!"

"I'm not being mean, I'm being honest."

"Well don't be honest then!"

"How am I being mean, your rude!!"

"You started it!"

"Okay guys, shut up. You guys bicker more than Chase and Dani." Levi said which makes me and Chase chuckle.

He's not wrong though.


What do we think about Luke x connor?

Anyway it's spooky season 😜😜

Thanks for reading!


Word count - 1130

- B.

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